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This paper reflects on the understanding and the use of prototype theory of concepts in cognitive linguistics. Particularly, it focuses on the understanding and misunderstanding by the adherents, its primary use and extended use in the... more
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1) a. She had a look at the papers. b. She took a look at the papers. c. She looked at the papers.
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A grammar checker for Swedish, launched on the market as Grammatifix, has been developed at Lingsoft in 1997-1999. This paper gives first a brief background of grammar checking projects for the Nordic languages, with an emphasis on... more
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In this study we explore the concurrent, combined use of three research methods, statistical corpus analysis and two psycholinguistic experiments (a forced-choice and an acceptability rating task), using verbal synonymy in Finnish as a... more
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    • Cognitive Science
This paper adopts a multi-methodological approach to information systems research in order to produce new information through data mining. This approach is particularly suitable for mining material that consists of both qualitative and... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyVisualizationInformation Management
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      Cognitive ScienceCognitive SemanticsCognitive Linguistics
This paper observes with the help of corpora and statistical methods the usage preferences of two synonymous Finnish verbs and their inflected forms (and the features that constitute these forms), an aspect in lexical relationships that... more
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Geoffrey Sampson has for quite some time now argued for an empirical basis of linguistics, as he has done in earlier works (e.g., Sampson 2001) as well as in this paper under discussion. It seems, however, that Sampson has hitherto... more
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    • Cognitive Science
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Terminology databases of specialist domains contain a wealth of lexical, semantic and pragmatic data associated with each of the terms stored. However, until recently, the amount of syntactic and morphological data associated with each... more
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A paper pre-print of this electronic publication was presented to Professor Kimmo Koskenniemi at a special Colloquium on Friday, September 2nd, 2005, at the Auditorium of the Arppeanum building of the University of Helsinki, arranged in... more
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In the Nordic countries, Finland has stood out in the number of start-ups commercializing language technology, as until the late 1990s practically all of the language technology companies founded in the Nordic countries were of Finnish... more
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