Papers by Karim El-Basyouny
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2016
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2016
Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 2016
Journal of Engineering Research, 2014

Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC), Montreal, Quebec , Canada, Sep 28, 2014
"Motivation and Objectives:
“Complete Streets” is a relatively new transportation policy and d... more "Motivation and Objectives:
“Complete Streets” is a relatively new transportation policy and design philosophy under which streets are planned and constructed to ensure safe access for all road users (i.e. pedestrians, motorists, bicyclists, etc.). However, there is a gap in the literature about how different road design features affect the safety performance of different Complete Streets cross-sections. Therefore, this study proposes a framework to assess the safety performance of alternative Complete Streets cross-sections on urban roadways based on the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) predictive method. The issues and challenges regarding the use of the HSM to perform this safety assessment are then discussed.
Methodology and Results:
The predicted number of collisions for alternative Complete Streets cross-sections was estimated using HSM base model, the Crash Modification Factors (CMF) of alternative cross-section design features, and the calibration factors. The calibration factors, used to replicate actual local roadway conditions, were derived using four years of collision data obtained from the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The CMFs were collected through an extensive literature review. The results obtained from the calibrated HSM model reveal that road cross-sections with a large lane width, a large offset of a roadside fixed object, the presence of median, no on-street parking, and no on-street bike lane have less safety risks compared to road cross-sections that do not possess these features.
Issues and Challenges:
While performing the safety assessment through the HSM methodology, several issues and challenges were faced: i) for urban roadways, the HSM focuses only on arterial roadways; no guideline is provided for urban collector nor local roadways; ii) there is a lack of HSM base models for certain roadway types; iii) base conditions were difficult to transfer and calibration factors lacked the strength to replicate actual local roadway conditions; iv) appropriate and (or) exact CMFs for specific road design features were difficult to find in the literature, and most of the CMFs were developed for highways, rural roadways, or urban arterials and focused on certain collision types or severity. The available CMFs from other jurisdictions may not be applicable to replicate actual local roadway conditions; therefore, various assumptions were made in the analysis to determine the CMFs for specific road design features.
Research Scope:
The framework proposed herein can be proactively used during roadway planning and design to assess the associated safety risk of different Complete Streets cross-sections. Furthermore, the issues and challenges faced while adopting HSM may provide a future research direction to enhance the scope of the HSM."

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2015
The present study introduces a new technique for the multivariate identification and ranking of h... more The present study introduces a new technique for the multivariate identification and ranking of hotspots based on the Mahalanobis distance. The approach aims to extend the univariate potential for safety improvement (PSI) to cases when multiple response variables are modeled jointly. As the literature shows that ranking techniques based on Bayesian methodologies are superior to those that simply rely on the observed collision count, the proposed method was developed in a full Bayesian (FB) context. The new technique involves the following steps: (i) applying multivariate Poisson-lognormal regression models to the data by means of the FB method, (ii) using the estimates of the Poisson posterior means for each site to compute the multivariate (Mahalanobis) distance from what is the normal Poisson mean for similar sites, and (iii) preparing an ordered list of potentially hazardous sites. This methodology was applied to a sample of 173 signalized intersections in the city of Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada) for the years 2008-2012. The study also examines the consistency of the technique itself by analyzing the (mathematical) intersection of ranked sites identified in subsequent time periods. Finally, the consistency of the multivariate FB ranking was assessed against the independent (separate) univariate one that is still dominant in road safety evaluations.

23 rd Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference
In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of speeding as a significant road safety ... more In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of speeding as a significant road safety problem. Governments and agencies around the world are now emphasizing strategies to address speeding-related complaints in order to improve both actual and perceived levels of road safety. Several governments have taken steps to establish speed management programs to research speeding concerns and develop action plans. These programs manage speed by considering and optimizing the 3 E's of traffic safety (Education, Engineering, and Enforcement) and by adopting an evidence-based approach. The current approach to manage speeding complaints in different municipalities in Canada revolves around three main tasks: namely, tracking, investigating and resolving speeding complaints. Although the current process has many advantages, there is an increasing need to fortify a sophisticated system of speed datasets in order to address speeding complaints and to improve each of the three stages of the complaint process. Consequently, a framework for the future state of the speed complaint process was proposed.

Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC), Montreal, Quebec , Canada, Sep 28, 2014
"Motivation: Previous research shows that various geometric and non-geometric road characteristic... more "Motivation: Previous research shows that various geometric and non-geometric road characteristics have significant effects on collision occurrence and severity on both highways and arterial roads; however, little is known about how these elements affect the safety performance of urban residential collector roads. Consequently, this study investigates the impact of these elements on collision occurrence and severity on urban residential collector roads.
Data and Methodology: An extensive data collection effort was conducted to synthesize collision record, traffic count, road geometry, traffic control and other feature data of residential collector road segments in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Using four years of collision data, negative binomial safety performance functions (SPFs) were developed for both collision occurrence and severity. The proposed models were estimated using the maximum likelihood estimation technique under an Empirical Bayesian approach. A backward stepwise procedure was used to select the model parameters, and an outlier test was performed to improve the models’ goodness-of-fit. Scaled Deviance (SD) and the Pearson X2 statistic were used to assess the models’ goodness-of-fit.
Results: Results reveal that the exposure covariates (segment length and traffic volume) are highly significant and positively related to predicted collisions in all of the SPFs. The Property Damage Only (PDO) collision model has the same significant covariates as the total collisions model, indicating that the number of PDO collisions is predominantly higher than other collisions. For predicted total and PDO collisions, there is a statistically significant positive relationship between collisions and access-point density, stop-controlled intersection density, the presence of a horizontal curve, the presence of a licensed premises, the presence of a seniors’ centre and the presence of on-street parking. By contrast, there is a significant negative relationship between predicted total and PDO collisions and the presence of a median. For severe (fatal and injury) collisions, there is a statistically significant positive relationship between collisions and segment length, traffic volume, number of lanes, access-point density, stop-controlled intersection density, bus stop density, the presence of a horizontal curve, the presence of a licensed premises, the presence of a seniors’ centre and the presence of on-street parking. On the contrary, there is a significant negative relationship between predicted severe collisions and the presence of a median, the presence of a centre line and the presence of manned enforcement sites.
Model Application: The city authority could use this information to assess the associated safety risks of different geometric and non-geometric characteristics of urban residential collector roads, and, hence, prioritize collision-prone road segments. "

The present study introduces a new technique for the multivariate identification and ranking of h... more The present study introduces a new technique for the multivariate identification and ranking of hotspots based on the Mahalanobis distance. The approach aims to extend the univariate potential for safety improvement (PSI) to cases when multiple response variables are modeled jointly. As the literature shows that ranking techniques based on Bayesian methodologies are superior to those that simply rely on the observed collision count, the proposed method was developed in a full Bayesian (FB) context. The new technique involves the following steps: (i) applying multivariate Poisson-lognormal regression models to the data by means of the FB method, (ii) using the estimates of the Poisson posterior means for each site to compute the multivariate (Mahalanobis) distance from what is the normal Poisson mean for similar sites, and (iii) preparing an ordered list of potentially hazardous sites. This methodology was applied to a sample of 173 signalized intersections in the city of Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada) for the years 2008-2012. The study also examines the consistency of the technique itself by analyzing the (mathematical) intersection of ranked sites identified in subsequent time periods. Finally, the consistency of the multivariate FB ranking was assessed against the independent (separate) univariate one that is still dominant in road safety evaluations.

Previous research shows that various weather elements have significant effects on crash occurrenc... more Previous research shows that various weather elements have significant effects on crash occurrence and risk; however, little is known about how these elements affect different crash types. Consequently, this study investigates the impact of weather elements and sudden extreme snow or rain weather changes on crash type. Multivariate models were used for seven crash types using five years of daily weather and crash data collected for the entire City of Edmonton. In addition, the yearly trend and random variation of parameters across the years were analyzed by using four different modeling formulations. The proposed models were estimated in a full Bayesian context via Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation. The multivariate Poisson lognormal model with yearly varying coefficients provided the best fit for the data according to Deviance Information Criteria. Overall, results showed that temperature and snowfall were statistically significant with intuitive signs (crashes decrease with increasing temperature; crashes increase as snowfall intensity increases) for all crash types, while rainfall was mostly insignificant. Previous snow showed mixed results, being statistically significant and positively related to certain crash types, while negatively related or insignificant in other cases. Maximum wind gust speed was found mostly insignificant with a few exceptions that were positively related to crash type. Major snow or rain events following a dry weather condition were highly significant and positively related to three crash types: Follow-Too-Close, Stop-Sign-Violation, and Ran-Off-Road crashes. The day-of-the-week dummy variables were statistically significant, indicating a possible weekly variation in exposure. Transportation authorities might use the above results to improve road safety by providing drivers with information regarding the risk of certain crash types for a particular weather condition.
Papers by Karim El-Basyouny
“Complete Streets” is a relatively new transportation policy and design philosophy under which streets are planned and constructed to ensure safe access for all road users (i.e. pedestrians, motorists, bicyclists, etc.). However, there is a gap in the literature about how different road design features affect the safety performance of different Complete Streets cross-sections. Therefore, this study proposes a framework to assess the safety performance of alternative Complete Streets cross-sections on urban roadways based on the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) predictive method. The issues and challenges regarding the use of the HSM to perform this safety assessment are then discussed.
Methodology and Results:
The predicted number of collisions for alternative Complete Streets cross-sections was estimated using HSM base model, the Crash Modification Factors (CMF) of alternative cross-section design features, and the calibration factors. The calibration factors, used to replicate actual local roadway conditions, were derived using four years of collision data obtained from the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The CMFs were collected through an extensive literature review. The results obtained from the calibrated HSM model reveal that road cross-sections with a large lane width, a large offset of a roadside fixed object, the presence of median, no on-street parking, and no on-street bike lane have less safety risks compared to road cross-sections that do not possess these features.
Issues and Challenges:
While performing the safety assessment through the HSM methodology, several issues and challenges were faced: i) for urban roadways, the HSM focuses only on arterial roadways; no guideline is provided for urban collector nor local roadways; ii) there is a lack of HSM base models for certain roadway types; iii) base conditions were difficult to transfer and calibration factors lacked the strength to replicate actual local roadway conditions; iv) appropriate and (or) exact CMFs for specific road design features were difficult to find in the literature, and most of the CMFs were developed for highways, rural roadways, or urban arterials and focused on certain collision types or severity. The available CMFs from other jurisdictions may not be applicable to replicate actual local roadway conditions; therefore, various assumptions were made in the analysis to determine the CMFs for specific road design features.
Research Scope:
The framework proposed herein can be proactively used during roadway planning and design to assess the associated safety risk of different Complete Streets cross-sections. Furthermore, the issues and challenges faced while adopting HSM may provide a future research direction to enhance the scope of the HSM."
Data and Methodology: An extensive data collection effort was conducted to synthesize collision record, traffic count, road geometry, traffic control and other feature data of residential collector road segments in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Using four years of collision data, negative binomial safety performance functions (SPFs) were developed for both collision occurrence and severity. The proposed models were estimated using the maximum likelihood estimation technique under an Empirical Bayesian approach. A backward stepwise procedure was used to select the model parameters, and an outlier test was performed to improve the models’ goodness-of-fit. Scaled Deviance (SD) and the Pearson X2 statistic were used to assess the models’ goodness-of-fit.
Results: Results reveal that the exposure covariates (segment length and traffic volume) are highly significant and positively related to predicted collisions in all of the SPFs. The Property Damage Only (PDO) collision model has the same significant covariates as the total collisions model, indicating that the number of PDO collisions is predominantly higher than other collisions. For predicted total and PDO collisions, there is a statistically significant positive relationship between collisions and access-point density, stop-controlled intersection density, the presence of a horizontal curve, the presence of a licensed premises, the presence of a seniors’ centre and the presence of on-street parking. By contrast, there is a significant negative relationship between predicted total and PDO collisions and the presence of a median. For severe (fatal and injury) collisions, there is a statistically significant positive relationship between collisions and segment length, traffic volume, number of lanes, access-point density, stop-controlled intersection density, bus stop density, the presence of a horizontal curve, the presence of a licensed premises, the presence of a seniors’ centre and the presence of on-street parking. On the contrary, there is a significant negative relationship between predicted severe collisions and the presence of a median, the presence of a centre line and the presence of manned enforcement sites.
Model Application: The city authority could use this information to assess the associated safety risks of different geometric and non-geometric characteristics of urban residential collector roads, and, hence, prioritize collision-prone road segments. "
“Complete Streets” is a relatively new transportation policy and design philosophy under which streets are planned and constructed to ensure safe access for all road users (i.e. pedestrians, motorists, bicyclists, etc.). However, there is a gap in the literature about how different road design features affect the safety performance of different Complete Streets cross-sections. Therefore, this study proposes a framework to assess the safety performance of alternative Complete Streets cross-sections on urban roadways based on the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) predictive method. The issues and challenges regarding the use of the HSM to perform this safety assessment are then discussed.
Methodology and Results:
The predicted number of collisions for alternative Complete Streets cross-sections was estimated using HSM base model, the Crash Modification Factors (CMF) of alternative cross-section design features, and the calibration factors. The calibration factors, used to replicate actual local roadway conditions, were derived using four years of collision data obtained from the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The CMFs were collected through an extensive literature review. The results obtained from the calibrated HSM model reveal that road cross-sections with a large lane width, a large offset of a roadside fixed object, the presence of median, no on-street parking, and no on-street bike lane have less safety risks compared to road cross-sections that do not possess these features.
Issues and Challenges:
While performing the safety assessment through the HSM methodology, several issues and challenges were faced: i) for urban roadways, the HSM focuses only on arterial roadways; no guideline is provided for urban collector nor local roadways; ii) there is a lack of HSM base models for certain roadway types; iii) base conditions were difficult to transfer and calibration factors lacked the strength to replicate actual local roadway conditions; iv) appropriate and (or) exact CMFs for specific road design features were difficult to find in the literature, and most of the CMFs were developed for highways, rural roadways, or urban arterials and focused on certain collision types or severity. The available CMFs from other jurisdictions may not be applicable to replicate actual local roadway conditions; therefore, various assumptions were made in the analysis to determine the CMFs for specific road design features.
Research Scope:
The framework proposed herein can be proactively used during roadway planning and design to assess the associated safety risk of different Complete Streets cross-sections. Furthermore, the issues and challenges faced while adopting HSM may provide a future research direction to enhance the scope of the HSM."
Data and Methodology: An extensive data collection effort was conducted to synthesize collision record, traffic count, road geometry, traffic control and other feature data of residential collector road segments in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Using four years of collision data, negative binomial safety performance functions (SPFs) were developed for both collision occurrence and severity. The proposed models were estimated using the maximum likelihood estimation technique under an Empirical Bayesian approach. A backward stepwise procedure was used to select the model parameters, and an outlier test was performed to improve the models’ goodness-of-fit. Scaled Deviance (SD) and the Pearson X2 statistic were used to assess the models’ goodness-of-fit.
Results: Results reveal that the exposure covariates (segment length and traffic volume) are highly significant and positively related to predicted collisions in all of the SPFs. The Property Damage Only (PDO) collision model has the same significant covariates as the total collisions model, indicating that the number of PDO collisions is predominantly higher than other collisions. For predicted total and PDO collisions, there is a statistically significant positive relationship between collisions and access-point density, stop-controlled intersection density, the presence of a horizontal curve, the presence of a licensed premises, the presence of a seniors’ centre and the presence of on-street parking. By contrast, there is a significant negative relationship between predicted total and PDO collisions and the presence of a median. For severe (fatal and injury) collisions, there is a statistically significant positive relationship between collisions and segment length, traffic volume, number of lanes, access-point density, stop-controlled intersection density, bus stop density, the presence of a horizontal curve, the presence of a licensed premises, the presence of a seniors’ centre and the presence of on-street parking. On the contrary, there is a significant negative relationship between predicted severe collisions and the presence of a median, the presence of a centre line and the presence of manned enforcement sites.
Model Application: The city authority could use this information to assess the associated safety risks of different geometric and non-geometric characteristics of urban residential collector roads, and, hence, prioritize collision-prone road segments. "