Papers by Fatima Lampreia-Carvalho

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 31, 2022
The choice of this work arises from the interest in the topics of entrepreneurship and technology... more The choice of this work arises from the interest in the topics of entrepreneurship and technology transfer toward launching more innovative products/services. It focuses on delivering a technology, QR code, which brings more innovation to a product especially with the current growth of mobile activities. Then, with the help of a strategic plan, it evaluates the level of potential acceptation and adoption of the proposed service and of widespread use of QRs in Portugal. Thus, an interactive prototype of the supporting platform is described and used for its validation with users. Most participants in this project know the technology and consider the idea interesting and promising. They even suggest add-ons such as more video functions and a higher variety of events and/or resources for combination. However, through a deeper analysis, aspects related with effective use of the service, eventual payment, and explaining how it works reveal lower enthusiasm. Thus, although there is a promising scenario for its implementation in the Portuguese market, training aimed at effectively knowing and using QR-code technology must evolve. Given the challenges of today's society, the future application of this product/service shall pass through an innovation accelerator program to launch a business model that can deal with several trends such as quick and contactless use of specialized information or resources for activities in the areas of tourism, banking, health, etc.
Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 2001

Handbook of Research on Sustainable Tourism and Hotel Operations in Global Hypercompetition
This work analyzes academic work from 2004 to 2020 with an influence on the blueprint for sustain... more This work analyzes academic work from 2004 to 2020 with an influence on the blueprint for sustainable tourism innovation strategies. Criteria used include verifying which are the main concerns, the contribution of sustainability indices, and implications to practitioners and high educational institutions in the area. This is increasingly important due to present and future challenges undermining the existence of a sustainable tourism industry. Accurate metrics can empower destinations, and higher education and its inner research must have a key role in the development of effective instruments. The challenge comprises selecting and monitoring them for sustainable tourism policy. Educational and research institutes with tourism studies should include in their syllabuses real cases and tools for developing key sustainability models and metrics to integrate and respond more promptly to critical challenges and trends.

Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, Jun 30, 2021
The present article aims to explain why community-based natural resource management and tourism c... more The present article aims to explain why community-based natural resource management and tourism certification are the main concerns in academic literature on tourism sustainability implementation. The method of choice is a systematic review of literature based on the Prisma Statement for Systematic Reviews. Sources of interest were identified within the Web of Science Core Collection and other repositories. From a total of 430 records screened, 106 stable documents were selected and submitted to content analysis to create a matrix coding of mentions of sustainable tourism implementation in highly cited publications. A content analysis revealed that sustainable tourism implementation encompasses eight sub-categories of interest in current research outputs. Those sub-categories are: (1) Adaptive resource management (ARM), (2) Carbon mitigation approach; (3) Community-based Conservation Areas (CCAs) and Community-based ecotourism; (4) Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM); (5) Multiobjective Optimization model (6) Social reinvestment strategy; (7) Tourism Sustainability Certification and (8) Transition Management. The analysis revealed that implementation strategies such as Community-based natural resource management and the Tourism Certification Approach, covered 60 percent of all mentions of methods of sustainability implementation in the literature selected and should be treated as leading accelerators of tourism sustainability, yet much work needs to be done explain how and why a certain destination or tourism business meet set standards over time and across national contexts.

The present work intends to reflect on the proportion of academic works (existing in the Portugue... more The present work intends to reflect on the proportion of academic works (existing in the Portuguese open access repository - RCAAP) that uses indicators to outline new sustainable tourism strategies. And which implications may result from the scope of academic research in the area. A selection made in accordance with the proposed objectives gathered 70 works (including master and doctoral studies, scientific papers and reports). A qualitative analysis is developed with the Nvivo software, whose coding is one of the techniques helping the collected documents to make sense. Content is then codified into main themes (nodes). The analysis lays on the interaction between nodes (themes) and cases (documents), through questions (queries) based on the proposed objectives. It appears that most works do not address indicators of tourism sustainability and the few ones to do it are more descriptive. The academic community, with its research centers, has a crucial role to play in encouraging em...
Este livro nasce do interesse em responder uma pergunta que mobiliza eleitores tanto no Brasil qu... more Este livro nasce do interesse em responder uma pergunta que mobiliza eleitores tanto no Brasil quanto em Portugal – em que medida a crise política, a crise económica e a corrupção motivaram em 2018 e 2019 o voto em candidatos antissistema e candidatos da continuidade, fossem estes candidatos da direita ou da esquerda. Ao examinar os processos eleitorais no Brasil (2018) e em Portugal (2019) exploro a ideia de que no Brasil, as redes socias fomentaram a radicalização politica e o voto estratégico à direita, dando ampla vitória ao candidato Jair Bolsonaro, enquanto que em Portugal o discurso da diferenciação entre partidos que ocupam as áreas adjacentes ao centro politico já congestionado, renderia menos votos ao partido vitorioso nas eleições de 6 de outubro para a Assembleia da República, com provável vitoria para o Partido
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais
The article tries to show that mass media communication constitutes mechanisms of power that exer... more The article tries to show that mass media communication constitutes mechanisms of power that exert a fundamental function on the historical resistance of pol...

The aim of this paper is to consider how far governments can promote an integration of summative ... more The aim of this paper is to consider how far governments can promote an integration of summative and formative assessment types and what such a harmonisation of the different assessment types might look like. We suggest that weak conceptualisations of formative and summative assessments (as opposed to practices) hold back the development of new policy which could move towards the design and implementation of more coherent assessment systems. An argument for a “more nuanced view of the relationship between assessment purpose and assessment type” (Bennett, 2011, p.8) could be conducive to summative assessments that support learning and document what students know and can do (assessment of learning), side by side with formative assessment types that are used to suggest how instruction should be modified to advance learning (assessment for learning). Insofar as assessment systems promote nuanced, valid and effective assessment, summative and formative assessment types need not be in opp...

The purpose of the research work underpinning this article was to answer a simple question: if va... more The purpose of the research work underpinning this article was to answer a simple question: if validity must always be the grounds for the inferences drawn from assessment records (Cronbach, 1989; Embretson, 1983; Kane, 1992; Messick 1989, 1994), how can the international assessments provide more evidence on the validity of the national assessments? This work was originally written for the Ofqual audience who could be helped by a study introducing the international assessments as potential additional checks on the standards of the national curriculum assessments, the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSEs) and other qualifications. However, the present format also seeks to engage the wider assessment community in a discussion on the possibility of using the international assessments as external reference on the performance of pupils sitting both national and international assessments.

Bioethics, 2007
This article presents an overview of the Portuguese transposition of the European Directive on Go... more This article presents an overview of the Portuguese transposition of the European Directive on Good Clinical Practice (2001/20/E) concerning scientific and academic debates on bioethics and clinical investigation. Since the Directive was transposed into Portuguese law by its National Assembly, the bureaucracy of clinical trials has been ever more complex. Despite demands for swift application processes by the Pharmaceutical industry, supported by the European Parliament, the Directive's transcription to the national law has not always delivered the expected outcome. However, this has led to an increased number of applications for clinical trials in Portuguese hospitals. In this article I revise bioethical publications and decree-laws enabling an informed appraisal of the anxieties and prospects for the implementation of the clinical trials Directive in Portugal. This article also places the European Directive in the field of sociology of bioethics, arguing that Portuguese bioethical institutions differ from those of the US, and also from Northern European counterparts. The main divergence is that those people in Portugal who claim expertise in 'legal' bioethics do not dominate either the bureaucratic structure of research or ethics committees for health. Even experts in the applied ethics field now claim that 'professional bioethicists do not exist'. The recent creation of a national Ethics Committee for Clinical Investigation (CEIC) in line with the European Directive on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) will not change the present imbalance between different professional jurisdictions in the national bioethical debate in Portugal.
This paper investigates the reasons why cross key stage group moderation of teacher assessment, w... more This paper investigates the reasons why cross key stage group moderation of teacher assessment, within schools and between schools, can be a key factor for • quality assuring Early Years Foundation Stage practitioners’ judgements of children’s performance, • developing confidence of Year 1 teachers in assessments based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, • maintaining national standards, • guaranteeing accurate and reliable data on the assessment of children as they move between phases of education.

The Curriculum Journal, 2014
Political scientist and senior researcher with a track record of interdisciplinary studies in dis... more Political scientist and senior researcher with a track record of interdisciplinary studies in discourse analysis, electoral studies, policy-making, democratic theory, regulation of educational assessments, theology, and the ethical vetting of clinical trials. Her most recent research interest is-the construction of the people as historical actors in contemporary Mediterranean democracies: the impact of EU policies for the emergence of populist anti-austerity movements in Portugal, Greece and Spain, from 2011. Fatima is also involved in other research projects such as "Modelling new socio normative patterns of exclusionary attitudes in childhood by means of democratic education strategies: Fostering inclusion in schools across three European countries" and The Biobooster project: Attracting European Citizens' Attention to Bio-economy research and Innovation.
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 2000
em junho de 1999 sob o título Continuity and innovation: television and new forms of conciliation... more em junho de 1999 sob o título Continuity and innovation: television and new forms of conciliation in Brazilian politics. Agradeço os comentários de meu orientador, professor Ernesto Laclau, da co-orientadora, professora Aletta Norval, assim como dos membros de minha banca examinadora, professores David Howarth e Francisco Panizza.

Handbook of Research on the Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Responses to Overtourism
This chapter conceptualises the notion of overtourism by providing a systematic literature review... more This chapter conceptualises the notion of overtourism by providing a systematic literature review mapping the existing research knowledge. The mapping exercise benefits from textual data from academic articles on overtourism. The study focuses on measures to counteract overtourism from a marketing perspective. Since tourism is about customers' experiences, understanding overtourism and its aspects is crucial at a time the market growth calls for measures to control this phenomenon. Using online databases and NVIVO 12 software, 66 articles were selected for bibliographic content analysis. Findings highlight the need to work the concept of overtourism in a holistic approach encompassing five dimensions: social, political & governance, marketing & customer experience, economic, and environmental. Results permitted to identify other dimensions; overtourism, symbolic, ethical-moral, cultural. Managing overtourism is challenging because whereas tourism is about customers' experien...

Handbook of Research on Resident and Tourist Perspectives on Travel Destinations
This chapter examines a 30-year collection of tourism destination image (TDI) components and scal... more This chapter examines a 30-year collection of tourism destination image (TDI) components and scale attributes sourced from tourism and hospitality studies to assess the scientific field at hand. From the 1990s, it was clear that cognitive, affective, and overall (holistic) images were involved in destination image formation. Cognitive psychology is crucial to explain tourists´ behaviour, but tourism studies are not simply a branch of cognitive psychology. This study taps into the multidisciplinary character of destination image. At stake are propositions and theories applicable in tourism such as the theory of self-congruity, self-concept, brand signal theory, destination source credibility, novelty seeking theory, and brand equity theory. The intention of the present chapter is to map its theoretical ground and underlying hypotheses by means of a systematic literature review and point out sub-studied dimensions of TDI.

Challenges and New Opportunities for Tourism in Inland Territories
This work intends to verify if there is academic research that proposes innovative strategies for... more This work intends to verify if there is academic research that proposes innovative strategies for sustainable tourism. It analyses 70 valid documents including theses, dissertations, scientific papers, and reports. Main objectives to explore are which themes stand out most; the difference between academic production in Portugal and Brazil; and how the topics of sustainability, environment, governance, planning, and regulation relate to tourism. A software for qualitative analysis is used to enrich the discussion around sustainable tourism discerning preferential governance strategies. Few works use sustainability indexes, and, if used, most of them are descriptive. For real sustainable tourism, its governance has to be based on appropriate indicators. Measures can empower destinations, providing the information needed to decide accurate and creatively. A challenge for the Portuguese academy on tourism and hospitality is to have an ongoing role in implementing key indicators and in t...
Papers by Fatima Lampreia-Carvalho