Ana Maria Abarca G
18 years of experience in Risk Management with a focus on optimizing the risk/return ratio:• Identify and quantify the economic and reputational impacts of different kind of risks, such as financial, operational, ESG (governance, social, environmental), compliance, regulatory, among others.• Alert and manage relevant exposures, incorporate best practices, present and involve boards, lead Board Committees and represent the company before regulatory bodies.Implementation of projects related to Responsible Investment and Sustainability whose central axes are the financial risks of climate change and ESG risks, publishing the first Integrated Report of the company, according to NCG No. 461 of the Commission for the Financial Market and the first Responsible Investment Report in accordance with NCG No. 276 of the Superintendency of Pensions.University professor for 10 years. Currently, instructor in the Master's in Financial Management from the Adolfo Ibáñez University.Certified as a coach in England, 2018, with focus on team management. Member of the International Society for Coaching Psychology, UK. Strategic and analytical thinking, collaboration and influence. Advanced English.
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