Ulisse Cecini
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Ciències de l'Antiguitat i de l'Edat Mitjana, "Ramón y Cajal" Postdoc Researcher
ORCID-Id: 0000-0002-9397-3180. Ulisse Cecini was born in 1979 in Monza (Italy). Currently, he is "Ramón y Cajal" Researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His research interests are Christian-Muslim relations, Oriental studies, Arabic/Hebrew to Latin translations, History of the Bible, Medieval translation theories, interreligious cultural transfer and Digital Humanities.
Supervisors: Michele C. Ferrari and Hartmut Bobzin
Address: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Supervisors: Michele C. Ferrari and Hartmut Bobzin
Address: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
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Papers by Ulisse Cecini
Prepared in Paris in 1244/45, the Extractiones de Talmud offer the first substantial translation of hundreds of Talmudic passages from Hebrew and Aramaic into Latin.
In 1239 Pope Gregory IX wrote to kings and bishops across Europe, urging them to seize and examine the manuscripts of the Talmud in their dominions. As a result, a process against the Talmud took place in Paris in 1240. Though the Talmud went up in flames at the Place de la Grève in 1241/42, the controversy on the Talmud continued over the following years, since Gregory’s successor, Pope Innocent IV, called for a revision of its condemnation. At the centre of this revision are the Extractiones de Talmud, a translation of hundreds of Talmudic passages prepared during the years 1244/45 for Odo of Châteauroux, Legate of the Apostolic See, that served as the basis of his final condemnation of the Talmud in May 1248. This is the first edition of the Latin Talmud, which is a milestone in the long history of Christian-Jewish intellectual encounters.
Editor-in-Chief: Schierholz, Stefan J. / Wiegand, Herbert Ernst;
Editor-in-Chief: Schierholz, Stefan J. / Wiegand, Herbert Ernst; Historische Sprachwissenschaft. Editors: Mechthild Habermann, Ilse Wischer.