Papers by Irene Goyenechea

South American Journal of Herpetology, Oct 1, 2019
Abstract. Areas of endemism are biogeographic patterns that represent evolutionary evidence of ta... more Abstract. Areas of endemism are biogeographic patterns that represent evolutionary evidence of taxa that can be used as surrogates in conservation of biodiversity. The geographic distribution of 83 Mexican species of lizards from three families with a high percentage of species restricted to the country was used to identify areas of endemism using the NDM/VNDM program. Temporal strata of the species forming those areas of endemism were incorporated to recognize the areas as evolutionary units. The prioritization of sites of major importance for lizard conservation was determined using six measures. Four areas of endemism were identified, three montane (Sierra Madre del Sur, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, and Sierra Madre Oriental) and one lowland (Veracruzan province). It was determined that the four areas of endemism form evolutionary units supported by synchronous and asynchronous species in temporal strata ranging from the Miocene to the Pliocene. The Sierra Madre del Sur area of endemism obtained the highest priority, so it requires policies for effective conservation and management to ensure the maintenance and conservation of current and historical elements within the distribution patterns of species.
Al hacer un analisis lo que se pretende es conocer la diversidad biologica, tratar de entender la... more Al hacer un analisis lo que se pretende es conocer la diversidad biologica, tratar de entender las relaciones evolutivas de los organismos vivos y de interpretar la manera en que la vida se ha diversificado y cambiado a traves del tiempo.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2007
Systematics as a part of Biology has been through changes on concepts and methods during its hist... more Systematics as a part of Biology has been through changes on concepts and methods during its history. Here I briefly resume this history and show the principal concepts for phylogenetic systematics as well as a study case including data from the snake genus Conopsis that indicate advantages and disadvantages of using morphological and molecular characters, as well as the analysis of separate or combined data and the taxonomic consequences derived from the results.
Polibotánica, Feb 1, 2015
Revista Mexicana De Biodiversidad, Dec 1, 2009

Pädi Boletín Científico de Ciencias Básicas e Ingenierías del ICBI
Las lagartijas del género Phrynosoma, constan de 17 especies, de las cuales 16 se distribuyen en ... more Las lagartijas del género Phrynosoma, constan de 17 especies, de las cuales 16 se distribuyen en México. Sus poblaciones se han visto amenazadas por el tráfico ilegal y por mitos y creencias relacionadas a estas especies. Debido a lo anterior, es importante determinar áreas que son prioritarias para la conservación de las lagartijas cornudas, por lo que el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo reconocer las áreas naturales protegidas (ANPs) donde se distribuyen estas especies en México y con ello determinar las áreas que son de mayor prioridad para la conservación de las mismas. Se identificaron 51 ANPs mediante búsquedas realizadas en la base de datos de EncicloVida con la herramienta de “búsqueda por región”; en ellas se distribuyen 14 de las 16 especies. Finalmente, para determinar secuencias de áreas prioritarias se implementó el método de índice de peso taxonómico y el de complementariedad priorizando 26 ANPs en las que se conserva el 82.35% de las especies del género Phrynosoma.
Investigación y ciencia de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Aug 31, 2022
entomological collections are highlighted: their importance in different fields of knowledge and ... more entomological collections are highlighted: their importance in different fields of knowledge and culture and the problems they face in their existence and functionality. It is expected that the dissemination of the addressed topic would contribute to the search for ways of solving the problems that scientific collections face, particularly those found in developing countries which count with great biodiversity.

Plant Ecology and Evolution
Background and aims – A linear morphometric analysis of three taxa of the Tillandsia erubescens c... more Background and aims – A linear morphometric analysis of three taxa of the Tillandsia erubescens complex, composed of T. erubescens var. arroyoensis, T. erubescens var. erubescens, and T. erubescens var. patentibracteata, is presented to evaluate their circumscription. Additionally, their taxonomic rank as varieties or species is discussed considering the obtained results. Geographic distribution, the influence of climate, elevation, and geographic distance on morphological differences between the taxonomic entities is explored.Material and methods – Of a total of 110 herbarium specimens reviewed, 44 were measured. These were previously identified as T. erubescens var. arroyoensis, T. erubescens var. erubescens, or T. erubescens var. patentibracteata. Factor and cluster analyses were performed using 16 quantitative morphological characters. The resulting groups were considered as taxonomic entities supported by morphometric characters, and species distributions were plotted against M...

Vertebrate Zoology
Amphibians of the Mexican Cloud Forest have a great diversity but are highly threatened. Forest e... more Amphibians of the Mexican Cloud Forest have a great diversity but are highly threatened. Forest endemisms are useful for recognizing biodiversity hotspots; furthermore, the interaction of historical and current events has generated areas of endemism that can be used for biological conservation in forest fragments; therefore, their identification is an essential part of the management and planning of biological conservation. Thus, our objective was to identify areas of endemism in the cloud forests of Mexico through the analysis of geographical distribution of 126 species of amphibians, as well as their conservation status to obtain information that supports the selection of priority areas for conservation. For this, the endemicity analysis method was used with three spatial scales, 1°×1°, 0.5°×0.5° and 0.25°×0.25° (lat/long), to achieve more complete results and avoid visual overrepresentation of areas of endemism. Seventeen consensus areas distributed in four of the five provinces ...

Ophryacus undulolus is a crotaline snake endemic from moderate to high elevations in the Sierra M... more Ophryacus undulolus is a crotaline snake endemic from moderate to high elevations in the Sierra Madre del Sur in the Mexican states of Guerrero, Oaxaca, and west-central Veracruz. The elevation range for 0. undulatus is between 1800 and 2800 meters above sea level in pine-oak and cloud forest; for more details and a map, see Campbell and Lamar (1989).. This snake previously has been reported from Hidalgo (Martin del Campo, 1935; Smith, 1941), but the only record from that state (Actopan) was considered suspect by Campbell and Lamar (1989), who mentioned that another possible locality of the same name in the state of Veracruz is probably too low to be considered valid. Based on the literature, the only seemingly valid records are from the stales of Veracruz, Guerrero, and Oaxaca. The first mention in the literature of the Actopan, Hidalgo, locality was in Ferrari-Perez (1886:190), who listed one specimen from the "State of Vera Cruz, Actopan." Subsequently. Cope (1887:88) described the genus Ophryacus, probably based on the same specimen reported by Ferrari-Perez. The same locality (Actopan, Vera Cruz) was referred by Gunther (1895-1902:187), giving credit for the lOCality data to the ComisiOn Geograhco-Exploradora. Martin del Campo (1935), in a paper on the geographic distribution of the poisonous reptiles of Mexico, made an extensive review of the available literature. The only reference cited by Martin del Campo that reported Actopan as a locality for OphryaCllS, is found in Gunther's (1885-1902) Biologia Centrali Americana, although Martin del Campo cited this locality as in the state of Hidalgo and not in Veracruz. Listing the record from Hidalgo probably Was a mistake by Martin del Campo (1935), perpetuated in Smith (1941). The locality data were corrected in Smith and Taylor (1945). Martin del Campo (1936) published a paper on the fauna of Actopan, Hidalgo. He described the region as having a dry and hot climate, with cacti, mesquite (Prosopis juliflora), and Peru trees (Schinus molle). Agricultural products consisted of magueyes, corn, and Wheat. According to this description, the region of Actopan, Hidalgo, is a highly unlikely locality for Ophryacus undulatus. Whether the species occurs at Actopan, Veracruz, or not, the fact is that Ophryacus undulatus has only questionably been reported from the state of Hidalgo. During a survey of the herpetofauna of Hidalgo, we collected five specimens (one lost) of this rare viper in the highlands of the extreme eastern part of the state, in el Potrero, Municipality of Tenango de Doria, at 2200 meters in a cloud forest. Two specimens were encountered on or near fallen logs and one was captured on a bush about one meter above the ground. Taxonomic data for the specimens follows, including four values for each character, corresponding, respectively, to two males, M I and M2, and two females, FI and F2: all specimens have 12 intersupraoculars; supralabials 7
Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología, 2020
Los estudios recientes acerca de la herpetofauna de Hidalgo únicamente consideran a una especie d... more Los estudios recientes acerca de la herpetofauna de Hidalgo únicamente consideran a una especie del género Pituophis presente en la entidad (P. deppei). Sin embargo, existen registros previos de P. catenifer que no han sido tomados en cuenta. Por otro lado, a partir del trabajo de campo realizado al norte del estado, se registraron otros cuatro ejemplares P. catenifer en los municipios de San Felipe Orizatlán y Huejutla de Reyes, lo que corrobora la presencia de esta especie en Hidalgo.

PÄDI Boletín Científico de Ciencias Básicas e Ingenierías del ICBI, Jan 5, 2018
Se realizó un análisis panbiogeográfico para conocer la distribución de Odoicoleus virginianus, D... more Se realizó un análisis panbiogeográfico para conocer la distribución de Odoicoleus virginianus, Didelphis marsupialis, Cratogeomys merriami y Bison bison del Pleistoceno al Holoceno y comparar sus distribuciones en ambas edades. Se buscaron registros en cuatro bases de datos: GBIF, UNIBIO, REMIB y The Paleobiological database, así como en literatura especializada; los datos fueron analizados en el programa ArcViewGis 3.2 y la extensión "Trazos 2004". Se identificaron los trazos individuales para cada taxón en las dos edades y se obtuvieron los trazos generalizados. Se obtuvo un trazo generalizado para cada edad en donde se observa un cambio significativo en la distribución de O. virginianus, D. marsupialis y B. bison. Los primeros dos tienen una distribución más sureña en el Holoceno mientras que el último amplía su área de distribución hacia el Norte y Sur. En contraste, la distribución de C. merriami se amplía en el Holoceno al centro de México. Los cambios en las distribuciones se relacionan con los cambios climáticos y de vegetación en las dos edades. Cabe destacar que las distribuciones actuales se han dado por el surgimiento de barreras geográficas: Las Montañas Rocosas, Eje Neovolcánico Transversal y la Cordillera Centroamericana.

Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2015
The didelphimorphs in Mexico are found all over the country except for the Baja California Penins... more The didelphimorphs in Mexico are found all over the country except for the Baja California Peninsula. The aim of this study was to use 3 methods to assess the phylogenetic diversity of the species Marmosa mexicana, Tlacuatzin canescens, Caluromys derbianus, Chironectes minimus, Didelphis marsupialis, Didelphis virginiana, Metachirus nudicaudatus, and Philander opossum, and to determine the potential conservation areas for these mammals. Phylogenetic information was included to measure the taxonomic weighting, taxonomic dispersion, and taxonomic distinctness within the Mexican biogeographic provinces. In addition, a gap analysis was performed to show which protected areas contain the didelphimorphs listed under a conservation category. Considering phylogenetic diversity with the former analysis, results indicate that the biogeographic provinces most important for conservation of didelphimorphs are the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Coast, and Oaxaca, although Soconusco and Sierra Madre del Sur also have to be considered. We also observed that not all of the richest sites corresponded with current protected areas. This study is important because it employed different conservation approaches based on phylogenetic measures and was focused on Mexican marsupials, of which 1 species is endemic and 2 are of conservation concern.
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2011
A pesar de que Zimapán es uno de los municipios más grandes del estado de Hidalgo, existen pocos ... more A pesar de que Zimapán es uno de los municipios más grandes del estado de Hidalgo, existen pocos estudios herpetológicos del lugar. En este trabajo se registran por primera vez 10 especies de herpetozoos, lo cual amplía su distribución en la región árida del noroeste de Hidalgo.

Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2009
Resumen. El género Conopsis es endémico de México y se distribuye desde Chihuahua hasta Oaxaca. R... more Resumen. El género Conopsis es endémico de México y se distribuye desde Chihuahua hasta Oaxaca. Recientemente se estudió su taxonomía, al modifi carse su nomenclatura en los últimos años. Estas serpientes colúbridas de hábitos enterradores pueden reconocerse por diversas características, entre las que destaca un surco en por lo menos 1 de los 3 últimos dientes maxilares. El género cuenta con 6 especies reconocidas: C. acuta, C. amphisticha, C. biserialis, C. lineata, C. megalodon y C. nasus. Estudios previos intentaron resolver la fi logenia del género con base en caracteres morfológicos, pero debido al polimorfi smo encontrado en ellos no hubo resolución. En este estudio se reevaluaron los caracteres morfológicos de Conopsis usando el método de frecuencias generalizadas para obtener una fi logenia de las especies que componen el género. Los resultados obtenidos indican que se pueden recobrar las relaciones al interior del género usando el programa Fastmorphology, y que C. nasus y C. megalodon son grupos hermanos que junto con C. biserialis y C. amphisticha forman un clado. Conopsis acuta resultó el taxón más basal del género. Las relaciones de los grupos externos no se resuelven del todo pero los análisis indican que el grupo de los Sonorini no se sustenta.

Revista de Biología Tropical, 2016
One of the most important concepts in Panbiogeography is the generalized track, which represents ... more One of the most important concepts in Panbiogeography is the generalized track, which represents an ancestral biota fragmented by geological events that can be recovered through several methods, including Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) and endemicity analysis (EA). PAE has been frequently used to identify generalized tracks, while EA is primarily designed to find areas of endemicity, but has been recently proposed for identifying generalized tracks as well. In this study we evaluated these methods to find generalized tracks using the distribution of the 84 snake species of Hidalgo. PAE found one generalized track from three individual tracks (Agkistrodon taylori, Crotalus totonacus and Pliocercus elapoides), supported by 89 % of Bootstrap, and EA identified two generalized tracks, with endemicity index values of 2.71-2.96 and 2.84-3.09, respectively. Those areas were transformed to generalized tracks. The first generalized track was retrieved from three individual tracks (Mi...
Zarządzanie sytuacyjne bezpieczeństwem infrastruktury krytycznej państwa W monografii wykorzystan... more Zarządzanie sytuacyjne bezpieczeństwem infrastruktury krytycznej państwa W monografii wykorzystano treść doktoratu, który został obroniony z wyróżnieniem w 2018 r. na Wydziale Zarządzania Politechniki Warszawskiej. Promotor: prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz kruPa, Politechnika Warszawska recenzenci: prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek sZołTysek, uniwersytet ekonomiczny w katowicach, prof. dr hab. Jerzy Wolanin, szkoła Główna służby Pożarniczej
Papers by Irene Goyenechea