Background: Cancer is a very serious health problem because incident of cancer increase of 20% pe... more Background: Cancer is a very serious health problem because incident of cancer increase of 20% per year. Incident cervical cancer in Indonesia is 15.000 cases per year and the death rate is 7.500 cases per year. Cervical cancer incident in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta have the highest value which 1,5permil per year. Cervical cancer begins with virus infection that stimulate changes in cervical epithelial cell activity. Early detection means inspection or test to people who unshown the symptoms of a disease to find pre clinical disease. VIA test is a simple method. This study aimed to know risk factors cervical intraepithelial neoplasia using early detection to woman who did the VIA test at Puskesmas in District of Sleman. Method: This study was an analytic research with case control design. The population in this study are the woman who did the VIA test and the sample were 78 patient. Data analysis used chi square test and logistic regression with p<0,05. Result: The result of this study with multivariate analysis was there was primary risk factor is sexual intercourse at a young age with the value of p=0,001 OR = 12,370 (95%, 2,717-56,326. It means thus it can be concluded sexual intercourse at a young age more risk 12,370 times compared with those who had sexual intercourse at mature age. Other risk factors which had significancy are age p=0,005 OR=7,906 and parity p=0,036 OR=4,345. Conclusion: There were significant correlation between parity, sexual intercourse at a young age and age with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Intisari Latar Belakang: Kanker merupakan problem kesehatan yang sangat serius karena jumlah penderitanya meningkat sekitar 20% per tahun. Kasus baru kanker serviks di Indonesia diperkirakan terjadi 15.000 kasus setiap tahunnya, sedangkan angka kematiannya diperkirakan 7.500 kasus per tahun. Provinsi D. I. Yogyakarta memiliki prevalensi kanker serviks tertinggi yaitu sebesar 1,5permil. Kanker serviks berawal dari infeksi virus yang merangsang perubahan aktifitas sel epitel serviks. Deteksi dini yaitu pemeriksaan atau tes yang dilakukan pada orang yang belum menunjukkan adanya gejala penyakit untuk menemukan penyakit yang belum terlihat atau masih berada pada stadium praklinik. Tes IVA merupakan metode pencegahan yang sederhana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian lesi prakanker serviks pada wanita yang melakukan tes IVA di Puskesmas Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sleman. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain case control study. Populasi penelitian yaitu wanita yang menjalani pemeriksaan IVA di Puskesmas Sentinel IVA dengan sampel sebanyak 78 responden. Analisis menggunakan uji statistik yaitu uji chi square dan regresi logistik dengan tingkat kemaknaan p < 0,05. Hasil: Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko yang utama yaitu hubungan seks diusia muda, dengan nilai p=0,001 OR = 12,370 (95%, 2,717-56,326). Artinya, orang yang melakukan hubungan seks diusia muda memiliki risiko 12,370 untuk terkena lesi prakanker serviks dibandingkan dengan yang berhubungan seks pada usia yang cukup. Faktor risiko lainnya yang signifikan yaitu usia p=0,005 OR=7,906 dan paritas p=0,036 OR=4,345.
Leprosy is chronic infectious disease caused mycobacterium leprae. In 2012 until 2014, Indonesia... more Leprosy is chronic infectious disease caused mycobacterium leprae. In 2012 until 2014, Indonesia has the third biggest leprosy cases in the world. Surabaya was leprosy endemic areas. The research aimed to early detection subclinical leprosy based on measurement antibodies levels (IgM) anti PGL-1 and analize factors that influence subclinical leprosy for childrens in Surabaya. The research was analitic observational with cross-sectional design. The study population was a family members who had leprosy patients. Samples was selected simple random sampling and 30 KK selected by rapid school and village survey in April-May 2015. Data was collected by interview used questionnaire. Specimens was taken from peripheral blood of fingertip used capillary tube and filter paper method. Serological test in Leprosy Laboratory Institute of Tropical Diseases Unair to determine levels antibodies specific leprosy by ELISA method. Results of seropositives set cut off point ≥ 245 u/ml is subclinical leprosy. Result of serological test showed 8 respondents (26,7%) was positive subclinical leprosy. Analize result by chi-square showed contact history (p value 0,034;RP 4,500) and duration of contact (p value 0,028;RP 5,182) were factors that influence subclinical leprosy infection for childrens. Serological test antibodies levels (IgM) anti PGL-1 used in screening program to subclinical leprosy. Keywords: IgM, subclinical leprosy, contact history, duration of contact
Background: Cancer is a very serious health problem because incident of cancer increase of 20% pe... more Background: Cancer is a very serious health problem because incident of cancer increase of 20% per year. Incident cervical cancer in Indonesia is 15.000 cases per year and the death rate is 7.500 cases per year. Cervical cancer incident in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta have the highest value which 1,5permil per year. Cervical cancer begins with virus infection that stimulate changes in cervical epithelial cell activity. Early detection means inspection or test to people who unshown the symptoms of a disease to find pre clinical disease. VIA test is a simple method. This study aimed to know risk factors cervical intraepithelial neoplasia using early detection to woman who did the VIA test at Puskesmas in District of Sleman. Method: This study was an analytic research with case control design. The population in this study are the woman who did the VIA test and the sample were 78 patient. Data analysis used chi square test and logistic regression with p<0,05. Result: The result of this study with multivariate analysis was there was primary risk factor is sexual intercourse at a young age with the value of p=0,001 OR = 12,370 (95%, 2,717-56,326. It means thus it can be concluded sexual intercourse at a young age more risk 12,370 times compared with those who had sexual intercourse at mature age. Other risk factors which had significancy are age p=0,005 OR=7,906 and parity p=0,036 OR=4,345. Conclusion: There were significant correlation between parity, sexual intercourse at a young age and age with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Intisari Latar Belakang: Kanker merupakan problem kesehatan yang sangat serius karena jumlah penderitanya meningkat sekitar 20% per tahun. Kasus baru kanker serviks di Indonesia diperkirakan terjadi 15.000 kasus setiap tahunnya, sedangkan angka kematiannya diperkirakan 7.500 kasus per tahun. Provinsi D. I. Yogyakarta memiliki prevalensi kanker serviks tertinggi yaitu sebesar 1,5permil. Kanker serviks berawal dari infeksi virus yang merangsang perubahan aktifitas sel epitel serviks. Deteksi dini yaitu pemeriksaan atau tes yang dilakukan pada orang yang belum menunjukkan adanya gejala penyakit untuk menemukan penyakit yang belum terlihat atau masih berada pada stadium praklinik. Tes IVA merupakan metode pencegahan yang sederhana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian lesi prakanker serviks pada wanita yang melakukan tes IVA di Puskesmas Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sleman. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain case control study. Populasi penelitian yaitu wanita yang menjalani pemeriksaan IVA di Puskesmas Sentinel IVA dengan sampel sebanyak 78 responden. Analisis menggunakan uji statistik yaitu uji chi square dan regresi logistik dengan tingkat kemaknaan p < 0,05. Hasil: Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko yang utama yaitu hubungan seks diusia muda, dengan nilai p=0,001 OR = 12,370 (95%, 2,717-56,326). Artinya, orang yang melakukan hubungan seks diusia muda memiliki risiko 12,370 untuk terkena lesi prakanker serviks dibandingkan dengan yang berhubungan seks pada usia yang cukup. Faktor risiko lainnya yang signifikan yaitu usia p=0,005 OR=7,906 dan paritas p=0,036 OR=4,345.
Leprosy is chronic infectious disease caused mycobacterium leprae. In 2012 until 2014, Indonesia... more Leprosy is chronic infectious disease caused mycobacterium leprae. In 2012 until 2014, Indonesia has the third biggest leprosy cases in the world. Surabaya was leprosy endemic areas. The research aimed to early detection subclinical leprosy based on measurement antibodies levels (IgM) anti PGL-1 and analize factors that influence subclinical leprosy for childrens in Surabaya. The research was analitic observational with cross-sectional design. The study population was a family members who had leprosy patients. Samples was selected simple random sampling and 30 KK selected by rapid school and village survey in April-May 2015. Data was collected by interview used questionnaire. Specimens was taken from peripheral blood of fingertip used capillary tube and filter paper method. Serological test in Leprosy Laboratory Institute of Tropical Diseases Unair to determine levels antibodies specific leprosy by ELISA method. Results of seropositives set cut off point ≥ 245 u/ml is subclinical leprosy. Result of serological test showed 8 respondents (26,7%) was positive subclinical leprosy. Analize result by chi-square showed contact history (p value 0,034;RP 4,500) and duration of contact (p value 0,028;RP 5,182) were factors that influence subclinical leprosy infection for childrens. Serological test antibodies levels (IgM) anti PGL-1 used in screening program to subclinical leprosy. Keywords: IgM, subclinical leprosy, contact history, duration of contact
Papers by Annisa Sani
Keywords: IgM, subclinical leprosy, contact history, duration of contact
Drafts by Annisa Sani
Keywords: IgM, subclinical leprosy, contact history, duration of contact