Adventus University
de Traian Dorz Tu, omule! … ce mari răspunderi ai de tot ce faci pe lume! de tot ce spui în scris sau grai, de pilda ce la alţii-o dai, căci ea mereu spre iad sau rai pe mulţi o să-i indrume!
Daniel 8 is one of the most important chapters from the book of Daniel, having special implications for the understanding of the great cosmic conflict between Christ and Satan, with the Sanctuary as the battlefield. This paper, as the... more
This article is an introductory study in the philosophy of Time, trying to explore the biblical understanding of Time, as it appears in Genesis 1-3. The author states that Time is defined by God in its relation to Reality (Creation). With... more
Among the apocalyptic symbols that excited the imagination of the commentators are the seven bowls from Revelation 15-16. Usually interpreters approach this imagery by looking at the Old Testament, Jewish, New Testament, or the... more
There are various readings of the expression ἀπὸ κυρίου πνεύματος (2 Cor 3:18). The syntax permits several ways of translating it. Among these, (1) from the Lord of the Spirit, (2) from the Spirit of the Lord, (3) from the Lord, the... more
It is clear from the way Genesis 3 has been constructed that a cosmic conflict is implicit in the narrative. One of the combatants, the serpent, appears to be part of God's good creation, but when he receives the ability to speak it... more
This article brings the doctrine of sin as expressed in Melanchthon’s theological writings into foreground. It argues that the doctrine of sin is foundational for his theology. By pointing at the dynamic relationship between the doctrines... more
This is the second part of an intratextual analysis that explores the seven bowls within Revelation’s own symbolic tapestry. It uses Revelation’s own symbolic language in order to understand the meaning of the seven plagues. This part... more
The problem of meaning is central to biblical hermeneutics. As the meaning of individual passages is profiled against the tapestry of the biblical conceptual framework, the reader needs to move beyond the traditional separation between... more
The doctrine of salvation is central to Christian theology. In the past, theologians used several typologies to classify the diversity of soteriological models, without much success in proffering a broader integrative perspective. The... more
From the Editors' Introduction (xxix-xxx): "In chapter 21, 'The Three Angels’ Messages as the Teleological Principle of the Adventist Theological System,' Dan-Adrian Petre argues that Adventist theology is based on a historicist... more
In the Adventist theological system, the Sabbath has a key role, functioning as the neural network of the body of beliefs. As such, it delivers eschatological energy to the entire system. The present article outlines several... more
En el sistema teológico adventista, el sábado tiene un papel clave, funcionando como la red neuronal del cuerpo de creencias. Como tal, entrega energía escatológica a todo el sistema. El presente artículo describe varias dimensiones... more
The farewell discourse (John 13:31-16:33) is a key hermeneutical text in the Gospel of John. It helps the reader understand the significance of Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension, and its impact on the post-Easter Christian... more
Dan-Adrian Petre explores the concept of perfection within the Bible and analyzes the current Adventist discussions from this perspective. He underscores that perfection is not achieved through human performance but is mediated by Christ,... more
Job 31 is one of the passages of the Old Testament that has aroused the interest of researchers both from a linguistic and theological point of view, as well as from an ethical perspective. Being part of the last soliloquy (chapters... more
Divine Blessing as the Source of Human Rights. A Study from the Book of Genesis. Throughout history, the struggle for the establishment and recognition of human rights has been marked by bold and courageous demonstrations by individuals... more
The Human Being as An Ethical Agent-The Need for Transcendental Validation of The Ethics of Virtue (Job 31 as An Example). The ethics of excellence, often referred to as the ethics of virtue, considers how one can achieve excellence by... more