Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi
In criticality and stability studies of the nuclear reactor, it is important to evaluate the impact of the uncertainties of the basic nuclear data (cross sections) on the different neutron parameters. In this work sensitivity and... more
On modélise l'amorce du renard hydraulique susceptible de se produire dans un barrage. Le modèle construit pour représenter ce problème est bidimensionnel. Il couple l'équation de Darcy, l'équation de conservation de la masse de la phase... more
Laboratoire de Mathématiques et d'informatique (EA 1802( Université d'Evry Bd des Coquibus 91025 Evry Cedex résumé et mots clés
- by Salah Mars
The systems based on intelligent sensors are currently expanding, due to theirs functions and theirs performances of intelligence: transmitting and receiving data in real-time, computation and processing algorithms, metrology remote,... more
The aim of this study is to evaluate the capabilities of a newly developed burnup code called BUCAL1. The code provides the full capabilities of the Monte Carlo code MCNP5, through the use of the MCNP tally information. BUCAL1 uses the... more
The availability of accurate burnup data is an essential first step in any systematic approach to enhancement of economics, safety and performance of a research reactor. This first step requires the utilization of a well verified burnup... more
Aerosols samples in near-surface air of Granada (Spain) were collected on a weekly basis. The seasonal 210 Pb and 7 Be concentrations were determined during the five-year period, from October 1993 to September 1997. The elements, despite... more
The reactivity of nuclear fuel decreases with irradiation (or burnup) due to the transformation of heavy nuclides and the formation of fission products. Burnup credit studies aim at accounting for fuel irradiation in criticality studies... more