Research articles by Juan A Módenes Cabrerizo

European Journal of Ageing, Feb 2015
Although there is an extensive body of literature on the use of residential satisfaction to measu... more Although there is an extensive body of literature on the use of residential satisfaction to measure the impact of housing conditions on well-being in later life, less is known about differences and similarities between sub-populations and national contexts. By means of a cross-European analysis (EU15), this study aims to examine how objective and subjective factors of living conditions shape the perceptions of older Europeans about the adequacy of their residential environment. Two patterns of housing quality are explored: (1) international heterogeneity of the EU15 countries, and (2) intra-national heterogeneity, where we distinguish between households at risk of poverty and those not at risk in the elderly population of these countries. Data were drawn from the 2007 wave of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions survey, providing a sample of more than 58,000 individuals aged 65 years and older. The housing characteristics surveyed were reduced using tetrachoric correlations in a principal component analysis. The resulting predictors, as well as control variables (including gender, age, health status and tenure), are assessed using multiple linear regression analysis to explore their association with a high or low level of residential satisfaction. Despite a generally positive assessment by older Europeans of their living space, major geographic and household income differences existed in the factors that explained residential satisfaction. Identifying factors associated with residential satisfaction in different household income groups and national contexts may facilitate the development of EU policies that attempt to make ‘ageing in place’ a viable and suitable option for older Europeans.

This article addresses the relationship between population and housing in Spain by using an inter... more This article addresses the relationship between population and housing in Spain by using an interpretative approach based on demographic techniques. The main aims are to ascertain the rapid recent development in the Spanish housing system, and to explore how it will fare in the near future. To do so, some arguments are presented for the need to analyse housing systems from a comparative perspective. The situation in Spain in the international context is analysed, and the dynamics and change in the Spanish housing system are dealt with empirically. The empirical analysis highlights that it is important to take into account temporal dimensions, particularly age. It is confirmed that a new stage of extremely low demand for main residences is currently emerging, which may be aggravated by the current economic crisis and its effects on family formation. In addition, rental is identified as an option for enabling young people to have access to housing, and thus home ownership is questioned as the prevailing feature of the Spanish housing system in the future.

Home ownership is often regarded as the preferred housing tenure; however, situations in parallel... more Home ownership is often regarded as the preferred housing tenure; however, situations in parallel life-course careers might make moving to a rental home necessary or attractive to home owners. Retrospective data from the SHARELIFE survey were used to study the short- and long-term impact of situations and disruptions in the family and housing careers on leaving home ownership at middle (45–64) and older ages (65–80) in Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. We found that directly after separation and widowhood, the likelihood of leaving home ownership was the greatest. However, more than 10 years after separation and widowhood, individuals were still significantly more likely to leave ownership than those in their first marriage. Furthermore, late first childbirth and early first-time home ownership were associated with lower chances of leaving home ownership. We conclude that situations and changes in family and housing careers have both a short-term and a long-term impact on the likelihood of moving out of home ownership.
| pages 157 à 171 Pour citer cet article : -Módenes Cabrerizo J. et Colás J., Second Homes in Spa... more | pages 157 à 171 Pour citer cet article : -Módenes Cabrerizo J. et Colás J., Second Homes in Spain: Socio-Demographic and Geographical Profiles, Population 2007/1, Volume 62, p. 157-171.
Los autores son miembros del equipo del proyecto I+D del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología españ... more Los autores son miembros del equipo del proyecto I+D del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología español, nº BSO2003-03443/CPSO "Vivienda, Movilidad Espacial y Migraciones", cuyo investigador principal es Juan Antonio Módenes Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics 2006 MÓDENES, Juan Antonio; LÓPEZ, Julián.-Població i habitatge a Espanya: el sistema residencial espanyol a la llum del cens de 2001.
El objetivo del presente artículo es aproximarnos a los perfiles regionales de los hogares que di... more El objetivo del presente artículo es aproximarnos a los perfiles regionales de los hogares que disponían de una residencia secundaria en 2001. En concreto, se trata de determinar cómo influyen las características sociodemográficas, territoriales y el contexto urbanístico de las diferentes Comunidades Autónomas (CCAA) españolas en la posesión de este tipo de vivienda. Este análisis nos permitirá comprobar si existen modelos territoriales diferenciados en la posesión de dicha vivienda.
... Une attention particulière a également été portée à la relation entre résidence secondaire, u... more ... Une attention particulière a également été portée à la relation entre résidence secondaire, usage du temps, mobilité et double résidence (Mendizábal, 1996 ; Sabater, 2004) et aux aspects sociologiques et démographiques (Gaviria, 1970 ; López Colás, 2003). ...
L'objecte del present article és aportar alguns elements que ens permetin aproximar-nos a la nova... more L'objecte del present article és aportar alguns elements que ens permetin aproximar-nos a la nova realitat dels «residents múltiples» i dels «territoris residencialment compartits». Per fer-ho, partirem de l'anàlisi de la població que posseeix un habitatge secundari a Catalunya.
Vivienda secundaria y residencia múltiple en España: una aproximación sociodemográfica.
... 43 53 Barcelona 55 57 Taula 4 Intensitat final (%) de la immobilitat residencial municipal d&... more ... 43 53 Barcelona 55 57 Taula 4 Intensitat final (%) de la immobilitat residencial municipal d'una cohort teòrica segons categoria socioeconòmica per dimensió del municipi. Anàlisi transversa ... Sevi-lla: Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía (Estudios y Análisis), p. 200. ...

This article addresses the relationship between population and housing in Spain by using an inter... more This article addresses the relationship between population and housing in Spain by using an interpretative approach based on demographic techniques. The main aims are to ascertain the rapid recent development in the Spanish housing system, and to explore how it will fare in the near future. To do so, some arguments are presented for the need to analyse housing systems from a comparative perspective. The situation in Spain in the international context is analysed, and the dynamics and change in the Spanish housing system are dealt with empirically. The empirical analysis highlights that it is important to take into account temporal dimensions, particularly age. It is confirmed that a new stage of extremely low demand for main residences is currently emerging, which may be aggravated by the current economic crisis and its effects on family formation. In addition, rental is identified as an option for enabling young people to have access to housing, and thus home ownership is questioned as the prevailing feature of the Spanish housing system in the future.
Se investiga la heterogeneidad en la calidad residencial de los hogares españoles, en relación a ... more Se investiga la heterogeneidad en la calidad residencial de los hogares españoles, en relación a la tenencia de la vivienda y al ciclo de vida del hogar. El análisis se efectúa en perspectiva comparada de 5 países europeos, representantes de otros tantos sistemas residenciales, justo en 2007, último año del boom inmobiliario. Se constata que en España la calidad residencial es poco sensible a la tenencia y al ciclo de vida, relaciones que sin embargo la literatura considera casi universales. El artículo finaliza reflexionando sobre la influencia de la crisis actual en las relaciones estudiadas.
Papers by Juan A Módenes Cabrerizo
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2019
Esta obra se distribuye con la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDeriva... more Esta obra se distribuye con la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
Revista de estudios andaluces, 2019
Esta obra se distribuye con la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDeriva... more Esta obra se distribuye con la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica, 2014

Tiempo de paz, 2018
Las migraciones tienen una relación estrecha con la economía. En este texto, vamos a centrarnos e... more Las migraciones tienen una relación estrecha con la economía. En este texto, vamos a centrarnos en las consecuencias económicas de las migraciones, menos tratadas por la literatura. Después de explicar los distintos puntos de vista y dimensiones con los que la literatura trata esta cuestión, se repasan los principales efectos económicos que las migraciones producen en los países de destino y en los países de origen, tanto a escala agregada como individual. También se aporta una mirada más contemporánea a los impactos más transversales, como ejemplifica el análisis de las diásporas. En general, la literatura valora positivamente el impacto económico de las migraciones. Cabe concluir, por lo tanto, que en el debate actual los argumentos económicos no sirven para cuestionar la llegada de migrantes a Europa. Summary Migrations have a close relationship with economy. In this text, we will focus on the economic consequences of migration, less addressed by the specialized literature. After explaining the different points of view and dimensions used by the literature, a review is made of the main economic effects of immigration in the countries of destination and in the countries of origin, both on an aggregate and individual scale. A more up-to-date analysis of transversal impacts is proposed, as exemplified by the analysis of Diasporas. In general, the literature finds positive impacts of migration on economic variables. Therefore, in the current debate about the role of migration in the European societies, negative economic arguments are nonsense .
Research articles by Juan A Módenes Cabrerizo
Papers by Juan A Módenes Cabrerizo