Papers by Patricia Thibaut
ASCILITE Publications, Nov 18, 2022
Reconnecting relationships through technology
Pedagogy, Culture and Society, Dec 7, 2022
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
Often methods of contemporary schooling assumed teacher-centred practices. I draw on the concept ... more Often methods of contemporary schooling assumed teacher-centred practices. I draw on the concept of social learning and learning networks to challenge this model. In particular, I explore the role of a learning technology, a Social Network Site called Edmodo in teaching and learning practices in the primary classroom. Both, a quantitative approach and qualitative technique were utilised. By doing so, I attempt to understand not only the patterns of interaction, but also the underlying meaning of interactions used in the asynchronous environment. This study aims to bridge gaps between contemporary methods of schooling and learning technologies. I will show the applicability of Edmodo in expanding teaching and learning repertoires and in building learning networks in young learners.

Perfiles Educativos
Pese a la urgencia del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en un contexto mediado digitalmente e i... more Pese a la urgencia del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en un contexto mediado digitalmente e inundado de noticias falsas, los resultados de este constructo son bajos a escala internacional. Esta investigación busca aportar en esta área a partir del diseño y pilotaje de una app cuyo objetivo es desarrollar el pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de primer ciclo de universidad. Se muestra el proceso de diseño y pilotaje, así como los resultados de uso en un curso de estudiantes de primer año de universidad. Los datos se analizaron cuantitativa y cualitativamente mediante un software de análisis de corpus, el sistema de ideación del lenguaje y una rúbrica de evaluación de textos. Los datos sugieren que la app puede contribuir al desarrollo del pensamiento crítico a través de la modelación de esta habilidad. Se destacan aspectos positivos en la producción de textos argumentativos mediados por la app, junto con sugerencias de mejora.

Universum (Talca)
La imaginación museal surgida en la década de los sesenta instaló un nuevo paradigma que ha busca... more La imaginación museal surgida en la década de los sesenta instaló un nuevo paradigma que ha buscado que los museos asuman una función social, expresen y resuelvan las inquietudes de su comunidad y desplieguen un espíritu de lugar. Se presenta un estudio sobre museos de base comunitaria en la Región de los Ríos que representan algunos de los ideales de esta Nueva Museología. El propósito es entender cómo objetos y manifestaciones revelan procesos de patrimonialización situados que, mediados por el ejercicio de la función social, amplían las conceptualizaciones oficiales sobre el patrimonio. Los resultados obtenidos de este estudio de caso múltiple de enfoque cualitativo muestran elementos compartidos en los caminos hacia la patrimonialización en los museos de base comunitaria estudiados: un carácter colectivo, co-creativo y coautoral; la presencia de valores expresados en una ética práctica; y la movilidad y coexistencia entre escalas íntimas, comunitarias y pluriversales.

espanolEn el marco de la era digital, el presente estudio explora las practicas de literacidad de... more espanolEn el marco de la era digital, el presente estudio explora las practicas de literacidad de ninos fuera de la sala de clases y su conexion con procesos de aprendizaje formal en un contexto rural. Utilizando una perspectiva ecologica y sociocultural, el articulo busca conectar areas de investigacion que frecuentemente se encuentran separadas en la literatura, como lo son los estudios centrados en la escuela y aquellos de aprendizaje informal; asi como indagar en un area como es la educacion rural que se encuentra subestudiada en la literatura. El estudio se situa en una localidad rural en Chile. Se utilizo una metodologia de estudio de caso multiple. Los resultados indican una orientacion hacia las practicas de literacidad digital en el hogar, pese a la falta de disponibilidad de tecnologias. Esto contrasta con la existencia de material impreso en los hogares y da cuenta de la importancia de distinguir conceptualmente el acceso y la disponibilidad hacia estos recursos (KALMAN, ...

E-Learning and Digital Media, 2020
Young people are increasingly connected in a digital and globalized world, but technology-mediate... more Young people are increasingly connected in a digital and globalized world, but technology-mediated interactions alone do not necessarily lead to a culture of meaningful participation and meaning making processes. Students from disadvantaged contexts are especially vulnerable to this. Drawing on the Activity-Centred Analysis and Design framework this paper discusses a case study situated in disadvantaged schools in Chile. Phase 1 of the study revealed that high school students’ literacy practices in the everyday classroom mostly reflected low conceptual and procedural understanding of new literacies, confirming that these young learners enacted passive forms of technological use in and out-of-school spaces. Phase 2 of the study involved the development and implementation of a digital project at a Chilean school. Results offer insights on how alterations in tools, learning tasks, and social arrangements, led to reconfigured literacy practices. Findings also show that the relationship ...

Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 2021
En los últimos años ha aumentado el número de estudiantes extranjeros en establecimientos educaci... more En los últimos años ha aumentado el número de estudiantes extranjeros en establecimientos educacionales. Así, este estudio se pregunta por los Fondos de Conocimiento (FdC) de familias venezolanas en el sur de Chile, como por las continuidades/discontinuidades con las prácticas educativas de la escuela pública chilena. A través del uso de metodología cualitativa con enfoque etnográfico, se realizó un total de quince entrevistas a cinco familias venezolanas, además de dos entrevistas grupales al profesorado de las escuelas en las que los hijos e hijas de estas familias estudian. Los resultados obtenidos a través de análisis de contenido señalan: alta continuidad de las prácticas, medios y fines entre las familias y las escuelas; alta valoración por parte del profesorado hacia estas familias migrantes, en relación a los sofisticados FdC que poseen asociado a su capital cultural y a su buen desempeño escolar, en contraste con los escolares locales. Esto sugiere mayor continuidad entre h...
Postdigital Science and Education, 2021

Learning Environments Research, 2020
Significant funding is devoted across the world to transforming traditional classrooms into flexi... more Significant funding is devoted across the world to transforming traditional classrooms into flexible learning environments. These efforts are often motivated by a desire to create learning spaces attuned to twenty-first century competencies, which involve learning how to communicate, collaborate, think creatively, and how to become critical users of technologies engaged in both the consumption and production of knowledge. In New Zealand, these flexible learning spaces are seen as part of innovative learning environments (ILEs), which are conceptualised as ecosystems involving learners, educators, communities, pedagogical practices, knowledge, and digital and material resources, including buildings and furniture. In line with ILEs, the notion of place-based spaces for networked learning foregrounds learning activity as enmeshed in an assemblage of elements-involving physical spaces, artefacts, digital technologies, people, ideas and tasks. In this paper, we adopt a networked learning perspective to frame the New Zealand learning landscape. Key findings from a national survey with 222 primary teachers, 126 secondary teachers and 163 school leaders, show that most teachers and leaders perceived their schools as being in-transition to ILEs. Findings highlight the importance of having a shared vision and leadership dedicated to supporting teachers' experimentation with new practices in innovative spaces. The survey details the digital and material resources, the social configurations used in classrooms, the types of learning tasks students are engaging in and a range of emergent practices in innovative and traditional environments for learning across New Zealand.

Educação e Pesquisa, 2020
Resumen En el marco de la era digital, el presente estudio explora las prácticas de literacidad d... more Resumen En el marco de la era digital, el presente estudio explora las prácticas de literacidad de niños fuera de la sala de clases y su conexión con procesos de aprendizaje formal en un contexto rural. Utilizando una perspectiva ecológica y sociocultural, el artículo busca conectar áreas de investigación que frecuentemente se encuentran separadas en la literatura, como lo son los estudios centrados en la escuela y aquellos de aprendizaje informal; así como indagar en un área como es la educación rural que se encuentra sub-estudiada en la literatura. El estudio se sitúa en una localidad rural en Chile. Se utilizó una metodología de estudio de caso múltiple. Los resultados indican una orientación hacia las prácticas de literacidad digital en el hogar, pese a la falta de disponibilidad de tecnologías. Esto contrasta con la existencia de material impreso en los hogares y da cuenta de la importancia de distinguir conceptualmente el acceso y la disponibilidad hacia estos recursos (KALMAN...

Theory Into Practice, 2017
Supported by ever-evolving digital tools and online spaces, we argue that multiliteracies can be ... more Supported by ever-evolving digital tools and online spaces, we argue that multiliteracies can be used to close the gap between teacher-directed, individual, and assessment-driven learning, and authentic, shared, and purpose-driven learning. This is particularly evident through multimodal composition and collaboration in primary classrooms. Over two decades ago, the New London Group argued that all meaning-making is multimodal. By representing their knowledge through multiple modes and for local and global audiences, students can express their identity, exercise agency, and foster a sense of authoring through multimodal production. A Classroom Scene W ithin the expansive, light-filled space, the energy is palpable. In one corner, a small group of students use tablets to engage in historical research and animatedly discuss their findings; on the stairs, students work individually on their laptops as they edit scientific documentaries; at the far side, a teacher draws a mindmap on the whiteboard, as a dozen students share their thoughts on literary characters. Years ago, these 180 upper primary students would have found themselves in 1 of 6 individual classrooms. But today, a concomitant change in architecture and curriculum finds them all working within one large, open space. Moving across physical and virtual spaces, interacting with the eight teachers, working at their own pace, and collaborating with their peers allows these Australian students to engage in multiliteracies and advance their disciplinary knowledge. The walls have come down.
Learning, Media and Technology, 2014
With the introduction of digital tools and online connectivity in primary schools, the shape of t... more With the introduction of digital tools and online connectivity in primary schools, the shape of teaching and learning is shifting beyond the physical classroom. Drawing on the architecture of productive learning networks framework, we examine the affordances and limitations of an upper primary learning network and focus on how the digital and physical elements involved in set design shape teachers' pedagogical approaches and students' learning processes. The findings suggest that blended spaces support teachers' distributed orchestration of classroom activities across tools and resources while also leveraging students' engagement in reciprocal teaching and collaborative learning.

Educação e Pesquisa
Resumen En el marco de la era digital, el presente estudio explora las prácticas de literacidad d... more Resumen En el marco de la era digital, el presente estudio explora las prácticas de literacidad de niños fuera de la sala de clases y su conexión con procesos de aprendizaje formal en un contexto rural. Utilizando una perspectiva ecológica y sociocultural, el artículo busca conectar áreas de investigación que frecuentemente se encuentran separadas en la literatura, como lo son los estudios centrados en la escuela y aquellos de aprendizaje informal; así como indagar en un área como es la educación rural que se encuentra sub-estudiada en la literatura. El estudio se sitúa en una localidad rural en Chile. Se utilizó una metodología de estudio de caso múltiple. Los resultados indican una orientación hacia las prácticas de literacidad digital en el hogar, pese a la falta de disponibilidad de tecnologías. Esto contrasta con la existencia de material impreso en los hogares y da cuenta de la importancia de distinguir conceptualmente el acceso y la disponibilidad hacia estos recursos (KALMAN...

Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa
La revolución digital ha moldeado nuevas prácticas de comunicación y de producción del conocimien... more La revolución digital ha moldeado nuevas prácticas de comunicación y de producción del conocimiento. Desde ahí han surgido conceptualizaciones emergentes sobre literacidad que intentan dar respuesta a la pregunta sobre qué significa estar alfabetizado en un mundo digital. El presente estudio explora dichas problemáticas considerando el enfoque de nuevas literacidades, de modelos culturales docentes y sus prácticas en el día a día. La investigación se sitúa en el contexto educacional chileno y utiliza una metodología de estudio de caso múltiple, la cual se desarrolló en tres establecimientos educacionales durante tres semestres, incluyendo a los profesores de lenguaje y sus estudiantes. El análisis sugiere la existencia de una disonancia entre los modelos culturales de los profesores sobre literacidad y tecnología y sus prácticas docentes. Por lo tanto, las prácticas de enseñanza de lenguaje estarían ancladas en el texto escrito, sin coexistir con nuevas prácticas propias de la cultu...
Theory Into Practice, 2018

Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, Jun 1, 2015
This paper seeks to understand how primary school teachers and students in year 6 have been using... more This paper seeks to understand how primary school teachers and students in year 6 have been using a social network site with learning purposes called Edmodo in their everyday school practices, and whether or not its use supports learning and new literacies. Drawing on a social learning approach, this paper attempts to connect literature on social learning and digital tools in the school classroom. The researcher collected entry logs on this learning technology over four months as well as field observations, interviews, and a survey. The results of this research suggest that the use of a social network site open spaces where teaching and learning repertoires can be expanded, allowing students’ to engage in digital multimodal literacy practices with an awareness of audience and authorship, as well as to engage in self-directed learning and peer-teaching practices. Such practices seemed to be qualitatively different than teaching and learning practices observed in the physical space of the classroom. Implications related to the benefits of combining both physical and online spaces and tools for learning are discussed.
Learning, Media and Technology, 2015
With the introduction of digital tools and online connectivity in primary schools, the shape of t... more With the introduction of digital tools and online connectivity in primary schools, the shape of teaching and learning is shifting beyond the physical classroom. Drawing on the architecture of productive learning networks framework, we examine the affordances and limitations of an upper primary learning network and focus on how the digital and physical elements involved in set design shape teachers’ pedagogical approaches and students’ learning processes. The findings suggest that blended spaces support teachers’ distributed orchestration of classroom activities across tools and resources while also leveraging students’ engagement in reciprocal teaching and collaborative learning.
Ninth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning , Sep 2014
Often methods of contemporary schooling assumed teacher-centred practices. I draw on the concept ... more Often methods of contemporary schooling assumed teacher-centred practices. I draw on the concept of social learning and learning networks to challenge this model. In particular, I explore the role of a learning technology, a
Social Network Site called Edmodo in teaching and learning practices in the primary classroom. Both, a quantitative approach and qualitative technique were utilised. By doing so, I attempt to understand not only the patterns of interaction, but also the underlying meaning of interactions used in the asynchronous environment. This study aims to bridge gaps between contemporary methods of schooling and learning technologies. I will show the applicability of
Edmodo in expanding teaching and learning repertoires and in building learning networks in young learners.
Papers by Patricia Thibaut
Social Network Site called Edmodo in teaching and learning practices in the primary classroom. Both, a quantitative approach and qualitative technique were utilised. By doing so, I attempt to understand not only the patterns of interaction, but also the underlying meaning of interactions used in the asynchronous environment. This study aims to bridge gaps between contemporary methods of schooling and learning technologies. I will show the applicability of
Edmodo in expanding teaching and learning repertoires and in building learning networks in young learners.
Social Network Site called Edmodo in teaching and learning practices in the primary classroom. Both, a quantitative approach and qualitative technique were utilised. By doing so, I attempt to understand not only the patterns of interaction, but also the underlying meaning of interactions used in the asynchronous environment. This study aims to bridge gaps between contemporary methods of schooling and learning technologies. I will show the applicability of
Edmodo in expanding teaching and learning repertoires and in building learning networks in young learners.