Papers by Oriol Vicente Campos
Resumen: El punto de partida de este trabajo es la definición del yacimiento arqueológico en tant... more Resumen: El punto de partida de este trabajo es la definición del yacimiento arqueológico en tanto que la intersección de agentes sociales, acciones sociales y procesos naturales en el espacio y a través del tiempo. Por consiguiente, el propósito de una investigación arqueológica ...
Información del artículo Implementación de las Nuevas Tecnologías en la recuperación y estudio de... more Información del artículo Implementación de las Nuevas Tecnologías en la recuperación y estudio de paleopoblaciones.
This paper aims to establish the origins of the flint raw materials used in the newly discovered ... more This paper aims to establish the origins of the flint raw materials used in the newly discovered Neolithic complex at Mamarrul Nasr 2. Flint artefacts from Mamarrul Nasr 2 and the nearby flint outcrops have been sampled and the results compared using petrographic techniques. Thin sections from both the archaeological and geological samples showed no significant differences in their mineral and fossil content. All the features observed were very similar and it can be stated with confidence that Eocene flint (Arak Flint horizon) was the only raw material used at Mamarrul Nasr.
Dijous, 20 d’abril, es el dia Internacional de les Humanitats Digitals (HD), una diada anual que ... more Dijous, 20 d’abril, es el dia Internacional de les Humanitats Digitals (HD), una diada anual que serveix per compartir experiencies, projectes, idees i establir nous contactes. A la UAB l’aplicacio de les Tecnologies de la Informacio a les disciplines humanistiques i socials han esdevingut una peca clau en la recerca i la transferencia que s’hi esta duent a terme. En les darreres convocatories del programa RecerCaixa, han estat financats fins a set projectes de recerca de la UAB orientats a les HD. En tots aquests projectes la col·laboracio entre els grups de recerca dels diferents ambits de la Universitat ha estat cabdal.

Scientific Reports, 2017
Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about t... more Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about the genetic structure and changes of prehistoric populations in different geographic areas of Iberia. In our study, we focus on the maternal genetic makeup of the Neolithic (~ 5500–3000 BCE), Chalcolithic (~ 3000–2200 BCE) and Early Bronze Age (~ 2200–1500 BCE). We report ancient mitochondrial DNA results of 213 individuals (151 HVS-I sequences) from the northeast, central, southeast and southwest regions and thus on the largest archaeogenetic dataset from the Peninsula to date. Similar to other parts of Europe, we observe a discontinuity between hunter-gatherers and the first farmers of the Neolithic. During the subsequent periods, we detect regional continuity of Early Neolithic lineages across Iberia, however the genetic contribution of hunter-gatherers is generally higher than in other parts of Europe and varies regionally. In contrast to ancient DNA findings from Central Europe, we d...
Informes Y Trabajos, 2012

The Internet has opened a new arena for many social, cultural, educational, and scientific activi... more The Internet has opened a new arena for many social, cultural, educational, and scientific activities. If we want this new technology to be really useful, we must change the way we do archaeology today. The DIASPORA project seeks to construct an archaeological knowledge base, not as a single database but as an 'intelligent' web of problem definitions and existing knowledge related to archaeological problems. Inspiration for the project came from already existing E-mail discussion lists, the appearance of Internet publications, and our year of experience with a web symposia system. DIASPORA would provide 1) a way of exchanging hypotheses to arrive at an agreed problem definition, based on communication among scientists, 2) a network of distributed databases and procedures to select relevant records, and to build a local database from distributed data, and 3) a series of methods and tools to process these data and to help solve the archaeological questions, which have been collectively defined in the first step.
Estrat Critic Revista D Arqueologia, 2010
A. Blasco, M. Edo and M.J. Villalba (coords.), La cova de can Sadurní i la prehistòria del Garraf. Recull de 30 anys d’investigació. EDAR Arqueología y Patrimonio. Hugony Editorial. Milan. pp. 347-356, 2011
El proyecto de investigación del yacimiento de Tell Halula se ha convertido desde su inicio en un... more El proyecto de investigación del yacimiento de Tell Halula se ha convertido desde su inicio en una oportunidad única para el estudio de las primeras sociedades agrícolas en la zona del Próximo Oriente, que como se recordará constituye la zona donde esta transformación económica y social se realiza con mayor antigüedad. Es por ello que las posibilidades que ofrece este proyecto estable son altamente significativas. Los objetivos de la campaña de 2008 se han desarrollado en las mejores condiciones, gracias al apoyo de las instituciones impli-cadas en el proyecto 2 . El trabajo de campo se ha realizado durante los meses de septiembre y octubre, participando en él un total de veintitrés investigadores procedentes de 9 universidades o instituciones internacionales diferentes.
L’ouest de l'Algérie, présente des caractéristiques très intéressantes autour des premières socié... more L’ouest de l'Algérie, présente des caractéristiques très intéressantes autour des premières sociétés agricoles en Afrique du Nord et leur rôle dans le néolithique de la Méditerranée occidentale. L'état actuel de la recherche est peu développé. Cela nous oblige à fournir de nouvelles données pour répondre à des questions sur comment les innovations socio-économiques sont adaptés à de nouveaux territoires, comment les produits sont échangés á la Néolithique, qu’elles sont les réseaux créés et entre quelles populations. Dans le cadre d'un projet de coopération inter-universitaire, l'Université Autonome de Barcelone et l'Université Abou Bakr Belkaïd de Tlemcen ont réalisé une série de prospections archéologiques dans lesquels de nouveaux sites avec de vestiges néolithiques ont été documentés.

Rubricatum. Revista del Museu de Gavà, 5 (2012) - ISSN: 1135-3791, 2012
Abstract: The open-air site of Caserna de Sant Pau del Camp, located today in Raval district of B... more Abstract: The open-air site of Caserna de Sant Pau del Camp, located today in Raval district of Barcelona, has a sequence comprising between Neolithic Cardial to Late Bronze Age, with subsequent occupation in Roman and modern times. It is through
old Neolithic Postcardial levels related to a funerary complex with a 24 graves that we try to make an approach to the selection
of the recovered materials and the intentionality in the origin and recurrence in the composition of such deposits. The analysis of different materials with a biotic and abiotic origin give a multidisciplinary approach that allowed us to identify
the procedence of part of the materials as stone and ceramic, and identify the technological processes related to manufacture process and handling. The contextualization of this set, as well as his formation and origin gives us information about the different practices of this group, particularly those related to the movement of materials and products and with the inherent porpoises in his manipulation.

Informes y Trabajos 7: excavaciones en el exterior 2010. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte., 2012
This paper presents the fieldwork results at the Tell Halula site in 2010 season. The work is foc... more This paper presents the fieldwork results at the Tell Halula site in 2010 season. The work is focuses on the excavation of the archaeological levels associated with the historical phase of “Middle PPNB” in sector 4, located in the south east of the settlement. The excavation in open area system allowed us to locate, in one hand, two new domestic buildings which belong
to FO7 phase, one of the most archaic phases of the site. On the other hand, an area of 400 m2 that belongs to F09 was excavated a total of five new buildings/houses, with the circulation spaces and associated outdoor areas. At the same time the work was
focused in domestic unit attached to FO13. Related to funerary archeology were located and excavated a total of 9 individual and primary graves associated to different building units.
The paper describes the discovery, survey and testing of a concentration of small Pre-Pottery cam... more The paper describes the discovery, survey and testing of a concentration of small Pre-Pottery campsites located in a strategic place around a pass between the Douara Basin and the steppic arid lands to the North of Syria. Results develop a better understanding of the Neolithic period of that region and new insights concerning the heterogeneity of the Neolithisation process.
They have also contributed to develop a growing picture of variability in the technologies and toolkits in Neolithic of Central Syria. The existence of two techno-complexes is stated and the chronology of the first Neolithic settlement in central Syrian Desert debated.
This paper aims to establish the origins of the flint raw materials used in the newly discovered
... more This paper aims to establish the origins of the flint raw materials used in the newly discovered
Neolithic complex at Mamarrul Nasr 2. Flint artefacts from Mamarrul Nasr 2 and
the nearby flint outcrops have been sampled and the results compared using petrographic
techniques. Thin sections from both the archaeological and geological samples showed no
significant differences in their mineral and fossil content. All the features observed were
very similar and it can be stated with confidence that Eocene flint (Arak Flint horizon)
was the only raw material used at Mamarrul Nasr.
Papers by Oriol Vicente Campos
old Neolithic Postcardial levels related to a funerary complex with a 24 graves that we try to make an approach to the selection
of the recovered materials and the intentionality in the origin and recurrence in the composition of such deposits. The analysis of different materials with a biotic and abiotic origin give a multidisciplinary approach that allowed us to identify
the procedence of part of the materials as stone and ceramic, and identify the technological processes related to manufacture process and handling. The contextualization of this set, as well as his formation and origin gives us information about the different practices of this group, particularly those related to the movement of materials and products and with the inherent porpoises in his manipulation.
to FO7 phase, one of the most archaic phases of the site. On the other hand, an area of 400 m2 that belongs to F09 was excavated a total of five new buildings/houses, with the circulation spaces and associated outdoor areas. At the same time the work was
focused in domestic unit attached to FO13. Related to funerary archeology were located and excavated a total of 9 individual and primary graves associated to different building units.
They have also contributed to develop a growing picture of variability in the technologies and toolkits in Neolithic of Central Syria. The existence of two techno-complexes is stated and the chronology of the first Neolithic settlement in central Syrian Desert debated.
Neolithic complex at Mamarrul Nasr 2. Flint artefacts from Mamarrul Nasr 2 and
the nearby flint outcrops have been sampled and the results compared using petrographic
techniques. Thin sections from both the archaeological and geological samples showed no
significant differences in their mineral and fossil content. All the features observed were
very similar and it can be stated with confidence that Eocene flint (Arak Flint horizon)
was the only raw material used at Mamarrul Nasr.
old Neolithic Postcardial levels related to a funerary complex with a 24 graves that we try to make an approach to the selection
of the recovered materials and the intentionality in the origin and recurrence in the composition of such deposits. The analysis of different materials with a biotic and abiotic origin give a multidisciplinary approach that allowed us to identify
the procedence of part of the materials as stone and ceramic, and identify the technological processes related to manufacture process and handling. The contextualization of this set, as well as his formation and origin gives us information about the different practices of this group, particularly those related to the movement of materials and products and with the inherent porpoises in his manipulation.
to FO7 phase, one of the most archaic phases of the site. On the other hand, an area of 400 m2 that belongs to F09 was excavated a total of five new buildings/houses, with the circulation spaces and associated outdoor areas. At the same time the work was
focused in domestic unit attached to FO13. Related to funerary archeology were located and excavated a total of 9 individual and primary graves associated to different building units.
They have also contributed to develop a growing picture of variability in the technologies and toolkits in Neolithic of Central Syria. The existence of two techno-complexes is stated and the chronology of the first Neolithic settlement in central Syrian Desert debated.
Neolithic complex at Mamarrul Nasr 2. Flint artefacts from Mamarrul Nasr 2 and
the nearby flint outcrops have been sampled and the results compared using petrographic
techniques. Thin sections from both the archaeological and geological samples showed no
significant differences in their mineral and fossil content. All the features observed were
very similar and it can be stated with confidence that Eocene flint (Arak Flint horizon)
was the only raw material used at Mamarrul Nasr.