Papers by Jorge Molero-Mesa

Manual de Historia de la Medicina., 2023
«Los trabajadores tienen derecho a no sufrir la tuberculosis, no a que traten de curársela los mi... more «Los trabajadores tienen derecho a no sufrir la tuberculosis, no a que traten de curársela los mismos que se la han inoculado» El Socialista, 2 de junio 1915. Pauperismo, enfermedades colectivas y "cuestión social" Es conocido que el proceso de industrialización que tuvo lugar en todo el mundo occidental a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XVII produjo, entre otros males, una degradación del medio ambiente y un enorme deterioro de las condiciones vitales de la mayoría de su población. Estas consecuencias, fruto de las nuevas relaciones entre capital y trabajo, trajeron asociadas, graves enfermedades infecciosas que se cebaban en los cuerpos de las clases trabajadoras. El concepto de pauperismo, ligado tradicionalmente a la idea de una "inevitable" pobreza, y representada por una limitada mendicidad, adquirió entonces nuevas dimensiones políticas y económicas debido fundamentalmente a los estragos físicos patentes en una creciente masa de población que no eran mendigos o vagos, sino trabajadores, personas que configuraban la clase obrera. El proletariado productor no era prescindible para el sistema capitalista ya que era necesario para aportar mano de obra tanto cualificada como no cualificada, civil y militar, para mantener y mejorar la "eficiencia", tanto nacional como colonial (Bryder 1988). Al mismo tiempo, aparecieron grupos sociales críticos con el pensamiento hegemónico (como los fourieristas en Francia), que en primera instancia entendían que todos los males sociales, entre los que se encontraban las enfermedades, eran fruto del nuevo orden industrial (Capellán de Miguel 2004). También las primeras asociaciones urbanas de resistencia, como ocurrió en España ya en el régimen liberal tras la desaparición de I
Manual de Historia de la Medicina., 2023
C uando decimos que algo es una construcción no queremos decir que sea irreal o inexistente, sino... more C uando decimos que algo es una construcción no queremos decir que sea irreal o inexistente, sino que es el producto de un proceso histórico del que forman parte aspectos políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales. Nuestra propuesta es pensar ese proceso como una zona de tensión dialógica, noción desarrollada por Claudia Mársico (Jiménez,
Tecnología, ciencia y naturaleza en la historia de las mujeres, 2023
Tecnología, ciencia y naturaleza en la historia de las mujeres, 2023
Neomaltusianismo y eugenesia, dos genealogías en clave de género, 2022
Trovare la reale identità sotto l'apparente differenziazione e contraddizione, e trovare la sosta... more Trovare la reale identità sotto l'apparente differenziazione e contraddizione, e trovare la sostanziale diversità sotto l'apparente identità è la più delicata, incompresa eppure essenziale dote del critico delle idee e dello storico dello sviluppo storico. Antonio Gramsci, Quaderni del carcere (Q24 §3) … Ogni traccia di iniziativa autonoma da parte dei gruppi subalterni dovrebbe perciò essere di valore inestimabile per lo storico integrale. Antonio Gramsci, Quaderni del carcere (Q25 §2) ∵ 1 Dialogic Gramsci and Science Studies*

Para Gramsci las dimensiones ideológicas y culturales de la reproducción social y el cambio socia... more Para Gramsci las dimensiones ideológicas y culturales de la reproducción social y el cambio social son clave para entender la dinámica socio-histórica. Por eso, la teoría gramsciana nos anima a abordar el estudio de cómo se produce el cambio social a partir del entendimiento de los procesos de generación y gestión del conocimiento como prácticas comunicativas multidimensionales. Los conceptos de hegemonía y subalternidad nos ayudan a pensar y conocer la praxis que los diversos grupos sociales realizan en torno al conocimiento. De esta manera, podemos proponer una respuesta a la cuestión ¿cómo se ha conseguido históricamente la hegemonía cultural, y qué papel tiene en ello la popularización del conocimiento científico? Ahora bien, en no pocas ocasiones, se hace referencia a hegemonía, subalternidad, contrahegemonía, educación científica, conocimiento científico como categorías cerradas en vez de considerar que forman parte de los elementos que se configuran en las luchas sociales por el significado. Por el contrario, el objeto de este trabajo es comprender y explicar el uso de determinadas herramientas comunicativas y sus consecuencias en lo que Gramsci denominaría las luchas culturales, en un contexto histórico determinado. Los llamados consultorios (secciones de preguntas y respuestas) de la prensa escrita constituyen unas fuentes privilegiadas para la exploración de los procesos de generación, gestión y aplicación de conocimiento en general y de conocimiento científico-médico en particular. En ellos interactúan expertos y no-expertos, agencias epistemológicas, experiencias cotidianas, conflictos sociales, desarrollando discursos y prácticas que legitiman, cuestionan, resignifican, los legados hegemónicos y subalternos. Por ello, nos proponemos abordar desde una perspectiva relacional las semejanzas y diferencias de las secciones de preguntas y respuestas que en los años treinta de siglo XX se publicaron en la prensa española anarco-libertaria y burguesa-conservadora. El análisis comparativo de los objetivos, las formas y los contenidos de esas secciones nos ayudarán a comprender las relaciones históricas entre los ámbitos de la hegemonía y la subalternidad, poniendo en evidencia las contradicciones, los conflictos, las mediaciones y sobre todo, las resistencias, además de la reproducción ideológica y cultural. De esta forma, la teoría gramsciana ayuda a comprender la existencia de la especificidad de la producción comunicativa de los grupos sociales. Por otro lado, el análisis comparativo que realizamos nos permite no sólo preguntarnos si son útiles los conceptos gramsciano para el conocimiento histórico que nos ocupa, sino también, teniendo en cuenta las implicaciones conceptuales de los estudios empíricos, preguntarnos por la utilidad de los objetos estudiados para la teoría social gramsciana - See more at:
According to Gramsci, the ideological and cultural dimensions of both social reproduction and change are key to understand socio-historical dynamics. Therefore, Gramscian theory leads us to tackle social change from the understanding of processes of generation and management of knowledge as multidimensional communication practices. The concepts of hegemony and subalternity help us ponder and grasp practices regarding knowledge in distinct social groups. In this way, we may attempt to look into questions such as: How has cultural hegemony been historically achieved? And what is the role of popularization of scientific knowledge in those processes?
In many instances, hegemony, subalternity, counter-hegemony, scientific education and scientific knowledge are referred to as closed categories as opposed to consider them as constituents of social struggles for meaning. Conversely, our aim is to understand and account for the use and upshots of certain communication tools in relation to what Gramsci would term as cultural struggle in a given historical context.
The Q&A sections of the printed press constitute a privileged source to explore processes of generation, management and application of knowledge in general, and scientificmedical in particular. In those sections, experts and non-experts, epistemological agencies, everyday experiences and social conflicts interact and generate discourses and practices legitimizing, questioning and re-signifying both hegemonic and subaltern legacies.
Thus, we will attempt to tackle, from a relational perspective, similarities and differences in Q&A sections from the anarchist-libertarian and the bourgeois-conservative press from the 1930s. The comparative analysis of aims, form, and content of those sections will help us understand the historical relations between the spheres of hegemony and subalternity. In this way, it will reveal contradictions, conflicts, mediations and above all resistances, beyond ideological and cultural reproduction.
Thus, Gramscian theory helps understand the specificity of communicative practices in distinct social groups. On the other hand, this comparative analysis will allow us not only asking if Gramscian concepts are useful regarding the historical knowledge we seek, but also, taking into account the conceptual implications of empirical studies, if these case studies are useful for Gramscian social theory.
História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, 2018
This article analyzes the debate on neo-Malthusianism and eugenics in Spanish anarchist publicati... more This article analyzes the debate on neo-Malthusianism and eugenics in Spanish anarchist publications in the first third of the last century. Using theoretical frameworks that have been under-utilized thus far, it provides new interpretations of what the term " eugenics " meant in pro-anarchist neo-Malthusian journals. Framed within a " struggle over meaning, " Spanish neo-Malthusianism re-signified eugenic ideas in an attempt to recover political ground that had been lost in the drive to promote individual control of human sexuality. This study also analyzes the role of the anarcho-syndicalist movement's " direct action " strategy, in which actions undertaken by individualist anarchists were seen as a complement to revolutionary action.
História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, 2018
El artículo analiza el debate sobre neomalthusianismo y eugenesia que se realizó en medios anarqu... more El artículo analiza el debate sobre neomalthusianismo y eugenesia que se realizó en medios anarquistas españoles en el primer tercio del siglo pasado. Con marcos teóricos poco utilizados hasta la fecha, se aportan nuevas interpretaciones acerca de lo que supuso la utilización del término eugenesia en las revistas neomalthusianas de inspiración anarquista. Enmarcado en una “lucha por el significado”, el neomalthusianismo español resignificó las ideas eugenésicas que tenían como finalidad recuperar el terreno político perdido en la iniciativa por el control individual de la sexualidad humana. Asimismo, se analiza el papel que desempeñó la estrategia de “acción directa” por parte del movimiento anarcosindicalista que consideraba las acciones emprendidas por los anarquistas individualistas como un complemento de su acción revolucionaria
Ciència i Ficció. L’exploració creativa dels mons reals i dels irreals, 2017
História Ciencias Saúde- Manguinhos, 2017
This paper explores the role of film and medical-health practices and discourses in the building ... more This paper explores the role of film and medical-health practices and discourses in the building and legitimating strategies of Franco’s fascist regime in Spain. The analysis of five medical-colonial documentary films produced during the 1940s explores the relationship between mass media communication practices and techno-scientific knowledge production, circulation and management processes. These films portray a non-problematic colonial space where social order is articulated through scientific-medical practices and discourses that match the regime’s need to consolidate and legitimize itself while asserting the inclusion-exclusion dynamics involved in the definition of social prototypes through processes of medicalization.
Barcelona: An urban history of science and modernity, 1888-1929, 2016
Medicina y poder político, 2014
En la elaboración de esta monografía se ha contado con el apoyo de los siguientes proyectos de in... more En la elaboración de esta monografía se ha contado con el apoyo de los siguientes proyectos de investigación:

Asclepio, 2014
In this paper we analyze the articles published by Argentinean physician Juan Larzarte in the mag... more In this paper we analyze the articles published by Argentinean physician Juan Larzarte in the magazine Estudios in the 1930s. This took place within a publishing policy aimed at overcoming the exclusion of discourses opposing the established social order. The discourse practices we explore were dialogic while focusing on neo-Malthusian and eugenic propositions and the historical causes of a gendered social relations structuring a double sexual morals. Lazarte used several forms of intertextuality and suggested the compatibility of seemingly opposed approaches without getting round the differences and avoiding debates in dichotomic terms. These practices allowed the strategic use of eugenic rhetoric within the neo-Malthusian proposition aimed at the human species to reach a state of good living. As he did not consider history from an ideology of progress, and insisted on taking into account the different facets of any issue (biological, economic and cultural), Lazarte’s discourse in Estudios contributed to configure a world defying the assumptions of a deterministic biopower, thus becoming a destabilizing power regarding the sexual and social order.
Mundo del trabajo y asociacionismo en España. Collegia, gremios, mutuas, sindicatos... , 2013

Dynamis , 2013
The subject of this monograph is set within the framework of the conceptual and theoretical devel... more The subject of this monograph is set within the framework of the conceptual and theoretical developments of recent decades related to processes of social inclusion and exclusion, extending the boundaries and interpretive scope of ideas set out throughout the 20 th century about various forms of social discrimination. Within a new vision of the globalised world, which would be characterized by its tendency to split societies and people into «included» and «excluded», these proposals would help to address the issue of socially disadvantaged groups and the mechanisms which have led them to end up being either totally or partially excluded from participation in the society in which they live. This broadening of interpretive scope was in part achieved by not taking the mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion to be linear. Instead, they are seen as being complex and multiple, acting

Dynamis, 2013
[0211-9536] 2013; 33 (1): [13][14][15][16][17] El tema que proponemos en este monográfico 1 se en... more [0211-9536] 2013; 33 (1): [13][14][15][16][17] El tema que proponemos en este monográfico 1 se enmarca en los desarrollos conceptuales y teóricos que han tenido lugar en las últimas décadas acerca de los procesos de inclusión y exclusión social, ampliando las fronteras y alcances interpretativos de las propuestas elaboradas a lo largo del siglo XX en torno a distintas formas de discriminación social 2 . Estos acercamientos, dentro de una nueva visión del mundo globalizado que se caracterizaría por su tendencia a dividir las sociedades y las personas en «incluidos» y «excluidos», servirían para preguntarse por grupos socialmente desfavorecidos y los mecanismos por los cuales han sido situados en esa posición en la que son total o parcialmente excluidos de participar en la sociedad en la que viven 3 . Los límites interpretativos fueron parcialmente ampliados con la consideración de que los mecanismos de inclusión y exclusión no 1. Todos los trabajos de este dossier se han desarrollado en el marco de los proyectos
Dynamis, 2013
The aim of this paper is to analyze the dynamics within Spanish anarcho-syndicalism between manua... more The aim of this paper is to analyze the dynamics within Spanish anarcho-syndicalism between manual workers and medical professionals who shared the anarchist ideology. The incorporation of technicians into the labour movement was a common feature in the Western world; however, while socialist organizations left health policies in the hands of physicians, anarchist unions did not accept these technocratic principles, given that they did not consider intellectuals as the best suited to take decisions concerning the whole community. In this context, we can see how medical professionals developed diverse strategies to be accepted by anarcho-syndicalist militants, who in turn showed different levels of acceptance according to the distinct lines of thought within the union

Dynamis, 2013
El objeto del presente trabajo es analizar la dinámica que se estableció dentro del anarcosindi... more El objeto del presente trabajo es analizar la dinámica que se estableció dentro del anarcosindicalismo español entre los trabajadores manuales y los profesionales médicos que comulgaban con la ideología anarquista. La incorporación de técnicos e intelectuales al movimiento obrero fue una característica generalizada en el mundo occidental pero mientras que las organizaciones socialistas dejaban en manos de los médicos la dirección de todas sus políticas sanitarias, los sindicatos anarquistas no aceptaron estos principios tecnocráticos pues no consideraban al intelectual como el más indicado para tomar decisiones que concernían a toda la colectividad. En este contexto, podemos observar como los profesionales de la medicina desarrollaron distintas estrategias para ser aceptados por los militantes anarcosindicalistas, los cuales, a su vez mostraban distintos niveles de aceptación según las distintas corrientes de pensamiento existentes en el sindicato.

Dynamis, 2013
Newspaper Q&A sections reflect and contribute to the social historical context in which they are ... more Newspaper Q&A sections reflect and contribute to the social historical context in which they are published, and they may play roles as distinct as becoming a tool to sustain social arrangements or, conversely, being an instrument for social change. In a context of complex relations between experts and non-experts within the libertarian movement in Spain in the first third of the 20th century, the Q&A section («Preguntas y respuestas», 1930-1937) of the anarchist magazine Estudios (1928-1937) constitutes a particularly illustrative example of the multidimensional management of knowledge through the effective redefinition of the participation of quite different groups. In this paper, we analyze the exchange between physician Roberto Remartínez (1895-1977), the section coordinator, and its readers, and identify features of the implementation of the libertarian principles of self-management through communication practices in which experts and non-experts jointly take part.
Papers by Jorge Molero-Mesa
According to Gramsci, the ideological and cultural dimensions of both social reproduction and change are key to understand socio-historical dynamics. Therefore, Gramscian theory leads us to tackle social change from the understanding of processes of generation and management of knowledge as multidimensional communication practices. The concepts of hegemony and subalternity help us ponder and grasp practices regarding knowledge in distinct social groups. In this way, we may attempt to look into questions such as: How has cultural hegemony been historically achieved? And what is the role of popularization of scientific knowledge in those processes?
In many instances, hegemony, subalternity, counter-hegemony, scientific education and scientific knowledge are referred to as closed categories as opposed to consider them as constituents of social struggles for meaning. Conversely, our aim is to understand and account for the use and upshots of certain communication tools in relation to what Gramsci would term as cultural struggle in a given historical context.
The Q&A sections of the printed press constitute a privileged source to explore processes of generation, management and application of knowledge in general, and scientificmedical in particular. In those sections, experts and non-experts, epistemological agencies, everyday experiences and social conflicts interact and generate discourses and practices legitimizing, questioning and re-signifying both hegemonic and subaltern legacies.
Thus, we will attempt to tackle, from a relational perspective, similarities and differences in Q&A sections from the anarchist-libertarian and the bourgeois-conservative press from the 1930s. The comparative analysis of aims, form, and content of those sections will help us understand the historical relations between the spheres of hegemony and subalternity. In this way, it will reveal contradictions, conflicts, mediations and above all resistances, beyond ideological and cultural reproduction.
Thus, Gramscian theory helps understand the specificity of communicative practices in distinct social groups. On the other hand, this comparative analysis will allow us not only asking if Gramscian concepts are useful regarding the historical knowledge we seek, but also, taking into account the conceptual implications of empirical studies, if these case studies are useful for Gramscian social theory.
According to Gramsci, the ideological and cultural dimensions of both social reproduction and change are key to understand socio-historical dynamics. Therefore, Gramscian theory leads us to tackle social change from the understanding of processes of generation and management of knowledge as multidimensional communication practices. The concepts of hegemony and subalternity help us ponder and grasp practices regarding knowledge in distinct social groups. In this way, we may attempt to look into questions such as: How has cultural hegemony been historically achieved? And what is the role of popularization of scientific knowledge in those processes?
In many instances, hegemony, subalternity, counter-hegemony, scientific education and scientific knowledge are referred to as closed categories as opposed to consider them as constituents of social struggles for meaning. Conversely, our aim is to understand and account for the use and upshots of certain communication tools in relation to what Gramsci would term as cultural struggle in a given historical context.
The Q&A sections of the printed press constitute a privileged source to explore processes of generation, management and application of knowledge in general, and scientificmedical in particular. In those sections, experts and non-experts, epistemological agencies, everyday experiences and social conflicts interact and generate discourses and practices legitimizing, questioning and re-signifying both hegemonic and subaltern legacies.
Thus, we will attempt to tackle, from a relational perspective, similarities and differences in Q&A sections from the anarchist-libertarian and the bourgeois-conservative press from the 1930s. The comparative analysis of aims, form, and content of those sections will help us understand the historical relations between the spheres of hegemony and subalternity. In this way, it will reveal contradictions, conflicts, mediations and above all resistances, beyond ideological and cultural reproduction.
Thus, Gramscian theory helps understand the specificity of communicative practices in distinct social groups. On the other hand, this comparative analysis will allow us not only asking if Gramscian concepts are useful regarding the historical knowledge we seek, but also, taking into account the conceptual implications of empirical studies, if these case studies are useful for Gramscian social theory.