This research was conducted to help solve the problem of environmental pollution resulting from e... more This research was conducted to help solve the problem of environmental pollution resulting from excessive use of plastik and the use of wood as a raw material for production. In addition, the development of creatics 2.0 products to create new products that are of interest to consumers. In this study, the manufacture of product types will be made based on a questionnaire given to 30 respondents to provide input regarding the type and reasons for making the product, which is then concluded to be a decision for the final product to be made. After knowing the type of product to be produced, the design thinking method is used to collect the wishes and opinions of users regarding similar products to find out consumer needs. Design thinking goes through 5 stages of the work process, namely empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The design thinking process is a product development process that prioritizes consumer needs. And from data collection and processing, it can be concluded ...
Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2017
Strategy is the most important thing in a company. Because of the importance of the matter, the d... more Strategy is the most important thing in a company. Because of the importance of the matter, the determination of the strategy should be done carefully and based on the position and condition of the company is situated. There are many methods to make corporate decisions. At this time the lab, used five different methods of decision-making, such as decision tree method, Bayes methods, methods Comparison Matrix Exponential, Comparative Performance Index method, and the latter is the Delphi method. From the observations done in Karinda PT Kharisma, the main strategy is taken market development strategy. While the results obtained from the mapping of the decision tree strategy is the addition of a new segment. For subsequent information made six alternative methods and criteria that support 4. The alternative is to segment the capital on the island of Java, namely Semarang, Surabaya, Jakarta, Serang, Bandung, and Yogyakarta. Of all the methods that do the same segmentation is obtained to...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017
Good industrial development should pay attention to the human factor as the main driver. Conditio... more Good industrial development should pay attention to the human factor as the main driver. Condition of work procedures, work area, and environment can affect the production result because if not optimal, the production will run slowly. If the work system is less than optimal, the productivity will do so, the operator will work uncomfortably and be easy to undergo work fatigue, even it can cause work accidents. Thus, the optimal and ergonomic arrangement of the the overall work system mechanism and work environment design is required for workers to work well, regularly, safely and comfortably with the aim of improving work productivity. This research measures the performance in textile SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) located in Sukabumi which is SME FBS which produces children's clothing. This performance measurement is aimed at improving the competitiveness of the textile IKM so that it has the equal competitiveness with other SMEs or with textile industries that already have their name in market. Based on the method of hour standard time and TOC calculation at 2 FBS CMT (Cut-Make-Trim) in Sukabumi, which are the CMT Margaluyu Village and CMT Purabaya Village, the result is that the standard time of shirt work on CMT Margaluyu Village is less than that of CMT Desa Purabaya. It can be seen that more effective in SME FBS production is by process method.
Abstrak - Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok yang telah dilakukan oleh Azmiyati [1... more Abstrak - Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok yang telah dilakukan oleh Azmiyati [1] di PT. Louserindo Megah Permai (LMP) pada tahun 2015, nilai kinerja yang dicapai sebesar 73.82%. nilai tersebut masuk kedalam kategori Good menurut Hvolby [4]. Dari 29 metrics yang dinilai, terdapat 3 metrik yang nilai kinerjanya masih buruk, yaitu Days Payable Outstanding (25%), Deliver Cycle Time (30%), dan Install Product Cycle Time (30%). Sebagai upaya agar perbaikan kinerja dapat dilakukan dengan baik, diperlukan suatu simulasi dinamis untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap ketiga metrik tersebut. Entitas-entitas yang terlibat dalam simulasi dinamis yaitu, produksi, marketing, gudang, dan pengadaan. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa, install product cycle time akan meningkat kinerjanya jika deliver cycle time meningkat. Hal ini disebabkan bahwa install product cycle time tidak akan mengalami keterlambatan jika kegiatan delivery dilakuk...
IKM FBS merupakan industri yang bergerak di bidang pakaian jadi. Industri ini merupakan industri ... more IKM FBS merupakan industri yang bergerak di bidang pakaian jadi. Industri ini merupakan industri yang telah berdiri cukup lama. Namun, masih terdapat kekurangan dalam pencapaian target. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diperlukan optimalisasi dalam mencapai target waktu produksi. Optimalisasi waktu produksi dilakukan dengan simulasi trial and error . Penelitian ini dimulai dari penetapan waktu baku, mengidentifikasi waktu mesin yang overtime , melakukan optimasi penjadwalan produksi kondisi awal dengan n Task m Processor dan Lang’s Algorithm , kemudian melakukan perancangan penjadwalan produksi dengan simulasi trial and error pada CMT A dan CMT B. Hasil dari penelitian ini untuk mengoptimalkan waktu kerja yang tersedia yaitu selama 4 hari, CMT A berdasarkan data histori perlu melakukan subkontrak sebanyak 3 orang, dengan cost sebesar Rp.432.000. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil forecast perlu melakukan subkontrak sebanyak 5 orang, dengan cost sebesar Rp.628.000. CMT B berdasarkan data histori p...
Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2017
CV. Mulia merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi sepatu. Masalah yang ditemukan ad... more CV. Mulia merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi sepatu. Masalah yang ditemukan adalah jarak antar fasilitas di lantai produksi yang cukup jauh satu sama lain sehingga menggangu produksi yang dihasilkan. Selain itu juga, akibat yang dihasilkan dari jarak antar fasilitas yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, juga mempengaruhi kegiatan penanganan material dari segi waktu yang dibutuhkan dan biaya yang dikeluarkan. Dalam tugas akhir ini, masalah tersebut dibahas dengan menggunakan 3 metode pencarian solusi alternatif untuk permasalahan tata letak tersebut, yaitu Relationship Diagramming Method, Hollier 2 Method, dan Direct Clustering Algorithm Method. Hasil terbaik adalah dengan menggunakan Relationship Diagramming Method dengan jarak yang paling optimal yaitu sebesar 260,5 meter. Jarak awal sebesar 385,5 meter dapat berkurang dengan menggunakan Relationship Diagramming Method yaitu berkurang sebesar 128 meter atau dalam persentase sebesar 33,20%. Keywords: Tata Letak Fasili...
Abstrak - Optimasi keuntungan dapat dicapai melalui berbagai macam cara, salah satunya adalah den... more Abstrak - Optimasi keuntungan dapat dicapai melalui berbagai macam cara, salah satunya adalah dengan merencanakan dan mengendalikan anggaran penjualan. Perencanaan dan pengendalian penjualan yang dirancang dengan baik dan tepat diharapkan mampu membantu dalam mencapai target penjualan agar memperoleh laba yang optimal. Pada umumnya, anggaran penjualan disusun terlebih dahulu sebelum menyusun anggaran lainnya. Tujuan utama pembuatan anggaran ini adalah untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian dimasa depan, memasukkan pertimbangan atau keputusan manajemen dalam proses perencanaan, memberikan informasi dalam profit planning control, serta mempermudah pengendalian penjualan. Metode Lagrange adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan titik maksimum dan minimum suatu fungsi yang diiringi dengan persyaratan atau kendala yang harus dipenuhi. Metode ini berguna untuk memperoleh nilai-nilai maksimum relatif atau minimum relatif dari fungsi f(x,y) yang dipengaruhi oleh fungsi persyaratan g(x,y)=0. L...
Crude Palm Oil (CPO) merupakan minyak setengah jadi yang bisa diolah menjadi beberapa jenis minya... more Crude Palm Oil (CPO) merupakan minyak setengah jadi yang bisa diolah menjadi beberapa jenis minyak. Bahan baku dari pembuatan minyak CPO adalah tandan buah segar (TBS) Kelapa Sawit yang memiliki syarat-syarat tertentu untuk diolah menjadi minyak CPO. Pemodelan time series dengan Fuzzy Time Series merupakan salah satu dari metode dengan menggunakan kecerdasan buatan yang semakin berkembang. Prosesnya juga tidak membutuhkan suatu sistem pembelajaran dari sistem yang rumit, sehingga fuzzy time series ini lebih mudah untuk digunakan. Untuk meramalkan data Grand Total TBS Kelapa Sawit pada PT. XYZ dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Time Series Chen dan Algoritma Ruey Chyn Tsaur. Maka didapatkan bahwa TBS Kelapa Sawit yang harus dipersiapkan untuk proses produksi minyak sawit CPO ( Crude Palm Oil ) tanggal 25 Maret 2015 sebanyak 1.382.570 Kg dengan nilai error sebesar 0,22% yang didapatkan dari rumus AFER ( Average Forecasting Error Rate ) untuk melakukan perhitungan peramalan Grand Total T...
ABSTRACTEntrepreneurship initiating and development program as a supporter of university programs... more ABSTRACTEntrepreneurship initiating and development program as a supporter of university programs as an enterprising university is designed to produce new entrepreneurs from FST UAI students and alumni. The activity plan starts from initial mapping, training, strengthening and launching. Preliminary Mapping takes SWOT measurements to map current tenants' strengths and weaknesses, to maximize opportunities and minimize threats that also accompany them. Followed by the trainings in seven parts, namely, business planning, financial planning, marketing management, E-Commerce, product development, Branding, IPR, and Muslimpreneur. Strengthening Phase 1 is the FGD regarding improvements and innovations, expansion and diversification, efficiency and utilization. In strengthening phase 2 there was discussion of real problems faced by tenants. The activity ended with the launch of 6 new ICT-based entrepreneurs per year and the publication of results. Keywords: entrepreneur, syariah, ICT,...
Persaingan ketat di dunia perindustrian pada saat ini menuntut setiap golongan industri memperbai... more Persaingan ketat di dunia perindustrian pada saat ini menuntut setiap golongan industri memperbaiki kinerja perusahaannya. Perbaikan kinerja dilakukan untuk meningkatkan daya saing antara suatu perusahaan dengan perusahaan lainnya. Dengan meningkatkan daya saing, perusahaan dapat menjaga eksistensi nya dalam dunia perindustrian. Selain itu, perusahaan juga dapat masuk ke pasar yang berbeda dan menarik lebih banyak konsumen dari berbagai golongan. IKM XYZ merupakan Industri Kecil Menengah yang bergerak di bidang industri tekstil. Sebagai IKM yang belum lama berdiri, IKM XYZ terus meingkatkan daya saing dengan salah satu nya menjaga ketepatan penjadwalan produksi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengukuran kinerja terhadap penjadwalan produksi di IKM XYZ. Pengukuran kinerja dilakukan dengan metode SCOR yang dibantu dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dalam penentuan bobot pada tiap atribut metrik. Metode tersebut digunakan untuk mengukur waktu proses produksi, ketepatan jum...
Pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok merupakan permasalah yang dapat terjadi bagi banyak perusahaan y... more Pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok merupakan permasalah yang dapat terjadi bagi banyak perusahaan yang menerapkan SCM (Supply Chain Management). IKM (Industri Kecil Menengah) ABC adalah perusahaan manufaktur make to stock yang memproduksi pakaian wanita seperti dress untuk wanita berhijab. Sedangkan IKM XYZ yaitu perusahaan manufaktur make to stock yang memproduksi pakaian anak-anak laki-laki mulai dari celana jeans, kaos serta kemeja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja SCOR (Supply Chain Operation Reference) pada perencanaan bahan baku di IKM ABC dan IKM XYZ dengan pendekatan Objective Matrix (OMAX) untuk mengetahui proses kerja yang memiliki performansi rendah dan harus segera diperbaiki. Atribut SCOR yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada 5, yaitu responsiveness, reliability, agility, cost dan asset management. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data didapatkan hasil bahwa kinerja supply chain yang memiliki performansi paling rendah dan harus diperbaiki pada IKM XYZ yaitu...
A n unexpected event in the supply chain will disturb material flow and activities in the whole. ... more A n unexpected event in the supply chain will disturb material flow and activities in the whole. The occurrence of such interference would have caused losses at time and cost. In order to anticipate this situation, it needs proper supply chain risk management. Research was done in wooden toy industry case study which has wide marketing range. Fuzzy Reasoning House of Risk (FRHOR) are used to solved the problem. FRHOR is combination of fuzzy reasoning risk assessment model and house of risk. House of Risk Method is used to identify the most potential risk agents, while the fuzzy reasoning risk assessment model is used to determine the risk severity by risk agents. Based on the analysis, it is found that risk agent stock out of the product is the most potential risk agent. To reduce the impact, recommended mitigation strategies that can be used for stock out product risk agents in werehouse are flexible supply base, safety stock, internal coordination, as well as create and control pr...
Abstrak – P engembangan model pendidikan pada manajemen rantai pasok Universitas Al Azhar Indones... more Abstrak – P engembangan model pendidikan pada manajemen rantai pasok Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI) yang mengacu pada model ITESCM diharapkan mampu memberikan masukan dan dapat dijadikan acuan oleh UAI agar dapat menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas sesuai dengan model dari pelaksanaan pendidikan dan penilaian pendidikan di UAI. Model manajemen rantai pasok pada bidang pendidikan ini dibatasi hanya pada proses pendidikan di UAI yang meliputi pelaksanaan dan penilaian pendidikan. Terdapat delapan hipotesis yang diuji kan , yaitu pengaruh masing-masing faktor, program establishment, university culture, faculty capabilities , dan facilities terhadap pelaksanaan dan penilaian pendidikan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesione r dengan jumlah sampel se besar 100 responden yang terdiri dari 4 orang strategic level , 19 orang planning level , dan 77 orang operating level yang penentuannya berdasarkan proportional sampling. Setelah dilakukan diuji validasi dan reliabilitas , hasi...
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is newest technology for mobile telecommunication, it has some advantag... more Long Term Evolution (LTE) is newest technology for mobile telecommunication, it has some advantages that are high data rates, low Iatency and using all Internet Protocols (IP) network architecture. The implementation of LTE requires high cost and takes a long time therefore we need network planning to reduce the risks, some calculations, simulations and optimization is done in network planning. We use software named Atoll as tool for network planning and use Taguchi’s Method (TM) as optimization technique. The objective of this paper is to obtain the optimal parameters value of azimuth, mechanical downtilt, antenna gain and antenna height. The result is the responses that determine the most influential factors due to result depending on their delta value. From this paper, the most influential factor based on SN ratio is antenna height which have delta value 9.47. Then we implement the optimized LTE radio transmitter parameters into LTE network design. The result gave more 12.2% cove...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Dec 1, 2017
The textile industry is one of the 10 commodities of industrial products which are still survives... more The textile industry is one of the 10 commodities of industrial products which are still survives in Indonesia due to the crisis in the year 2009 until 2016. Drawback happened in 2017 by increased the number of demand by approximate 3% compares with previous year. In this case, the research conducted in Small Medium Enterprise (SME) called FBS. SME is a business group that is able to absorb a lot of labor and a source of income for society. SME FBS producing clothing boys and domiciled in Jakarta. To complete FBS product, the WIP products are sent to CMT or depot in Sukabumi. In this study, aims to do the shortest route in the determination of the distribution of WIP product to 10 CMT scattered in the area of Sukabumi. After optimization hapened, the route must be started from the Depot SME FBS Sukabumi-Shell Sand Village – village of Sukamaju Village – Margaluyu Village – Narogong Cicurug, – the village of Parakanlima, Cuguha – Padabeunghar Village – Sagaranten Village – village of Ciherang, Ciguyang, Sagaranten – the village of Bojong Waru, Pasirsalam Village, Purabaya – Students – return to Depot SME FBS Sukabumi with mileage in a single trip of 403.6 kilometers. It spents 10 hours 09 minutes and cost distribution issued amounting to IDR 296,928.52. The route length was optimized 47% from 759.1 become 403.6 kilometers.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
Garbage is the remnants of human daily activities or natural processes that are solid or semi-sol... more Garbage is the remnants of human daily activities or natural processes that are solid or semi-solid, in the form of organic or inorganic substances, and are biodegradable or non-biodegradable which are considered to be no longer useful and thrown into the environment [2]. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a plastic waste processing device in order to produce an effective output and use of time efficiently. In this research, the development of plastic waste processing equipment products is done by integrating the chopper and heating machine into one tool, then can produce various kinds of recycle products. This plastic waste processor can process thermoplastic plastic types. Thermoplastic is a type of plastic that can be recycled or reprinted by reheating processes, such as Polyethylene (PE), Polystyrene (PS), ABS, Policarbonate (PC), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Polypropylene (PP). To make a prototype design of a plastic waste processing device, a product architecture is...
International Supply Chain Technology Journal, 2020
Abstract – A local elevator manufacturing company in Indonesia, Louserindo Megah Permai (LMP) has... more Abstract – A local elevator manufacturing company in Indonesia, Louserindo Megah Permai (LMP) has been competing for more than 20 years with many foreign companies that dominate the market. To stay competitive LMP needs to maintain and improve its supply chain performance. LMP strategy to stay in business is responsiveness to the customers demand. To do this LMP needs to identify and measure which specific supply chain performances need to be improved. The most popular tool for this purpose is the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model. Measurement variable used to measure the performance of the supply chain of LMP using the SCOR model is customer-focused that includes the Reliability attribute with Perfect Order Fulfillment metrics, and Responsiveness with Order Fulfillment Cycle Time metrics. The result shows that the measurement for the result of LMP's supply chain for the period of 2014, earned performance value of 79.95%. The calculations on SCOR performance indicators that have been done, there are 2 metrics that includes in low-performance value, which is Delivery Performance to Customer Commit Date with the performance value of 40%, and Source Cycle Time with the value of 44%. Further in 2015 LMP repeated the measurement in some different aspects of the SCOR performances. LMP gained more in terms of reliability 83.69% but lose more in terms of responsiveness with an average of 69%.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Good risk management will reduce the impact and risk of an event. In this study discussed the ris... more Good risk management will reduce the impact and risk of an event. In this study discussed the risks that may arise in the wooden toy industry supply chain and how to manage these risks. The calculation divided into three phases; there are risk mapping, risk assessment, and risk management. House of Risk (HOR) is used in calculating potential risks and Analytical Network Process (ANP) is used to choose the best strategy for supply chain risk management. Followed by HOR calculation, risk that has the greatest value and selected as potential risk is the risk of price/cost fluctuations with an ARP value of 432. The strategy of this risk is grouped based on 2 causes, namely raw material price fluctuations and poor management. With ANP calculations, the strategy for raw material price fluctuations are understanding and determining the quantity of material used (28.14%) and combining woods with various commodities (23.23%). Then the alternative for poor management are doing strategic finan...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Risk is a factor that has a potential to occur in every part of an industry, including its supply... more Risk is a factor that has a potential to occur in every part of an industry, including its supply chain. Every industry must consider and manage its supply chain risks in order to minimize losses while improving performance. In this study, a supply chain risk management (SCRM) approach was conducted in the supply chain of wooden toy industry as a way to minimize the impact of risk. In this case, SCRM method is done by identifying risks, assessing risks using the failure mode effect criticality analysis (FMECA) method to determine the risk priorities that must be mitigated, and establish strategies to mitigate the risk with analytical network process (ANP) method. Thus, the risk priority in the wooden toy industry’s supply chain is the cost/price risk with the highest WRPN value of 33,379. In order to mitigate the cost/price risk, conducting strategic accounting practices and financial planning are recommended to be considered as its strategies.
This research was conducted to help solve the problem of environmental pollution resulting from e... more This research was conducted to help solve the problem of environmental pollution resulting from excessive use of plastik and the use of wood as a raw material for production. In addition, the development of creatics 2.0 products to create new products that are of interest to consumers. In this study, the manufacture of product types will be made based on a questionnaire given to 30 respondents to provide input regarding the type and reasons for making the product, which is then concluded to be a decision for the final product to be made. After knowing the type of product to be produced, the design thinking method is used to collect the wishes and opinions of users regarding similar products to find out consumer needs. Design thinking goes through 5 stages of the work process, namely empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The design thinking process is a product development process that prioritizes consumer needs. And from data collection and processing, it can be concluded ...
Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2017
Strategy is the most important thing in a company. Because of the importance of the matter, the d... more Strategy is the most important thing in a company. Because of the importance of the matter, the determination of the strategy should be done carefully and based on the position and condition of the company is situated. There are many methods to make corporate decisions. At this time the lab, used five different methods of decision-making, such as decision tree method, Bayes methods, methods Comparison Matrix Exponential, Comparative Performance Index method, and the latter is the Delphi method. From the observations done in Karinda PT Kharisma, the main strategy is taken market development strategy. While the results obtained from the mapping of the decision tree strategy is the addition of a new segment. For subsequent information made six alternative methods and criteria that support 4. The alternative is to segment the capital on the island of Java, namely Semarang, Surabaya, Jakarta, Serang, Bandung, and Yogyakarta. Of all the methods that do the same segmentation is obtained to...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017
Good industrial development should pay attention to the human factor as the main driver. Conditio... more Good industrial development should pay attention to the human factor as the main driver. Condition of work procedures, work area, and environment can affect the production result because if not optimal, the production will run slowly. If the work system is less than optimal, the productivity will do so, the operator will work uncomfortably and be easy to undergo work fatigue, even it can cause work accidents. Thus, the optimal and ergonomic arrangement of the the overall work system mechanism and work environment design is required for workers to work well, regularly, safely and comfortably with the aim of improving work productivity. This research measures the performance in textile SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) located in Sukabumi which is SME FBS which produces children's clothing. This performance measurement is aimed at improving the competitiveness of the textile IKM so that it has the equal competitiveness with other SMEs or with textile industries that already have their name in market. Based on the method of hour standard time and TOC calculation at 2 FBS CMT (Cut-Make-Trim) in Sukabumi, which are the CMT Margaluyu Village and CMT Purabaya Village, the result is that the standard time of shirt work on CMT Margaluyu Village is less than that of CMT Desa Purabaya. It can be seen that more effective in SME FBS production is by process method.
Abstrak - Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok yang telah dilakukan oleh Azmiyati [1... more Abstrak - Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok yang telah dilakukan oleh Azmiyati [1] di PT. Louserindo Megah Permai (LMP) pada tahun 2015, nilai kinerja yang dicapai sebesar 73.82%. nilai tersebut masuk kedalam kategori Good menurut Hvolby [4]. Dari 29 metrics yang dinilai, terdapat 3 metrik yang nilai kinerjanya masih buruk, yaitu Days Payable Outstanding (25%), Deliver Cycle Time (30%), dan Install Product Cycle Time (30%). Sebagai upaya agar perbaikan kinerja dapat dilakukan dengan baik, diperlukan suatu simulasi dinamis untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap ketiga metrik tersebut. Entitas-entitas yang terlibat dalam simulasi dinamis yaitu, produksi, marketing, gudang, dan pengadaan. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa, install product cycle time akan meningkat kinerjanya jika deliver cycle time meningkat. Hal ini disebabkan bahwa install product cycle time tidak akan mengalami keterlambatan jika kegiatan delivery dilakuk...
IKM FBS merupakan industri yang bergerak di bidang pakaian jadi. Industri ini merupakan industri ... more IKM FBS merupakan industri yang bergerak di bidang pakaian jadi. Industri ini merupakan industri yang telah berdiri cukup lama. Namun, masih terdapat kekurangan dalam pencapaian target. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diperlukan optimalisasi dalam mencapai target waktu produksi. Optimalisasi waktu produksi dilakukan dengan simulasi trial and error . Penelitian ini dimulai dari penetapan waktu baku, mengidentifikasi waktu mesin yang overtime , melakukan optimasi penjadwalan produksi kondisi awal dengan n Task m Processor dan Lang’s Algorithm , kemudian melakukan perancangan penjadwalan produksi dengan simulasi trial and error pada CMT A dan CMT B. Hasil dari penelitian ini untuk mengoptimalkan waktu kerja yang tersedia yaitu selama 4 hari, CMT A berdasarkan data histori perlu melakukan subkontrak sebanyak 3 orang, dengan cost sebesar Rp.432.000. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil forecast perlu melakukan subkontrak sebanyak 5 orang, dengan cost sebesar Rp.628.000. CMT B berdasarkan data histori p...
Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2017
CV. Mulia merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi sepatu. Masalah yang ditemukan ad... more CV. Mulia merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi sepatu. Masalah yang ditemukan adalah jarak antar fasilitas di lantai produksi yang cukup jauh satu sama lain sehingga menggangu produksi yang dihasilkan. Selain itu juga, akibat yang dihasilkan dari jarak antar fasilitas yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, juga mempengaruhi kegiatan penanganan material dari segi waktu yang dibutuhkan dan biaya yang dikeluarkan. Dalam tugas akhir ini, masalah tersebut dibahas dengan menggunakan 3 metode pencarian solusi alternatif untuk permasalahan tata letak tersebut, yaitu Relationship Diagramming Method, Hollier 2 Method, dan Direct Clustering Algorithm Method. Hasil terbaik adalah dengan menggunakan Relationship Diagramming Method dengan jarak yang paling optimal yaitu sebesar 260,5 meter. Jarak awal sebesar 385,5 meter dapat berkurang dengan menggunakan Relationship Diagramming Method yaitu berkurang sebesar 128 meter atau dalam persentase sebesar 33,20%. Keywords: Tata Letak Fasili...
Abstrak - Optimasi keuntungan dapat dicapai melalui berbagai macam cara, salah satunya adalah den... more Abstrak - Optimasi keuntungan dapat dicapai melalui berbagai macam cara, salah satunya adalah dengan merencanakan dan mengendalikan anggaran penjualan. Perencanaan dan pengendalian penjualan yang dirancang dengan baik dan tepat diharapkan mampu membantu dalam mencapai target penjualan agar memperoleh laba yang optimal. Pada umumnya, anggaran penjualan disusun terlebih dahulu sebelum menyusun anggaran lainnya. Tujuan utama pembuatan anggaran ini adalah untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian dimasa depan, memasukkan pertimbangan atau keputusan manajemen dalam proses perencanaan, memberikan informasi dalam profit planning control, serta mempermudah pengendalian penjualan. Metode Lagrange adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan titik maksimum dan minimum suatu fungsi yang diiringi dengan persyaratan atau kendala yang harus dipenuhi. Metode ini berguna untuk memperoleh nilai-nilai maksimum relatif atau minimum relatif dari fungsi f(x,y) yang dipengaruhi oleh fungsi persyaratan g(x,y)=0. L...
Crude Palm Oil (CPO) merupakan minyak setengah jadi yang bisa diolah menjadi beberapa jenis minya... more Crude Palm Oil (CPO) merupakan minyak setengah jadi yang bisa diolah menjadi beberapa jenis minyak. Bahan baku dari pembuatan minyak CPO adalah tandan buah segar (TBS) Kelapa Sawit yang memiliki syarat-syarat tertentu untuk diolah menjadi minyak CPO. Pemodelan time series dengan Fuzzy Time Series merupakan salah satu dari metode dengan menggunakan kecerdasan buatan yang semakin berkembang. Prosesnya juga tidak membutuhkan suatu sistem pembelajaran dari sistem yang rumit, sehingga fuzzy time series ini lebih mudah untuk digunakan. Untuk meramalkan data Grand Total TBS Kelapa Sawit pada PT. XYZ dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Time Series Chen dan Algoritma Ruey Chyn Tsaur. Maka didapatkan bahwa TBS Kelapa Sawit yang harus dipersiapkan untuk proses produksi minyak sawit CPO ( Crude Palm Oil ) tanggal 25 Maret 2015 sebanyak 1.382.570 Kg dengan nilai error sebesar 0,22% yang didapatkan dari rumus AFER ( Average Forecasting Error Rate ) untuk melakukan perhitungan peramalan Grand Total T...
ABSTRACTEntrepreneurship initiating and development program as a supporter of university programs... more ABSTRACTEntrepreneurship initiating and development program as a supporter of university programs as an enterprising university is designed to produce new entrepreneurs from FST UAI students and alumni. The activity plan starts from initial mapping, training, strengthening and launching. Preliminary Mapping takes SWOT measurements to map current tenants' strengths and weaknesses, to maximize opportunities and minimize threats that also accompany them. Followed by the trainings in seven parts, namely, business planning, financial planning, marketing management, E-Commerce, product development, Branding, IPR, and Muslimpreneur. Strengthening Phase 1 is the FGD regarding improvements and innovations, expansion and diversification, efficiency and utilization. In strengthening phase 2 there was discussion of real problems faced by tenants. The activity ended with the launch of 6 new ICT-based entrepreneurs per year and the publication of results. Keywords: entrepreneur, syariah, ICT,...
Persaingan ketat di dunia perindustrian pada saat ini menuntut setiap golongan industri memperbai... more Persaingan ketat di dunia perindustrian pada saat ini menuntut setiap golongan industri memperbaiki kinerja perusahaannya. Perbaikan kinerja dilakukan untuk meningkatkan daya saing antara suatu perusahaan dengan perusahaan lainnya. Dengan meningkatkan daya saing, perusahaan dapat menjaga eksistensi nya dalam dunia perindustrian. Selain itu, perusahaan juga dapat masuk ke pasar yang berbeda dan menarik lebih banyak konsumen dari berbagai golongan. IKM XYZ merupakan Industri Kecil Menengah yang bergerak di bidang industri tekstil. Sebagai IKM yang belum lama berdiri, IKM XYZ terus meingkatkan daya saing dengan salah satu nya menjaga ketepatan penjadwalan produksi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengukuran kinerja terhadap penjadwalan produksi di IKM XYZ. Pengukuran kinerja dilakukan dengan metode SCOR yang dibantu dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dalam penentuan bobot pada tiap atribut metrik. Metode tersebut digunakan untuk mengukur waktu proses produksi, ketepatan jum...
Pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok merupakan permasalah yang dapat terjadi bagi banyak perusahaan y... more Pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok merupakan permasalah yang dapat terjadi bagi banyak perusahaan yang menerapkan SCM (Supply Chain Management). IKM (Industri Kecil Menengah) ABC adalah perusahaan manufaktur make to stock yang memproduksi pakaian wanita seperti dress untuk wanita berhijab. Sedangkan IKM XYZ yaitu perusahaan manufaktur make to stock yang memproduksi pakaian anak-anak laki-laki mulai dari celana jeans, kaos serta kemeja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja SCOR (Supply Chain Operation Reference) pada perencanaan bahan baku di IKM ABC dan IKM XYZ dengan pendekatan Objective Matrix (OMAX) untuk mengetahui proses kerja yang memiliki performansi rendah dan harus segera diperbaiki. Atribut SCOR yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada 5, yaitu responsiveness, reliability, agility, cost dan asset management. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data didapatkan hasil bahwa kinerja supply chain yang memiliki performansi paling rendah dan harus diperbaiki pada IKM XYZ yaitu...
A n unexpected event in the supply chain will disturb material flow and activities in the whole. ... more A n unexpected event in the supply chain will disturb material flow and activities in the whole. The occurrence of such interference would have caused losses at time and cost. In order to anticipate this situation, it needs proper supply chain risk management. Research was done in wooden toy industry case study which has wide marketing range. Fuzzy Reasoning House of Risk (FRHOR) are used to solved the problem. FRHOR is combination of fuzzy reasoning risk assessment model and house of risk. House of Risk Method is used to identify the most potential risk agents, while the fuzzy reasoning risk assessment model is used to determine the risk severity by risk agents. Based on the analysis, it is found that risk agent stock out of the product is the most potential risk agent. To reduce the impact, recommended mitigation strategies that can be used for stock out product risk agents in werehouse are flexible supply base, safety stock, internal coordination, as well as create and control pr...
Abstrak – P engembangan model pendidikan pada manajemen rantai pasok Universitas Al Azhar Indones... more Abstrak – P engembangan model pendidikan pada manajemen rantai pasok Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI) yang mengacu pada model ITESCM diharapkan mampu memberikan masukan dan dapat dijadikan acuan oleh UAI agar dapat menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas sesuai dengan model dari pelaksanaan pendidikan dan penilaian pendidikan di UAI. Model manajemen rantai pasok pada bidang pendidikan ini dibatasi hanya pada proses pendidikan di UAI yang meliputi pelaksanaan dan penilaian pendidikan. Terdapat delapan hipotesis yang diuji kan , yaitu pengaruh masing-masing faktor, program establishment, university culture, faculty capabilities , dan facilities terhadap pelaksanaan dan penilaian pendidikan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesione r dengan jumlah sampel se besar 100 responden yang terdiri dari 4 orang strategic level , 19 orang planning level , dan 77 orang operating level yang penentuannya berdasarkan proportional sampling. Setelah dilakukan diuji validasi dan reliabilitas , hasi...
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is newest technology for mobile telecommunication, it has some advantag... more Long Term Evolution (LTE) is newest technology for mobile telecommunication, it has some advantages that are high data rates, low Iatency and using all Internet Protocols (IP) network architecture. The implementation of LTE requires high cost and takes a long time therefore we need network planning to reduce the risks, some calculations, simulations and optimization is done in network planning. We use software named Atoll as tool for network planning and use Taguchi’s Method (TM) as optimization technique. The objective of this paper is to obtain the optimal parameters value of azimuth, mechanical downtilt, antenna gain and antenna height. The result is the responses that determine the most influential factors due to result depending on their delta value. From this paper, the most influential factor based on SN ratio is antenna height which have delta value 9.47. Then we implement the optimized LTE radio transmitter parameters into LTE network design. The result gave more 12.2% cove...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Dec 1, 2017
The textile industry is one of the 10 commodities of industrial products which are still survives... more The textile industry is one of the 10 commodities of industrial products which are still survives in Indonesia due to the crisis in the year 2009 until 2016. Drawback happened in 2017 by increased the number of demand by approximate 3% compares with previous year. In this case, the research conducted in Small Medium Enterprise (SME) called FBS. SME is a business group that is able to absorb a lot of labor and a source of income for society. SME FBS producing clothing boys and domiciled in Jakarta. To complete FBS product, the WIP products are sent to CMT or depot in Sukabumi. In this study, aims to do the shortest route in the determination of the distribution of WIP product to 10 CMT scattered in the area of Sukabumi. After optimization hapened, the route must be started from the Depot SME FBS Sukabumi-Shell Sand Village – village of Sukamaju Village – Margaluyu Village – Narogong Cicurug, – the village of Parakanlima, Cuguha – Padabeunghar Village – Sagaranten Village – village of Ciherang, Ciguyang, Sagaranten – the village of Bojong Waru, Pasirsalam Village, Purabaya – Students – return to Depot SME FBS Sukabumi with mileage in a single trip of 403.6 kilometers. It spents 10 hours 09 minutes and cost distribution issued amounting to IDR 296,928.52. The route length was optimized 47% from 759.1 become 403.6 kilometers.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
Garbage is the remnants of human daily activities or natural processes that are solid or semi-sol... more Garbage is the remnants of human daily activities or natural processes that are solid or semi-solid, in the form of organic or inorganic substances, and are biodegradable or non-biodegradable which are considered to be no longer useful and thrown into the environment [2]. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a plastic waste processing device in order to produce an effective output and use of time efficiently. In this research, the development of plastic waste processing equipment products is done by integrating the chopper and heating machine into one tool, then can produce various kinds of recycle products. This plastic waste processor can process thermoplastic plastic types. Thermoplastic is a type of plastic that can be recycled or reprinted by reheating processes, such as Polyethylene (PE), Polystyrene (PS), ABS, Policarbonate (PC), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Polypropylene (PP). To make a prototype design of a plastic waste processing device, a product architecture is...
International Supply Chain Technology Journal, 2020
Abstract – A local elevator manufacturing company in Indonesia, Louserindo Megah Permai (LMP) has... more Abstract – A local elevator manufacturing company in Indonesia, Louserindo Megah Permai (LMP) has been competing for more than 20 years with many foreign companies that dominate the market. To stay competitive LMP needs to maintain and improve its supply chain performance. LMP strategy to stay in business is responsiveness to the customers demand. To do this LMP needs to identify and measure which specific supply chain performances need to be improved. The most popular tool for this purpose is the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model. Measurement variable used to measure the performance of the supply chain of LMP using the SCOR model is customer-focused that includes the Reliability attribute with Perfect Order Fulfillment metrics, and Responsiveness with Order Fulfillment Cycle Time metrics. The result shows that the measurement for the result of LMP's supply chain for the period of 2014, earned performance value of 79.95%. The calculations on SCOR performance indicators that have been done, there are 2 metrics that includes in low-performance value, which is Delivery Performance to Customer Commit Date with the performance value of 40%, and Source Cycle Time with the value of 44%. Further in 2015 LMP repeated the measurement in some different aspects of the SCOR performances. LMP gained more in terms of reliability 83.69% but lose more in terms of responsiveness with an average of 69%.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Good risk management will reduce the impact and risk of an event. In this study discussed the ris... more Good risk management will reduce the impact and risk of an event. In this study discussed the risks that may arise in the wooden toy industry supply chain and how to manage these risks. The calculation divided into three phases; there are risk mapping, risk assessment, and risk management. House of Risk (HOR) is used in calculating potential risks and Analytical Network Process (ANP) is used to choose the best strategy for supply chain risk management. Followed by HOR calculation, risk that has the greatest value and selected as potential risk is the risk of price/cost fluctuations with an ARP value of 432. The strategy of this risk is grouped based on 2 causes, namely raw material price fluctuations and poor management. With ANP calculations, the strategy for raw material price fluctuations are understanding and determining the quantity of material used (28.14%) and combining woods with various commodities (23.23%). Then the alternative for poor management are doing strategic finan...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Risk is a factor that has a potential to occur in every part of an industry, including its supply... more Risk is a factor that has a potential to occur in every part of an industry, including its supply chain. Every industry must consider and manage its supply chain risks in order to minimize losses while improving performance. In this study, a supply chain risk management (SCRM) approach was conducted in the supply chain of wooden toy industry as a way to minimize the impact of risk. In this case, SCRM method is done by identifying risks, assessing risks using the failure mode effect criticality analysis (FMECA) method to determine the risk priorities that must be mitigated, and establish strategies to mitigate the risk with analytical network process (ANP) method. Thus, the risk priority in the wooden toy industry’s supply chain is the cost/price risk with the highest WRPN value of 33,379. In order to mitigate the cost/price risk, conducting strategic accounting practices and financial planning are recommended to be considered as its strategies.
Papers by Widya Tanjung