Papers by Saniya Ramzan

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a paradigm change in pandemic preparedness measures, motivating... more The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a paradigm change in pandemic preparedness measures, motivating an investigation of non-pharmaceutical therapies. This research dives into the lessons learned from COVID-19 to strengthen our strategy to prevent future pandemics. The study aimed to extract valuable insights from the COVID-19 experience, extrapolating lessons learned to develop strong strategies that include diet, lifestyle, risk factors and non-pharmaceutical treatments. Nutrition and lifestyle influences on illness susceptibility were studied using a comprehensive examination of scholarly literature, reports and epidemiological studies. Role of essential risk variables was investigated in magnifying pandemic outcomes and the efficiency of non-pharmaceutical treatments in reducing infectious agent transmission. The analysis demonstrates the long-term utility of COVID-19 findings. This review emphasizes the importance of nutrition and lifestyle variables in determining susceptibility to infectious illnesses. Furthermore, a detailed examination of risk variables shows critical predictors of pandemic severity. Most significantly, the findings highlight the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical measures, emphasizing their vital role in pandemic containment. This study has far-reaching ramifications that advocate for a paradigm change towards comprehensive pandemic preparation using the lessons learned during COVID-19. Research findings highlight the need for a multifaceted strategy, including diet, lifestyle changes, targeted risk reduction and non-pharmaceutical therapies. This study provides a road map for improving global resilience to potential future pandemics, calling for preventative strategies beyond pharmacological remedies.

Wheat, Triticum aestivum is one of the grains consumed worldwide as a staple food used in a varie... more Wheat, Triticum aestivum is one of the grains consumed worldwide as a staple food used in a variety of processed commodities. The rheological properties of the raw commodity will define the end product's characteristics, whether it is of high quality or not. Moreover, the processes of, e.g., grinding, crushing, etc., of grain will also determine the flour's content, which will further go on for other processes and be delivered to the consumer in the end product. To that end, the properties and effects of different wheat flour contents were analyzed for different types of flour 550, 1050 and whole grain flour available in Germany. These samples were analyzed to select the best-suited commodity for industrial purposes. Falling number, gluten percentage, starch content, viscosity and farinograph were determined for flour during baking test and bread volume for its products. Three types of flour with different content percentages were tested for comparison to find the best-suited type for the baking purpose among them. Among the types 550, 1050 and whole grain flour, the parameters are fitter for bread baking process is 550 type as the results show falling number = 450.25; 334; 296.87; starch (%) = 75.45; 69.72; 64.75; gluten (%) = 38.65; 31.84 and 21.44, and bread volume is 400, 340 and 300 ml respectively. This study suggested that flour with more starch content and a falling number will produce a reasonable volume and more appealing bread regarding sensory attributes.

Wheat, Triticum aestivum is one of the grains consumed worldwide as a staple food used in a varie... more Wheat, Triticum aestivum is one of the grains consumed worldwide as a staple food used in a variety of processed commodities. The rheological properties of the raw commodity will define the end product's characteristics, whether it is of high quality or not. Moreover, the processes of, e.g., grinding, crushing, etc., of grain will also determine the flour's content, which will further go on for other processes and be delivered to the consumer in the end product. To that end, the properties and effects of different wheat flour contents were analyzed for different types of flour 550, 1050 and whole grain flour available in Germany. These samples were analyzed to select the best-suited commodity for industrial purposes. Falling number, gluten percentage, starch content, viscosity and farinograph were determined for flour during baking test and bread volume for its products. Three types of flour with different content percentages were tested for comparison to find the best-suited type for the baking purpose among them. Among the types 550, 1050 and whole grain flour, the parameters are fitter for bread baking process is 550 type as the results show falling number = 450.25; 334; 296.87; starch (%) = 75.45; 69.72; 64.75; gluten (%) = 38.65; 31.84 and 21.44, and bread volume is 400, 340 and 300 ml respectively. This study suggested that flour with more starch content and a falling number will produce a reasonable volume and more appealing bread regarding sensory attributes.
Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences

The fermented foods are same as traditional food, in appearance and consumed as normal foods but ... more The fermented foods are same as traditional food, in appearance and consumed as normal foods but have modified by the addition of certain pro & pre-biotics or fortification with the plant extract, which have specific physiological roles beyond just satisfying nutrition requirement. Fresh leaves of Moringa oleifera were collected from the field of Institutes of Agriculture Sciences, then dried and grounded. The proximate analysis of dried moringa leaf powder and milk was performed. In four different concentrations (0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%) Moringa Oleifera leaf powder, was used for the production of fortified flavoured yogurt, while mango flavor and color was added to enhance its sensory characteristics. Physicochemical analysis (pH, acidity, ash, fat, protein, fiber, synersis, total solid content and moisture content) was done to check the yogurt nutritional profile and effect of moringa dried leaf powder on it. Sensory evaluation (body texture, appearance, color, taste, aroma, flavor and overall acceptability) is also done by expert panel of food scientist (n = 20) by using hedonic scale to check the acceptability and quality of product.To check the product shelf life stability, product is stored at 5 ± 1 ºC for 15 days and observed for its physicochemical changes and sensory attributes. The sample were analyzed for their stablity as fresh and during storage interval of 10th day and 15th day. Results shows that mango flavored yogurt supplemented with 1% Moringa Oleifera leaf powder has got the highest score in majority of the sensory attributes such as body and texture, flavor, taste and overall acceptability over the storage period of 15 days at 5 ± 1 °C. All treatment showed significantly different (p ≤ 0.05) result from each other. However, higher acidity%, total solids%, protein% and synersis value were observed, than control samples on 0 days (fresh), 10 days and 15 days storage, respectively. While all treatments have less pH and moisture content than control during fresh condition and over storage time of 15 days while fat content was nearly same in all treatments and control sample.

Background: Lactose intolerance is a condition in people with inability to digest and breakdown t... more Background: Lactose intolerance is a condition in people with inability to digest and breakdown the lactose sugar for metabolism. This disaccharide sugar is present in milk, and its products can be broken down into monosaccharide units by lactase enzyme, but its absence genetically or environmentally can make it difficult to consume the lactose containing products. Objectives: The objective of this study is to develop and evaluate non-dairy products for consumer acceptance as milk alternate. Oats and barley milk can be the alternatives with addition of soluble and insoluble fibers. Moreover, introduction of probiotics helps to improve nutritional characteristics and formulation of the product. MethodologyThe present project was designed to develop non-dairy milk from oats and barley, further fermented by using probiotics, namely Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus thermophilus to develop the drinking type yogurt product with better acceptability. Moreover, the milk products were examined through physical and chemical characteristics and the statistical analysis including pH, acidity, total soluble solids, specific gravity and proximate analysis was conducted. Likewise, the fermented products were investigated for proximate, syneresis, color, texture, and sensory assessment to obtain best fit for milk substitute. Results: The statistics for the prepared products showed that the color (using color meter) among the product range was L = 65.033-79.16; a* =-3.916 to-6.556 and b* = 13.847 to 23.0, while moisture was 87.233% to 97.713%. Furthermore, fat was 0.0143% to 2.3533%, protein 0.5433% to 3.286%, ash 0.095% to 0.4233%, texture 0.065 to 0.408, and syneresis range was 54.33 to 82.67 among the products. Conclusion: After sensory evaluation and the analysis, the best treatment T1 (100% oat milk) is considered fit-to-substitute cow milk and its products, with higher consumer acceptability.
Background: It is predicted that the world's population, specifically in arid and semi-arid regio... more Background: It is predicted that the world's population, specifically in arid and semi-arid regions, usually with complications such as water scarcity, climate change, soil erosion, and wind erosion, is facing food insecurity issue. Moreover, the outbreak of several diseases is further a burden on the people living in such areas. The growth of improved crop varieties which is compatible with agro-climatic conditions of the site such as Opuntia ficus-indica is the ray of hope. Multipurpose native crops like Opuntia ficus-indica is cultivated owing to it is drought tolerant ability and growth in different ranges of the environment. Furthermore, it has natural components that can not only be served as food but also therapeutic ability for numerous diseases.
Book Reviews by Saniya Ramzan
Papers by Saniya Ramzan
Book Reviews by Saniya Ramzan