Book Reviews by Petrovici Constantin

La présente étude tente de dresser le profil TIC des futurs Personnels d’Appui Technique à l’Éduc... more La présente étude tente de dresser le profil TIC des futurs Personnels d’Appui Technique à l’Éducation
(éducateurs) en formation initiale à l’ENS d’Abidjan. Pour atteindre notre objectif, nous avons organisé
une évaluation prédictive (Font-Réaulx, 2009) en nous basant sur les trois temps identifiés par Rahali
et Hanchi (2007) dans leur démarche théorique de l’évaluation au début de l’action de formation. Des
entretiens semi-directifs sur les pratiques ou les connaissances TIC ont été organisés avec 166 futurs
éducateurs en formation initiale à l’ENS d’Abidjan repartis en quatre groupes. L’analyse des données de
la présente recherche montre que la population des futurs éducateurs est majoritairement masculine,
disposant de téléphones mobiles et d’adresse e-mail. Cette population est équipée d’ordinateurs (porta-
bles ou de bureau) et accède à Internet dans des Cybercafés ou par téléphone mobile avec une présence
sur les réseaux sociaux dont, surtout, Facebook.
Papers by Petrovici Constantin

In this article we intend to analyze the effectiveness of an educational program of mathematical ... more In this article we intend to analyze the effectiveness of an educational program of mathematical creativity, designed for learners aged 10 to 12 years, which has been implemented in an urban school of Iasi, Romania. This analysis has both a psycho-educational dimension and a statistical analysis one. The psycho-educational dimension refers to the coordinates of such a program: the curriculum vision and the teleological configuration, the structure, the teaching and assessment strategies applied in this program. The statistical analysis dimension refers to the evaluation of the performance and effectiveness of this program in terms of fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration and sensitivity to problems, the five qualities of creative thinking. This evaluation will be performed using the SPSS on the results of two mathematical creativity tests administered to an experimental group before and after the implementation of the program.Our intention is to prove, using the SPSS statis...
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2019
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2019
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The definitions of the concept of competence are numerous, have various dimensions, and sometimes... more The definitions of the concept of competence are numerous, have various dimensions, and sometimes can support different, or even opposite theoretical perspectives. The concept of competence guides the teaching vision. Therefore, one must point out the significance of this new approach, as its potential is interesting, its stakes are important and its derivations are numerous. That is why the definition of the concept implies the explanation of the meaning. To do this, it is worth approaching different ways and angles. In the reference literature, there are several attempts of defining the notion of didactic professional competence, some of them illustrating unilateral visions which take into account either only the pedagogical norms, or only the structure of the teacher's personality and the role requirements. That is why it is necessary for us to attempt a conceptual clearing up. The characteristics of the concept of didactic profession competence The definitions of the concept...
All papers which will be sent for evaluation/ publishing must contain educational approaches.

Competenţe profesionale necesare în formarea iniţială a institutorilor - rezultatele unei anchete... more Competenţe profesionale necesare în formarea iniţială a institutorilor - rezultatele unei anchete Constantin Petrovici Competenţa profesională a educatorului reprezintă ansamblul capacităţilor cognitive, afective, motivaţionale, care împreună cu trăsăturile de personalitate îi oferă calităţile necesare desfăşurării unei activităţi didactice care îndeplineşte obiectivele propuse şi are rezultate foarte bune. Competenţele pentru profesia de învăţător sunt concepute sistemic, integrate competenţelor generale pentru îndeplinirea eficienta a unui rol social şi competenţelor pentru profesia de cadru didactic în general. Modul în care viitorii institutori şi-au însuşit noţiunile teoretice şi practice necesare desfăşurării activităţii la catedră şi cât de pregătiţi se simt pentru a face faţă solicitărilor profesiei didactice, au fost elementele urmărite într-o serie de cinci chestionare care s-au aplicat studenţilor din ultimul an, promoţia 2003, al Colegiului Universitar de Institutori de ...

Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 2008
To develop the curriculum and also a system of evaluation of professional competences of the init... more To develop the curriculum and also a system of evaluation of professional competences of the initial teachers, we performed an investigation containing questionnaires. We prepared five questionnaires. The investigation took place between January 2003 and September 2005 in Romania and Moldavian Republic on 537 individuals, representative of the students, the teachers and the managers. We will take into account the first three areas of investigation: professional competences and the essential qualities of the teachers, the contribution of curricula to the formation of the competences of the teachers and the measure the didactic roles meet the teachers' initial training requirements. We observed that, in all the three cases, the respondents' choices of all the categories were the same, thing which confirms our assumptions on the agreement of the options.

Résumé L'évaluation professionnelle représente l'évaluation des résultats d'un employ... more Résumé L'évaluation professionnelle représente l'évaluation des résultats d'un employé et mesure le rapport d'entre ceux-ci et les objectifs proposés. Il serait idéal qu'on puisse construire un profil type du professeur compétent, mais les recherches actuelles ont mis en évidence le fait que cela est extrêmement complexe, tout dépendant des critères privilégiés, pourtant, un des critères centraux est unanimement accepté: assurer la qualité de l'enseignement. Les qualités attendues varient en fonction du public impliqué : des élèves, des parents, des professeurs, des inspecteurs, des autorités, etc. Derrière chaque pratique il y a des conceptions, des théories didactiques, des valeurs, des interprétations des programmes, des visions de la relation pédagogique, des idées sur les buts et sur la manière de réagir des élèves, plus courtement, des raisonnements et des choix qui orientent et expliquent les actions du professeur. L'efficacité pédagogique est égal...

Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 2018
In this paper, we intend to provide explanations for the fact that logical-mathematical games (a ... more In this paper, we intend to provide explanations for the fact that logical-mathematical games (a teaching method in which simulated procedures prevail and its goals are to build the capacity to understand the causal relations between actions and events, to develop logical reasoning, and to perform operations and logical deductions) have a lower recurrence in current educational activities, although their importance is well known. We have studied the hypothesis of a dependence between experience and use of the logical-mathematical game in daily teaching activities, the hypothesis that the teacher who has already used logical-mathematical games is more flexible in adapting a teaching game to become a logical-mathematical game, the hypothesis of teachers who have already used logical-mathematical games being more willing to apply this type of game to a wider variety of target groups, the hypothesis that there is a direct connection between a teacher's past experience with logical-m...

Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 2018
In this paper, we intend to provide explanations for the fact that logical-mathematical games (a ... more In this paper, we intend to provide explanations for the fact that logical-mathematical games (a teaching method in which simulated procedures prevail and its goals are to build the capacity to understand the causal relations between actions and events, to develop logical reasoning, and to perform operations and logical deductions) have a lower recurrence in current educational activities, although their importance is well known. We have studied the hypothesis of a dependence between experience and use of the logical-mathematical game in daily teaching activities, t he hypothesis that the teacher who has already used logical-mathematical games is more flexible in adapting a teaching game to become a logical-mathematical game, t he hypothesis of teachers who have already used logical-mathematical games being more willing to apply this type of game to a wider variety of target groups, the hypothesis that there is a direct connection between a teacher’s past experience with logical-ma...

Politiques internationales d'évaluation et de certification professionnelle du personnel ense... more Politiques internationales d'évaluation et de certification professionnelle du personnel enseignant Constantin Petrovici - Université "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iaşi, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, e-mail: [email protected] Résumé: Toute politique, y compris la politique éducationnelle d`un état, repose sur le personnel qui la met a l`exécution. Une part notable des reformes éducationnelles s`attache au changement des rôles, des responsabilités et des relations enseignants/éleves et enseignants/administrateurs. L`éducation des enseignants est multidisciplinaire- les institutions qui pourvoient a l`éducation des enseignants devraient travailler en association avec des écoles, des sociétés économiques, des entreprises industrielles, des fournisseurs de formation professionnelle. Les enseignants doivent travailler efficacement avec la communauté locale, avec des partenaires, des actionnaires, des parents, des institutions, des groupes représen...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
ABSTRACT National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education - RNCIS - is a portal applicatio... more ABSTRACT National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education - RNCIS - is a portal application organized as a national database that includes all qualifications awarded by higher education institutions in Romania, being a tool for universities, students, social partners. According to OM 5703/2011, all higher education institutions are required to enter the information into specific section of the National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education (RNCIS) about the competences developed through their studies offer, according to the methodology set out by the order mentioned above. However, all universities are required to ensure through the academic curricula those skills and transversal competences contained in grids displayed on RNCIS portal to all students who will have a B.A. diploma. In this article we want to describe the process of setting up the competences’ grid by making correlations between professional and transversal competences and content areas, study subjects and credits allocated to major Pedagogy of Primary School and Preschool (PPSP) from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. The working methodology consisted in several steps: research, making a draft document based on the existing framework plan, consultation with all those involved in pre-service teacher training for preschool and primary school education, leading factors of the faculty and rebuilding the original working document. After these, it will be the validation stage for the new grid and the implementation of the new curriculum.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 12, 2011, Pages 419-425, 2011
ABSTRACT Problem Statement This research is focused on a critical perspective regarding the pre-s... more ABSTRACT Problem Statement This research is focused on a critical perspective regarding the pre-service teacher training of kindergarten and primary school teachers from Romanian education system that tries to follow the directions of Bologna system, and to align to European standards. Purpose of study Two majors objectives were followed through this study: 1) reporting the new curriculum designed for kindergarten and primary school teachers to five characteristics (epistemological, didactical, pedagogical, organizational and praxiological), and 2) the effects of these changes on their professional development. Research Methods As method used we focused on qualitative content analyse of syllabus of the last three generations and on two questionnaires for two kinds of beneficiaries: 242 students and 50 university teachers as experts. Through these questionnaires we wanted to identify three aspects: if they consider necessary to change actual syllabus, and if so what should be designed and what are the new objects; the relationship between training and competences; and what kind of results should be available for curriculum changes (the results reported to their competences from the final exam, the national one, or the results from educational practice). Findings In qualitative terms, data were structured on five dimensions: epistemological, didactical, pedagogical, organizational and praxiological, and also specifying the actual effects on professional development of future kindergarten and primary school teachers. Conclusions The results of our study releaves that the students and teachers have similar opinions that it is absolutely necessary to change the actual curriculum, and they gave some innovative directions to be followed into the next pre-service teachers training.

Problem Statement This research is focused on a critical perspective regarding the pre-service te... more Problem Statement This research is focused on a critical perspective regarding the pre-service teacher training of kindergarten and primary school teachers from Romanian education system that tries to follow the directions of Bologna system, and to align to European standards. Purpose of study Two majors objectives were followed through this study: 1) reporting the new curriculum designed for kindergarten and primary school teachers to five characteristics (epistemological, didactical, pedagogical, organizational and praxiological), and 2) the effects of these changes on their professional development. Research Methods As method used we focused on qualitative content analyse of syllabus of the last three generations and on two questionnaires for two kinds of beneficiaries: 242 students and 50 university teachers as experts. Through these questionnaires we wanted to identify three aspects: if they consider necessary to change actual syllabus, and if so what should be designed and what are the new objects; the relationship between training and competences; and what kind of results should be available for curriculum changes (the results reported to their competences from the final exam, the national one, or the results from educational practice). Findings In qualitative terms, data were structured on five dimensions: epistemological, didactical, pedagogical, organizational and praxiological, and also specifying the actual effects on professional development of future kindergarten and primary school teachers. Conclusions The results of our study releaves that the students and teachers have similar opinions that it is absolutely necessary to change the actual curriculum, and they gave some innovative directions to be followed into the next pre-service teachers training.
Book Reviews by Petrovici Constantin
(éducateurs) en formation initiale à l’ENS d’Abidjan. Pour atteindre notre objectif, nous avons organisé
une évaluation prédictive (Font-Réaulx, 2009) en nous basant sur les trois temps identifiés par Rahali
et Hanchi (2007) dans leur démarche théorique de l’évaluation au début de l’action de formation. Des
entretiens semi-directifs sur les pratiques ou les connaissances TIC ont été organisés avec 166 futurs
éducateurs en formation initiale à l’ENS d’Abidjan repartis en quatre groupes. L’analyse des données de
la présente recherche montre que la population des futurs éducateurs est majoritairement masculine,
disposant de téléphones mobiles et d’adresse e-mail. Cette population est équipée d’ordinateurs (porta-
bles ou de bureau) et accède à Internet dans des Cybercafés ou par téléphone mobile avec une présence
sur les réseaux sociaux dont, surtout, Facebook.
Papers by Petrovici Constantin
(éducateurs) en formation initiale à l’ENS d’Abidjan. Pour atteindre notre objectif, nous avons organisé
une évaluation prédictive (Font-Réaulx, 2009) en nous basant sur les trois temps identifiés par Rahali
et Hanchi (2007) dans leur démarche théorique de l’évaluation au début de l’action de formation. Des
entretiens semi-directifs sur les pratiques ou les connaissances TIC ont été organisés avec 166 futurs
éducateurs en formation initiale à l’ENS d’Abidjan repartis en quatre groupes. L’analyse des données de
la présente recherche montre que la population des futurs éducateurs est majoritairement masculine,
disposant de téléphones mobiles et d’adresse e-mail. Cette population est équipée d’ordinateurs (porta-
bles ou de bureau) et accède à Internet dans des Cybercafés ou par téléphone mobile avec une présence
sur les réseaux sociaux dont, surtout, Facebook.