Papers by Miguel Angel Cabral-Perdomo
La Cantera Muhi es un sitio fosilífero en el noroeste del estado de Hidalgo, con una edad aproxim... more La Cantera Muhi es un sitio fosilífero en el noroeste del estado de Hidalgo, con una edad aproximada de 102 millones de años. La localidad está conformada por rocas calizas laminadas que se formaron en un mar somero durante el Cretácico. La cantera es explotada por miembros de la comunidad de San Pedro, para obtener lajas que son utilizadas en la construcción. Durante la extracción de las rocas, a veces encuentran fósiles marinos. Desde 1998, los miembros de la familia Yáñez han donado el material fósil que hallan, el cual está depositado en el Museo de Paleontología de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Los fósiles recuperados en la localidad forman parte del patrimonio nacional, por eso debemos preservarlos.

Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 2015
Fossil specimens of American mastodons (Mammut americanum) that have been recovered from fluvial ... more Fossil specimens of American mastodons (Mammut americanum) that have been recovered from fluvial sedimentary deposits of the late Pleistocene of southeastern Hidalgo, central Mexico, are formally described. The sample includes cranial and postcranial remains of an adult male that represents one of the most complete mastodons that have been found in Mexico, as well as a molar belonging to an old individual. The material from Hidalgo shows the following diagnostic features of M. americanum: well-developed tusks that curved upward; upper and lower molars with a simple occlusal pattern; last molars with four to five lophs/ids; a medial sulcus between the lophs/ids; a scapula with a straight caudal border, a short and expanded neck, and a glenoid cavity that is oval in outline; a short and robust humerus with a prominent epicondylar crest; a radius with a wide distal end; and an ulna with a well-developed olecranon process and a deep trochlear notch. The dental size of the mastodon from Hidalgo is comparable to that of mastodons from the Gulf Coastal Plain and the Great Lakes region, whereas the limb dimensions are similar to those of the Watkins Glen Mastodon from the late Pleistocene of New York. In order to characterize the diet and habitat of the mastodons from Hidalgo, a stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis in tooth enamel apatite was performed. The results indicate that studied specimens were mainly C3 browsers (mean δ 13 C isotope value of-10.06 ‰) that thrived in closed habitats covered by high vegetation, such as trees (mean δ 18 O isotope value of-4.31 ‰). This information suggests the presence of closed habitats in the southeastern region of Hidalgo, during the second half of the Pleistocene.
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 2009
CIENCIA ergo-sum, 2021
La geodiversidad hace referencia a los componentes abióticos de la Tierra; sin embargo, en alguno... more La geodiversidad hace referencia a los componentes abióticos de la Tierra; sin embargo, en algunos casos se ha relacionado con la biodiversidad en términos de la conservación biológica. El registro fósil es uno de los componentes de la geodiversidad que evidencia la evolución de la biota en el pasado geológico y es de gran importancia en la propuesta de estrategias que conduzcan a una visión integral de la conservación de los recursos naturales. Es por ello que la paleobiología de la conservación es un área que integra información geológica y ecológica utilizada como evidencia para reconocer las modificaciones y alteraciones ambientales actuales. En este estudio se presentan algunos estudios de caso en México que muestran la relación entre la geodiversidad y biodiversidad en la conservación.

Paleontología Mexicana, 2013
En el área de Tepexi de Rodríguez, Estado de Puebla, existen cinco localidades portadoras de huel... more En el área de Tepexi de Rodríguez, Estado de Puebla, existen cinco localidades portadoras de huellas fósiles de vertebrados terrestres. Estos icnofósiles se encuentran conservados en calizas lacustres de la formación “Pie de Vaca”, cuya edad ha sido estimada en cerca de 2 millones de años o en lo que se conoce como la transición Plioceno-Pleistoceno. En la zona se han registrado alrededor de 283 huellas y 14 rastros pertenecientes a cinco tipos de mamíferos y a dos tipos de aves. Asimismo, se han encontrado los tafoglifos del esqueleto completo de un flamenco y de dos huesos aislados, estos últimos pertenecientes también a aves. El análisis de las huellas y los rastros de mamíferos revela que los autores de estos fueron organismos típicos del Plioceno-Pleistoceno,
como camélidos, felinos de gran talla, proboscídeos y artiodáctilos pequeños; por su parte, las huellas de aves indican la presencia de dos grupos: flamencos y aves zancudas del tipo de los carádridos.
Durante el último millón y medio de años en la historia geológica de la Tierra, existió una consi... more Durante el último millón y medio de años en la historia geológica de la Tierra, existió una considerable cantidad de mamíferos de grandes dimensiones que tuvieron una amplia distribución en México. El 95% de ellos desapareció por diversas causas entre las que se encuentran el cambio climático, enfermedades y cacería humana excesiva. En la actualidad, sólo el 5% sobrevive y la mayoría se encuentra en vías de extinción. ¿Aceleraremos la historia hasta cumplir el fatal destino de la megafauna de México, sin permitir su proceso evolutivo natural?
Ciencia Ergo Sum, 2021
We explore the conceptualization of geodiversity and its implication in the conservation of biodi... more We explore the conceptualization of geodiversity and its implication in the conservation of biodiversity; furthermore, we present the perspective of some Mexican naturalists of the XIX century regarding geodiversity, and case studies from central Mexico that evidence the importance of the fossil record in the conservation of nature. The study is based on the revision of previous interpretations about the concepts and field work in fossiliferous localities of Puebla and Hidalgo. It is shown that fossils are part of geodiversity that testify the evolution of biota in the geological past, playing an important role in the proposal of strategies for biological conservation. Thus, paleobiological conservation integrates paleontological and ecological information used as evidence to understand current environmental modifications and alterations.

Historical Biology, 2018
A set of artiodactyl footprints preserved in the Pie de Vaca Formation from the Plio-Pleistocene ... more A set of artiodactyl footprints preserved in the Pie de Vaca Formation from the Plio-Pleistocene of south-central Puebla in central Mexico is formally described. The sample consists of five footprints that represent a trackway produced by one individual. A comparative study and a taxonomic assessment were performed in order to identify the track-maker. The ichnites are characterized by having a rounded shape, length of about 5 cm, two hoof imprints that are longer than wide, and tips of the hooves directed forwards. Their size and morphology are comparable to those produced by extant peccaries. The spatial distribution of the footprints has been related to an individual in fast walking or even in a slow trot. Ichnotaxonomically, the record represents a new ichnospecies formally referred as to Tayassuichnum felixarangutii. A member of Platygonus, the most common peccary for the late Cenozoic of North America is proposed as the potential track-maker. The record contributes to the (ind...
Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 2018

Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 2009
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Trabajo ... more Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Trabajo paleontológico realizado en la región centro-meridional de Hidalgo, permitió recuperar una muestra importante de restos pertenecientes a Glyptodontidae. El material se recuperó de una secuencia sedimentaria innominada que consiste en arcillas, limos y gravas de pobre a moderadamente consolidadas de origen fluviolacustre; los ejemplares están asociados a restos de bisonte (Bison), que sugiere una antigüedad asignable al Rancholabreano. La muestra incluye tres fragmentos de coraza y 10 osteodermos aislados. Los osteodermos son hexagonales con dos a cinco folículos pilosos, la figura central es poligonal, cóncava y ligeramente sobreelevada; alrededor de la figura central existen de ocho a nueve figuritas periféricas dispuestas de manera simétrica y configuración burdamente trapezoidal. El patrón de la roseta corresponde al observado en Glyptotherium floridanum y, por lo tanto, es que los ejemplares hidalguenses se asignan a esta especie. En México, registros de Glyptotherium provienen de Sonora, Chihuahua, Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Estado de México y Veracruz, en consecuencia, se reporta formalmente la presencia de este género para Hidalgo; asimismo, se anexa al registro previamente conocido y se amplia su rango de distribución en lo que ahora es parte del territorio hidalguense.

Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 2015
Fossil specimens of American mastodons (Mammut americanum) that have been recovered from fluvial ... more Fossil specimens of American mastodons (Mammut americanum) that have been recovered from fluvial sedimentary deposits of the late Pleistocene of southeastern Hidalgo, central Mexico, are formally described. The sample includes cranial and postcranial remains of an adult male that represents one of the most complete mastodons that have been found in Mexico, as well as a molar belonging to an old individual. The material from Hidalgo shows the following diagnostic features of M. americanum: well-developed tusks that curved upward; upper and lower molars with a simple occlusal pattern; last molars with four to five lophs/ids; a medial sulcus between the lophs/ids; a scapula with a straight caudal border, a short and expanded neck, and a glenoid cavity that is oval in outline; a short and robust humerus with a prominent epicondylar crest; a radius with a wide distal end; and an ulna with a well-developed olecranon process and a deep trochlear notch. The dental size of the mastodon from Hidalgo is comparable to that of mastodons from the Gulf Coastal Plain and the Great Lakes region, whereas the limb dimensions are similar to those of the Watkins Glen Mastodon from the late Pleistocene of New York. In order to characterize the diet and habitat of the mastodons from Hidalgo, a stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis in tooth enamel apatite was performed. The results indicate that studied specimens were mainly C3 browsers (mean δ 13 C isotope value of -10.06 ‰) that thrived in closed habitats covered by high vegetation, such as trees (mean δ 18 O isotope value of -4.31 ‰). This information suggests the presence of closed habitats in the southeastern region of Hidalgo, during the second half of the Pleistocene.

Ichnos, 2017
ABSTRACT We present the first reported occurrence of canid coprolites from the late Pleistocene o... more ABSTRACT We present the first reported occurrence of canid coprolites from the late Pleistocene of central Mexico. The sample consists of five associated coprolites recovered from Quaternary deposits that crop out in southeastern Hidalgo, central Mexico. The material shows several of the typical features of canid feces, including elongated cylindrical shape, uncommon and nondistinct constrictions, and one tapered end. The coprolites are similar in size to feces of North American foxes, such as Vulpes macrotis, V. lagopus, V. vulpes, and Urocyon cinereoargenteus; likewise, their size might be comparable to those of the Pleistocene canid Canis cedazoensis. The content of the studied coprolites consists of numerous teeth and bone fragments referable to the pocket gophers Pappogeomys or Cratogeomys. The coprolite content is related to a mostly carnivorous diet comparable to that of C. cedazoensis, wolves (Canis lupus, C. rufus, and C. dirus), and some foxes (V. macrotis and V. velox). As a result, it is proposed that the potential trace maker of the coprolites could be a form similar to a carnivorous fox or a small dog. These trace fossils represent the first indirect evidence of canids in the late Pleistocene of Hidalgo and provide additional information regarding the geographic distribution of the Canidae in temperate areas of North America that now are part of central Mexico during the second half of the Pleistocene.

Fossil Record, 2016
Panthera atrox was a common large-sized cat in North America during the late Pleistocene. An isol... more Panthera atrox was a common large-sized cat in North America during the late Pleistocene. An isolated lower canine and a fifth metacarpal bone referable to this species were recovered from fluvial Quaternary deposits that outcrop in southeastern Hidalgo, central Mexico. Associated fossil material belonging to Bison indicates a Rancholabrean North American Land Mammal Age; the age assignment is corroborated by the presence of P. atrox. A comparative study with selected specimens of Panthera and Smilodon indicates that the Hidalgoan sample shares the following diagnostic features with P. atrox: a large, robust, and non-strongly curved lower canine; a large and relatively slender fifth metacarpal with a well-developed projection on the palmar side at the proximal end, narrow articulating surface for the unciform; a narrow notch on the articulating surface for the fourth metacarpal; and a diaphysis that at the middle is oval in cross section. The record supplements the evidence of P. atrox in central Mexico and represents the first reported occurrence of this cat species in the state of Hidalgo. By the same token, the known geographic distribution of P. atrox in the Mexican territory suggests that it was relatively common in temperate areas of central Mexico between 19 and 24 • N at an altitudinal range from 1500 to 2250 m a.s.l. The large size (mean body mass of 300 kg) and hypercarnivorous adaptations of the American lion suggest it was the top predator of the mammalian community recorded at southeastern Hidalgo, displacing other members of the carnivore guild at the mesopredator level, such as the dire wolf (Canis dirus), which has been also reported in the area. The high diversity of large herbivores recorded at southeastern Hidalgo, which in turn could represent potential prey of P. atrox, suggests that some areas that now are part of central Mexico were suitable hunting sites for this large-sized cat. A review of the Pleistocene record of Felidae from Mexico revealed that it encompasses 87.5 and 73.3 % of generic and specific diversity known for North America, respectively, including seven genera (Felis, Miracinonyx, Panthera, Puma, Lynx, Leopardus, and Smilodon) and 11 species (Felis rexroadensis, Miracinonyx inexpectatus, Panthera atrox, Panthera onca, Puma concolor, Puma yagouaroundi, Lynx rufus, Leopardus pardalis, Leopardus wiedii, Smilodon fatalis, and Smilodon gracilis). The majority of these taxa have been reported from numerous late Pleistocene localities; in particular, Panthera atrox was relatively common and widely distributed across the Mexican territory.

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2012
Pleistocene camels from Mexico include representatives of llamas and camels. Their record spans f... more Pleistocene camels from Mexico include representatives of llamas and camels. Their record spans from the Early Blancan to the Late Pleistocene, based on several localities in the northern, northwestern and central parts of the country, with members of the genus Hemiauchenia being particularly well represented. New specimens of a small llama, collected in the state of Hidalgo, central Mexico, are assigned to Hemiauchenia gracilis owing to a combination of cranial and postcranial characters, including a short upper premolar-molar series, the presence of a two-rooted P3, molars covered by a thin layer of cementum, U-shaped molar crescents, well-developed styles and ribs, a small degree of crenulation, a relatively short lower tooth row, the lack of p1 and p3, weakly developed anteroexternal stylids, a shallow and slender mandible, and long and slender metatarsals and phalanges. The material described here extends the Pleistocene geographic distribution of H. gracilis from northern to central Mexico, and its biochronological range from the Early Blancan to the Late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean), thus making it the southernmost record and the geochronologically youngest occurrence of this species in North America. The mesowear pattern of the material from Hidalgo suggests that these animals were mainly browsers. Their estimated body mass resembles that of Blancan specimens from Guanajuato, implying that this species maintained approximately the same body mass throughout its biochronological range in central Mexico.

Se describen formalmente ejemplares de mastodontes Americanos (Mammut americanum) recuperados de ... more Se describen formalmente ejemplares de mastodontes Americanos (Mammut americanum) recuperados de depositos sedimentarios fluviales del Pleistoceno tardio del sureste de Hidalgo, centro de Mexico. La muestra incluye elementos craneales y postcraneales pertenecientes a un macho adulto, el cual representa uno de los mastodontes mas completos encontrados en Mexico; asi como un molar aislado perteneciente a un individuo viejo. El material de Hidalgo muestra las siguientes caracteristicas diagnosticas de M. americanum: defensas bien desarrolladas que se curvan hacia arriba; molares superiores e inferiores con un patron oclusal simple; ultimos molares con cuatro a cinco lofos/idos; un surco medial entre los lofos/idos; escapula con un borde caudal recto, cuello corto y expandido, asi como con una cavidad glenoidea de forma ovalada; humero corto y robusto con una cresta epicondilar prominente; radio expandido en su extremo distal; y ulna con un proceso olecraneal bien desarrollado que sobre...

En el area de Tepexi de Rodriguez, Estado de Puebla, existen cinco localidades portadoras de huel... more En el area de Tepexi de Rodriguez, Estado de Puebla, existen cinco localidades portadoras de huellas fosiles de vertebrados terrestres. Estos icnofosiles se encuentran conservados en calizas lacustres de la Formacion “Pie de Vaca”, cuya edad ha sido estimada en cerca de 2 millones de anos o en lo que se conoce como la transicion Plioceno-Pleistoceno. En la zona se han registrado alrededor de 283 huellas y 14 rastros pertenecientes a cinco tipos de mamiferos y a dos tipos de aves. Asimismo, se han encontrado los tafoglifos del esqueleto completo de un flamenco y de dos huesos aislados, estos ultimos pertenecientes tambien a aves. El analisis de las huellas y los rastros de mamiferos revela que los autores de estos fueron organismos tipicos del Plioceno-Pleistoceno, como camelidos, felinos de gran talla, proboscideos y artiodactilos pequenos; por su parte, las huellas de aves indican la presencia de dos grupos: flamencos y aves zancudas del tipo de los caradridos.
CIENCIA ergo-sum
La geodiversidad hace referencia a los componentes abióticos de la Tierra; sin embargo, en alguno... more La geodiversidad hace referencia a los componentes abióticos de la Tierra; sin embargo, en algunos casos se ha relacionado con la biodiversidad en términos de la conservación biológica. El registro fósil es uno de los componentes de la geodiversidad que evidencia la evolución de la biota en el pasado geológico y es de gran importancia en la propuesta de estrategias que conduzcan a una visión integral de la conservación de los recursos naturales. Es por ello que la paleobiología de la conservación es un área que integra información geológica y ecológica utilizada como evidencia para reconocer las modificaciones y alteraciones ambientales actuales. En este estudio se presentan algunos estudios de caso en México que muestran la relación entre la geodiversidad y biodiversidad en la conservación.
Paleontologia Mexicana, Jan 16, 2014

Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas
A set of cranial and dental material of Antilocapridae was recovered from Quaternary deposits tha... more A set of cranial and dental material of Antilocapridae was recovered from Quaternary deposits that outcrop in southeastern Hidalgo, central Mexico. The fossil bearing unit consists of clay, silt, sand, and scarce conglomeratic lenses in a fluvial environment; the specimens are associated with Bison indicating a Rancholabrean Land Mammal Age. The comparative study of the material with selected specimens of North American antilocaprids, allowed its identification as the small-sized species Capromeryx minor and the medium-sized Stockoceros conklingi. The sample referable to C. minor shows a combination of cranial and dental characters typical of this species, including a large posterior tine that is curved upward and forward, posterior horn core with a deep sulcus on its posterior side that extends from the base to the tip, and well-developed heel on M3. The isotopic analysis of teeth referable to this species from Hidalgo indicates a mixed feeding dietary behavior. A partial skull and...

The Pie de Vaca locality in the State of Puebla stands out for its important abundance of fossil ... more The Pie de Vaca locality in the State of Puebla stands out for its important abundance of fossil mammal footprints, among them, the most representatives have been referred to camelids and felids. The purpose of the present study was the formal characterization of this set of footprints and comment on some paleobiological aspects related to their size, speed, and mode of progression of the track-makers. The sample consists of 233 footprints including 154 referable to nine trackways produced by camelids and 79 referable to three trackways produced by felids. The characterization of the tracks was made by comparing their size and morphology with others produced by fossil and recent taxa. The impressions of camelids, based on their shape and size, were designated to the icnospecies Lamaichnum guanicoe because they show the typical morphological pattern of this group of artiodactyls. It is suggested that they were produced by some member of the genus Hemiauchenia, which corresponds to the most common camelid of the Late Cenozoic of Mexico. On the other hand, the tracks of felids were only referred to the mor-phofamily Felipedidae due to the bad preservation of its ichnotaxonomic characters; however, being larger than traces of the ichnogenera Felipeda, Pycnodactylopus, Pumaeichnum and Mitsupes, it is suggested that they were produced by some form of medium to large size, a machairodontid or a pantherine, for instance. The mode of progression of both producers corresponds to that of relatively fast walking organisms that move at a speed lower than 4 m/s. The direction and number of individuals of camelids trackways, are indicative of gregarious behavior, probably associated with a certain social organization. In the case of felids, solitary or couple behavior is proposed.
Papers by Miguel Angel Cabral-Perdomo
como camélidos, felinos de gran talla, proboscídeos y artiodáctilos pequeños; por su parte, las huellas de aves indican la presencia de dos grupos: flamencos y aves zancudas del tipo de los carádridos.
como camélidos, felinos de gran talla, proboscídeos y artiodáctilos pequeños; por su parte, las huellas de aves indican la presencia de dos grupos: flamencos y aves zancudas del tipo de los carádridos.