Papers by Juan Cristóbal Hernández Arzaba

WORLD AQUACULTURE 2021, May 24, 2022
Nunca hemos estado tan sujetos a cambios climatológicos en el periodo de la era moderna como en n... more Nunca hemos estado tan sujetos a cambios climatológicos en el periodo de la era moderna como en nuestros tiempos. Desde el año 2005 se han suscitado cambios relevantes en materia de variación climática como altas temperaturas y huracanes simultáneos a nivel mundial. Esto ha comprometido seriamente la seguridad alimentaria exigiendo una visión de futuro en los sistemas de producción acuícola, priorizando la necesidad a ser más resiliente a dichos cambios, lo que deriva en una búsqueda de indicadores de resiliencia acuícola a nivel ambiental y socio-económico en las unidades de producción, para garantizar la capacidad de recuperación después de un shock, ya sea de tipo antropogénico o natural. En términos ecológicos, la resiliencia está referida a la capacidad que tiene un sistema para enfrentar y acomodarse a factores perturbadores manteniendo sus funciones pese a las alteraciones. En esta investigación se evaluaron 10 unidades de producción acuícola, en un periodo espacio temporal de diez años, considerando 5 indicadores de resiliencia ambiental que se involucran en la producción, determinado en base a ellos dos categorías: nivel de resiliencia y factor de riesgo ambiental. Ambos son vitales para la acuicultura de futuro y para sobreponerse a los efectos inminentes del cambio climático. Basadados en el modelo PER (Presión, Estado, Respuesta), mediante herramientas de teledetección, en base a los siguientes indicadores: 1.-Ubicación geográfica de la unidad productiva, 2.- Altura sobre el nivel del mar, 3.-Distancia más próxima a un cuerpo de agua, 4.-Nivel de producción en toneladas anuales, 5.- Perímetro total de la unidad productiva (autoconsumo/empresarial). Con base a estos indicadores, se determinó la categoría de resiliencia que ostenta cada unidad de producción, las cuales están divididas en: (Factor I Nivel de Resiliencia I-A), (Factor II Nivel de Resiliencia II-B), (Factor III Nivel de Resiliencia III-C). En conclusión, la resiliencia es vital para los agroecosistemas, pues las alteraciones en el medio ambiente siempre están presentes, por lo cual debemos adaptar la producción acuícola a la aplicación de una visión más holística, donde se gesta la base de una acuicultura resiliente de futuro y se refuerza la toma de conciencia a la adaptación frente a escenarios adversos.

Ciencia y tecnología para un campo productivo y sustentable, Nov 2023
El cambio climático provoca la urgencia de rediseñar los agroecosistemas actuales para hacerlos m... more El cambio climático provoca la urgencia de rediseñar los agroecosistemas actuales para hacerlos más resilientes, sustentables y sostenibles, aunado a la necesidad de la población mexicana de cambiar sus hábitos alimenticios a productos más nutritivos e inocuos. A raíz de la pandemia causada por el COVID-19, se detectó una tendencia al aumento del consumo de pescado. La acuacultura sustentable es una práctica que tiene el potencial necesario para atender dicha problemática. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar un módulo muestra de acuacultura sustentable. Este módulo se ubicó en el municipio de Paso de Ovejas, Veracruz, donde se utilizó la zonificación y la economía circular con el fin de permitir a los acuicultores obtener la materia prima, necesaria para la elaboración del alimento para los peces a menor costo, de manera sustentable y sostenible. De este modo el tratamiento 1 (dieta sustentable) constó de la mezcla de alimentos pre-digeridos con suero de queso y de alimentos fermentados, cuyos ingredientes fueron: yuca, malanga y maíz, en comparación con un testigo que fue alimento comercial para pez basa (Pangasius hypophthalmus) durante seis meses. Cada tratamiento constó de tres repeticiones. Para evaluar el desarrollo y crecimiento de los organismos se realizaron biometrías cada 30 días, donde se midió el largo, ancho y peso de 32 organismos por repetición. Los resultados mostraron que los peces alimentados con la dieta sustentable tuvieron un crecimiento similar a los peces alimentados con la dieta comercial y una reducción del 50% del costo de alimentación. Se concluye que la acuacultura sustentable puede atender los problemas que no se atienden con la producción tradicional, además de que ofrece alimentos sanos y de calidad producidos de manera in situ por el acuicultor.

Congreso Internacional Virtual de Tecnología, Innovación y Educación. Mejores ponencias de 2023, Jul 15, 2024
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are playing an increasinglyimportant role in the... more Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are playing an increasinglyimportant role in the competitiveness of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises(MSMEs) in the Mexicali Valley. Hence, this research focuses on analyzing how ICThas become essential tools to enhance the competitiveness of these companies in theregion and to what extent these companies are able to implement them. In the contextof the Mexicali Valley, which hosts numerous MSMEs across various economicsectors, particularly in the commerce sector, these companies face significantchallenges, such as globalization and growing competition. In this context, ICT offerskey opportunities to address these challenges and thrive in the market. E-commercehas also become a valuable tool for MSMEs. Those that have adopted online sellingplatforms can reach a wider and more diverse audience, resulting in increased salesand greater market visibility. Despite these opportunities, not all MSMEs have fullyembraced ICT. Barriers such as limited access to technology and insufficient trainingpersist in the region. In summary, we can say that ICT are crucial tools for improving thecompetitiveness of MSMEs in the Mexicali Valley. Their proper adoption can enhanceoperational efficiency, expand market reach, and strengthen the competitive position ofthese companies in a challenging business environment.

The leafhopper pest in Mexico has emerged as an alarming challenge affecting farmers and endanger... more The leafhopper pest in Mexico has emerged as an alarming challenge affecting farmers and endangering crops, especially in the State of Oaxaca, where maize crops are particularly vulnerable to this pest. An intriguing opportunity has been identified to address this problem: the transformation of the leafhopper pest into a valuable resource, through a process of conversion into leafhopper meal (SENASICA, 2016). The growing concern for sustainability and the scarcity of natural resources has led to a constant search for food alternatives that are both nutritious and environmentally friendly. In this context, grasshopper (Sphenarium purpurascens) meal has become an intriguing and promising proposition as a source of animal protein (MásNoticias,2018).

The consumption of products with excess sodium and sugar are directly related to cardiovascular d... more The consumption of products with excess sodium and sugar are directly related to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Normally barbecues are prepared and accompanied by dressings which have excess sugars and sodium, it was found in the markets a type of sauce of tamarind with habanero, this contained the stamps of excess sugars (according to The Mexican Official Norm and the Ministry of Health), and its elaboration is industrialized. It was decided to create a tamarind sauce with habanero, tamarind, that is a fruit rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, with health benefits since it regulates cholesterol and favors the oxygenation of the circulatory system.
This work was carried out with the purpose of knowing the interest of consumers for a healthy alt... more This work was carried out with the purpose of knowing the interest of consumers for a healthy alternative, which consists of a cookie made from oat flour and date, also made in an artisanal way. In the Mexicali Valley there are not many products containing dates, although date palms are grown right here, so Datena set out to make a product with this input, of which there is not a great variety, that was new in the market and healthy, to attract the attention of consumers.
MEZCALI is a company dedicated to the manufacture of flour based on mesquite pods. Whose objectiv... more MEZCALI is a company dedicated to the manufacture of flour based on mesquite pods. Whose objective is to offer a nutritious, delicious product, with high fiber content and of an accessible value, being gluten-free food that benefits the health of the cachanillas. Using as a base element a product of the Mexicali Valley region, which is considered an underutilized raw material.
An alternative animal protein for human consumption, with which an endless number of dishes can b... more An alternative animal protein for human consumption, with which an endless number of dishes can be prepared to help mitigate obesity in Mexico.
XXVI Congreso Internacional en Ciencias Agrícolas, 2023
In the Mexicali Valley there are not many products that contain dates, although date palm trees a... more In the Mexicali Valley there are not many products that contain dates, although date palm trees are grown here, so Datena set out to create a product with this product, which is new in the market and healthy to attract the attention of consumers. The date is a fruit obtained from the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.).
XXVI Congreso Internacional en Ciencias Agrícolas, 2023
MEZCALI is a company dedicated to the manufacture of flour based on mesquite pods. Whose objectiv... more MEZCALI is a company dedicated to the manufacture of flour based on mesquite pods. Whose objective is to offer a nutritious, delicious product, with high fiber content and of an accessible value, being gluten-free food that benefits the health of the cachanillas. Using as a base element a product of the Mexicali Valley region, which is considered an underutilized raw material.
XXVII Congreso Internacional en Ciencias Agrícolas., 2023
Mexico is one of the main citrus producers at the international level and is one of the most impo... more Mexico is one of the main citrus producers at the international level and is one of the most important economic activities for the national agricultural sector due to the export of lemons. This is why Mexico is among the leading countries in citrus production and exports, with the United States being the main recipient of the producer (Rosmery et al., 2016). The production and commercialization of citrus represents an attractive reference, both for the domestic market and for export markets, likewise they are considered among the most important fruits (Maya, 2017; Valencia; Duana, 2019).
The consumption of products with excess sodium and sugar are directly related to cardiovascular d... more The consumption of products with excess sodium and sugar are directly related to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes (Government of Mexico, 2021). In the Mexicali valley, barbecues are usually prepared and accompanied by dressings, a type of sauce is found in the markets: ANITA sauce of tamarind with habanero, this contained the stamps of excess sugars, its elaboration is industrialized. It was decided to create a tamarind sauce with habanero, offering a healthy alternative for consumers of various types of sauce.
Avances en agricultura sostenible y cambio climático, 2024
The consumption of products with excess sodium and sugar are directly related to cardiovascular d... more The consumption of products with excess sodium and sugar are directly related to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes (Gobierno de Mexico, 2021). In the Mexicali valley, barbecues are usually prepared and accompanied with dressings, in the markets a type of sauce was found: tamarind sauce with habanero, this contained the characteristics of excess sugars, its elaboration is industrialized. It was decided to create a tamarind sauce with habanero, offering a healthy alternative for consumers of various types of sauce.
Avances en agricultura sostenible y cambio climático, 2024
An investigation was conducted on the production of Persian lemon (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) in Ve... more An investigation was conducted on the production of Persian lemon (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) in Veracruz, Mexico, which is a crop that allows a good production, thanks to its adaptation to local climatic conditions, not having seed is produced mainly by grafting, likewise, interviews were conducted with producers, packers and street vendors in the state of Veracruz in order to identify those factors that influence the production and marketing of Persian lemon in the state of Veracruz.
Avances en agricultura sostenible y cambio climático, 2024
MEZCALI is a company dedicated to the manufacture of flour based on mesquite pods. Whose objectiv... more MEZCALI is a company dedicated to the manufacture of flour based on mesquite pods. Whose objective is to offer a nutritious, delicious product, with high fiber content and an accessible value, being a gluten-free food that benefits the health of the cachanillas. Using as a base element a product of the Mexicali Valley region, which is considered an underutilized raw material.
Avances en agricultura sostenible y cambio climático, 2024
The grasshopper pest in Mexico has caused some concern among farmers and has affected crops, main... more The grasshopper pest in Mexico has caused some concern among farmers and has affected crops, mainly attacking corn crops. For this reason, in this research we explored the idea of using grasshopper flour as a viable and environmentally friendly alternative. Our study analyzed the nutritional composition of grasshoppers, focusing on their high content of protein, fats, carbohydrates and other key nutrients. One of the highlights of our research was to reveal that their high protein content, combined with their resource efficiency and lower environmental impact compared to conventional livestock farming, supports the idea that grasshoppers can be a sustainable solution to address global food security and climate challenges. change.
Avances en agricultura sostenible y cambio climático, 2024
DATENA sells date oatmeal cookies through social networks and groups in the Mexicali Valley area.... more DATENA sells date oatmeal cookies through social networks and groups in the Mexicali Valley area. The policy is to offer a product that is different from those offered by the competition, handmade, without having been treated with additives and dyes. For the measurement of results, a market segmentation was carried out, which consisted of a Google Forms questionnaire, which was directed to people in the Mexicali Valley, as well as tastings, which consisted of giving consumers a taste of the cookie, in order to collect organoleptic data regarding our product.
Agro-Divulgación, May 14, 2024
CHAPNA S.C. is a local product, handmade by the members of the team with the help of experts, who... more CHAPNA S.C. is a local product, handmade by the members of the team with the help of experts, who advised on the process, the inputs used are purchased in the Mexicali Valley, as they are easily accessible and everyday, except for the chapulines, as for this we have a supplier from Oaxaca. It is proposed to market it in collectives and markets, through social networks to promote and maintain a relationship with customers.
Propuesta de aprovechamiento de la semilla de dátil (Phoenix dactylifera) para elaborar un sustituto de café, May 14, 2024
Elaboración de un sustituto de café a base de semilla de dátil, sin conservadores ni azucares pro... more Elaboración de un sustituto de café a base de semilla de dátil, sin conservadores ni azucares procesados, con propiedades que benefician al cuerpo humano, es una propuesta ideal para aquellas personas que no pueden consumir café por problemas de hipertensión, cardiovasculares, gastrointestinales, entre otros, así mismo evita la causa de enfermedades como lo son la anemia y la obesidad ya que es amigable con el estómago.
Su proceso de elaboración es artesanal utilizando el proceso de beneficiado húmedo del café, su materia prima es 100% local y se comercializa en el Valle de Mexicali.
Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0

The study aims to investigate the impacts of internal and external stakeholder pressures on the a... more The study aims to investigate the impacts of internal and external stakeholder pressures on the adoption of circular economy (CE) principles. The study explores the primary barriers to and causes (external or internal stakeholder pressures) of CE’s transition across Mexico and explores the effects of stakeholder pressures (internal and external) on the adoption of CE principles on economic and environmental performance. For this, data were collected from 433 respondents using a structured questionnaire. For analysis, the study used the PLS-SEM technique to examine internal and external stakeholders as barriers and motivators of economic and environmental performance through CE principles. Both the structural model and the measurement model were assessed. As well as mediation analysis, the direct and indirect effects were determined. The study found that economic (β = 0.178, p = 0.000) and environmental performance (β = 0.233, p = 0.000) is affected by most external stakeholders thro...
Papers by Juan Cristóbal Hernández Arzaba
Su proceso de elaboración es artesanal utilizando el proceso de beneficiado húmedo del café, su materia prima es 100% local y se comercializa en el Valle de Mexicali.
Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0
Su proceso de elaboración es artesanal utilizando el proceso de beneficiado húmedo del café, su materia prima es 100% local y se comercializa en el Valle de Mexicali.
Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0