Papers by Melissa Pomeroy
Handbook of Policy Transfer, Diffusion and Circulation
A primeira edição do Perspectivas do Território aborda o multifacetado engajamento brasileiro no ... more A primeira edição do Perspectivas do Território aborda o multifacetado engajamento brasileiro no Haiti, desde sua liderança das operações de Paz das Nações Unidas (MINUSTAH) e suas ações de cooperação internacional para o desenvolvimento até a presença de organizações brasileiras da sociedade civil e do setor privado e os desafios e respostas relacionados à migração haitiana ao Brasil.
A segunda edição do "Perspectivas do Território" aborda o engajamento brasileir... more A segunda edição do "Perspectivas do Território" aborda o engajamento brasileiro na Bolívia, com destaque para suas implicações no marco da integração regional. Traz informações sobre os investimentos públicos e privados brasileiros na Bolívia, marcados pela predominância do setor energético e de infraestrutura; o perfil da cooperação para o desenvolvimento e as dinâmicas de migração dos nacionais de ambos países.

IDS is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (No. 877338). The IDS ... more IDS is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (No. 877338). The IDS programme on Strengthening Evidence-based Policy works across seven key themes. Each theme works with partner institutions to co-construct policy-relevant knowledge and engage in policy-influencing processes. This material has been developed under the Rising Powers in International Development theme. The development of this material has been led by Articulação SUL, CEBRAP and the Institute of Development Studies who jointly hold the copyright. The material has been funded by UK aid from the UK Government, however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK Government's official policies. AG Level 2 Output ID: 140 Contents Acknowledgements Acronyms Executive summary 1 Introduction 2 Research scope and methodology 3 Brazil's development cooperation: principles and narratives 3.1 Brazil as an aid recipient: recognition and resentment 3.2 Principles and narratives related to Brazilian technical cooperation 4 Brazil as a provider: profile and priorities 4.1 Brazilian development cooperation: overview 4.
In collaboration with Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC)
The Brazilian Ministry of Social Development´s co-operation with sub-Saharan Africa has shifted f... more The Brazilian Ministry of Social Development´s co-operation with sub-Saharan Africa has shifted from an initial engagement in cash transfers to a recent engagement in food and nutritional security. This paper aims at understanding the main drivers for such shift considering lessons drawn from first initiatives and from growing involvement in South-South Development Co-operation, as well as changes in the mobilization of domestic coalitions in Brazil. By doing so this paper aims at contributing to the international debate on the effectiveness of South-South Development Co-operation, unpacking challenges and opportunities faced by developing countries when allocating growing domestic human and financial resources to promote international development.

Buscamos nesse artigo lancar luzes sobre a Cooperacao Tecnica para o Desenvolvimento (CTPD) brasi... more Buscamos nesse artigo lancar luzes sobre a Cooperacao Tecnica para o Desenvolvimento (CTPD) brasileira junto aos seus parceiros que compoem a Comunidade dos Paises de Lingua Portuguesa, particularmente junto aos Paises Africanos de Lingua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP). Desde o surgimento da comunidade, a CTPD tem sido agenda prioritaria na relacao diplomatica entre Brasil e PALOP, com enfase no setor agricola e de Seguranca Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN), mesmo em face de inflexoes que ocorreram no marco da Politica Externa Brasileira. Apesar de ser tradicionalmente considerada como um instrumento de politica externa, a CTPD brasileira mobiliza uma serie de atores domesticos e internacionais, configurando redes complexas que agregam racionalidades e visoes que extrapolam o terreno da diplomacia. Adotamos uma perspectiva relacional para analisar a cooperacao como um processo mobilidade de visoes sobre seguranca alimentar e desenvolvimento rural entre diferentes territorialidades. Observa...

South-South cooperation (SSC) first emerged in the context of the anti-colonial struggles from th... more South-South cooperation (SSC) first emerged in the context of the anti-colonial struggles from the 1950s onwards in an attempt to promote autonomy in developing countries and a less unequal world order. In the early 2000s, South-South relations have gained new impetus and Brazil became an important actor in international development cooperation (IDC). Since then, innovations have been forged among Southern nations in an attempt to transcend cross-country structural, economic, and social asymmetries. In a context where the traditional Official Development Assistance (ODA) model is arguably showing limitations, the emergence of SSC raises a number of expectations. However, positive expectations run alongside questionings: to what extent are these “new actors” actually promoting substantive changes to IDC practices? On the one hand, “traditional development partners” seek to understand how SSC differs from ODA and what results it supports. On the other hand, the domestic constituencies...
Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto (Open Access) sob a licença Creative Commons Attribut... more Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto (Open Access) sob a licença Creative Commons Attribution, que permite uso, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, sem restrições desde que o trabalho original seja corretamente citado.

Nas ultimas duas decadas observou-se a institucionalizacao em larga escala dos espacos participat... more Nas ultimas duas decadas observou-se a institucionalizacao em larga escala dos espacos participativos. Entretanto, a literatura sobre participacao cidada nao comprovou empiricamente o alcance das aspiracoes distributivas e democratizantes das experiencias participativas. Este artigo busca contribuir ao debate sobre a efetividade da participacao. Para tanto, foram analisados os resultados de 33 processos participativos para a elaboracao de planos diretores, assim como as pecas dos planos aprovadas, buscando verificar a existencia de relacao entre a qualidade da participacao e a incorporacao e concretude dos instrumentos de politica urbana que visam a consecucao dos objetivos do Estatuto da Cidade. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que os processos de participacao mais intensos apresentaram um maior nivel de incorporacao dos instrumentos nos planos diretores para cada um dos eixos de analise (acesso a solo urbanizado, funcao social da propriedade e gestao democratica). Finalmente...

This case study explores an innovative multi-stakeholder project led civil society in three count... more This case study explores an innovative multi-stakeholder project led civil society in three countries: Brazil, Mozambique and South Africa. The "community native seeds banks in family farming areas" knowledge-sharing initiative is the first Brazilian South-South Cooperation (SSC) project to be delivered by social movements working in coalition with an NGO and two different government agencies. The project has the overall objective of contributing to the economic and organisational strengthening of family farming in South Africa and Mozambique. Guided by the concept of food sovereignty and practices of agroecology, the project promotes the exchange of experiences between family farmers, technicians and rural leaders to rescue, use and multiply native seeds, and establish community native seed banks. Key lessons: Drawing on traditional practice: easy adaptation of the Brazilian experience is due to the fact that the process of rescuing native seeds is based on respecting and remembering the traditional practices of farmers. Additionally, it articulates the knowledge of the farmers with technical agronomical aspects, taking also into account the knowledge and capacity of the farmers who attended the courses. Mutual learning and dialogue: the civil society partners already shared a similar ideological background, which was crucial to the project's success. The People's Dialogue helped build trust and common understanding amongst the partners, and mutual respect and listening was a central part of participant training sessions, fostering intercultural understanding. The need for humility and "historical patience" is paramount to ensure equal partnerships. Working with governments: government buy-in and support, with civil society autonomy regarding the context and approach of the courses, was essential. However a culture of distrust for civil society within governments in South Africa and Mozambique proved a stumbling block. Partners had to constantly convince government officials of the project merits and bureaucratic complexity of involving various government agencies often had negative impacts in the fulfilment of project activities. Political and strategic aspects: a crucial part of the courses focused on the MMC, MCP and IBASE's experience around political mobilisation, emphasising that development is a political and not merely technical effort. Partners believe that sustainable and inclusive development can only be achieved by creating alliances and coalitions, as well as increasing people's political consciousness and autonomy. Key Successes Mutual mobilisation and activism: while not an intended outcome from the project, the cooperation between social movements in Brazil and African counterparts had an 'inspirational factor', creating ripple effects of increasing political activism and adaptation of their rural extension approaches. The strengthening of relationships between movements has also been a key outcome, improving mutual perceptions on their commonalities, as well as broader consciousness on the importance of native seeds. Mobilisation of women's movements: the use of women's seminars and sharing of experiences from MMC mobilised the creation of a women's movement within UNAC in Mozambique and the establishment of the Rural Women's Assembly, led by TCOE. The, Assembly is currently active in 8 countries in Southern Africa and more than 7000 rural women have participated in their regional activities. Piloting new approaches and relationships: As well as being the first time ABC supported a project that was developed and implemented by civil society and the first partnership between UNAC and the Mozambique government; this initiative was also the first time farmers in South Africa and Mozambique learned about techniques to rescue and multiply native seeds.

We have chosen in this paper to focus on South-South development cooperation, understanding it as... more We have chosen in this paper to focus on South-South development cooperation, understanding it as a subset of South-South cooperation. While SSDC is aimed at tackling primary development challenges, SSC encompasses relations that are not all necessarily based on promoting developmental objectives (such as arms trade or language and cultural exchanges). According to this definition, SSDC may include technical cooperation, peacekeeping, debt relief, student scholarships, humanitarian aid/ cooperation and investment's facilitation and promotion (NeST, 2015). 2 The Brazilian government refers to this modality as 'trilateral cooperation' to emphasize the horizontal character that guides all initiatives framed as SSDC. Triangular cooperation may, by contrast, imply asymmetries among partners, while 'trilateral cooperation' must promote horizontality and participation of all partners engaged in the initiatives. For this reason, we opted to use the term 'trilateral cooperation' when referring to the research findings regarding Brazilian practices. 3 We have interviewed 13 institutions, selected for their prominent engagement in Brazilian technical and humanitarian cooperation (five Brazilian executing institutions, the Brazilian Cooperation Agency, six trilateral partners and one civil society organization engaged in a technical cooperation project). Interviews were conducted in October, 2015. The first draft of this paper was shared with all interviewees and their comments, corrections and suggestions were incorporated in this final version. The research team assured confidentiality of the information gathered through interviews and refrains from making any reference to specific interviewees. UNDP (2003). Ownership, leadership, and transformation: can we do better for capacity development?. New York: UNDP. UNDP.

Al tomar como punto de partida los debates sobre relacion entre democracia y globalizacion y sobr... more Al tomar como punto de partida los debates sobre relacion entre democracia y globalizacion y sobre la transformacion del rol del Estado, esta investigacion parte de la premisas que el Estado sigue siendo un locus privilegiado para el ejercicio de la democracia y que la politica exterior es uno de los lugares donde es posible conjugar agencia, control democratico y responsabilidad de este mundo 'globalizado'. Sin embargo, la politica exterior ha sido tradicionalmente tratada como una politica singular y diferente de otras politicas publicas domesticas de un Estado. Esta supuesta singularidad, defendida tanto en el ambito analitico como en la practica, ha contribuido a que la politica exterior se configure, actualmente, como una de las pocas politicas que no han presentado cambios significativos en lo que dice respecto a su apertura hacia la participacion de la sociedad civil. La presente investigacion parte de una observacion empirica sobre el crecimiento de la movilizacion d...

Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais - RPPI, 2019
No marco analítico que concebe a política externa brasileira (PEB) como política pública e, porta... more No marco analítico que concebe a política externa brasileira (PEB) como política pública e, portanto, submetida a controles democráticos, e com base nos recentes estudos que evidenciam a pluralidade de atores e agendas e a complexificação do processo decisório em política externa, busca-se aqui analisar as iniciativas participativas existentes no marco da PEB e a qualidade democrática do diálogo entre Executivo e sociedade civil nas agendas de política externa. O trabalho se apoia nos avanços dos estudos sobre participação democrática e busca identificar similaridades e diferenças em formatos e dinâmicas das iniciativas de participação no âmbito da PEB, verificando assim a existência de tendências e determinantes. Para tanto, são analisadas iniciativas participativas em quatro âmbitos da política externa, quais sejam, negociações internacionais multilaterais comerciais, integração regional, cooperação sul-sul para o desenvolvimento e direitos humanos.
Contexto Internacional, 2016
Working from an analytical framework that emphasises the horizontalisation of the decision-making... more Working from an analytical framework that emphasises the horizontalisation of the decision-making process of Brazilian foreign policy, considered as public policy and subject to democratic control, this article analyses the democratic quality of this policy's participatory institutions, using the criteria established by democratic theory. Civil society participation is analysed in three areas of foreign policy: multilateral international negotiations, regional integration, and South-South development cooperation. It can be stated that civil society participation in Brazilian foreign policy is of a diffuse nature, discretionary, and with a high degree of informality.
The BRICS in International Development, 2016
The chapter explores Brazilian, Indian and South African civil society engagement in South–South ... more The chapter explores Brazilian, Indian and South African civil society engagement in South–South development cooperation (SSDC) and in debates of these countries’ roles in BRICS. Despite the apparently more promising engagement environment in the ‘democratic emerging powers’, civil society efforts to achieve effective influence over the SSDC agendas of both BRICS and of their own countries face many obstacles. The chapter discusses commonalities and differences across these three countries and their fellow BRICS, Russia and China, and analyses key characteristics and tendencies of transnational civil society engagement. Final remarks include prospects for civil society engagement with BRICS international development cooperation, with a particular focus on the New Development Bank.
Journal of International Development, 2015
The article analyses domestic and external drivers of the rise of South–South development coopera... more The article analyses domestic and external drivers of the rise of South–South development cooperation to a foreign policy priority under the Lula administrations. It argues that the rise was a consequence of presidential leadership, growing domestic mobilisation, shifts in the global political economy and the prioritisation of South–South development cooperation by traditional donors. It explores the case of the Ministry of Social Development cooperation with Africa, focusing on two experiences—the Bolsa Familia and the Purchase from Africans for Africa Programme. Although the ministry's partnership with traditional donors remained constant, there was increased domestic leadership in the food purchase programme. © 2015 UNU-WIDER. Journal of International Development published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The chapter explores Brazilian, Indian and South African civil society engagement in South–South ... more The chapter explores Brazilian, Indian and South African civil society engagement in South–South development cooperation (SSDC) and in debates of these countries’ roles in BRICS. Despite the apparently more promising engagement environment in the ‘democratic emerging powers’, civil society efforts to achieve effective influence over the SSDC agendas of both BRICS and of their own countries face many obstacles. The chapter discusses commonalities and differences across these three countries and their fellow BRICS, Russia and China, and analyses key characteristics and tendencies of transnational civil society engagement. Final remarks include prospects for civil society engagement with BRICS international development cooperation, with a particular focus on the New Development Bank.
Papers by Melissa Pomeroy