Books by Mario Ramirez Galan
Archaeopress, 2020
This volume is in honor of the American scholar Rev. H. Richard Rutherford, C.S.C, Ph.D (Universi... more This volume is in honor of the American scholar Rev. H. Richard Rutherford, C.S.C, Ph.D (University of Portland). It contains the papers presented at the Archaeometry Symposium in the 74th Northwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (NORM) which took place in Portland (Oregon), June 18th 2019, covering a wide range of topics. The volume includes papers about the application of different techniques in archaeology in order to comprehend some aspects during and after the excavation, for instance, physics, chemical analysis, remote sensing, LiDAR, etc. This work compiles papers about sites from different places around of the world, Spain, Canada, Thailand, Lithuania or Russia.
Studies in archaeomertry book
Archaeometry is the connection between Natural Sciences and Archaeology and thanks to methods use... more Archaeometry is the connection between Natural Sciences and Archaeology and thanks to methods used by Natural Sciences it is possible to answer archaeological questions. In the last decades, archaeometric studies have increased, allowing to reach a better understanding of technologies and other aspects from previous ages. Potential topics in this book may include, but not limited to: remote sensing, geophysical prospection, dating methods, artifact studies, mathematical methods, and archaeometallurgical processes and findings.
We thus invite researchers with a background in archaeometry and related fields to present case studies to highlight the diversity of this field.
Papers will be published through Access Archaeology Archaeopress.

Archaeopress, 2017
Los yacimientos olvidados: registro y musealización de campos de batalla is a project that aims t... more Los yacimientos olvidados: registro y musealización de campos de batalla is a project that aims to encompass all aspects of battlefield archaeology, in order to be a reference work in this study area. Therefore, a detailed historiographical study about this branch of archaeology has been made, from early origins until the present day, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of the evolution of battlefield archaeology. Two methodologies, archaeological and museographical, are proposed for the treatment of this particular type of archaeological site. In order to prove the viability of both methodologies, a theoretical application has been carried out in two research examples from different periods, demonstrating both the project’s methodological validity and reinforcing our theories.
Two registers were made regarding battlefields ¬- one historical and another archaeological. The purpose of this was to catalogue all possible existing sites in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula from Roman times through to the Spanish Civil War, which will hopefully serve as a point of reference for future researchers. Through this book, people will be able to understand the great potential of Spanish battlefields and their heritage. Furthermore, Spain could be regarded as a very important country regarding battlefield archaeology.
Papers by Mario Ramirez Galan

HERMUS, 2021
Uno de los objetivos del proyecto PAdGUE para el estudio de la Guerra de la Independencia español... more Uno de los objetivos del proyecto PAdGUE para el estudio de la Guerra de la Independencia española (1808-1814) es proponer la musealización de los campos de batalla más relevantes de esta contienda. En este sentido, la cartografía constituye una fuente primordial para reconstruir el terreno original en un momento puntual. A través del análisis de mapas histórico-militares, podemos tener una perspectiva más precisa para entender algunos aspectos que podían ser confusos si nos limitásemos a trabajar solamente con las fuentes escritas, la topografía actual, los restos arqueológicos y los elementos patrimoniales. En este trabajo, presentamos una propuesta de musealización del campo de batalla de Bailén que ayude a investigadores y visitantes a interpretar un territorio deteriorado a través del uso de las nuevas tecnologías: códigos QR, beacon y modelado 3D para la creación de rutas y recreaciones virtuales, y para la elaboración de fichas de conservación de los recursos patrimoniales. La finalidad de este trabajo es doble. Por un lado, se pone en valor estos espacios de conflicto en sí mismo para explicar el enfrentamiento y recuperar así este lugar histórico y los escasos elementos patrimoniales que alberga; y por otro, se conecta este con el territorio actual y los espacios dedicados a la memoria de este hecho y de sus personajes más importantes, creando rutas culturales. Por tanto, esta interpretación del patrimonio implica, además, sumergir al visitante no solo en un momento puntual sino dentro de una sociedad que vivió un conflicto armado que significó el fin del Antiguo Régimen.

Archaeological prospection, 2020
The ongoing study of the Andalusian castle of Alcalá la Vieja (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain) ... more The ongoing study of the Andalusian castle of Alcalá la Vieja (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain) continues to provide new insights about this Muslim fortress. However, the investigation of other battlefield locations around this stronghold, such as Malvecino Hill, have remained in the background. As the site where the Christian army built a temporary castle, Malvecino played a decisive role during the siege and conquest of Alcalá la Vieja in 1118 and is a strong candidate for archaeological study.
Some early archaeological prospections carried out at Malvecino in the 1970s corroborated the existence of medieval remains. Scholars have debated whether those remains derive from the fortress built by the Christians or to an earlier settlement. Unfortunately, those artefacts and features disappeared and are not available for additional investigation.
Given the lack of archeological context, our investigation included the process of locating potential archaeological features in Malvecino Hill using both aerial photography and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) datasets. This article highlights the value of LiDAR prospection as a preliminary step to fieldwork and describes two early medieval structures on Malvecino Hill that were newly revealed by our LiDAR visualization.
Gladius, 2020
The castle of Alcalá la Vieja (Alcalá de Henares) has been the case study in numerous investigati... more The castle of Alcalá la Vieja (Alcalá de Henares) has been the case study in numerous investigations since the eighties, but the siege —which took place in 1118— has remained forgotten. Due to the discovery of four stone projectiles in 2017, we have carried out several works to widen the knowledge about this historical fact, and also to fill some existing gaps. For this task, we opted for proposing an interdisciplinary study: combining archaeological and historical data with physical calculations and spatial analyses. The amalgamation of different research areas has served to fix a series of documentary problems found in written sources; this would not have been possible follow-ing only a standard methodology based on historical and archaeological information
Archaeometry, 2020
Investigations of the siege of Islamic Alcalá la Vieja (Madrid, Spain) by Christian forces in twe... more Investigations of the siege of Islamic Alcalá la Vieja (Madrid, Spain) by Christian forces in twelfth century CE have depended on secondary sources proven to be unreliable and error‐laden. In our search for possible locations of trebuchets used by the Christian attackers, we opted for an interdisciplinary approach combining elements from archaeology, physics and spatial analysis. The discovery of stone projectiles near the Islamic fortress has allowed us to apply projectile physics in calculation of several effective firing ranges for each stone. Those outcomes, in combination with geographic information system (GIS) data, have revealed a possible location where Christian forces could have effectively deployed hybrid trebuchets as siege engines.
CuPAUAM, 2019
The study of conflicts through the use of the archaeology is becoming a usual research field beca... more The study of conflicts through the use of the archaeology is becoming a usual research field because it is a good way to provide information which is missing in the written sources. This is the situation for the siege of Alcalá la Vieja (Alcalá de Henares), which took place in 1118. The present paper seeks to address how to solve this problem with an interdisciplinary study, combining historical and archaeological information with the use of new technologies, specifically, geographic information systems. In this context, we tried to analyze the places where the Christian army established its main camp and also where, apparently, they built a temporary castle to besiege the Muslim fortress.

Proceedings of the Fields of Conflict 10th Biennial International Conference, 2018. Edited by Nikita Moreira, Michael Derderian, & Ashley Bissonette. Mashantucket Museum and Research Center., 2019
The research of this medieval battlefield was necessary to gain a deeper knowledge about this his... more The research of this medieval battlefield was necessary to gain a deeper knowledge about this historical fact because studies never focused on it. The main information was located in secondary written sources, however it was not completely reliable or clear, for example when they talked about trebuchets and their location, or the situation of the temporary castle in Malvecino hill. In order to fill these gaps, we decided to use “traditional” methods in archaeology, like aerial photographs, and new techniques, like LiDAR or physical calculations.
Through the combination of physics and historical and archaeological data we could propose a new perspective about the battle and siege of Alcalá la Vieja, allowing us to establish a new theory about this place.
Cuadernos de prehistoria y arqueología de la Universidad de Granada, 2016
RESUMEn Los campos de batalla son un tipo de yacimiento arqueológico presente en todos los period... more RESUMEn Los campos de batalla son un tipo de yacimiento arqueológico presente en todos los periodos de la historia, desde la prehistoria hasta edad contemporánea, los cuales poseen unos rasgos que los identifica y diferencia del resto. Es por ello que necesitan ser estudiados con una metodología acorde a sus características. Estos yacimientos vienen siendo trabajados, e investigados, en otros países desde el siglo xix, con una serie de métodos que a día de hoy siguen vigentes, pero que han ido evolucionando. Nosotros con este trabajo pretendemos añadir nuevos componentes metodológicos con nuestra propuesta arqueológica para el tratamiento de campos de batalla.

Boletín del Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 2017
Resumen: La musealización de campos de batalla es un área de trabajo que tiene una larga tradició... more Resumen: La musealización de campos de batalla es un área de trabajo que tiene una larga tradición en otros países como Estados Unidos, Francia, Inglaterra o Alemania, debido a que estos yacimientos arqueológicos forman parte de su patrimonio cultural, y por esta razón son conservados y acondicionados para su visita. A lo largo del siguiente artículo exponemos las pautas de la propuesta de musealización que hemos desarrollado, y cómo sería su aplicación sobre un caso concreto, como es el campo de batalla de Uclés. Con este trabajo queremos mostrar la viabilidad del acondicionamiento museográfico de esta tipología de yacimientos.
Abstract: The musealization of battlefields is a work area with a long tradition in others countries as: United States, France, England or Germany, due to these archaeological sites form part of their cultural heritage, and for this reason they are preserved and prepared for tourist visits. Along this article, we show the guidelines of our methodology of musealization that we have developed, and how the implementation would be on a specific case, like the battlefield of Uclés. With this work, we want to show the viability of musealizing this type of sites.
ArtyHum Revista Digital de Artes y Humanidades, 2017
Battlefield archaeology is a very important field of study at international level. This research ... more Battlefield archaeology is a very important field of study at international level. This research area is linked to the osteological study of remains because of the information it provides. In this article, we made a synthesis of the most important elements for the analysis of skeletal remains in a battlefield, from specialized works in this field. The work is divided into three parts: types of traumas and fractures, identification of perimortem traumas and identification of the weapons used. With these different analyses, the archaeologist can get a great amount of data necessary to understand not only the battle but how the warriors fought and what kind of weaponry they used in their period.
Battlefields are a typology of archaeological sites, and therefore they must be protect... more Abstract:
Battlefields are a typology of archaeological sites, and therefore they must be protected by heritage laws. This concept of protection is well rooted in other countries, because a lot of them have specific laws for their conservation.
With this article we want to show the situation of these historical spaces in our country.
Los campos de batalla son una tipología de yacimientos arqueológicos, y por lo tanto deben ser protegidos a través de la normativa patrimonial. Este concepto de protección está muy arraigado en otros países, ya que muchos poseen leyes específicas para su conservación.
A través de este artículo queremos mostrar cual es la situación en nuestro país de estos espacios históricos.

The musealization of this typology of sites is not developed in Spain, nevertheless without futur... more The musealization of this typology of sites is not developed in Spain, nevertheless without future or possibilities, because we have a rich military history and very important battles nationally and internationally. In this proposal we intend to show how a musealization of a battle would be possible using all technical advantages to our willingness, which brings this part of our cultural heritage to the society. We select the battle of Alarcos to show the implementation, theoretically, what we propose during the following lines and seeing if the musealization was viable or not, and as you will be checking after having read, it is possible.
La musealización de esta tipología de yacimientos es un campo no muy desarrollado en España, pero no por ello sin futuro o sin posibilidades, ya que contamos con una historia militar muy rica y con batallas muy importantes tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. En esta propuesta pretendemos mostrar cómo sería una posible musealización de una batalla utilizando todos los avances técnicos a nuestra disposición, los cuales nos permiten acercar a la sociedad esta parte de nuestro patrimonio cultural. Seleccionamos la Batalla de Alarcos para mostrar la aplicación, de una manera teórica, de lo que nosotros proponemos durante las siguientes líneas, y ver si era viable o no la musealización de un campo de batalla, y como ustedes podrán observar tras la lectura del artículo, es posible.

e-rph, nº18. Revista electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico, Jun 2016
Los campos de batalla son una tipología de yacimientos arqueológicos; son parte del patri... more Resumen
Los campos de batalla son una tipología de yacimientos arqueológicos; son parte del patrimonio de cada país, y por ese motivo son protegidos en muchos estados, ya que son conscientes de la importancia que tienen.
En este artículo hemos analizado distintas normativas para campos de batalla en varios países, para ver cómo funcionan y que características tienen, observando las diferencias con nuestro país y ver la situación real en la que se encuentran en España.
Battlefields are a type of archaeological sites; they are a part of cultural heritage of each country, and for that reason they are protected in many states, since they are aware of the importance that they have.
In this article we have analysed different regulations for battlefields in different countries, to see how they work and what features they have, observing differences with our country and seeing the real situation in Spain.
Battlefield archaeology is a developed area of studies in Anglo-Saxon countries, mainly in the Un... more Battlefield archaeology is a developed area of studies in Anglo-Saxon countries, mainly in the United Kingdom, allowing an accurate and valuable interpretation of armed engagements. This situation in our country is exactly the opposite, where this part of archaeology is deeply abandoned, especially medieval battlefields. Despite this, Spain has got many archaeological sites worth researching and studying. Ciudad Real is a good example of this, for it has got emblematic sites as Alarcos or Calatrava, and many more yet to investigate.
Battlefield archaeology is a developed area of studies in Anglo-Saxon countries, mainly in the Un... more Battlefield archaeology is a developed area of studies in Anglo-Saxon countries, mainly in the United Kingdom, allowing an accurate and valuable interpretation of armed engagements. This situation in our country is exactly the opposite, where this part of archaeology is deeply abandoned, especially medieval battlefields. Despite this, Spain has got many archaeological sites worth researching and studying. Ciudad Real is a good example of this, for it has got emblematic sites as Alarcos or Calatrava, and many more yet to investigate.
La arqueología de campos de batalla es un campo de estudio relativamente nuevo en nuestro país, a... more La arqueología de campos de batalla es un campo de estudio relativamente nuevo en nuestro país, así como las posibilidades que brindan al estudio de todo lo referente a la historia militar.
En este artículo mostramos una de las aplicaciones de esta área de la arqueología, concretamente cómo comprender de una manera mucho más clara las técnicas utilizadas en la Edad Media, en concreto las que tienen que ver con la caballería medieval. Para ello, usamos como caso de estudio el campo de batalla de Las Navas de Tolosa, una de las más célebres batallas acaecidas en nuestro país.
Las Navas de Tolosa is one of the most important battles of Spain’s history, from both an histori... more Las Navas de Tolosa is one of the most important battles of Spain’s history, from both an historical and heritage point of view. The combination of both components makes the medieval battlefield the best place for the development of museographic works, which must be subsequent to field work.
For this reason we believe that Las Navas de Tolosa may be the starting point for future projects about musealisation of Spanish battlefields, it would be an approach to those countries that know the value of these archaeological sites.
Arqueoweb:Revista sobre Arqueología en Internet, Vol 14, Nº1, 2013, 2013
The battlefields are a typology of site with a great potential, both archaeological and museograp... more The battlefields are a typology of site with a great potential, both archaeological and museographic. In Anglo-Saxon countries, principally, France and Germany are aware of it and, therefore, they are developing a conservation and musealization policy for years.
In our country it doesn’t happen, since they are relegated to second place by the sites that we know as traditional and classical, with all the consequences that this situation implies:
deterioration and destruction.
The archaeological and museographic treatment of them is totally necessary because of their great historical and archaeological value. Thus, in our article we will embody a general musealization model of this kind of site.
Books by Mario Ramirez Galan
We thus invite researchers with a background in archaeometry and related fields to present case studies to highlight the diversity of this field.
Papers will be published through Access Archaeology Archaeopress.
Two registers were made regarding battlefields ¬- one historical and another archaeological. The purpose of this was to catalogue all possible existing sites in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula from Roman times through to the Spanish Civil War, which will hopefully serve as a point of reference for future researchers. Through this book, people will be able to understand the great potential of Spanish battlefields and their heritage. Furthermore, Spain could be regarded as a very important country regarding battlefield archaeology.
Papers by Mario Ramirez Galan
Some early archaeological prospections carried out at Malvecino in the 1970s corroborated the existence of medieval remains. Scholars have debated whether those remains derive from the fortress built by the Christians or to an earlier settlement. Unfortunately, those artefacts and features disappeared and are not available for additional investigation.
Given the lack of archeological context, our investigation included the process of locating potential archaeological features in Malvecino Hill using both aerial photography and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) datasets. This article highlights the value of LiDAR prospection as a preliminary step to fieldwork and describes two early medieval structures on Malvecino Hill that were newly revealed by our LiDAR visualization.
Through the combination of physics and historical and archaeological data we could propose a new perspective about the battle and siege of Alcalá la Vieja, allowing us to establish a new theory about this place.
Abstract: The musealization of battlefields is a work area with a long tradition in others countries as: United States, France, England or Germany, due to these archaeological sites form part of their cultural heritage, and for this reason they are preserved and prepared for tourist visits. Along this article, we show the guidelines of our methodology of musealization that we have developed, and how the implementation would be on a specific case, like the battlefield of Uclés. With this work, we want to show the viability of musealizing this type of sites.
Battlefields are a typology of archaeological sites, and therefore they must be protected by heritage laws. This concept of protection is well rooted in other countries, because a lot of them have specific laws for their conservation.
With this article we want to show the situation of these historical spaces in our country.
Los campos de batalla son una tipología de yacimientos arqueológicos, y por lo tanto deben ser protegidos a través de la normativa patrimonial. Este concepto de protección está muy arraigado en otros países, ya que muchos poseen leyes específicas para su conservación.
A través de este artículo queremos mostrar cual es la situación en nuestro país de estos espacios históricos.
La musealización de esta tipología de yacimientos es un campo no muy desarrollado en España, pero no por ello sin futuro o sin posibilidades, ya que contamos con una historia militar muy rica y con batallas muy importantes tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. En esta propuesta pretendemos mostrar cómo sería una posible musealización de una batalla utilizando todos los avances técnicos a nuestra disposición, los cuales nos permiten acercar a la sociedad esta parte de nuestro patrimonio cultural. Seleccionamos la Batalla de Alarcos para mostrar la aplicación, de una manera teórica, de lo que nosotros proponemos durante las siguientes líneas, y ver si era viable o no la musealización de un campo de batalla, y como ustedes podrán observar tras la lectura del artículo, es posible.
Los campos de batalla son una tipología de yacimientos arqueológicos; son parte del patrimonio de cada país, y por ese motivo son protegidos en muchos estados, ya que son conscientes de la importancia que tienen.
En este artículo hemos analizado distintas normativas para campos de batalla en varios países, para ver cómo funcionan y que características tienen, observando las diferencias con nuestro país y ver la situación real en la que se encuentran en España.
Battlefields are a type of archaeological sites; they are a part of cultural heritage of each country, and for that reason they are protected in many states, since they are aware of the importance that they have.
In this article we have analysed different regulations for battlefields in different countries, to see how they work and what features they have, observing differences with our country and seeing the real situation in Spain.
En este artículo mostramos una de las aplicaciones de esta área de la arqueología, concretamente cómo comprender de una manera mucho más clara las técnicas utilizadas en la Edad Media, en concreto las que tienen que ver con la caballería medieval. Para ello, usamos como caso de estudio el campo de batalla de Las Navas de Tolosa, una de las más célebres batallas acaecidas en nuestro país.
For this reason we believe that Las Navas de Tolosa may be the starting point for future projects about musealisation of Spanish battlefields, it would be an approach to those countries that know the value of these archaeological sites.
In our country it doesn’t happen, since they are relegated to second place by the sites that we know as traditional and classical, with all the consequences that this situation implies:
deterioration and destruction.
The archaeological and museographic treatment of them is totally necessary because of their great historical and archaeological value. Thus, in our article we will embody a general musealization model of this kind of site.
We thus invite researchers with a background in archaeometry and related fields to present case studies to highlight the diversity of this field.
Papers will be published through Access Archaeology Archaeopress.
Two registers were made regarding battlefields ¬- one historical and another archaeological. The purpose of this was to catalogue all possible existing sites in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula from Roman times through to the Spanish Civil War, which will hopefully serve as a point of reference for future researchers. Through this book, people will be able to understand the great potential of Spanish battlefields and their heritage. Furthermore, Spain could be regarded as a very important country regarding battlefield archaeology.
Some early archaeological prospections carried out at Malvecino in the 1970s corroborated the existence of medieval remains. Scholars have debated whether those remains derive from the fortress built by the Christians or to an earlier settlement. Unfortunately, those artefacts and features disappeared and are not available for additional investigation.
Given the lack of archeological context, our investigation included the process of locating potential archaeological features in Malvecino Hill using both aerial photography and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) datasets. This article highlights the value of LiDAR prospection as a preliminary step to fieldwork and describes two early medieval structures on Malvecino Hill that were newly revealed by our LiDAR visualization.
Through the combination of physics and historical and archaeological data we could propose a new perspective about the battle and siege of Alcalá la Vieja, allowing us to establish a new theory about this place.
Abstract: The musealization of battlefields is a work area with a long tradition in others countries as: United States, France, England or Germany, due to these archaeological sites form part of their cultural heritage, and for this reason they are preserved and prepared for tourist visits. Along this article, we show the guidelines of our methodology of musealization that we have developed, and how the implementation would be on a specific case, like the battlefield of Uclés. With this work, we want to show the viability of musealizing this type of sites.
Battlefields are a typology of archaeological sites, and therefore they must be protected by heritage laws. This concept of protection is well rooted in other countries, because a lot of them have specific laws for their conservation.
With this article we want to show the situation of these historical spaces in our country.
Los campos de batalla son una tipología de yacimientos arqueológicos, y por lo tanto deben ser protegidos a través de la normativa patrimonial. Este concepto de protección está muy arraigado en otros países, ya que muchos poseen leyes específicas para su conservación.
A través de este artículo queremos mostrar cual es la situación en nuestro país de estos espacios históricos.
La musealización de esta tipología de yacimientos es un campo no muy desarrollado en España, pero no por ello sin futuro o sin posibilidades, ya que contamos con una historia militar muy rica y con batallas muy importantes tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. En esta propuesta pretendemos mostrar cómo sería una posible musealización de una batalla utilizando todos los avances técnicos a nuestra disposición, los cuales nos permiten acercar a la sociedad esta parte de nuestro patrimonio cultural. Seleccionamos la Batalla de Alarcos para mostrar la aplicación, de una manera teórica, de lo que nosotros proponemos durante las siguientes líneas, y ver si era viable o no la musealización de un campo de batalla, y como ustedes podrán observar tras la lectura del artículo, es posible.
Los campos de batalla son una tipología de yacimientos arqueológicos; son parte del patrimonio de cada país, y por ese motivo son protegidos en muchos estados, ya que son conscientes de la importancia que tienen.
En este artículo hemos analizado distintas normativas para campos de batalla en varios países, para ver cómo funcionan y que características tienen, observando las diferencias con nuestro país y ver la situación real en la que se encuentran en España.
Battlefields are a type of archaeological sites; they are a part of cultural heritage of each country, and for that reason they are protected in many states, since they are aware of the importance that they have.
In this article we have analysed different regulations for battlefields in different countries, to see how they work and what features they have, observing differences with our country and seeing the real situation in Spain.
En este artículo mostramos una de las aplicaciones de esta área de la arqueología, concretamente cómo comprender de una manera mucho más clara las técnicas utilizadas en la Edad Media, en concreto las que tienen que ver con la caballería medieval. Para ello, usamos como caso de estudio el campo de batalla de Las Navas de Tolosa, una de las más célebres batallas acaecidas en nuestro país.
For this reason we believe that Las Navas de Tolosa may be the starting point for future projects about musealisation of Spanish battlefields, it would be an approach to those countries that know the value of these archaeological sites.
In our country it doesn’t happen, since they are relegated to second place by the sites that we know as traditional and classical, with all the consequences that this situation implies:
deterioration and destruction.
The archaeological and museographic treatment of them is totally necessary because of their great historical and archaeological value. Thus, in our article we will embody a general musealization model of this kind of site.
Military conflicts present different immaterial elements, such as visibility, the selection of a specific position or the path taken to assault, all playing decisive roles. It is essential to know them to obtain complete knowledge. Multiple times, that information is left out in written sources. This becomes a difficulty when analyzing historical military conflicts. In order to provide new perspectives about imperceptible components, the use of GIS is necessary, for archaeological findings can facilitate a partial explanation about what occurred. The combination of structures and artifacts with geographic information systems provide a more complete knowledge due to the application of visibility and intervisibility studies, the modeling least of least cost paths or the calculation of buffer areas.
We aim to provide a discussion platform to better understand those immaterial concepts and answer possible questions like: what they could see, what path did they select, etc. We thus invite speakers with a background in battlefield archaeology and related fields to present case studies in which these previously mentioned methods were used to provide deeper insight into these questions.
Rafael Montalvo Laguna
Mario Ramírez Galán
La batalla y asedio de Alcalá la Vieja, fechada en el año 1118, es uno de los hitos históricos más destacados y consolidados dentro del background cultural alcalaíno, pero que desafortunadamente, y al igual que sucede con otros campos de batalla en España, no ha recibido la suficiente atención como para ser estudiado. A fecha de hoy, los trabajos arqueológicos realizados se han centrado por parte de los investigadores en el estudio del castillo que da nombre a dicho enfrentamiento medieval.
Con nuestra investigación pretendemos realizar una propuesta de localización de dicho yacimiento con una mayor precisión de la que nos dan las fuentes, las cuales, como hemos podido comprobar tras el análisis de las mismas, nos muestran una información que no concuerda en algunos aspectos con lo que hemos podido ver sobre el terreno.
Hemos llevado a cabo, además del correspondiente estudio de fuentes documentales, un análisis de la evolución toponímica del área donde se enmarca el enfrentamiento, así como un estudio paisajístico a través de sistemas de información geográfica desde una óptica estratégica para poder entender el desarrollo de la batalla y del asedio.
A través de esta investigación, pretendemos mostrar esta parte “olvidada” de la historia de Alcalá de Henares, pero nuestro objetivo final es plasmarlo en proyecto de prospección sobre el terreno en un periodo breve de tiempo.
Potential topics may include,but are not limited to
• Remote sensing
• Geophysical prospection
• Dating methods
• Artifact studies
• Mathematical methods
• Archaeometallurgical processes and finds
We carried out a study of the terrain based on landscape archaeology. The relationship between the environment and the archaeological site is very important, but even more in battlefield archaeology because the landscape is the archaeological site itself. It was necessary analyzing visibilities, distances and optimal paths to gain a complete knowledge of the military engagement and rewriting the battle of Alcalá la Vieja.
Ciencia y tecnología
The call for abstracts will be closed on the 25th of March, 2020.
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