Papers by Geoffrey Dipple
The Sixteenth Century Journal, 1997
Cambridge University Press eBooks, Sep 29, 2023

Routledge eBooks, Dec 5, 2016
Contents: Introduction The Friars and their Critics on the Eve of the Reformation 'Foolish Li... more Contents: Introduction The Friars and their Critics on the Eve of the Reformation 'Foolish Little Monks and Priests': Johann Eberlin von GA nzburg's Vision of Reform in the Earliest Elements of 'The Fifteen Confederates' 'The Grey Hypocrite from the Superstitious Observants' Anticlericalism and Antifraternalism in the Remainder of 'The Fifteen Confederates' 'A Priest Must be Blameless, the Husband of one Wife': Eberlin's Writings from Wittenberg in 1522 and Early 1523 'Against the Profaners of God's Creatures': Anticlericalism in Wittenberg in 1523 'A Fool or an Arch-Rogue': The Anti-Franciscan Campaign of 1523 Variations on a Theme: Antifraternalism and Anticlericalism in the Flugschriften of Heinrich von Kettenbach and Johann Rot-Locher 'The Agents of Satan': The Clergy and the SchwArmer in the Later Writings of Johann Eberlin von GA nzburg Antifraternalism and Reformation Anticlericalism Bibliography Index.

BRILL eBooks, 2007
Historians do not universally agree upon a clear delineation of who was and was not a Spiritualis... more Historians do not universally agree upon a clear delineation of who was and was not a Spiritualist Anabaptist, and by what criteria they are to be included in this category. Part of the problem in categorizing the Spiritualist Anabaptists stems from the fact that we are not dealing here with a carefully formulated historical designation. The term Spiritual Anabaptist combines two distinct groups in Ernst Troeltsch’s schematization of the Radical Reformation, some of whose characteristics are thought to be mutually exclusive. The difficulty in identifying Spiritualist Anabaptists involves fundamental questions about the definition of the term, its relationship to Spiritualism and Anabaptism, and possibly even its viability as a distinct typology. The concept of Spiritualist Anabaptists potentially covers the full range of Anabaptists who fall between the most extreme biblicist and spiritualist ends of Klaassen’s scale. This makes the Spiritualist Anabaptists a much more common, and much more influential, occurrence. Keywords: biblicist; Ernst Troeltsch; radical reformation; Spiritualist Anabaptists; Walter Klaassen

Contents: Introduction The Friars and their Critics on the Eve of the Reformation 'Foolish Li... more Contents: Introduction The Friars and their Critics on the Eve of the Reformation 'Foolish Little Monks and Priests': Johann Eberlin von GA nzburg's Vision of Reform in the Earliest Elements of 'The Fifteen Confederates' 'The Grey Hypocrite from the Superstitious Observants' Anticlericalism and Antifraternalism in the Remainder of 'The Fifteen Confederates' 'A Priest Must be Blameless, the Husband of one Wife': Eberlin's Writings from Wittenberg in 1522 and Early 1523 'Against the Profaners of God's Creatures': Anticlericalism in Wittenberg in 1523 'A Fool or an Arch-Rogue': The Anti-Franciscan Campaign of 1523 Variations on a Theme: Antifraternalism and Anticlericalism in the Flugschriften of Heinrich von Kettenbach and Johann Rot-Locher 'The Agents of Satan': The Clergy and the SchwArmer in the Later Writings of Johann Eberlin von GA nzburg Antifraternalism and Reformation Anticlericalism Bibliography Index.

Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte - Archive for Reformation History, 1996
At the center of the current discussion of the role of anticlericalism in the Reformation is Hans... more At the center of the current discussion of the role of anticlericalism in the Reformation is Hans-Jürgen Goertz's Pfaffenhaß und groß Geschrei. According to Goertz, anticlericalism and the Reformation are closely intertwined; in fact, Reformation anticlericalism grows out of the center of Luther's theology, his teaching on forensic justification which rendered superfluous any priestly mediation of salvation. From the attack on indulgences to the rejection of confession and the repudiation of the traditional theology of the mass, Luther undermined the sacramental system of the medieval church and the mediatory role of the clergy in it. The distinctive ontological and social status of the first estate was thereby undermined, and traditional calls for its reform were replaced by demands for its abolition. The fully developed justification for the abolition of the priestly estate was set forth in the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers, expounded already in Luther's famous works of 1520, Address to the Christian Nobility, The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, On the Freedom of a Christian
The American Historical Review, 1998
Topographies of Tolerance and Intolerance, 2018
The American Historical Review, 2008
Renaissance Quarterly, 2005
ciencies as well. What becomes apparent most of all in this book is that it gives living testimon... more ciencies as well. What becomes apparent most of all in this book is that it gives living testimony to Bodo Nischan’s assertion that confessionalization was comprehensive. From Susan Karant-Nunn’s article on the suppression of religious affectation in the churches to Robin Barnes’s examination of prophecy, astrology, and divination this collection touches on nearly all aspects of early modern life and is therefore a most fitting tribute to a scholar, colleague, and friend. DAVID M. WHITFORD Claflin University
The American Historical Review, 2007

Renaissance Quarterly, 2014
werden und ein einheitlicher Eindruck von den Anfängen der Reformation sich nur mühsam einstellt.... more werden und ein einheitlicher Eindruck von den Anfängen der Reformation sich nur mühsam einstellt. Zunächst ist tatsächlich noch alles undeutlich, provisorisch und fragmentarisch, vieles verändert sich oder scheidet aus. Was Reformation in einem präzise definierten Sinne ist, zeigt sich erst in der Rückschau und nicht schon in den Jahren der Anfänge. So bietet Kaufmann denn auch keine historisch-genetische Darstellung der Reformation, wohl aber ein Studienbuch zu einer Darstellung, wie er sie selber mit seiner ebenso voluminösen "Geschichte der Reformation" (2009) vorgelegt hat. Dieses Studienbuch ist als solches ein veritabler Gewinn für die Beschäftigung mit der Frühen Neuzeit, allerdings nur, wenn dem Autor die Neigung zu einer begrifflich überfrachteten Wissenschaftssprache und der ausufernde Anmerkungsapparat nachgesehen werden. Kaufmanns Zugang zu den Anfängen der Reformation kann dazu anregen, während der Vorbereitung des bevorstehenden Reformationsjubiläums vor allem an die Erwartungen, Konstruktionen, Gesten, Experimente, antiklerikalen Agitationen, re
Lacking a durable alliance with the state anywhere in Europe, Anabaptists constituted one of the ... more Lacking a durable alliance with the state anywhere in Europe, Anabaptists constituted one of the most persecuted and most mobile religious populations of the Reformation and Confessional Ages. A single, clearly defined magisterial office was also absent from the movement, and the Anabaptists' migratory experience encouraged regional variations in the movement that built on its distinct starting points and traditions. At the same time, interactions between different Anabaptist groups undermined those regional differences. The result was the formation of distinct yet inter-related traditions that survived the Confessional Age: Mennonites, Swiss Brethren, Amish, and Hutterites.

Mennonite Quarterly Review, 1999
Abstract: Pilgram Marpeck's confrontation with the Spiritualizers in Strasbourg between 1529 ... more Abstract: Pilgram Marpeck's confrontation with the Spiritualizers in Strasbourg between 1529 and 1531 is regarded as a defining moment in the history of the early Anabaptist movement. This study approaches this conflict from the perspective of a prominent, but frequently overlooked, participant: the Spiritualist reformer Sebastian Franck. It looks at the importance of this event for the development of Franck's distinctive brand of Spiritualism. It also examines the significance for the history of early Anabaptism of the participation of a "programmatic Spiritualist" such as Franck in these debates, suggesting that early Anabaptist leaders developed their reforming visions not only in dialogue with the magisterial reformers, but also with a vibrant Spiritualist movement. ********** Recently historians of Anabaptism and the Radical Reformation have been paying increasing attention to events in Strasbourg at the end of the 1520s and beginning of the 1530s, arguing for...
Protestants and Mysticism in Reformation Europe, 2019
Papers by Geoffrey Dipple