Papers by Mónica Taveira Pires

International Psychogeriatrics, 2020
Community-focused programs that promote active and healthy aging can help preserve cognitive capa... more Community-focused programs that promote active and healthy aging can help preserve cognitive capacities, prevent or reverse cognitive deficits. Computer-based cognitive training (CCT) is a promising non-pharmacological, cost -effective and accessible intervention to face the effects of age-related cognitive decline. Previous studies proved CCT to have equal or better efficacy compared to traditional interventions. This comparative multifactorial study aims to test the efficacy of a CCT in a non-randomized community sample of 74 older adults: G1-CCT Experimental group (n=43) (Mean age M=72.21, SD=12.65) and G2- Paper-Pencil Control group (n=31; M=77.94, SD=10.51). Pensioners (97.3%), mostly women (83.8 %) with basic education (51.4%) and without dementia diagnosis, completed a cognitive training program of 17 or 34 group sessions (twice a week). G2 undertook a classic cognitive paper-pencil stimuli tasks. G1, performed, additionally, individual CCT with COGWEB® in a multimodal format...
8º Congresso de Psicologia da Saúde: Saúde, Sexualidade e Género., Feb 13, 2010
31st Conference of the European Health Psychology Society - EHPS: Innovative Ideas in Health Psychology, 2017

Resumo A recente reforma do Ensino Superior permitiu o ing resso na Universidade a pessoas maiore... more Resumo A recente reforma do Ensino Superior permitiu o ing resso na Universidade a pessoas maiores de 23 anos que interromperam os seus estudo s. Esta nova realidade, com forte impacto individual, se por um lado pode acarretar d ificuldades, por outro pode fomentar o empowerment individual. Este processo de capacitação académica e pessoal poderá ser vivenciado diferentemente por homens e m ulheres. O seu estatuto socioprofissional, os papéis familiares e sociais influe nciarão variáveis como a motivação, as expectativas e a capacidade de adaptação de cada um . Serão apresentados os resultados da comparação entre géneros de uma amostra constitu ída por 242 alunos do ensino superior (um grupo ao abrigo do regime de maiores d e 23 anos e um grupo de alunos do regime regular de ingresso) relativamente à Escala Portuguesa de Empowerment e a um questionário de ingresso no Ensino Superior constru ído para efeitos desta investigação. Será ainda analisada a relação com outras variáveis como ...
A strong and solid parent-child relationship may well be the fundamental basis for the child's he... more A strong and solid parent-child relationship may well be the fundamental basis for the child's healthy personality development. Within the Person Centered Approach, parenting styles marked by worth conditions, may have an important conditioning role in the child's personality development, or in the development of the child's self. Relationship patterns and parenting styles are also the means of transmitting children personal, social and universal values, taking an important part in their moral development, whilst these orient and guide the child's own values.
Resumo O presente estudo tem como objectivo a análise das propriedades psicométricas da versão re... more Resumo O presente estudo tem como objectivo a análise das propriedades psicométricas da versão reduzida da escala portuguesa S.E.R.T.H.UAL, desenvolvida a partir da escala original (60 itens). Inicialmente, a escolha dos 20 itens que integram a versão reduzida baseou-se na carga factorial de cada item, por factor. Após a aplicação desta versão a uma amostra de 465 participantes, os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística, descritiva e factorial (Análise de Componentes Principais). Os resultados demonstram a existência duma estrutura bifatorial estima de si positiva e estima de si negativaque explica 34.68% da variância dos dados, possuindo níveis satisfatórios de fidelidade. É ainda possível determinar um valor de estima de si global, através da diferença entre os valores de cada fator.

Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2019
Objectives Father-fetal attachment is an important contributor to future father-infant relationsh... more Objectives Father-fetal attachment is an important contributor to future father-infant relationship and to child outcomes. The aim of this study was to examine factors potentially associated with the levels of attachment to the fetus. Specifically, we explored the association between fathers' depressive symptoms and father-fetal attachment and examined the potential mediating role of dyadic coping in this association. Moreover, the moderated role of parity (be or not a first-time father) was tested. Methods Expectant fathers (N = 302; M age = 33.38; SD = 5.82) completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Dyadic Coping Inventory and the Paternal Antenatal Attachment Scale. Results Results of the moderated-mediation model indicated that more depressive symptoms were associated directly and indirectly, through lack of positive dyadic coping (but not through negative dyadic coping), to the father-fetal attachment. Specifically, while for non-first-time fathers their depressive symptoms were associated with lower levels of attachment to the fetus only when they experienced lower levels of positive dyadic coping, for first-time fathers depressive symptoms were associated with lower levels of attachment to the fetus regardless of their levels of positive dyadic coping. Conclusions It seems that, for fathers both intrapersonal and interpersonal factors are associated with the levels of attachment to the fetus. These findings can contribute to inform psychosocial interventions and research about men's needs during pregnancy.
Actas do VII Simpósio Nacional …, 2010
Resumo: Enquanto conceito de elevada actualidade e pertinência, o Empowerment carecia de um instr... more Resumo: Enquanto conceito de elevada actualidade e pertinência, o Empowerment carecia de um instrumento psicométrico adequado e validado para a população portuguesa. Nesse sentido, e no âmbito de uma investigação sobre o regresso à vida académica de adultos com mais de 23 anos, procedemos à adaptação da "Echèlle Toulousaine de Hardiesse, Endurance et Robustesse" para a população portuguesa. Após o processo de traduçãoretradução da versão francesa, a escala foi aplicada a uma amostra preliminar de 242 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos, estudantes do Ensino Superior (público e privado), procurando a obtenção de valores satisfatórios de validade que comprovem as suas qualidades psicométricas.
... Empowerment e Percurso Académico: Voltar à Escola Depois dos 23 Anos Manuel Sommer 1 , Odete ... more ... Empowerment e Percurso Académico: Voltar à Escola Depois dos 23 Anos Manuel Sommer 1 , Odete Nunes 1 ,João Hipólito 1 , Rute Brites 1 , Mónica Pires 1 & Paula Pires 1 1 Centro de Investigação em Psicologia Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa ...

Healthcare, 2024
The psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Portuguese population are quite releva... more The psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Portuguese population are quite relevant and partially related to their repetitive and disruptive thinking about the disease. The successive periods of lockdown contributed to an additional burden on the family–work–life balance for parents. This study aims to validate the Portuguese version of the Obsession with COVID-19 Scale (PT-OCS), which was developed using a general sample from several regions of the country (n = 531) together with a specific sample of Portuguese parents (n = 109). The confirmatory factor analysis results indicate that the PT-OCS includes a set of excellent psychometric properties concerning both the general sample (χ2(1) = 0.446, p = 0.504; CFI = 1.0; GFI = 1.0; RMSEA = 0.0; standardised RMR = 0.003) and the parent group (χ2(2) = 1.816, p = 0.403; CFI = 1.0; GFI = 0.99; RMSEA = 0.0; standardised RMR = 0.016; Bollen–Stine bootstrap p = 0.65). The scale shows very good reliability (0.84 < α/ω < 0.88). As expected, obsession with COVID-19 was highly correlated with COVID-19 anxiety, and women had higher PT-OCS scores. The findings suggest that the PT-OCS is a reliable and valid measure for both persistent and disruptive thinking about COVID-19 in different groups of the Portuguese population, with potential for studying future epidemic events.
Papers by Mónica Taveira Pires
In the 3rd trimester of partner’s pregnancy, 130 men, completed Antenatal Emotional Attachment Scale and Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS). A repeated measures design (+ Postnatal Attachment Scale) was developed with a sub-sample of 22 fathers from initial study, 2 months after the child was born.
Results found in the 1st study are in line with previous findings: Younger and first time fathers tend to be more attached to the unborn baby and to present lower scores of couples’ dyadic cohesion. In the 2nd study paternal prenatal attachment and couples’ cohesion are strong predictors of paternal postnatal attachment. Even though fathers’ attachment decreases after the baby is born, contrasting to previous studies, dyadic adjustment increases. Cohesion, consensus and marital satisfaction appear as relevant to fathers´ evaluation of relationship quality. So, for recent fathers the transition to parenthood may act as a relevant factor to bring couples together, in the important task of nurture and caring for the newborn. We conclude that the dyadic adjustment exerts an influence on paternal attachment. Results stress the need for further research on the fathers’ role, its evolution, and the relevant impact of couples’ relationship adjustment for fathers’ attachment, involvement and overall family functioning.
How to quote:
Brites, R., Pires, M., Nunes, O., Hipólito, J. Vasconcelos, M. & Spitz, E. (2014). Portuguese validatiuon of the perinatal PTSD Questionnaire (PPQ). Abstract book of the 35th Stress and Anxiety Research Society International Conference. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2-4th July, 2014.
Sordes-Ader e Tap (1993) construíram uma nova escala com 54 itens,
designada de Echelle Toulousaine de Coping, organizada em campos -
comportamental (ação), cognitivo (informação) e afetivo (emoção) – integrando seis estratégias – Focalização, Suporte Social, Retraimento, Conversão, Controlo e Recusa. Em 2006, foi feito um estudo de adaptação desta escala à população portuguesa – que incluiu 1000 participantes com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 28 anos (M=22.41; DP=1.2), sendo 384 (38.4%) do sexo masculino e 616 (61.6%) do sexo feminino A versão portuguesa passou a integrar 54 itens. da ECT (adaptada à população Portuguesa) foi elaborada a ETC-R (versão
reduzida), composta por 18 itens, cujo estudo psicométrico é apresentado no presente relatório técnico.
Keywords: Covid-19; Teleworking; Nurses; Psychological adaptation; Coping; Emotional regulation