Papers by Armando González Martín

Journal of Structural Biology, 2012
Throughout ontogeny, human bones undergo differentiation in terms of shape, size and tissue type;... more Throughout ontogeny, human bones undergo differentiation in terms of shape, size and tissue type; this is a complex scenario in which the variations in the tissue compartmentalisation of the cortical bone are still poorly understood. Currently, compartmentalisation is studied using methodologies that oversimplify the bone tissue complexity. Here, we present a new methodological approach that integrates a histological description and a mineral content analysis to study the compartmentalisation of the whole mineralised and non-mineralised tissues (i.e., spatial distribution in long bone sections). This new methodology, based on Geographical Information System (GIS) software, allows us to draw areas of interest (i.e., tracing vectorial shapes which are quantifiable) in raw images that are extracted from microscope and compared them spatially in a semi-automatic and quantitative fashion. As an example of our methodology, we have studied the tibiae from individuals with different age at death (infant, juvenile and adult). The tibia's cortical bone presents a well-formed fibrolamellar bone, in which remodelling is clearly evidenced from early ontogeny, and we discuss the existence of ''lines of arrested growth''. Concurrent with the histological variation, Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy analyses corroborate that the mineral content in the cortical bone changes differentially. The anterior portion of the tibia remains highly pierced and is less crystalline than the rest of the cortex during growth, which is evidence of more active and continuous remodelling. Finally, while porosity and other ''non-mineralised cavities'' are largely modified, the mineralised portion and the marrow cavity size persist proportionally during ontogeny.

Journal of Anatomy, 2014
For many years, clinical and non-clinical investigations have investigated cortical bone structur... more For many years, clinical and non-clinical investigations have investigated cortical bone structure in an attempt to address questions related to normal bone development, mineralisation, pathologies and even evolutionary trends in our lineage (adaptations). Research in the fields of medicine, materials science, physical anthropology, palaeontology, and even archaeobiology has contributed interesting data. However, many questions remain regarding the histomorphological and histochemical variations in human cortical bone during different stages of life. In the present work, we describe a study of long bone cortex transformations during ontogeny. We analysed cross-sections of 15 human humeri histomorphologically and histochemically from perinatal to adult age, marking and quantifying the spatial distribution of bone tissue types using GIS software and analysing the mineral composition and crystallinity of the mineralised cortex using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Our results allowed us to propose that human cortical bone undergoes three main 'events' through ontogeny that critically change the proportions and structure of the cortex. In early development, bone is not well mineralised and proportionally presents a wide cortex that narrows through the end of childhood. Before reaching complete maturity, the bone mineral area increases, allowing the bone to nearly reach the adult size. The medullary cavity is reduced, and the mineral areas have a highly ordered crystalline structure. The last event occurs in adulthood, when the 'oldest' individuals present a reduced mineralised area, with increasing non-mineralised cavities (including the medullary cavity) and reduced crystalline organisation.

Journal of Anatomy, 2014
For many years, clinical and non-clinical investigations have investigated cortical bone structur... more For many years, clinical and non-clinical investigations have investigated cortical bone structure in an attempt to address questions related to normal bone development, mineralisation, pathologies and even evolutionary trends in our lineage (adaptations). Research in the fields of medicine, materials science, physical anthropology, palaeontology, and even archaeobiology has contributed interesting data. However, many questions remain regarding the histomorphological and histochemical variations in human cortical bone during different stages of life. In the present work, we describe a study of long bone cortex transformations during ontogeny. We analysed cross-sections of 15 human humeri histomorphologically and histochemically from perinatal to adult age, marking and quantifying the spatial distribution of bone tissue types using GIS software and analysing the mineral composition and crystallinity of the mineralised cortex using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Our results allowed us to propose that human cortical bone undergoes three main 'events' through ontogeny that critically change the proportions and structure of the cortex. In early development, bone is not well mineralised and proportionally presents a wide cortex that narrows through the end of childhood. Before reaching complete maturity, the bone mineral area increases, allowing the bone to nearly reach the adult size. The medullary cavity is reduced, and the mineral areas have a highly ordered crystalline structure. The last event occurs in adulthood, when the 'oldest' individuals present a reduced mineralised area, with increasing non-mineralised cavities (including the medullary cavity) and reduced crystalline organisation.

Durch neue Entdeckungen von Gräbern hat sich in den letzten Jahren die archäologische Landschaft ... more Durch neue Entdeckungen von Gräbern hat sich in den letzten Jahren die archäologische Landschaft im Zentrum der Iberischen Halbinsel verändert. Eine wichtige Rolle spielen dabei die bereits vorliegenden Untersuchungsergebnisse der ersten Felskammergrab-Nekropole, Valle de las Higueras, die auf der Süd-Meseta systematisch ausgegraben wurde. Drei wichtige Merkmale dieser Nekropole werden mit anderen Fundstellen verglichen: das Vorhandensein organisierter Friedhöfe, ihre strukturelle Vielfalt in Form von Erdgräbern und Hypogäen sowie die Bedeutung der absoluten Chronologie. Dadurch verliert das bisher verwendete, streng gegliederte, Klassifikationssystem seinen Wert. Die Gräber des 3. Jts. v. Chr. liefern für das Zentrum der Iberischen Halbinsel interessante Ansätze zur künftigen Bewertung der Bedeutung der Bevölkerungsentwicklung für die jeweiligen Gemeinschaften.The emergence of funerary finds on the inside of Iberian Peninsula in the last years, shows a new scene to add up to the information the Higuera’s Valley site has provided. This is the first necropolis of artificial caves that has been systematically excavated in the South Plateau. We compared three of the notorious and highly topical aspects over the necropolis: the existence of organized cemeteries, the architectural/structural variety of the graves and the importance of absolute chronology as element to refute a record, nowadays classified into useless inflexible divisions. Furthermore, funerary record of the third Millennium B.C. shows interesting prospects to value the demography of his communities in the future.La eclosión de hallazgos funerarios de los últimos años en las tierras del interior peninsular muestra un panorama nuevo que sumar a la información proporcionada por el yacimiento de Valle de las Higueras, la primera necrópolis de cuevas artificiales excavada sistemáticamente en la Meseta Sur. Comparamos tres aspectos patentes en la necrópolis y hoy de plena actualidad: la existencia de cementerios organizados, su variedad estructural, con fosas e hipogeos, y la importancia de la cronología absoluta como elemento para rebatir un registro hasta el momento encasillado en rígidas divisiones sin validez. El registro funerario del III milenio a. C. en el interior presenta interesantes expectativas para valorar en un futuro el peso demográfico de sus comunidades

SPAL. Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2018
Se aborda el tema de los enterramientos prehistóricos en urnas en el valle interior del río Tajo.... more Se aborda el tema de los enterramientos prehistóricos en urnas en el valle interior del río Tajo. Los caracterizamos a partir de los enterramientos conocidos hasta el momento en la zona y tres más inéditos procedentes del yacimiento de Las Mayores (Toledo), de los que hemos obtenidos recientes datos arqueométricos. Con la información resultante reflexionamos sobre su relación con otros ámbitos peninsulares, especialmente el argárico, donde tienen amplia representación, y sobre su identificación dentro de la secuencia zonal, siendo característicos de la Edad del Bronce pero ajenos a las comunidades Protocogotas. Los enterramientos en pithoi tienen escaso arraigo en el interior peninsular, mostrando, aun así, una enorme variabilidad que impide ver en ellos consideraciones sociales más allá de los valores comprensibles dentro del reducido ámbito familiar, que es el dominante en los enterramientos de la Edad del Bronce en la zona.
Complutum, 2018
El estudio de dos tumbas campaniformes de la provincia de Toledo se establece como punto de parti... more El estudio de dos tumbas campaniformes de la provincia de Toledo se establece como punto de partida para valorar el conjunto de los enterramientos peninsulares de mujeres y la existencia de comportamientos identificativos de sexo. La mujer forma parte de los enterramientos campaniformes y toda la variedad de construcciones, asociaciones y rituales característicos del momento. Los ajuares asociados a ellas muestran heterogeneidad y manifiestan su relevancia social e integración dentro de la sociedad. Es esa socialización la que realmente sitúa los enterramientos femeninos en la misma categoría social que el resto de la población asociada a campaniforme. Que uno de los enterramientos corresponda a una gestante nos permite reflexionar sobre la importancia de la maternidad en el III milenio a.C. y su causalidad en la muerte de mujeres en el pasado.

A map is a communication way in which the message, related to spatial information, is transmitted... more A map is a communication way in which the message, related to spatial information, is transmitted through a visual and a written language. Far from being an exclusively geographic tool, it is the graphic and symbolic representation of a reality of which a planimetric knowledge is known. Therefore, nature can be mapped at all levels and the information on the anatomy of extant and extinct organisms is no exception. Along the history, anatomy has been mapped at the macroscopic and microscopic level. Regarding the cartography of the macroanatomy, a map must be express in a standardized language style. It means that anatomical maps, like other types of maps, have a specific reference language which has been reached by international consensus. This language was standardized in anatomical cartography after the Modern Age, and the research possibilities of the macroanatomy diversified. On the one hand, the classic sketch of the anatomy, of a more artistic type and reflecting in many cases ...
Despues de casi 20 anos de actividad en comun, tal vez vaya siendo hora de hacer un pequeno balan... more Despues de casi 20 anos de actividad en comun, tal vez vaya siendo hora de hacer un pequeno balance de la produccion conjunta de los participantes en las reuniones y congresos de la Asociacion Espanola de Paleopatologia (AEP). Algunas preguntas a las que queriamos dar respuesta en este trabajo, entre otras, son las siguientes: ?quienes somos?, ?cual es nuestra formacion?, ?que estamos investigando? ?como lo publicamos? En esta comw1icacion presentamos las caracteristicas principales, tanto de los investigadores que han participado en las convocatorias de la AEP, como de sus trabajos y aportaciones a la literatura paleopatologica.

espanolLa oportunidad de retomar el estudio del dolmen del Portillo de las Cortes, Guadalajara, a... more espanolLa oportunidad de retomar el estudio del dolmen del Portillo de las Cortes, Guadalajara, a partir de los materiales conservados en el MAN y de recientes trabajos de campo, ofrece un resultado positivo. Podemos aportar el conocimiento de fuentes de aprovisionamiento, una fecha C14 obtenida de un craneo recientemente documentado en la reestructuracion del MAN, y una nueva lectura de posibles refacturas del monumento. EnglishPositive results have been obtained from resuming the study of the dolmen of El Portillo de las Cortes (Guadalajara, Spain) taking into account materials that are nowadays kept in the MAN (Museo Arqueologico Nacional) as well as recent fieldwork. We hereby present a new C14 date obtained from a recently found and documented skull from the MAN, and new perspectives about possible ancient interventions to rebuild the monument and about supply sources for the community that erected it.
TDR - Tesis Doctorales en Red - 10 años 2001 · 2011. Búsqueda avanzada. Restringir a TDR. ...

Anthropological Science
Cranial vault thickness is a widely studied variable in physical anthropology. However, direct ph... more Cranial vault thickness is a widely studied variable in physical anthropology. However, direct physical measurements are difficult to assess in complete skulls, where the endocranial surface is not easily accessible for standard callipers. Computed tomography represents the best alternative, but is expensive and not always available for many field or museum samples. In this study we present a method for the measurement of cranial vault thickness based on magnetism. We measured bone thickness at 71 points of the vault in 30 human skulls with the use of a portable magnetic calliper, which offers a simple, direct, non-invasive, and cost-effective methodology. Magnetic measures were compared with physical measures sampled with a traditional spreading calliper, and error analysis was assessed. Thickness distribution was evaluated and represented in bidimensional maps after spatial interpolation. The two types of callipers provide the same results, suggesting that the magnetic calliper can be used in those situations in which a traditional calliper is not applicable. In accordance with previously published data, the most variable and thickest bones in our sample were the frontal and the occipital bones, and cranial vault thickness distribution follows a pattern of increasing thickness from lateral regions of the vault to the sagittal plane. The magnetic calliper is a reliable and effective tool to measure cranial thickness in those cases in which the endocranial surface is not easily accessible, and where expensive technology cannot be employed for economic or practical reasons.

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2018
Due to the effects of fire on bones, macroscopic observations of burned human remains are often i... more Due to the effects of fire on bones, macroscopic observations of burned human remains are often insufficient to completely characterize an individual (age and sex determination). Herein we explore microstructure of bone fragments recovered in a funerary urn from the 1st millennium BC at Lagunita I archaeological site (Cáceres, Spain) in an attempt to determine if histomorphological analysis could complement macroscopic observation in anthropological study. Although histological analysis is a destructive technique, analyses making use of thin-sections has permitted us to unveil different stages of alteration in two pieces of the same bone despite both appearing to have similar major macroscopic alterations due to high temperatures reached by the fire (over 900 °C in some areas). Furthermore, the mid-shaft fragment suggested that the remains belonged to a young individual (between 12 and 20 years old). In light of the results, we conclude that bone histology could support and enhance inferences made from macroscopic observations improving the analysis of archaeological cremated remains.

OBJETIVO Se presentan los datos preliminares relativos al cambio histomorfologico de tres craneos... more OBJETIVO Se presentan los datos preliminares relativos al cambio histomorfologico de tres craneos de procedencia arqueologica, correspondientes a diferentes grupos de edad, con el objetivo de analizar la variacion existente entre los huesos durante la ontogenia. MATERIAL Y METODOS Se han extraido de cada craneo bloques de las secciones medias de tres huesos intramenbranosos (frontal, parietal y occipital) para la realizacion de laminas delgadas y su observacion histologica mediante microscopia de luz polarizada. Tras fotografiar las secciones completas, se han descrito los tipos de tejidos, cuantificando la distribucion espacial de la vascularizacion, de la matriz mineralizada y de la extension de los distintos tipos de tejidos, realizando a su vez mediciones de los grosores de las secciones. RESULTADOS Los resultados obtenidos muestran que existen diferencias en la distribucion de los tejidos y estructuras histologicas entre las muestras analizadas, que implican patrones distintos ...
Papers by Armando González Martín
In this paper, archaeological and anthropological remains from cerro de La Encantada (Granátula de Calatrava, Ciudad Real) are analyzed in order to understand aspects about the communities of La Mancha Bronze Age though a multidisciplinary approach. Analysis of markers of physical activity, anthropometry, and a first view on grave goods associated will provide a picture about social and economic structure of La Mancha Bronze Age between 2200 and 1300 cal BC.
The monarchy at the head, the lens extends to the most conspicuous representatives of high secular and ecclesiastical aristocracy -nobles, urban patricians, prelates. The inevitability of death does not seem to be an impediment to the development of control mechanisms and ideological development of political and social power. By contrast, the ruling elites are able to build a speech and patterns of representation and permanent or temporary about death aimed at strengthening these instruments and turn them into models of continuity and transformation interested propaganda. From the good die preparation to the ritualization and complexity of specific liturgies and ceremonies, construction of buildings and pantheons or the translation of literary and historiographical values and instantiations, the prince's death, understood in the sense that historiography gives this term applied to the Middle Ages, much more comprehensive than the current sense, it points more towards continuity and progress than the breaking in the construction of power.
The topic allows an analysis from very different points of view and using very diverse sources along with different methodologies of investigation. However, in this first investigation period it has been prefered – in order to do it more approachable- to limit it in time and space, without trying to analyze every possible angle. In time, this period starts with the so called “gregorian reform”, its repercusion and ideological, political and cultural scope are well known. It ends with the affirmation of the monarchic powers and a new structure of the power relations during the fifteenth century. In space, it focuses on the territory that in great meassure, is used as a reference during these processes, France, and in the hispanic kingdoms for a better appreciation of the possible relations with its ultrapyrenean neighbour and among each other.
The complexity of information sources, from diplomas to the accounting information, from large to smaller architectural pieces sumptuary works with sculptural, pictorial or musical, and of course, literary and thought works, chronic prepared or ceremonial pieces also require a multidisciplinary methodological approach, from which to establish comparative analysis from the various areas of knowledge and over time and space.