Books (Romanian) by Lorin Ghiman
Presa Universitara Clujeana, 2019
Papers (English) by Lorin Ghiman

Annals of the University of Bucharest Philosophy Series, 2022
What is still lacking in the expanding research field of transhumanism is a serious investigation... more What is still lacking in the expanding research field of transhumanism is a serious investigation of the social existence and its role in the shaping of the future. Taking Sorgner's recent book, We have always been cyborgs, as a guide, the paper investigates the roots and possible reasons of the societal blindness that seems to be so prevalent in the transhumanist community. The analysis shows that the principled positions that are by and large accepted in the community, notably Sorgner's alethic and ethical nihilism, which inform the political-philosophical liberalism of most if not all of its members are untenable without an underlying historical reasoning that sees the evolution of the societies as virtually complete. Since this historical argument is always nonfactual, it results that the question about the future society can and must be addressed if transhumanism is to keep with its philosophical programme.

Annals of the University of Bucharest Philosophy Series, 2020
The rapid institutionalization of ‚transhumanism‛, promoted from the status of subculture to 'int... more The rapid institutionalization of ‚transhumanism‛, promoted from the status of subculture to 'intellectual movement', to the point in which its interests have gained academic traction becoming a research and reflection field cannot conceal the many methodological and epistemic shortcomings it still suffers today. I intend to go through the most striking of them in order to claim that in order to properly respond to its self-imposed mission and tasks, transhumanism must either adopt a critical, philosophical posthumanism, as its own method, or renounce its claims altogether. The point is that critical posthumanism is already the immanent critique of transhumanism, and the latter cannot continue to ignore it without losing touch with its own content-which equates to the catastrophic loss of academic credibility and the relegation in the sphere of popular culture. Conversely, the transhuman as a field of actual transformations is the proper one for posthumanist research, without which its efforts to gain institutional ground are pointless.
With the switch to online teaching starting March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students hav... more With the switch to online teaching starting March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students have spent more time than ever online. The study (N=191) was conducted online and answered the following research questions: 1) Does the time spent online influence students experience with cyberbullying? 2) Are students from vulnerable groups more prone to cyberbullying? 3) What are the ways students believe cyberbullying should be addressed? 4) Are there gender differences in the way cyberbullying is perceived? Among others, the study revealed that women are more likely to acknowledge cyberbullying and that their professors are identified by a large part of the sample as perpetrators of cyberbullying.

ANNALS of the University of Bucharest Philosophy Series, 2018
There is a peculiar figure of thought (and speech) that Kracauer, Adorno and Benjamin
seemed to l... more There is a peculiar figure of thought (and speech) that Kracauer, Adorno and Benjamin
seemed to like and share. Working on related topics concerning the status of the arts,
they all toyed with the idea of a “go-for-broke” game, a “va-banque Spiel”. The first
occurrence of the expression can arguably be found in Kracauer’s photography essay
from 1927, and, given the fact that the three men were in constant exchange of ideas, one
would not be surprised to see it crop up in Adorno’s work and correspondence and then
taken up, even if not literally, by Benjamin. What is the meaning of this rather unusual
expression in the highly intellectual debates on the new social function of the arts
that came, as Benjamin put it, with the development of new technological means
of (re)production?
In what follows we intend to reconstruct the body of thought that the three
thinkers have in common on this topic and thus clarify the meaning of the strange vabanque
game. As we shall see, with it they are brothers in a “confrérie du risque” as it
were, that banks all their hopes for a new society on the new human experience that will
be brought about by the “new arts”, as photography and film. What is in play is a new,
“higher” concept of experience that emerges from the dialectics of man and nature at
work in the creation and reception of the new works of art that has a distinct (and specific)
political meaning. We intend to reconstruct this risky intellectual game, and to follow it
with a few “post-game” Adornian considerations on the viability of such an approach.

The major issue in the study of German-Jewish modern messianism of the Weimar
era is its surviva... more The major issue in the study of German-Jewish modern messianism of the Weimar
era is its survival and ‘rebirth’ in spite of its inner contradictions and the failure
of the more obvert political forms it allegedly inform. The assessment of the main
explanatory hypothesis, from the perspectives of the ‘history of the spirit’ and
philosophical history of ideas (Taubes – Scholem, secularisation theorem), the
history of ideas and intellectual history lead to the conclusion that neither one is
capable of fully accounting for both the survival and reappearance of the cultural
and political phenomena, and prompts to a new hypothesis that accommodates
the irruptive character of modern messianism and its sensitivity to historical
contingencies, the ‘quasi-transcendental’ character (Derrida) and the multiple
attitudes circumscribed by its concrete, historic-intellectual shape as “ethos” (Rabinbach). The
concept of “existential feeling” (Ratcliffe) is then proposed as a better fit for the explanation
of the modern-messianic methodological conundrum. The equation of (modern)
messianism with a particular kind of existential feeling could subsequently lead
to progress in the research of the latter type of phenomena, a few of them being
briefly discussed.
Papers (Romanian) by Lorin Ghiman
Arta în context. Bune practici în predarea artei online, 2022
Legea 221/2019 și normele ei de aplicare par să deschidă calea către
o nouă strategie de prevenir... more Legea 221/2019 și normele ei de aplicare par să deschidă calea către
o nouă strategie de prevenire și combatere a violenței în sistemul școlar
preuniversitar din România. Prin aceste acte normative sunt introduse în
premieră în vocabularul juridic și instituțional termenii „bullying” (violență
psihologică) și cyberbullying (violență psihologică cibernetică) și o nouă
manieră de intervenție la nivel de școală și caz, corelată cu alte entități pe
verticală și orizontală. Lucrarea analizează vocabularul operațional prin
comparație cu literatura de specialitate și arhitectura organizațională introdusă pentru combaterea fenomenelor de (cyber)bullying prin prisma eficacității sale potențiale, indicând efectele acestor modificări asupra manierei de tratare a problematicii violenței în formarea inițială și continuă a cadrelor didactice.
G. Anders, Obsolescenta omului II. Despre distrugerea vietii in epoca celei de-a treia revolutii ... more G. Anders, Obsolescenta omului II. Despre distrugerea vietii in epoca celei de-a treia revolutii industriale, traducere, note si postfata de Lorin Ghiman, Tact, Cluj, 2016, pp. 461-466.

Final version, to appear in Cristian Iftode, Cristina Voinea (eds), Critică, marginalitate, cinis... more Final version, to appear in Cristian Iftode, Cristina Voinea (eds), Critică, marginalitate, cinism, Bucureşti: Ed. Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2016, ISBN 978-606-16-0828-7 Otium, negotium, şi ethos-ul filosofic în epoca tehnocraţiei. Glose în marginea "filosofiei de ocazie" a lui Günther Anders dr. Lorin Ghiman 1 Locuri comune despre filosofie Un român celebrissim în România, filosof, om de cultură, antreprenor, spunea cu o ocazie că filosofia este o chestiune care ţine de otium, şi nu de negotium. Abia otium îngăduie reflecţia, doar el deschide calea spre filosofie. Negotium, nivelul cotidian al vieţilor noastre, timpul negocierilor, tribulaţiilor şi comerţului nostru cu lumea şi lucrurile nu lasă timp spiritului ce însetează după adevăr. Or -e limpede, nu-i aşa? -viaţa ideală se identifică cu cea a preocupării pentru filosofie. Această înţelegere aristocratică, conservatoare a filosofiei nu îşi are în Gabriel Liiceanu singurul său reprezentant. Ea e ubicuă, venerabilă, şi are numeroase rădăcini (Lago 2005), la fel ca şi atitudinea opusă, în propriul ei fel conservatoare şi conformistă, care privilegiază viaţa în slujba datoriei, vita activa a negotium-ului (Heintzman 2015) -pentru care "timpul muncii este tot timpul".
Intervenţia propusă porneşte de la observaţia că, astăzi, categoria noului nu mai aparţine artelo... more Intervenţia propusă porneşte de la observaţia că, astăzi, categoria noului nu mai aparţine artelor, ci în totalitate realităţii lumii tehnice. Istoria artelor în vremurile "noi" ale ultimului secol indică o trecere a acestora din avangarda progresului umanităţii în ariergardă, unde, alături de noi toţi, trebuie să facă faţă "noilor realităţi".
Thesis Chapters by Lorin Ghiman
Extracted from: Politics & Culture. Reconstructing Walter Benjamin's Concept of the Political, Ph... more Extracted from: Politics & Culture. Reconstructing Walter Benjamin's Concept of the Political, PhD thesis, UBB Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Extracted from: Politics & Culture. Reconstructing Walter Benjamin's Concept of the Political, Ph... more Extracted from: Politics & Culture. Reconstructing Walter Benjamin's Concept of the Political, PhD thesis, UBB Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Conference Presentations by Lorin Ghiman
Comunicare prezentată în cadrul Colocviului "Foloasele şi neajunsurile modernităţii. Walter Benja... more Comunicare prezentată în cadrul Colocviului "Foloasele şi neajunsurile modernităţii. Walter Benjamin şi fizionomia Europei interbelice", UBB, Cluj-Napoca, 07.12.2007
Spre apariţie ca: Dialectica aurei. Despre problematica experienţei în opera lui Walter Benjamin” în volumul in pregatire L. Ghiman (ed.), Studii benjaminiene, Eikon, Cluj, 2008, ISBN 978-973-757-119-9
When, in the 1980s, Jacob Taubes published his critique on the layout and consequences of the Jew... more When, in the 1980s, Jacob Taubes published his critique on the layout and consequences of the Jewish messianism of the highly revered Gershom Scholem, he had already gone a long way on the path of faux pas. Still, the passion with which he advocates for the survival of the messianic idea, be it in an interiorised form, is not that different from that of Scholem himself. Nor from that of numerous members of the German-Jewish Parnassus who, in the interwar period, shared a messianic - albeit modern and secular - ethos (Rabinbach). Stating that the survival of the messianic idea is the core problem of the messianic, itself, the paper investigates the options available to look into the “Streit um den Preis des Messianismus” with the means of the intellectual history and of the history of ideas. This, in turn, can shed light on the forms in which messianism still exist today.
Book Reviews by Lorin Ghiman
Books (Romanian) by Lorin Ghiman
Papers (English) by Lorin Ghiman
seemed to like and share. Working on related topics concerning the status of the arts,
they all toyed with the idea of a “go-for-broke” game, a “va-banque Spiel”. The first
occurrence of the expression can arguably be found in Kracauer’s photography essay
from 1927, and, given the fact that the three men were in constant exchange of ideas, one
would not be surprised to see it crop up in Adorno’s work and correspondence and then
taken up, even if not literally, by Benjamin. What is the meaning of this rather unusual
expression in the highly intellectual debates on the new social function of the arts
that came, as Benjamin put it, with the development of new technological means
of (re)production?
In what follows we intend to reconstruct the body of thought that the three
thinkers have in common on this topic and thus clarify the meaning of the strange vabanque
game. As we shall see, with it they are brothers in a “confrérie du risque” as it
were, that banks all their hopes for a new society on the new human experience that will
be brought about by the “new arts”, as photography and film. What is in play is a new,
“higher” concept of experience that emerges from the dialectics of man and nature at
work in the creation and reception of the new works of art that has a distinct (and specific)
political meaning. We intend to reconstruct this risky intellectual game, and to follow it
with a few “post-game” Adornian considerations on the viability of such an approach.
era is its survival and ‘rebirth’ in spite of its inner contradictions and the failure
of the more obvert political forms it allegedly inform. The assessment of the main
explanatory hypothesis, from the perspectives of the ‘history of the spirit’ and
philosophical history of ideas (Taubes – Scholem, secularisation theorem), the
history of ideas and intellectual history lead to the conclusion that neither one is
capable of fully accounting for both the survival and reappearance of the cultural
and political phenomena, and prompts to a new hypothesis that accommodates
the irruptive character of modern messianism and its sensitivity to historical
contingencies, the ‘quasi-transcendental’ character (Derrida) and the multiple
attitudes circumscribed by its concrete, historic-intellectual shape as “ethos” (Rabinbach). The
concept of “existential feeling” (Ratcliffe) is then proposed as a better fit for the explanation
of the modern-messianic methodological conundrum. The equation of (modern)
messianism with a particular kind of existential feeling could subsequently lead
to progress in the research of the latter type of phenomena, a few of them being
briefly discussed.
Papers (Romanian) by Lorin Ghiman
o nouă strategie de prevenire și combatere a violenței în sistemul școlar
preuniversitar din România. Prin aceste acte normative sunt introduse în
premieră în vocabularul juridic și instituțional termenii „bullying” (violență
psihologică) și cyberbullying (violență psihologică cibernetică) și o nouă
manieră de intervenție la nivel de școală și caz, corelată cu alte entități pe
verticală și orizontală. Lucrarea analizează vocabularul operațional prin
comparație cu literatura de specialitate și arhitectura organizațională introdusă pentru combaterea fenomenelor de (cyber)bullying prin prisma eficacității sale potențiale, indicând efectele acestor modificări asupra manierei de tratare a problematicii violenței în formarea inițială și continuă a cadrelor didactice.
Thesis Chapters by Lorin Ghiman
Conference Presentations by Lorin Ghiman
Spre apariţie ca: Dialectica aurei. Despre problematica experienţei în opera lui Walter Benjamin” în volumul in pregatire L. Ghiman (ed.), Studii benjaminiene, Eikon, Cluj, 2008, ISBN 978-973-757-119-9
Book Reviews by Lorin Ghiman
seemed to like and share. Working on related topics concerning the status of the arts,
they all toyed with the idea of a “go-for-broke” game, a “va-banque Spiel”. The first
occurrence of the expression can arguably be found in Kracauer’s photography essay
from 1927, and, given the fact that the three men were in constant exchange of ideas, one
would not be surprised to see it crop up in Adorno’s work and correspondence and then
taken up, even if not literally, by Benjamin. What is the meaning of this rather unusual
expression in the highly intellectual debates on the new social function of the arts
that came, as Benjamin put it, with the development of new technological means
of (re)production?
In what follows we intend to reconstruct the body of thought that the three
thinkers have in common on this topic and thus clarify the meaning of the strange vabanque
game. As we shall see, with it they are brothers in a “confrérie du risque” as it
were, that banks all their hopes for a new society on the new human experience that will
be brought about by the “new arts”, as photography and film. What is in play is a new,
“higher” concept of experience that emerges from the dialectics of man and nature at
work in the creation and reception of the new works of art that has a distinct (and specific)
political meaning. We intend to reconstruct this risky intellectual game, and to follow it
with a few “post-game” Adornian considerations on the viability of such an approach.
era is its survival and ‘rebirth’ in spite of its inner contradictions and the failure
of the more obvert political forms it allegedly inform. The assessment of the main
explanatory hypothesis, from the perspectives of the ‘history of the spirit’ and
philosophical history of ideas (Taubes – Scholem, secularisation theorem), the
history of ideas and intellectual history lead to the conclusion that neither one is
capable of fully accounting for both the survival and reappearance of the cultural
and political phenomena, and prompts to a new hypothesis that accommodates
the irruptive character of modern messianism and its sensitivity to historical
contingencies, the ‘quasi-transcendental’ character (Derrida) and the multiple
attitudes circumscribed by its concrete, historic-intellectual shape as “ethos” (Rabinbach). The
concept of “existential feeling” (Ratcliffe) is then proposed as a better fit for the explanation
of the modern-messianic methodological conundrum. The equation of (modern)
messianism with a particular kind of existential feeling could subsequently lead
to progress in the research of the latter type of phenomena, a few of them being
briefly discussed.
o nouă strategie de prevenire și combatere a violenței în sistemul școlar
preuniversitar din România. Prin aceste acte normative sunt introduse în
premieră în vocabularul juridic și instituțional termenii „bullying” (violență
psihologică) și cyberbullying (violență psihologică cibernetică) și o nouă
manieră de intervenție la nivel de școală și caz, corelată cu alte entități pe
verticală și orizontală. Lucrarea analizează vocabularul operațional prin
comparație cu literatura de specialitate și arhitectura organizațională introdusă pentru combaterea fenomenelor de (cyber)bullying prin prisma eficacității sale potențiale, indicând efectele acestor modificări asupra manierei de tratare a problematicii violenței în formarea inițială și continuă a cadrelor didactice.
Spre apariţie ca: Dialectica aurei. Despre problematica experienţei în opera lui Walter Benjamin” în volumul in pregatire L. Ghiman (ed.), Studii benjaminiene, Eikon, Cluj, 2008, ISBN 978-973-757-119-9