Papers by Preutu Cristina

Paper of Faculty of History, 2019
The media fulfil several functions in every political regime: information, education and the shap... more The media fulfil several functions in every political regime: information, education and the shaping of attitudes and perceptions. Television was perceived by the Romanian political regime as a means of educating the masses in the socialist spirit, as a form of socialization. In other words, the main objectives of the Romanian television concerned mainly the educational domain and not necessarily economic gains. Having this as a starting point, the article offers several keys for understanding TV humour in the communist period by analysing Toma Caragiu's TV comedy sketches. We aim to identify examples of desirable and undesirable behaviour set from the top by the party ideologists. Portrayals of social and economic problems in this humorous form generated two phenomena: a feeling of social cohesion and a collective stress relief. Among the main sources for this study are documents from the Archive of the Romanian Television and the National Central Historical Archives.

Видавництво «Одеський національний університет І. І. Мечникова», 2019
The media fulfill several functions in every political regime: information, education and the sha... more The media fulfill several functions in every political regime: information, education and the shaping of attitudes and perceptions. Television was perceived by the Romanian political regime as a means of educating the masses in the socialist spirit, as a form of socialization. In other words, the main objectives of the Romanian television concerned mainly the educational domain and not necessarily economic gains. Having this as a starting point, the article offers several keys for understanding TV humour in the communist period by analysing Toma Caragiu’s TV comedy sketches. We aim to identify examples of desirable and undesirable behaviour set from the top by the party ideologists. Portrayals of social and economic problems in this humorous form generated two phenomena: a feeling of social cohesion and a collective stress relief. Among the main sources for this study are documents from the Archive of the Romanian Television and the National Central Historical Archives.

Видавництво «Одеський національний університет І. І. Мечникова», 2019
The media fulfill several functions in every political regime: information, education and the sha... more The media fulfill several functions in every political regime: information, education and the shaping of attitudes and perceptions. Television was perceived by the Romanian political regime as a means of educating the masses in the socialist spirit, as a form of socialization. In other words, the main objectives of the Romanian television concerned mainly the educational domain and not necessarily economic gains. Having this as a starting point, the article offers several keys for understanding TV humour in the communist period by analysing Toma Caragiu’s TV comedy sketches. We aim to identify examples of desirable and undesirable behaviour set from the top by the party ideologists. Portrayals of social and economic problems in this humorous form generated two phenomena: a feeling of social cohesion and a collective stress relief. Among the main sources for this study are documents from the Archive of the Romanian Television and the National Central Historical Archives.

Revista Istorică, 2015
Unul dintre paradoxurile modului în care Nicolae Ceauşescu şi-a condus regimul îl constituie disc... more Unul dintre paradoxurile modului în care Nicolae Ceauşescu şi-a condus regimul îl constituie discrepanţa dintre situaţia politică, economică şi socială de la finalul anilor 1960 şi cea de la sfârşitul anilor 1980. Ipotezele privind cauzele care au determinat aceste schimbări sunt numeroase, vehiculându-se o serie de momente, care ţin de politica internă, culturală, economică sau externă, considerate ca puncte nodale în această metamorfoză a regimului. Un astfel de episod, menţionat în istoriografia română, îl reprezintă "tezele" 1 din iulie 1971. Este vorba despre un set de 17 propuneri făcute de către Nicolae Ceauşescu, pe data de 6 iulie 1971, în cadrul Comitetului Politic Executiv al CC al PCR şi intitulate Propuneri de măsuri pentru îmbunătăţirea activităţii politico-ideologice, de educare marxist-leninistă a membrilor de partid, a tuturor oamenilor muncii. Momentul este, însă, interpretat aproape axiomatic, două ipoteze circulând ca atare şi părând a fi certe. Prima dintre ele susţine faptul că tezele au fost inspirate de manifestările cultice la care Nicolae Ceauşescu a asistat în timpul vizitelor sale în China, RPD Coreea, RD Vietnam şi RP Mongolă în mai-iunie 1971. A doua ipoteză ar fi aceea că episodul respectiv reprezintă un moment de cotitură în cultura română, dar şi în politica internă. Istoricul Ana Maria Cătănuş consideră vizitele drept o "influenţă externă cu rol declanşator" 2 pentru viitoarele teze. Într-adevăr, efectele au venit mai mult contextual şi au constituit soluţia unei strategii gândite din timp de către conducătorul de partid. Apreciem, însă, că nu s-a vrut şi nu a fost o întoarcere la dogmatismul anilor 1950, aşa cum se afirmă până acum în istoriografie 3. O privire prin lupa politicii externe ne oferă o înţelegere mult mai nuanţată a cauzelor tezelor din iulie 1971. În ceea ce priveşte efectul lor şi schimbările pe care le-au produs în plan intern, acestea ţin de construcţia birocratică internă şi de modul de aplicare şi interpretare ales de nomenclatura de partid. Măsurile din 1971 au venit într-o evoluţie logică a politicii interne şi externe. Aşa cum menţiona şi
Anuarul „A.D. Xenopol”, 2015
Analele Științifice al Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași. Seria Istorie”, 2019

Caietele CNSAS, 2015
Rolul și efectul scrisorilor adresate puterii în România socialistă The Role and Effect of Letter... more Rolul și efectul scrisorilor adresate puterii în România socialistă The Role and Effect of Letters to Political Power in Socialist Romania I focus my research on one of the official communication networks between state and society in socialist Romania, more precisely, the communication through letters. Letters sent by citizens to political or state authorities had fulfilled a double function, on the one hand, it had an utilitarian function, because for the authorities these letters constituted a form of information on economic, administrative or social issues of the society, but on the other hand, we have, also, a symbolic function, by structuring and consolidating a relationship between the individual and the representative of the power, which contributed to the shaping of some representations of power. Thereby, the analysis of these letters complete Romania's social and economic picture at Nicolae Ceausescu's leadership, detailing the problems and deficiencies of the transport system, of functioning of enterprises or negligence of some employees. The way they addressed to the authorities and the expectations that these citizens had from the authorities allowed us to analyze the image that the political power had conceived. Official instructions for solving the issues raised by letters and the institutions involved make this process a form of social and economic regulation and develop a form of communication between the individual and the power. I order to complete my research I used, especially, documents from CNSAS Archives, Documentary Fund and from National Historical Central Archives of Bucharest, CC of RCP Fund.
„Analele Științifice ale Universității «Alexandru Ioan Cuza» din Iași” (seria nouă), 2016
Ananlele științifice ale Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași (seria noua). Istorie, 2013
Papers by Preutu Cristina