Journal Articles by Dan-Adrian Petre
Theologika, 2021
In the Adventist theological system, the Sabbath has a key role, functioning as the neural networ... more In the Adventist theological system, the Sabbath has a key role, functioning as the neural network of the body of beliefs. As such, it delivers eschatological energy to the entire system. The present article outlines several eschatological dimensions of the Sabbath according to the major categories of systematic theology: theology proper, anthropology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. After presenting the eschatological overtones of the Sabbath evinced in Exodus 20:8–11, the eschatological relation of the seventh day with each doctrinal category is analyzed. The article concludes that, as the eschatological insignia of the Adventist theological system, the Sabbath embodies a multifaceted and rich theological significance.
TheoRhēma, 2020
The doctrine of salvation is central to Christian theology. In the past, theologians used several... more The doctrine of salvation is central to Christian theology. In the past, theologians used several typologies to classify the diversity of soteriological models, without much success in proffering a broader integrative perspective. The present article attempts to fill in this gap. After presenting an overview of some current soteriological typologies, it analyzes the main paradigms to pinpoint the common anthropic limitation that restricts their comprehensiveness. The solution to the sin problem needs to be explored in a cosmic context in which a delicate equilibrium between divine holy love and creaturely freedom is present. The plenary cosmic model suggested here has five biblically-derived facets that better fuse the insights of the main soteriological paradigms. This model endeavors to cast more light on God's character in his relationship with the world.

DavarLogos, 2020
The problem of meaning is central to biblical hermeneutics. As the meaning of individual passages... more The problem of meaning is central to biblical hermeneutics. As the meaning of individual passages is profiled against the tapestry of the biblical conceptual framework, the reader needs to move beyond the traditional separation between semantics and pragmatics to grasp the meaning of a text. Cognitive linguistics offers the means to connect the conceptual framework of the Bible with the conceptual framework of the contemporary reader. The present study evinces the usefulness of such an approach by analyzing the conceptu-alization of theological knowledge formation as reflected by the linguistic unit ,ידע "to know" in the Hebrew Bible. After introducing cognitive linguistics and its application in biblical studies, the cognitive analysis follows four steps to outline the schematic meaning of knowing god. The linguistic unit analyzed here conceptualizes the embodied human awareness of the divine realm by acquaintance with divine revelatory actions, according to a prototypical scenario. The study concludes with several epistemological implications that outline a minimal model of theological knowledge formation in the Hebrew Bible.
![Research paper thumbnail of "Un studiu intratextual al primelor patru plăgi din Apocalipsa 15-16 partea a II- a,” TheoRhēma 13.2 (2018): 19-37 [Romanian]](
TheoRhēma, 2018
This is the second part of an intratextual analysis that explores the seven bowls within Revelati... more This is the second part of an intratextual analysis that explores the seven bowls within Revelation’s own symbolic tapestry. It uses Revelation’s own symbolic language in order to understand the meaning of the seven plagues. This part focuses on the description of the bowls and also on the pouring out of the wrath of God through the first four bowls. In the first bowl, the earth-dwellers are directly affected by the sore plague, which torments them. In the second bowl, the economic infrastructure of Babylon, represented by the sea, is destroyed. In the third bowl, the power infrastructure of Babylon and its source, represented by the rivers and the springs of waters, is destroyed. In the fourth bowl, the light of witness, which is attacked so virulently by the evil triad and their followers, turns against the people revealing their unwillingness to repent. As such, the elements judged in the first four bowls point to the human support given to the persecuting powers of Revelation 12-13.
![Research paper thumbnail of "Doctrine of Sin in Melanchthon’s Understanding and Its Reverberations in the Adventist Theology," 신학과 학문 [Theology and Other Disciplines] 21.1 (2019): 124–163](
신학과 학문 [Theology and Other Disciplines], 2019
This article brings the doctrine of sin as expressed in Melanchthon’s theological writings into f... more This article brings the doctrine of sin as expressed in Melanchthon’s theological writings into foreground. It argues that the doctrine of sin is foundational for his theology. By pointing at the dynamic relationship between the doctrines of sin and the doctrines of God and of man, this study enriches the understanding of Melanchthon’s theodicy and free will. The first part explores Melanchthon’s understanding of sin. First, it describes his hamartiology. Second, it indicates the relationship between his doctrine of sin and the doctrine of God. It reveals that the hamartiological discussion structures Melanchthon’s theodicy. Third, this article analyzes the impact of sin on anthropology. It points out that only when the relation between sin and human heart is clarified, the concept of “will” is better apprehended. The second part overviews the Adventist hamartiology and explores the impact of Melanchthon’s understanding of sin upon three Adventist approaches.
TheoRhēma, 2012
It is clear from the way Genesis 3 has been constructed that a cosmic conflict is implicit in the... more It is clear from the way Genesis 3 has been constructed that a cosmic conflict is implicit in the narrative. One of the combatants, the serpent, appears to be part of God's good creation, but when he receives the ability to speak it becomes clear that it is not a mere serpent anymore. It has become a sort of medium for the actions of a personal evil being who is motivated by hostility against God and His creation. From its argumentation, the "demon-in-the-serpent" is deliberately distorting God's order, attacking in this way God Himself. God's response is one which implies conflict and warfare. That is, He promises to instill enmity against the serpent in those who will accept His moral order and, in the end, He will crush irrevocably the head of the "demon-in-the-serpent".
TheoRhēma, 2017
Among the apocalyptic symbols that excited the imagination of the commentators are the seven bowl... more Among the apocalyptic symbols that excited the imagination of the commentators are the seven bowls from Revelation 15-16. Usually interpreters approach this imagery by looking at the Old Testament, Jewish, New Testament, or the historical-cultural setting. This article explores the seven bowls within Revelation's own symbolic tapestry. It uses intratextual analysis of Revelation's own symbolic language in order to understand the meaning of the seven plagues. The article has two parts. This first part presents the background tapestry of the seven bowls. It argues that the hymn of Revelation 15:3-4 is a key passage for understanding the plagues. Also, it analyses the terms used for the plagues, the wrath of God, and the pouring of the bowls, in order to clarify their contextual significance.
![Research paper thumbnail of "«Administrarea împlinirii timpurilor» – Spre o filosofie biblică a timpului – partea I," TheoRhēma 10.2 (2015): 23-34 [Romanian]](
TheoRhēma, 2015
This article is an introductory study in the philosophy of Time, trying to explore the biblical u... more This article is an introductory study in the philosophy of Time, trying to explore the biblical understanding of Time, as it appears in Genesis 1-3. The author states that Time is defined by God in its relation to Reality (Creation). With the Creation "day" featuring as a measurement unit, Time is closely connected with the events taking place within it. Before the Fall, there was no separation between the perception of Reality (phenomenon) and its own intrinsic nature (noumenon). For the Edenic humans, the Sabbath was given as a gift through which the past aspect of Time became a part of the present Reality. When the demonic snake redefined the relation between Time and Reality, there occurred a fracture between the perception of Reality and Reality itself. God had to intervene by administrating the events in human time so that He can restore the Reality as it was at the beginning.
![Research paper thumbnail of „Analiza discursului din Daniel 8”, TheoRhēma 8.1 (2013): 17-47 [Romanian]](
TheoRhēma, 2013
Daniel 8 is one of the most important chapters from the book of Daniel, having special implicatio... more Daniel 8 is one of the most important chapters from the book of Daniel, having special implications for the understanding of the great cosmic conflict between Christ and Satan, with the Sanctuary as the battlefield. This paper, as the first part of a two-part series, introduces the discourse analysis method of Alviero Niccacci, which will be applied to interpreting Daniel chapter 8. Niccacci considers that the Hebrew verbal system is the key to deciphering a text unit. At the basis of his theory there are two building blocks. First, the function of a Hebrew verbal form is determined by its position in the clause creating verbal or nominal clauses. Secondly, Niccacci develops three linguistic levels in the Hebrew text: (a) the differentiation between narrative and discourse is the linguistic attitude; (b) the prominence in a text emphasizes the foreground or the background and (c) the linguistic perspective which comprises the recovered information, the zero degree and the anticipated information. These two building blocks organize the text, making it easy to follow the transitions between the various forms/constructions. The analysis of these transitions helps the researcher better understand the syntactical connections between various levels of the text and the flow and the communication of ideas as the author intended, inspired by the Holy Spirit. This first part analyzes the first four verses of Daniel 8, leaving to the second part the analysis of the rest of the chapter at the grammatical and the syntactical levels with the resulting implications.
Chapters in Edited Volumes by Dan-Adrian Petre
Affirming Our Identity: Current Theological Issues Challenging the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2023
Dan-Adrian Petre explores the concept of perfection within the Bible and analyzes the current Adv... more Dan-Adrian Petre explores the concept of perfection within the Bible and analyzes the current Adventist discussions from this perspective. He underscores that perfection is not achieved through human performance but is mediated by Christ, possessing an “already/not yet” character. He then turns to the Last Generation Theology, highlighting areas of agreement and significant differences from the biblical testimony. In doing so, the chapter furnishes a framework for navigating complex subjects like Christian perfection.

Receptarea Sfintei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică şi traductologie, 2022
The farewell discourse (John 13:31-16:33) is a key hermeneutical text in the Gospel of John. It h... more The farewell discourse (John 13:31-16:33) is a key hermeneutical text in the Gospel of John. It helps the reader understand the significance of Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension, and its impact on the post-Easter Christian community. The first part of the discourse (John 13:31-38) was recently analyzed from various perspectives. Yet, while the text unit has been charted, the various linguistic signals placed in the text by the writer are not fully analyzed. This analysis is needed for an adequate mental representation that accords with the writer’s intended message. The purpose of this paper is to apply Stephen H. Levinsohn’s discourse analysis method to John 13:31-38 to outline an adequate mental representation regarding this passage. Despite some limitations inherent to a bottom-up approach, this method has several hermeneutical contributions. First, it offers ample support for the coherence of the text. Second, based on the constituent order, it helps the reader choose between existing interpretations. Third, this method clarifies the role of the historical present coupled with participant reference. The Johannine biblical-theological horizon of the reader can be broadened by Levinsohn’s methodology.
Eschatology from an Adventist Perspective, 2021
From the Editors' Introduction (xxix-xxx):
"In chapter 21, 'The Three Angels’ Messages as the ... more From the Editors' Introduction (xxix-xxx):
"In chapter 21, 'The Three Angels’ Messages as the Teleological Principle of the Adventist Theological System,' Dan-Adrian Petre argues that Adventist theology is based on a historicist understanding of the apocalyptic prophecies. Petre offers an overview of the Adventist theological system and its cognitive, hermeneutical, and methodological principles. He introduces the three angels’ messages as the teleological principle and discusses the doctrinal development and theological content of the three angels' messages. He emphasizes the eschatological interconnectedness that reinforces the teleological character of the three angels' messages."

Receptarea Sfintei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică şi traductologie, 2018
There are various readings of the expression ἀπὸ κυρίου πνεύματος (2 Cor 3:18). The syntax permit... more There are various readings of the expression ἀπὸ κυρίου πνεύματος (2 Cor 3:18). The syntax permits several ways of translating it. Among these, (1) from the Lord of the Spirit, (2) from the Spirit of the Lord, (3) from the Lord, the Spirit, (4) from the Lord who is the Spirit, (5) from the Lord who is Spirit, (6) from the Spirit who is the Lord, (7) from the Spirit, who is Lord, (8) from the Spirit, who is from the Lord. Facing this semantic plethora, it becomes obvious that the context needs to be taken into account in order to arrive at a satisfactory meaning. For this, several steps are taken. First, the meaning of the terms πνεῦμα and κύριος in 2 Corinthians 3 is explored. Second, similar constructions are analyzed. Third, the role of the expression in Paul’s argument in 2 Corinthians 3 is investigated. The purpose of these three steps is to find a translation that best suits the context. The paper argues that the meaning of ἀπὸ κυρίου πνεύματος is from the Spirit, who is the Lord.
Papers by Dan-Adrian Petre
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2020
Revista Theologika
En el sistema teológico adventista, el sábado tiene un papel clave, funcionando como la red neuro... more En el sistema teológico adventista, el sábado tiene un papel clave, funcionando como la red neuronal del cuerpo de creencias. Como tal, entrega energía escatológica a todo el sistema. El presente artículo describe varias dimensiones escatológicas del sábado según las principales categorías de la teología sistemática: teología propiamente dicha, antropología, soteriología, eclesiología y escatología. Después de presentar los matices escatológicos del sábado evidenciados en Éxodo 20:8-11, se analiza la relación escatológica del séptimo día con cada categoría doctrinal. El artículo concluye que, como insignia escatológica del sistema teológico adventista, el sábado encarna un significado teológico rico y multifacético.
Books by Dan-Adrian Petre
For details, see
Edited books by Dan-Adrian Petre
Madrid, Spain: Editorial Safeliz, 2023.
The abbreviations used in this volume are based on a list published in The SBL Handbook of Style:... more The abbreviations used in this volume are based on a list published in The SBL Handbook of Style: For Biblical Studies and Related Disciplines, 2nd ed. (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2014), 117-260. In cases where references are not included in the Handbook, a new abbreviation is introduced in this list.
Journal Articles by Dan-Adrian Petre
Chapters in Edited Volumes by Dan-Adrian Petre
"In chapter 21, 'The Three Angels’ Messages as the Teleological Principle of the Adventist Theological System,' Dan-Adrian Petre argues that Adventist theology is based on a historicist understanding of the apocalyptic prophecies. Petre offers an overview of the Adventist theological system and its cognitive, hermeneutical, and methodological principles. He introduces the three angels’ messages as the teleological principle and discusses the doctrinal development and theological content of the three angels' messages. He emphasizes the eschatological interconnectedness that reinforces the teleological character of the three angels' messages."
Papers by Dan-Adrian Petre
Books by Dan-Adrian Petre
Edited books by Dan-Adrian Petre
"In chapter 21, 'The Three Angels’ Messages as the Teleological Principle of the Adventist Theological System,' Dan-Adrian Petre argues that Adventist theology is based on a historicist understanding of the apocalyptic prophecies. Petre offers an overview of the Adventist theological system and its cognitive, hermeneutical, and methodological principles. He introduces the three angels’ messages as the teleological principle and discusses the doctrinal development and theological content of the three angels' messages. He emphasizes the eschatological interconnectedness that reinforces the teleological character of the three angels' messages."
Nuestro objetivo con este volumen no solo radica en presentar al lector los desafíos que enfrenta el movimiento adventista, sino también en resaltar la importancia de la vigilancia teológica y la fidelidad al mensaje de las Escrituras. Por tanto, esta obra invita al lector a participar en un diálogo reflexivo y perspicaz sobre nuestra herencia teológica y, al analizar su fundamento bíblico, a enfrentar con valentía los desafíos que amenazan con socavar nuestra identidad bíblica y cristocéntrica. Además, nos alienta no solo a defender un conjunto de doctrinas, sino también a vivir el poder transformador de esas doctrinas en nuestras experiencias personales y en nuestras comunidades.