Papers by Peter C. Boxall
A survey among cow-calf producers was conducted during 2006 in Western Canada, to assess producer... more A survey among cow-calf producers was conducted during 2006 in Western Canada, to assess producers’ preferences towards participation in beef alliances. Producers’ choices were analyzed by varying the degree of vertical coordination in hypothetical lliance participation, while controlling for producer and farm-specific characteristics to explore risk, transaction cost and incentive considerations in participation decisions. Estimates from the attribute-based choice experiments
Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 1996
The bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) is found in lakes and streams in the mountainous regions ... more The bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) is found in lakes and streams in the mountainous regions of western North America. Its eradication was encouraged because managers felt bull trout preyed on" desirable" trout species such as rainbow and brook trout (Colpitts, ...
Environmental Management, Apr 27, 2004
A simulation model of a cattle ranch based in southern Alberta, Canada was developed to evaluate ... more A simulation model of a cattle ranch based in southern Alberta, Canada was developed to evaluate the on-ranch economics of adopting different grazing management strategies to improve riparian grazing capacity in nat-ural grass rangeland. Under low-cost scenarios, there are positive economic incentives to adopt strategies to maintain riparian zones that already have high grazing capacity. However, riparian zones that have declined to moderate or low grazing capacity may require additional economic incentives to encourage ranches to adopt more costly management strategies to improve the grazing capacity. The economic incentives to adopt costly management strategies are highly sensitive to the size and shape of the riparian zone and rates of grazing capacity decline or improvement.
Forest Science, Sep 30, 2006
... arises from a complex set of factors, including interactions among income, employment, labor ... more ... arises from a complex set of factors, including interactions among income, employment, labor ... Discussion. The results from our empirical models indicate that forest dependence was positively and significantly related to a CSD's unemployment rate and to the incidence of poverty ...

Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 1997
As provincial governments in Canada trim budgets, fewer funds are available for environmental con... more As provincial governments in Canada trim budgets, fewer funds are available for environmental conservation programs. Many jurisdictions are letting private interests and/or users of the resource base help fund conservation projects. Thus funding for conservation is becoming more dependent on donations to environmental causes either through direct giving of funds or through memberships in organizations. This study explores some determinants of private contributions to environmental conservation activities through an econometric analysis of donations and memberships relating to wildlife habitat protection and enhancement. We use data from a 1991 survey conducted in the three prairie provinces that provides information on donation behavior, income, wildlife-related activity, household compositions, and a variety of other factors. A double-hurdle econometric model is used to allow independent variables to have different effects on the probability of donations and the level of donations. Our empirical results suggest that changes in the economy will be important to donation behavior. Declines in participation and recruitment in hunting will also have impacts on donations to conservation causes, but these impacts, although significant, may not be as large. However, consumptive and nonconsumptive activities may be influenced by management agencies and used to bolster environmental donations.
A simulation model of a ranch based in Southern Alberta was developed to evaluate the on-ranch ec... more A simulation model of a ranch based in Southern Alberta was developed to evaluate the on-ranch economics of adopting different grazing management strategies to improve riparian health in rangeland. Under low cost scenarios, there are positive economic incentives to adopt strategies to maintain riparian zones that are already in good range condition. However, riparian zones in fair or poor range condition may require additional economic incentives to encourage ranches to adopt more costly management strategies. The economic incentives to adopt costly management strategies are highly sensitive to the riparian zone area, shape and rates of decline/improvement.
Journal of Leisure Research, Mar 22, 1998
... logged areas, gravel parking lots, areas not accessible by motor boats, short and easy portag... more ... logged areas, gravel parking lots, areas not accessible by motor boats, short and easy portages, metal fire rings at camp sites, seeing moose, aboriginal rock paintings, and encountering white water as being enjoyable (mean [greater than] 3.0) on a wilderness trip (Table 5 ...
Descriptive analysis of hunting trends in Alberta (Information report ; NOR-X-366) Includes an ab... more Descriptive analysis of hunting trends in Alberta (Information report ; NOR-X-366) Includes an abstract in French.
Englin for assisting with this research.

American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2015
Estimates of price elasticities of water entitlements (known as permanent water or water rights i... more Estimates of price elasticities of water entitlements (known as permanent water or water rights in the United States) are complicated by data limitations and problems of endogeneity. To overcome these issues, we develop an approach to generate stated preference data and combine them with revealed preference data to estimate price elasticities from various types of water entitlement sales in the southern Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Our results suggest that price elasticities of demand and supply of high security water entitlements are inelastic in the relevant market price range between AUD $1,700 to $2,100 per mega-liter, and that supply is relatively more inelastic than demand. For lower reliability water entitlements, the price elasticity of demand is estimated to be even more inelastic than high security water entitlements. The price elasticity of supply for general security water entitlements is similar to high security water entitlements, while the supply of low reliability water entitlements is extremely inelastic for our data set. The comparison between the stated and revealed preference data provides strong evidence of support for a data fusion approach; nevertheless, some differences in water sale preferences were found for irrigators choosing not to sell all of their water. The consistency of our results signals support for the use of this methodology in other water basins around the world.
This paper develops a theory of interdependent utility functions in examining congestion in recre... more This paper develops a theory of interdependent utility functions in examining congestion in recreation demand equilibria. The notion is examined empirically through the development of congestion forecasting functions which individuals use to sort themselves among a set of recreation sites. These forecasts are used in site choice models estimated on revealed preference

This study examines the ability of revealed preference (RP), site-specific stated preference (SP)... more This study examines the ability of revealed preference (RP), site-specific stated preference (SP), transferred SP, and various joint RP-SP models to predict aggregate and individual recreation site choice behavior in a holdout sample. For two statistical comparisons, the site-specific RP model provided the most accurate predictions of individual choices. However, the transferred SP model, applied directly or estimated jointly with the RP data, performed best in three aggregate and one individual prediction tests and second best in the other individual prediction comparisons. In every test examined the transferred SP models outperformed the site-specific SP models. This result is traced to the method used to collect the hypothetical choice data (mail out vs. in-person settings) and illustrates the importance of data quality in accuracy of behavioral prediction. These findings suggest that data from well designed and conducted SP surveys from one site can be combined with site-specific RP data from another site to generate improved models of recreation site choice.

Marine Resource Economics, Feb 1, 2007
We employed a cross-nested logit (CNL) model that permits a rich pattern of substitution among al... more We employed a cross-nested logit (CNL) model that permits a rich pattern of substitution among alternatives within a closed form choice model. The specification we employed is ideal for applications with many choice alternatives, such as the 431 fishing sites in this application. The CNL model provided a significant improvement over multinomial and nested logit model specifications at explaining observed recreational fishing site choices by residents of northern Ontario, Canada. Results from two scenarios illustrated the implications of using the CNL model on spatial substitution patterns and welfare measures associated with attribute change scenarios. The CNL model forecasts demonstrated that the relative change in fishing site use was lower at the most affected sites and higher at sites near the affected sites than was predicted by the multinomial logit model. No consistent pattern was found in mean or variance of welfare estimates associated with hypothetical attribute changes.
Project Report Series, Feb 1, 2000
Papers by Peter C. Boxall