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the animals showed a significant difference among the five treatments with phenoloxidase activity Ž. for the Phaffia-treated animals being significantly lower P s 0.003 than any of the other diets except the b-glucan diet. These results... more
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      ZoologyAquacultureSaccharomyces cerevisiaeFisheries Sciences
Six experimental diets were fed to satiety to juvenile Litopenaeus stylirostris (77-mg initial weight) in a 28-day feeding trial with 5 replicates per treatment and 15 shrimp per replicate. Diet 1 contained a fishmeal manufactured from... more
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Raw material freshness is an important criterion of fish-meal quality for salmonids and also for swine and broiler starter feeds, but needs to be assessed for shrimp. Three batches of anchovy meal were produced in a commercial... more
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Dry matter, energy, crude protein and amino acid apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) were determined in white shrimp juveniles for six wheat products: hard red winter whole grain meal (HWG), Rayon whole grain meal (RWG), Durum... more
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      ZoologyAquacultureLitopenaeus VannameiFish Meal
Dry matter, energy, protein and amino acid apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) were determined in Pacific white shrimp juveniles (6 g average initial weight) for four soybean products: full fat soybean meal (FFSBM, 38% CP in dry... more
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      ZoologyAquacultureSolvent ExtractionLitopenaeus Vannamei
Crur-S&ez. L.E.. Kicque. D. and AQUACOP. 199i. Eifect of squid meal on growth ofPenaPus mo~zodnn juveniles reared in pond pens and tanks. Aqzmcubure, 106: 293-299. Triplicate groups of P. monodon (initial weight 2.2 g) were reared for 40... more
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      ZoologyAquaculturePenaeus MonodonFisheries Sciences
Recent studies have shown that feeding diets supplemented with fish meal containing high levels of biogenic amines to shrimp reduced growth and feed consumption. An improvement in growth, however, has been found in shrimp fed a diet... more
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Baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a potential supplement in shrimp feeds, but there are few data on yeast survival after feed manufacturing processes. Dry, active yeast cells, agglomerated in spheres of different sizes (100-200... more
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Juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (3.5 g initial weight) and green seaweed Ulva clathrata were cocultured in outdoors tanks (2000 L) for 45 days; co-cultured Ulva was suspended on a mesh stretched on the water surface. Four dietary... more
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A feeding experiment was conducted to examine the potential of a commercial steam-processed-feather meal (SPFM) and feathers enzymatically hydrolysed for 60 or 120 min (EHF60 and EHF120) as substitutes for ®shmeal (FM) in diets for... more
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      RecyclingSHRIMPAquaculture nutritionLitopenaeus Vannamei
Stable isotope analyses were applied to explore the relative dietary nitrogen contributions from fish meal and pea meal (Pisum sativum) to muscle tissue of Pacific white shrimp postlarvae (141 ± 31 mg) fed low protein diets having... more
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      BiologyAquacultureFisheries Sciences
Recent studies on salmon and shrimp have shown that reduced feed intake and growth caused by the consumption of low-quality ¢sh meals, manufactured from spoiled ¢sh, were not due to the presence of biogenic amines. Moreover, an... more
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      BiologyAquacultureRaw materialsFish Meal
Currently aquaculture is supplying almost half of the world's seafood, making it a primary source of high quality nutrients for human consumption and an invaluable export item for many countries. Market prices have increased for many... more
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      Fish MealCost effectivenessProduction ProcessManagement Strategy
Background Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) causes a serious infectious disease in birds that results in severe losses in the worldwide poultry industry. Despite vaccination, NDV outbreaks have increased the necessity of alternative... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyBiologyVirology
The current study quantified the relative contribution of dietary carbon and nitrogen supplied by live biomass of the green macroalgae Ulva clathrata and a commercial inert feed to the growth of juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. The... more
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      ZoologyBiologyStable IsotopesShellfish
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values were determined in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) with the objective of discriminating animals produced through aquaculture practices from those extracted from the wild. Farmed... more
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      ZoologyBiologyEcologyFisheries Sciences
Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, crude protein (CP), and amino acids (AA) were evaluated in diets with six rendered by-products used to feed juvenile Pacific white shrimp: two poultry meals (poultry meal 1, 69% CP;... more
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      ChemistryBiologyCiencias Marinas
Las micotoxinas son metabolitos secundarios producidos por hongos, especialmente de los géneros Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium y Alternaria, y se pueden encontrar en forrajes y alimentos (Kolossova et al. 2009). Se ha observado... more
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    • Ciencias Marinas
Digestibilidad aparente de carbohidratos y lípidos en alimentos para camarón blanco, Litopenaeus vannamei (Decapoda: Penaeidae), cultivados en diferentes salinidades. Whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei is one of the most commercially... more
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      BiologyMedicineRevista de Biología Tropical
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