Papers by carlos tabernero
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2021
Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia de uso y distr... more Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia de uso y distribución Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)
Capitalism Nature Socialism, 2023

Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
In July 1974, a she-wolf allegedly killed two children in Ourense (Spain). A press outburst follo... more In July 1974, a she-wolf allegedly killed two children in Ourense (Spain). A press outburst followed, with a heated debate about the extermination or conservation of wolf populations. This article examines that media coverage as a highly illustrative example of a multilayered process of natural history knowledge construction. The initial focus on the legal standing of wolves soon turned to an argument about Spain’s modernization, a central contention during Franco’s dictatorship, particularly in the last two decades. In a context of the rise of the natural sciences as a noteworthy field of sociopolitical negotiation worldwide, the scientific definition and management of natural heritage, intertwined with nationalist and internationalist rationales that were integral to the regime’s enduring legitimation strategies, quickly became central issues. In addition, Felix Rodríguez de la Fuente (1928–1980), a highly influential naturalist, media icon, and celebrity champion of wolves, whose...
Journal of Science Communication, 2022
This essay examines a highly popular comic series published in Spain between 1969 and 1970 which ... more This essay examines a highly popular comic series published in Spain between 1969 and 1970 which focused on Felix Rodríguez de la Fuente (1928–1980), a prominent and influential naturalist and media icon, as main character. These comics constitute a remarkably illustrative example of the use of popular media in processes of construction of natural history knowledge. Situated in the complex final years of Franco's regime, they allow us to probe the combined role of science, media, and celebrity in the construction of a visual environmental culture through storytelling strategies designed to engage young audiences in naturalist-like practices.
Arbor: Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura, 2017
Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Creative Commo... more Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) España 3.0.

Aquest article parla de televisio, no pas de ciencia. De fet, es basa en la meva propia experienc... more Aquest article parla de televisio, no pas de ciencia. De fet, es basa en la meva propia experiencia com a directora d'un programa de ciencia (Tres14) a Televisio Espanyola. En primer lloc, s'analitzara el fet que els professionals de la televisio no necessitin d'una formacio cientifica per esdevenir divulgadors de ciencia. Tambe es discutiran les consequencies que es desprenen d'aquest fet, tant pel que fa als processos de produccio, com a l'estructura i el contingut dels productes finals. En efecte, els professionals de la televisio aprenen ciencia alhora que produeixen ciencia per a la televisio. No obstant, es essencial per aquest entendre o, si mes no, que els agradin les materies de qui tracten. L'article reflexiona sobre com aquests elements fan de la divulgacio de la ciencia una aventura peculiar. Al cap i a la fi, un programa sobre ciencia es, ni mes ni menys, un programa de televisio, sotmes a les mateixes estrategies i normes que la resta de generes...
História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, 2017
This paper explores the role of film and medical-health practices and discourses in the building ... more This paper explores the role of film and medical-health practices and discourses in the building and legitimating strategies of Franco’s fascist regime in Spain. The analysis of five medical-colonial documentary films produced during the 1940s explores the relationship between mass media communication practices and techno-scientific knowledge production, circulation and management processes. These films portray a non-problematic colonial space where social order is articulated through scientific-medical practices and discourses that match the regime’s need to consolidate and legitimize itself while asserting the inclusion-exclusion dynamics involved in the definition of social prototypes through processes of medicalization.

Un grupo de profesores e investigadores de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) ha realizado ... more Un grupo de profesores e investigadores de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) ha realizado una encuesta sobre el uso de las tecnologías digitales en el ocio de los adolescentes españoles. Los investigadores Daniel Aranda, Jordi Sánchez-Navarro y Carlos Tabernero (con la asistencia de Meritxell Esquirol, profesora del CESAG-UIB, y Talia Leibovitz) han diseñado y desarrollado esta encuesta como parte del proyecto de investigación “Transformemos el ocio digital: Un proyecto de socialización en el tiempo libre”, realizado en colaboración por la UOC y el Centre d’Estudis de la Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai, y financiado por el Plan Avanza1 del Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio. La encuesta demuestra que la práctica totalidad de los adolescentes españoles se ha conectado alguna vez a Internet y que la gran mayoría lo hace con regularidad. Asimismo, la mayoría de ellos aprenden a utilizar Internet en contextos informales (es decir, no relacionados con la educación reglada),...
Revista de Estudios de …, 2010
Título: Juventud y tecnologías digitales: espacios de ocio, participación y aprendizaje Autores: ... more Título: Juventud y tecnologías digitales: espacios de ocio, participación y aprendizaje Autores: Tabernero, Carlos; Aranda, Daniel; Sánchez-Navarro, Jordi Revista: Revista de Estudios de Juventud, 2010 MAR; (88) Página(s): 77-96 ISSN: 02114364 Resumen: La juventud ...

Dynamis (Granada, Spain)
The libertarian management of non-experts' participation in the construction and management of kn... more The libertarian management of non-experts' participation in the construction and management of knowledge. 3.-Nonexperts' participation in the construction of scientific-medical knowledge. ABSTRACT: Newspaper Q&A sections reflect and contribute to the social historical context in which they are published, and they may play roles as distinct as becoming a tool to sustain social arrangements or, conversely, being an instrument for social change. In a context of complex relations between experts and non-experts within the libertarian movement in Spain in the first third of the 20th century, the Q&A section («Preguntas y respuestas», 1930-1937) of the anarchist magazine Estudios (1928-1937) constitutes a particularly illustrative example of the multidimensional management of knowledge through the effective redefinition of the participation of quite different groups. In this paper, we analyze the exchange between physician Roberto Remartínez (1895-1977), the section coordinator, and its readers, and identify features of the implementation of the libertarian principles of self-management through communication practices in which experts and non-experts jointly take part.

Dynamis, 2013
SUMARIO: 1.-Las secciones de preguntas y respuestas en la prensa escrita. 2.-La gestión libertari... more SUMARIO: 1.-Las secciones de preguntas y respuestas en la prensa escrita. 2.-La gestión libertaria de la participación de los no-expertos en la construcción y gestión de conocimiento. 3.-La participación de los no-expertos en la construcción de conocimiento científico-médico. RESUMEN: Las secciones periodísticas de preguntas y respuestas reflejan y contribuyen a las sociedades en que se publican, y pueden desempeñar roles tan diferentes como constituirse en una herramienta para mantener la normatividad social o, por el contrario, en un instrumento para el cambio de las normas sociales. En un contexto de complejas relaciones entre expertos y no-expertos dentro del movimiento libertario en la España del primer tercio del siglo XX, la sección «Preguntas y respuestas» (1930-1937) de la revista anarquista Estudios (1928-1937) se revela como un ejemplo particularmente ilustrativo de gestión multidimensional de conocimiento a través de la redefinición efectiva de la participación de muy diferentes colectivos. En este trabajo, analizamos el intercambio entre el médico Roberto Remartínez (1895-1977), coordinador de la sección, y los lectores, e identificamos las características de la puesta en práctica del ideario libertario de autogestión a través de prácticas comunicativas en las que intervienen conjuntamente expertos y no-expertos. PALABRAS CLAVE: gestión conocimiento científico-médico, anarquismo, prácticas comunicativas, relaciones expertos-no expertos, métodos anticonceptivos, inclusión/exclusión.
Trovare la reale identità sotto l'apparente differenziazione e contraddizione, e trovare la sosta... more Trovare la reale identità sotto l'apparente differenziazione e contraddizione, e trovare la sostanziale diversità sotto l'apparente identità è la più delicata, incompresa eppure essenziale dote del critico delle idee e dello storico dello sviluppo storico. Antonio Gramsci, Quaderni del carcere (Q24 §3) … Ogni traccia di iniziativa autonoma da parte dei gruppi subalterni dovrebbe perciò essere di valore inestimabile per lo storico integrale. Antonio Gramsci, Quaderni del carcere (Q25 §2) ∵ 1 Dialogic Gramsci and Science Studies*

This study aims to understand current patterns of transformation in communication practices owing... more This study aims to understand current patterns of transformation in communication practices owing to the ever-increasing incorporation of Internet in people's everyday lives. By surveying a group of mostly experienced and intensive Internet users in a setting of intermediate Internet diffusion such as Catalonia, our study focuses on the processes of integration of habitual Internet operation into daily individual practices, and particularly on its impact on media usage and consumption. Considering Internet a powerful multimodal means of communication, the study probes it as a constitutive technology and no longer a novelty for the younger generations. In this sense, we test to what extent and in which manner the young, through the personalized and specialized use of the Internet, and above all within their home settings, are conducive of socio-cultural change through the introduction and gradual adjustment of their ever-renewing practices with their elders' established commu...
Papers by carlos tabernero
European Society for the History of Science / British Society for the History of Science
London, 14-17 September, 2018
The nature of the city. The making and circulation of knowledge in interurban spaces (Europe and Latin America, 19th-20th centuries)
Álvaro Girón (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona)
Oliver Hochadel (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona)
Carlos Tabernero (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
This session will ask how knowledge was produced and circulated in urban spaces in Europe and Latin America, from the second half of the nineteenth century until well into the twentieth century. The assumption is that the urban space conditions (generates, facilitates but also obstructs) the production, appropriation and communication of knowledge. And in turn: the process of generating knowledge (about nature, but also about man and society) shaped the modern city in Europe and Latin America in significant ways.
The perspective of this session is explicitly inter-urban, not confined to one individual urban space. The case studies should not only compare cities but also ask for the connections between them. In this trans-urban space we assume a dialectical and multi-directional exchange of ideas and practices but also of objects and persons.
We are looking for case studies that deal with a whole range of historical actors: naturalists of all sorts physicians and hygienists, taxidermists and veterinarians, science popularizers, journalists and writers, politicians, social reformers and eugenicists, anarchists and freethinkers, but also the numerous and various publics of the modern city. The assumption is that the discourses of these actors on nature, politics and the human condition are crucially shaped by their specific urban experiences.
We would like to put specific emphasis on the media that deal with nature, natural history and wild-life. The hypothesis is that these media, ranging from museums and journals to TV documentaries, convey a specific urban view of nature. This “production of nature” ranges from the (usually moralizing) rhetoric of contrasting the city with the countryside to the emergence of preservationist concepts and the protection of nature through natural parks. Case studies about the dialectical relationship between the urban space and nature, the city and the country-side would be most welcome.
Yet while the geographical focus of this session is the inter-urban space between Europe and Latin America it goes without saying that this kind of inter-urban – and transnational – history can only be dealt with adequately in a global perspective. The session thus tries to adopt recent approaches that combine urban and global history.
We ask for abstracts (maximum 250 words) to be sent to [email protected] until 15 December, 2017.