Papers by Carmen Flys Junquera
Spanish Thinking about Animals, 2020

For many critics, a sense of place is crucial in order to achieve a global environmental awarenes... more For many critics, a sense of place is crucial in order to achieve a global environmental awareness. Yet in a globalized world, how do we develop that sense of place, which traditionally was rooted in a home place imbued with local values? Many modern and postmodern subjects can no longer identify a home place, and cultural critics are precisely addressing issues of placelessness or non-places as a characteristic of contemporary society. Yet if we do not care about place, how can we care about our home, the earth? Val Plumwood speculates on the characteristics of a place-sensitive society, and Ursula Heise argues in favor of a sense of planet, developing what she calls eco-cosmopolitanism. This article addresses the dilemma of the contemporary cosmopolitan subject with regard to a sense of place. I posit four possible characteristics of how a cosmopolitan might perceive place and show place sensitivity, illustrating them with a series of texts written by cosmopolitan writers. While s...

This essay reflects on the changing trend of Ecocriticism from a certain phobia towards theory to... more This essay reflects on the changing trend of Ecocriticism from a certain phobia towards theory to an exponential growth of theoretical approaches. Ecocriticism’s initial rejection of the idea that everything was either socially and/or linguistically constructed went against the grain of most literary theories. However, Ecocriticism has proved very diverse and eclectic in combining different approaches and disciplines, offering new readings of literary and cultural texts; moreover, its relevance to our contemporary world and environmental crisis have turned it into a fruitful theoretical biosphere. This trend is illustrated with three discussions of diverse cross-fertilizations: contrasting interpretations of the pastoral mode, the combination of postcolonialism and ecocriticism and, finally, the use of law and philosophy to address issues of environmental justice and ecological justice for the more-than-human world.

espanolEl presente articulo ilustra como los escritores chicanos, Rudolfo Anaya y Lucha Corpi, ut... more espanolEl presente articulo ilustra como los escritores chicanos, Rudolfo Anaya y Lucha Corpi, utilizan el genero popular de la novela de detectives para subvertir los valores culturales dominantes en los Estados Unidos. Al alterar sutilmente las formulas tradicionales del genero, tales como la descripcion del detective y las convenciones retoricas, las novelas de estos autores presentan los valores chicanos, sobre todo de la comunidad y de la armonia con la naturaleza, como alternativas validas al sistema dominante. Estas intervenciones subversivas sorprenden al lector de tal forma que, sin darse cuenta, aprende sobre la cultura chicana. De igual forma, la comunidad chicana, acostumbrada a ser marginada, resulta ser central. Asi pues, esta estrategia resulta ser una expresion emancipadora. Por otra parte, el trabajo senala la importancia de la naturaleza y la concienciacion ecologica en la literatura chicana y pretende sacar esta literatura del olvido por parte de la escuela de los...

European journal of literature, culture and the environment, 2013
Welcome to Issue 4.1 of Ecozon@. In the themed section of this number, Peter Mortensen introduces... more Welcome to Issue 4.1 of Ecozon@. In the themed section of this number, Peter Mortensen introduces and presents three essays on the subject of 'Green Countercultures'. These are followed by three further essays in the General Section, creative writing and artistic contributions, and book reviews. In his introduction to 'Green Countercultures', Peter Mortensen (who works in British and American Studies at Aarhus University's Department of Aesthetics and Communication in Denmark) stresses the ambiguities and ideological delusions as well the utopian aspirations of the nineteen--sixties and seventies countercultural movement. He presents a concise overview of the environmental dimension of this movement, whose importance may be gauged by the fact that in the early seventies three quarters of a million people in the United States alone lived in rural communes, with similar 'alternative' living experiments in cities and the countryside across Europe. Mortensen identifies the aims of contemporary, second generation research into sixties counterculture. Historicised readings can, he argues, render little--regarded aspects of this culturally creative and politically tumultuous period newly meaningful. Countercultural appropriate technologists, for instance, adumbrated a humanity--and modernity--centred post--wilderness model of environmentalism that resonates with the dilemmas we face in our increasingly resource--impoverished, rapidly warming and densely populated world. Mortensen presents essays on the work of a British poet, an American novelist, and a mainstream popular music group. Susanna Lidström examines Ted Hughes's Crow as an example of countercultural eco--mythologisation, using historical, literary and philosophical elements to counter western modernity's desacralisation of the natural world. Jill Anderson writes on the invocation of nature and wilderness as redeeming antitheses to a hopelessly commercialised and mechanised present in the Californian anti--establishment novelist Richard Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America, arguing that Brautigan manifests an unusually complex, ironic pastoral consciousness. Dale Carter illustrates the role played by music in environmental protest and advocacy, not by examining environmental protest songs, but by showing how a band synonymous with cars, surfing and consumerism can also be read environmentally. The General Section opens with an essay in which Christopher Schliephake demonstrates the benefits of using the theory of Material Ecocriticism to describe the achievement of two classical texts on the atom bomb, John Hersey's journalistic account, Hiroshima , and Alain Resnais's film, Hiroshima Mon Amour. The story of the bombing of Hiroshima, he argues, cannot be told without taking into account the diverse material entanglements between human bodies and the environment which have generated configurations of meaning and discourses, in an ever--changing renegotiation of meaning.

This work performs fundamental electrical measurements and a positive bias temperature instabilit... more This work performs fundamental electrical measurements and a positive bias temperature instability (PBTI) test on an N-type metal oxide semiconductor capacitor (MOSCAP) and a La 2 O 3 dipole-doped N-type MOSCAP. Experimental results show that the dipole-doped N-type MOSCAP has a lower threshold voltage and gate current leakage than do the N-type MOSCAP. After positive bias stress, an abnormal gate current leakage decrease appears in both dipole-doped and normal N-type MOSCAPs under short term stress. Analysis of capacitance and gate current measurements indicate that electron trapping and defect generation cause the change in gate current after positive bias stress. Generally, devices with higher gate leakage have more severe degradation after PBTI. However, in this work, the dipole sample shows a lower initial gate current leakage but higher gate current degradation than those found in the control sample after PBTI. Based on the electrical measurement results and the energy band simulation, a conduction model was proposed to explain the abnormal PBTI of the dipole-doped N-type MOSCAP.

Interest in ecocriticism has witnessed rapid growth over the past decade: it has established itse... more Interest in ecocriticism has witnessed rapid growth over the past decade: it has established itself worldwide as an important branch of literary and cultural criticism, and entered into fruitful interdisciplinary collaborations with other disciplines under the umbrella of the environmental humanities. Ecozon@ has played a part in this development in the European context. The articles we present in this tenth anniversary issue revisit questions raised in the journal's opening number, and touched on periodically in subsequent issues, concerning the state of ecocriticism in Europe, and the future of ecocriticism in general. As in our first issue, we invited leading theorists and practitioners to contribute short essays reviewing the development of ecocriticism in their region or field and indicating possible future directions. We are hugely grateful for their willingness to accept the challenge of surveying what was often uncharted territory and drawing conclusions within a limit of 3000 words. European ecocritics typically face in two directions, seeking to introduce scholars and the public in non-English-speaking countries to ecocritical concepts and debates, while offering analyses of exemplary works from their own culture for an international readership. Ecocritics in Europe have been inspired by the foundational American theorists and practitioners, and have drawn extensively on their concepts and arguments. Individual American scholars have also played an influential role in internationalising ecocriticism: Scott Slovic in particular, editor of ISLE , has worked tirelessly to promote ecocritical approaches to literature and culture across Europe and elsewhere, and served as mentor for a generation of European scholars. However, European ecocriticism is at the same time defined by its opposition to American landscapes and values. Inhabited cultural landscapes substitute for wilderness as an ideal, and critical practice has been described (by Peter Barry) as possessing an
En una era de movilidad y arraigo multilocal el sentido de arraigo en un lugar y sus adaptaciones... more En una era de movilidad y arraigo multilocal el sentido de arraigo en un lugar y sus adaptaciones son relevantes para temas medioambientales. El libro recoge articulos de investigadores en Espana y los Estados Unidos sobre las representaciones literarias y artisticas de lugares y nuestras relaciones con ellas en un mundo cambiante. Los investigadores se preguntan que nos aportan la literatura y el arte, el cine y museos acerca de los cambios en el sentido de arraigo o, por el contrario, en la alienacion y, por otra parte, que papel desempenan las artes en cuestionar presuposiciones y abrir nuevas perspectivas en la busqueda de una educacion basada en un sentido de lugar, ecologicamente informado.
Papers by Carmen Flys Junquera