Papers by Gabriel Dorantes Argandar

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2023
Driver Aggression is a phenomenon many have studied in all five continents. It has been the focus... more Driver Aggression is a phenomenon many have studied in all five continents. It has been the focus of curiosity for all sorts of disciplines, and science has been unable to curb it, much less park it. Driver Stress, Road Aggression and Road Rule-Breaking are crucial elements in traffic psychology. Those who do not respect the rules are a major factor in increased risk and the occurrence of major traffic accidents. Little work has been done on how these phenomena behave in Spanish-speaking countries, much less the development of useful instruments to evaluate them. This study aims to generate two unique scales that can be used in Spanish speaking countries regardless of culture or geography, as well as determining the influence Driver Stress has on Driver Aggression and Rule-Breaking. This study comprises a sample of 1827 drivers from Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Spain. Through this paper, a small yet significant relationship was found between Driver Stress, Driver Aggression, and Driver Rule-Breaking. This suggests that personality factors are at play in these relationships in Spanish-speaking countries, and that these variables are an important factor on how drivers behave. This study also delivers two useful tools for evaluating Driver Aggression (LatinCAT) and Driver Rule-Breaking (LatinDANT) that have excellent construct validity for further research in Spanish-speaking countries.

International Journal of Education and Social Science Research, 2023
Introduction. Multimedia has been present in households for the last 60 years. Logic has guided i... more Introduction. Multimedia has been present in households for the last 60 years. Logic has guided individuals and groups alike to assume that exposure to multimedia, such as television shows, music genres, use of internet, and playing videogames, have influence on an individual's behavior, shaping it into an antisocial fashion. This study aims to determine the relationship between multimedia use and antisocial behavior. It is hypothesized that frequent use of internet, television, music and/or videogames will have an influence on antisocial behavior. Methods. Through a quantitative methodology, 841 individuals between the ages of 6 to 23 participated in this study. Parametric analyses were carried out to determine if antisocial behavior predicts multimedia use. Results. Although the study seems sound, it appears that there is no relationship that links antisocial behavior and multimedia content. Conclusions. It is possible that there is no statistical relationship between use of Multimedia and Antisocial Behavior. Further research is warranted, it is necessary to comprise larger and more diverse samples to build a stronger certainty.

International Journal of Education and Social Science Research, 2023
Introduction. Multimedia has been present in households for the last 60 years. Logic has guided i... more Introduction. Multimedia has been present in households for the last 60 years. Logic has guided individuals and groups alike to assume that exposure to multimedia, such as television shows, music genres, use of internet, and playing videogames, have influence on an individual's behavior, shaping it into an antisocial fashion. This study aims to determine the relationship between multimedia use and antisocial behavior. It is hypothesized that frequent use of internet, television, music and/or videogames will have an influence on antisocial behavior. Methods. Through a quantitative methodology, 841 individuals between the ages of 6 to 23 participated in this study. Parametric analyses were carried out to determine if antisocial behavior predicts multimedia use. Results. Although the study seems sound, it appears that there is no relationship that links antisocial behavior and multimedia content. Conclusions. It is possible that there is no statistical relationship between use of Multimedia and Antisocial Behavior. Further research is warranted, it is necessary to comprise larger and more diverse samples to build a stronger certainty.
Esta publicación fue dictaminada por pares académicos bajo la modalidad doble ciego. Primera edic... more Esta publicación fue dictaminada por pares académicos bajo la modalidad doble ciego. Primera edición: octubre de 2022 Corrección de estilo: Melissa Urrutia Diseño editorial y portada: Angélica González Flores Fotografía de portada: Gabriel Dorantes Argandar Esta obra se publica bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). El contenido de este libro, así como su estilo y las opiniones expresadas en él son responsabilidad de los autores y no necesariamente reflejan la opinión de las instituciones editoras.

Driver stress is a phenomenon many have studied in all five continents. It has been the focus of ... more Driver stress is a phenomenon many have studied in all five continents. It has been the focus of curiosity for all sorts of disciplines, and science has been unable to curb it, much less park it. Driver Stress, Road Aggression and Road Rule-Breaking are crucial elements in traffic psychology. Those who do not respect the rules are a major factor in increased risk and major traffic accidents. Little work has been done in how these phenomena behave in Spanish-speaking countries, much less the development of useful instruments to evaluate them. This study aims to generate two unique scales that can be used in Spanish speaking countries regardless of culture or geography, as well as determining the influence Driver Stress has on Driver Aggression and Rule-Breaking. A sample of 1827 drivers from Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Chile and Spain was comprised. Through this paper, a small yet significant relationship was found between Driver Stress, Driver Aggression, and Driver Rule-Breaking...
X Congreso Internacional de psicología jurídica y forense: libro de actas, 2017, ISBN 978-84-8408-325-2, págs. 85-87, 2017

RESUMEN Los factores disposicionales, tales como la autoestima y el apego a las normas, influyen ... more RESUMEN Los factores disposicionales, tales como la autoestima y el apego a las normas, influyen en algunos procesos cognitivos, tales como la atribución. Esto genera un impacto en el comportamiento agresivo y en el estrés que los individuos experimentan mientras conducen un vehículo automotor. El presente estudio evaluó estas variables en el contexto del área conurbada de la ciudad de Cuernavaca, estado de Morelos (México), la cual comprende los municipios de Cuernavaca, Jiutepec, Temixco, y Emiliano Zapata. Se construye una batería de instrumentos, la cual fue aplicada a 1132 participantes, para determinar si existe relación entre las variables del estudio. Aunque este estudio no llega a establecer el tipo de relaciones causales entre las variables de estudio desde una perspectiva cuantitativa, si las hubiera. Se concluye que la dinámica entre estas variables es de carácter más complejo debido a la influencia de las variables estructurales como el sexo, la edad y los años de estudio tienen un papel influyente, por lo que se requieren estudios que generen una mayor profundización y un entendimiento más complejo del fenómeno de estudio.

Revista de Psicología y Ciencias del Comportamiento de la Unidad Académica de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, 2017
Jugar videojuegos violentos no influye en la agresividad vial de adultos jóvenes. Playing violent... more Jugar videojuegos violentos no influye en la agresividad vial de adultos jóvenes. Playing violent videogames does not influence traffic aggression in young adults. Dorantes Argandar, Gabriel Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos Resumen El uso de videojuegos violentos se asocia por sentido común con el comportamiento agresivo, especialmente de los jóvenes. ¿Están asociadas estas dos variables? Se entiende como uso de videojuegos el invertir tiempo en sistemas computarizados de entretenimiento, mientras que la agresividad vial se entiende como todo aquel comportamiento que tiene como fin la reducción del bienestar de uno o más individuos del entorno a través del uso de un vehículo automotor. Este estudio tuvo como fin establecer el vínculo entre estas dos variables, a través de un diseño cuantitativo, transversal, ex post facto, e instrumentos utilizados en otros estudios. Se abordó a una colección de 217 participantes que cumplieran con los criterios de inclusión, de los cuales la mayoría fueron hombres jóvenes con estudios universitarios. Se encontró que no existe una relación probabilística entre el uso de videojuegos violentos y el comportamiento agresivo en la movilidad. Palabras clave: videojuegos violentos, comportamiento violento, conducción agresiva, comportamiento violento, tecnologías de la información y comunicación.

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2020
Abstract The Behaviour of Young Novice Drivers Scale (BYNDS) is a self-report instrument to asses... more Abstract The Behaviour of Young Novice Drivers Scale (BYNDS) is a self-report instrument to assess risky driving behaviours among youth population. Although previous studies have offered evidences of reliability and validity for the BYNDS scores, results are not conclusive as regards its factor structure. The aim of this research was to assess the factor structure of the BYNDS via Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA). The BYNDS was administered to a sample of 832 drivers aged from 18 to 25 years (Argentina = 270, Colombia = 350, and Mexico = 212). Six models were examined: three derived from previous literature, one emerged from an exploratory factor analysis, a unidimensional model, and a bifactor model. Results showed that none of the models analysed offered a completely acceptable fit to the data. However, the original model hypothesizing five orthogonal factors showed the best fit indices, with all of the items loading onto the associated factor. Results of the bifactor analysis suggested that three of the subscales (transient violations, fixed violations, and misjudgements) share a strong common basis and their scores would not offer much information above and beyond the total score. On the contrary, the items in the subscale of risk-exposure are clearly influenced by a specific domain factor, contributing to the multidimensionality of the BYNDS. In line with previous studies, males scored higher than females in driving violations, fixed violations, and risk-exposure. This study contributes to the psychometric refinement of a novel measure of risky driving in youth population. This self-report could be a valuable tool in the evaluation of road safety performance.
Rule-following us a variable that has been related to other factors relevant to the study of driv... more Rule-following us a variable that has been related to other factors relevant to the study of driver aggression. This study aims to create and validate an inventory that is able to evaluate said variable in the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico). Using a two-phase methodology, this study produces a 10-item Likert scale that satisfies optimal levels of adjustment, which implies that it is valid for use in said city. These two phases satisfy requirements for content validation and construct validation. The Rule-Following Inventory will be of use for research in Traffic Psychology, allowing future research to be carried out.
This study aims to determine how these variables determine the prevalence of prosocial and aggres... more This study aims to determine how these variables determine the prevalence of prosocial and aggressive behaviors in Mexican drivers. Afirst sample of 444 drivers in the city of Cuernavaca, in the state of Morelos, in the central region of Mexico was examined. It was found that the relationship between Hope and Self-Efficacy is incredibly strong, and that they are both, as a system, predictors of Prosocial Behavior. However, Aggressive Behavior was found to negatively predict all three of the other variables, but in a weak manner. A second sample of 316 individuals confirmed these findings, and also determined that the manner in which a person behaves determines his or her negative emotions.
Public Transport, 2019
This paper purports to determine the elements involved in using public transportation that have a... more This paper purports to determine the elements involved in using public transportation that have a direct impact on the stress levels of human beings. Its main purpose is to establish which aspects in the daily use of the public transportation system stress passengers. In order to measure these elements a two phase study was implemented. It comprised the elaboration and validation of a measuring scale to evaluate these issues. The scale created thus, produced excellent numbers throughout the entire process, yielding quite significant indicators in the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, hence becoming a good tool for evaluating stress in public transportation in Mexico.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2019
The objective of this study was to develop and determine the psychometric properties of an instru... more The objective of this study was to develop and determine the psychometric properties of an instrument designed to detect traits and behavior that are associated with predatory violent behavior, which is defined as a determined, planned, controlled, and proactive aggression. The sample was comprised of 564 students, mostly in their last year of high school, or in their first year of college. The initial instrument had 78 items, ultimately resulting in 13 with good internal consistency (α = 0.825). Factor analysis showed four factors: anger-in, appeal for weapons, suicidal ideation, and the tendency to take justice into one's own hands. Said factors showed significant correlations of convergent validity. Data shown here allows inferring that the instrument is a novel and concise tool that evaluates and detects the potential of predatory violent behavior.

Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Science, 2016
Individual factors and their influence on behavior in the realm of traffic psychology is not a th... more Individual factors and their influence on behavior in the realm of traffic psychology is not a thoroughly studied relationship. This paper aimed to determine the influence that Self-Esteem has on Impulsivity and Aggressive Behavior, and how these variables have an impact on the Stress an individual experiences in traffic. A sample of 528 participants was comprised, to which 4 Likert-type scales were applied. Statistical analyses showed that there is a moderate relationship between Self-Esteem and Impulsivity, and that Impulsivity and Aggressiveness serve as independent mediators between Self-Esteem and Stress. It is concluded that a person's evaluation of his or her esteem will have an influence on how much control they have over their impulsivity and their aggressive behavior, and this effect has an influence on the amount of stress they experience while driving an automobile.

Universitas Psychologica, 2015
Las preferencias raciales expresadas explícitamente pueden carecer de información que sea complet... more Las preferencias raciales expresadas explícitamente pueden carecer de información que sea completa en su contenido, ya sea porque las personas prefieren no expresar sus actitudes per se o tal vez porque no estén al tanto de ellas. El Implicit Association Test (IAT), desarrollado por Greenwald, Banaji y Nosek, evalúa las preferencias implícitas de las personas a través de una plataforma de internet. Demuestra que cuando una persona expresa una preferencia en particular, es posible que no conciba que esa actitud tenga un componente inconsciente y que pueda modificarla. Se obtuvieron 235 sujetos que respondieron a la prueba de preferencia implícita de raza (negra y blanca), a través del portal de internet del IAT. Los resultados indican que hay una preferencia explícita hacia personas blancas sobre las personas de color, y que la preferencia implícita es de mayor intensidad que la explícita, en el mismo sentido.
Safety Science, 2009
... C. Bronfman a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , ... more ... C. Bronfman a , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Esperanza López Vázquez b and Gabriel Dorantes b. ... social trust is in the public's risk judgments ([Bord and O'Connor, 1992], [Cvetkovich and Löfstedt, 1999], [Earle and Cvetkovich ...

PLoS ONE, 2013
Although a greater degree of personal obesity is associated with weaker negativity toward overwei... more Although a greater degree of personal obesity is associated with weaker negativity toward overweight people on both explicit (i.e., self-report) and implicit (i.e., indirect behavioral) measures, overweight people still prefer thin people on average. We investigated whether the national and cultural context-particularly the national prevalence of obesitypredicts attitudes toward overweight people independent of personal identity and weight status. Data were collected from a total sample of 338,121 citizens from 71 nations in 22 different languages on the Project Implicit website ( between May 2006 and October 2010. We investigated the relationship of the explicit and implicit weight bias with the obesity both at the individual (i.e., across individuals) and national (i.e., across nations) level. Explicit weight bias was assessed with self-reported preference between overweight and thin people; implicit weight bias was measured with the Implicit Association Test (IAT). The national estimates of explicit and implicit weight bias were obtained by averaging the individual scores for each nation. Obesity at the individual level was defined as Body Mass Index (BMI) scores, whereas obesity at the national level was defined as three national weight indicators (national BMI, national percentage of overweight and underweight people) obtained from publicly available databases. Across individuals, greater degree of obesity was associated with weaker implicit negativity toward overweight people compared to thin people. Across nations, in contrast, a greater degree of national obesity was associated with stronger implicit negativity toward overweight people compared to thin people. This result indicates a different relationship between obesity and implicit weight bias at the individual and national levels.

Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2021
Alcohol is a global risk factor for road trauma. Although drink driving has received most of the ... more Alcohol is a global risk factor for road trauma. Although drink driving has received most of the scholarly attention, there is growing evidence of the risks of alcohol-impaired walking. Alcohol-impaired pedestrians are over-represented in fatal crashes compared to non-impaired pedestrians. Additionally, empirical evidence shows that alcohol intoxication impairs road-crossing judgements. Besides some limited early research, much is unknown about the global prevalence and determinants of alcohol-impaired walking. Understanding alcohol-impaired walking will support health promotion initiatives and injury prevention. The present investigation has three aims: (1) compare the prevalence of alcohol-impaired walking across countries; (2) identify international groups of pedestrians based on psychosocial factors (i.e., Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and perceptions of risk); and (3) investigate how segments of pedestrians form their intention for alcohol-impaired walking using the extended TPB (i.e. subjective norm, attitudes, perceived control, and perceived risk). A cross-sectional design was applied. The target behaviour question was “have you been a pedestrian when your thinking or physical ability (balance/strength) is affected by alcohol?” to ensure comparability across countries. Cluster analysis based on the extended TPB was used to identify groups of countries. Finally, regressions were used to predict pedestrians’ intentions per group. A total of 6,166 respondents (Age M(SD) = 29.4 (14.2); Males = 39.2%) completed the questionnaire, ranging from 12.6% from Russia to 2.2% from Finland. The proportion of participants who reported never engaging in alcohol-impaired walking in the last three months ranged from 30.1% (Spain) to 83.1% (Turkey). Four groups of countries were identified: group-1 (Czech Republic, Spain, and Australia), group-2 (Russia and Finland), group-3 (Japan), and group-4 (final ten countries including Colombia, China, and Romania). Pedestrian intentions to engage in alcohol- impaired walking are predicted by perceptions of risk and TPB-psychosocial factors in group-1 and group-4. Favourable TPB-beliefs and low perceived risk increased alcohol-impaired walking intentions. Conversely, subjective norms were not significant in group-2 and only perceived risk predicted intention in group-3. The willingness of pedestrians to walk when alcohol-impaired differs significantly across the countries in this study. Perceived risk was the only common predictor among the 16 countries.

Floodings in Mexico have been cause of vast amounts of property damage and economic loss in recen... more Floodings in Mexico have been cause of vast amounts of property damage and economic loss in recent years. The problems related to experiencing a flooding related evacuation are of concern, particularly regarding psychological well-being, of those who get evacuated. Thus, the main objective of the present study was to examine possible differences in risk perception, stress levels, prevalence of post-traumatic stress syndrome, and type of coping used by subjects who were or were not evacuated, and the extent to which having been evacuated predict or not the studied variables. Participants involve 79 residents of a high-risk flood zone who filled out a survey questionnaire that covered the variables under study. Results revealed more participants with high levels of post-traumatic stress were in the evacuated group as compared to those who were not. Also, higher levels of risk perception were associates with higher levels of post-traumatic stress and passive coping. When stress levels ...
La violencia en Latinoamerica, y en particular en Mexico, constituye un problema de salud publica... more La violencia en Latinoamerica, y en particular en Mexico, constituye un problema de salud publica, pues mientras la injusticia social siga existiendo, los temas de salud publica y violencia no pueden ser abordados como mutuamente excluyentes. Durante el 2000, la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud establecio una tasa mundial de 8.8 muertes violentas por cada cien mil habitantes. Cada ano, mas de 1.6 millones de personas pierden la vida y muchas mas sufren lesiones no mortales como resultado de la violencia autoinfligida. Este manual se ha preparado con la finalidad de profundizar en procesos involucrados en la metodologia cuantitativa de la investigacion en ciencias sociales, en busca de una comprension de la victimizacion y la violencia que permita obtener indicadores solidos, confiables y verificables.
Papers by Gabriel Dorantes Argandar