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USING Q METHODOLOGY AND Q FACTOR ANALYSIS IN MIXED METHODS RESEARCH The purpose of this chapter is to identify two multivariate techniques that can be used to facilitate the interpretation of mixed methods research. These... more
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      Q MethodologyQ factor analysisQ Method
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      PhysicsEducationEducational evaluationPhysics Education
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      BioinformaticsEducationEducational evaluation
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      PhysicsEducationScientific ConceptsNewton's Third Law
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      PhysicsEducationInquiry Based LearningLaboratory Design
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      PhysicsEducationDigital ArchivesPhysics Education
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      EducationEducational evaluation
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      EducationFaculty Professional Development
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      PhysicsEpistemologyEducationPhysics Education
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      PhysicsPhilosophy of ScienceEducationPhysics Education
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      PhysicsEpistemologyEducationEducational evaluation
The purpose of this study was to investigate in-service science teachers’ understanding of force and motion concepts after a week-long professional development opportunity at a large, public Midwestern university. In this study, views of... more
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      Science EducationConceptual changeQ MethodologyPhysics Education
Q methodology (Q) is a powerful tool for determining consensus and perspectives of a group. Yet, Q is not often used within education research. This study demonstrates an application of Q where the perspectives and consensus of a college... more
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      Organizational ChangeQ MethodologyQ-Methodology
This study demonstrates how Q methodology can be used to investigate college physics students' views of their learning, also known as epistemology, and how those views affect their learning of important physics concepts in a first... more
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      EpistemologyQ MethodologyPhysics concepts
William Stephenson specifically developed Q methodology, or Q, as a means of measuring subjectivity. Q has been used to determine perspectives / views in a wide variety of fields from marketing research to political science but less... more
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      Program EvaluationQ Methodology
Typical Q methodology studies include either tables of statements or sorting grids with statement numbers representing the views of each factor that has emerged within the study. Yet it could be useful to Q methodologists to have a... more
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      Q MethodologyImageWord CloudsVisual Presentation
Teacher attitudes affect their instruction such that positive teacher attitudes enhance the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this study was to explore inservice science teachers' views of learning physics within the context... more
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      PhysicsQ MethodologyTeachers' professional developmentScience teacher education
In volume 32 of this journal, Paul Stenner suggests that Stephenson was resistant to Q methodology being placed within other theoretical frameworks. Yet in this same piece, Stenner states that it is time for Q methodology to be brought... more
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      Q MethodologyMixed Methods (Methodology)Q-Methodology
We are grateful for Paul Stenner’s response to our article “Q Methodology and its Position in the Mixed-Methods Continuum” (this issue), and we appreciate his mostly positive view of our manuscript. We agree with many of his points... more
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    • Q Methodology