Papers by Ximena Poblete Nuñez
Reflective Practice, Jul 4, 2019
This article discusses the relationships between reflective practice and research for professiona... more This article discusses the relationships between reflective practice and research for professionals who are research participants. It offers an analysis of the opportunities for reflective practice created for participants through their involvement in research. Three examples of research into professional's perspectives on practice with children in Chile, Malta and Cyprus are presented and analysed. The analysis of the three examples shows the role research can have in creating particular kinds of spaces and relationships that facilitate reflection and how it can introduce dimensions that are normally excluded from critical reflection within a profession. The examples show this as involving: reflection, insight and action; meaning making and empowerment and the interactions between macro, meso and micro perspectives.

Gender and Education, 2018
In this paper, I discuss how professional identities in early childhood education in Chile are pe... more In this paper, I discuss how professional identities in early childhood education in Chile are performatively constituted within the interplay between a religious discourse of vocation and gender. 'Having the vocation' has become a regime of truth that regulates and governs educators' behaviours, motivations and relationships in their workplace. By deconstructing the concept of vocation through a poststructuralist and feminist theory, I show the arising tensions in this discourse, emphasising that it positions female early childhood educators as a subject of both exploitation and admiration. Vocation shapes early years practitioners not only as nurturing and caring, but deeply altruist, devoted and selfsacrificed women seeking (eternal) salvation. Exposing the contradictory nature of this discourse, the article highlights its tensions with the professionalization of the early years workforce. Whilst vocation situates practitioners as good educators and morally good women, it allows for workforce exploitation, trapping them in hazardous working conditions.
Reflective Practice, 2019
This article discusses the relationships between reflective practice and research for professiona... more This article discusses the relationships between reflective practice and research for professionals who are research participants. It offers an analysis of the opportunities for reflective practice created for participants through their involvement in research. Three examples of research into professional's perspectives on practice with children in Chile, Malta and Cyprus are presented and analysed. The analysis of the three examples shows the role research can have in creating particular kinds of spaces and relationships that facilitate reflection and how it can introduce dimensions that are normally excluded from critical reflection within a profession. The examples show this as involving: reflection, insight and action; meaning making and empowerment and the interactions between macro, meso and micro perspectives.
School leadership and management, Feb 28, 2024
Review of education, Sep 8, 2019
This guide accompanies the following article: Rogers, S., Brown, C., & Poblete, X. (2019)... more This guide accompanies the following article: Rogers, S., Brown, C., & Poblete, X. (2019)A systematic review of the evidence base for professional learning in early years education (The PLEYE Review), Review of Education,
Educación en Latinoamerica

OECD Publishing eBooks, Jan 11, 2019
This document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status o... more This document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. 2 │ EDU/WKP(2019)1 CURRICULUM ALIGNMENT AND PROGRESSION BETWEEN ECEC AND PRIMARY SCHOOL … Unclassified OECD EDUCATION WORKING PAPERS SERIES OECD Working Papers should not be reported as representing the official views of the OECD or of its member countries. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein are those of the author(s). Working Papers describe preliminary results or research in progress by the author(s) and are published to stimulate discussion on a broad range of issues on which the OECD works. Comments on Working Papers are welcome, and may be sent to the Directorate for Education and Skills, OECD,
International perspectives on early childhood education and development, 2022

OECD Education Working Papers, 2019
This document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status o... more This document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. 2 │ EDU/WKP(2019)1 CURRICULUM ALIGNMENT AND PROGRESSION BETWEEN ECEC AND PRIMARY SCHOOL … Unclassified OECD EDUCATION WORKING PAPERS SERIES OECD Working Papers should not be reported as representing the official views of the OECD or of its member countries. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein are those of the author(s). Working Papers describe preliminary results or research in progress by the author(s) and are published to stimulate discussion on a broad range of issues on which the OECD works. Comments on Working Papers are welcome, and may be sent to the Directorate for Education and Skills, OECD,
British Educational Research Journal, 2021

British Educational Research Journal, 2020
The relationship between education practice and education research has a long history. In modern ... more The relationship between education practice and education research has a long history. In modern times, education practice and its relation to education research has been central to debates about the nature and quality of education as an academic discipline in universities. This article reports an empirical study that investigated a new instantiation of the practice–theory debate: ‘close‐to‐practice’ research in education. The research sought to (a) define and further articulate the concept of close‐to‐practice research and (b) provide reflections on the quality of close‐to‐practice research. The orientation of the work reported in this article is informed by theory on traditions of knowledge in the organisation of education that have contributed to the development of education as an academic discipline. The main section of the article reports the findings of the empirical study. The research design was a rapid evidence assessment (REA), and a series of interviews with education res...
Review of Education, 2019

RESUMEN La investigación en el campo del liderazgo educativo ha predominado en la literatura esco... more RESUMEN La investigación en el campo del liderazgo educativo ha predominado en la literatura escolar, mientras existe escaso conocimiento al respecto en la educación inicial, a pesar de las distinciones de este nivel. A su vez, el liderazgo se ha estudiado desde una perspectiva tradicionalmente masculina, aunque existe una incipiente literatura en el área del liderazgo femenino. En este contexto, la investigación indaga, desde una perspectiva de género, las visiones y prácticas que ejercen las directoras de jardines infantiles y coordinadoras del nivel en establecimientos escolares. Con el fin de lograr este objetivo se realizó un estudio cualitativo basado en entrevistas en profundidad a 24 directoras/ coordinadoras de establecimientos de distintas dependencias y un seguimiento a seis de las entrevistadas a través de un enfoque etnográfico durante la jornada laboral de una semana, a lo que se sumó entrevistas de cierre a las mismas seis directoras/coordinadoras. Los resultados del estudio evidencian que prevalece un liderazgo del bienestar de parte de las agentes directivas, lo que es consistente con su ética profesional en el trabajo con la primera infancia. Aunque este estilo pueda traer beneficios para su identidad profesional, desde una perspectiva de género la investigación da cuenta de que tal tipo de liderazgo implica a su vez un doble filo. Las autoras alertan el riesgo de elogiar de modo acrítico un "liderazgo femenino" y evidencian tensiones al perpetuar estereotipos de género. El texto finaliza proponiendo nuevos desafíos al respecto, desde una ética del cuidado feminista. Conceptos clave: liderazgo femenino, género, feminismo, directores, educación inicial, educación parvularia DOUBLE-EDGED LEADERSHIP: HEADTEACHERS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION
Resumen: La obra del neurobiólogo chileno Francisco Varela se conoce principalmente por sus estud... more Resumen: La obra del neurobiólogo chileno Francisco Varela se conoce principalmente por sus estudios sobre la biología del conocimiento. Sin embargo, esta parte de su trabajo puede considerarse sólo como la antesala de su investigación más importante, desarrollada en Francia: la neurobiología de la experiencia consciente. En este artículo, se explora el trabajo de Varela en su etapa francesa, apoyándose en una entrevista a su ex colaborador, David Rudrauf, actualmente uno de los más destacados investigadores en neurobiología de los estados mentales.

Calidad en la Educación
La investigación en el campo del liderazgo educativo ha predominado en la literatura escolar, mie... more La investigación en el campo del liderazgo educativo ha predominado en la literatura escolar, mientras existe escaso conocimiento al respecto en la educación inicial, a pesar de las distinciones de este nivel. A su vez, el liderazgo se ha estudiado desde una perspectiva tradicionalmente masculina, aunque existe una incipiente literatura en el área del liderazgo femenino. En este contexto, la investigación indaga, desde una perspectiva de género, las visiones y prácticas que ejercen las directoras de jardines infantiles y coordinadoras del nivel en establecimientos escolares. Con el fin de lograr este objetivo se realizó un estudio cualitativo basado en entrevistas en profundidad a 24 directoras/coordinadoras de establecimientos de distintas dependencias y un seguimiento a seis de las entrevistadas a través de un enfoque etnográfico durante la jornada laboral de una semana, a lo que se sumó entrevistas de cierre a las mismas seis directoras/coordinadoras. Los resultados del estudio e...

Gender and Education, 2018
In this paper, I discuss how professional identities in early childhood education in Chile are pe... more In this paper, I discuss how professional identities in early childhood education in Chile are performatively constituted within the interplay between a religious discourse of vocation and gender. ‘Having the vocation’ has become a regime of truth that regulates and governs educators’ behaviours, motivations and relationships in their workplace. By deconstructing the concept of vocation through a poststructuralist and feminist theory, I show the arising tensions in this discourse, emphasising that it positions female early childhood educators as a subject of both exploitation and admiration. Vocation shapes early years practitioners not only as nurturing and caring, but deeply altruist, devoted and self-sacrificed women seeking (eternal) salvation. Exposing the contradictory nature of this discourse, the article highlights its tensions with the professionalization of the early years workforce. Whilst vocation situates practitioners as good educators and morally good women, it allows for workforce exploitation, trapping them in hazardous working conditions.
Resumen: La obra del neurobiólogo chileno Francisco Varela se conoce principalmente por sus estud... more Resumen: La obra del neurobiólogo chileno Francisco Varela se conoce principalmente por sus estudios sobre la biología del conocimiento. Sin embargo, esta parte de su trabajo puede considerarse sólo como la antesala de su investigación más importante, desarrollada en Francia: la neurobiología de la experiencia consciente. En este artículo, se explora el trabajo de Varela en su etapa francesa, apoyándose en una entrevista a su ex colaborador, David Rudrauf, actualmente uno de los más destacados investigadores en neurobiología de los estados mentales.
Resumen: La obra del neurobiólogo chileno Francisco Varela se conoce principalmente por sus estud... more Resumen: La obra del neurobiólogo chileno Francisco Varela se conoce principalmente por sus estudios sobre la biología del conocimiento. Sin embargo, esta parte de su trabajo puede considerarse sólo como la antesala de su investigación más importante, desarrollada en Francia: la neurobiología de la experiencia consciente. En este artículo, se explora el trabajo de Varela en su etapa francesa, apoyándose en una entrevista a su ex colaborador, David Rudrauf, actualmente uno de los más destacados investigadores en neurobiología de los estados mentales.

La educación de la primera infancia ha estado históricamente a cargo de mujeres, asociada a discu... more La educación de la primera infancia ha estado históricamente a cargo de mujeres, asociada a discursos maternalistas. Esto conlleva una composición de la fuerza laboral altamente feminizada, en que, a pesar de los recurrentes discursos proinfancia, la labor de las educadoras infantiles es entendida como un trabajo fácil e instintivo, que no requiere formación profesional. Ello es parte de una injusticia epistémica respecto a la valoración patriarcal de los saberes y prácticas de las profesiones. Resulta crucial, desde una perspectiva de género, deconstruir estos discursos anclados en variados niveles, concretamente en el educativo, para examinar los símbolos, las experiencias, el posicionamiento y el ejercicio de las educadoras en su rol profesional. El artículo es un ensayo teórico-reflexivo que tiene el propósito de analizar los dilemas en torno a la concepción de profesionalismo del nivel educativo y desarrollar una propuesta a partir de una perspectiva feminista de la ética del cuidado.
Papers by Ximena Poblete Nuñez