Jesús Alturo i Perucho
Graduated first in his class at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Doctor in Classical Studies with distinction and awarded summa cum laude unanimously. Highest-marked candidate throughout Spain for the position of Senior Lecturer of Palaeography and Diplomatics in Spain. Professor of Palaeography, Codicology and Diplomatics since 1992, officially taking his place in 1993. Member of the Association Paléographique International: Culture, Écriture, Société first Moderamen. Member of the Comité International de Paléographie Latine, the highest international body for specialists in Latin Palaeography and Codicology. Member of the Société nationale des Antiquaires de France. Corresponding member of the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona. Member of other national and international organisations. Director of the Series Hispanica of the Monumenta Palaeographica Medii Aevi, sponsored by the Union Académique Internationale, the Institut de France, the Real Academia de la Historia (Madrid), the Comité International de Paléographie Latine, and the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona. Founder and Director of the Seminari de Paleografia, Codicologia i Diplomàtica at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, from which he has led 19 research projects with the financial support of the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, and the Generalitat de Catalunya, as well as supervising several doctoral theses. He was awarded with the Best Research Project Ciutat de Barcelona award in 1982, the Fundació Mossèn Sanabre Prize in 1984, and the Research Serra d'Or Critics Award in 2003 for the book Història del llibre manuscrit a Catalunya, the first one of its kind in Catalonia. He is the author of more than 350 books, book chapters and articles published in national and international journals, focussed mainly on research in the following fields: history of writing, texts, books and libraries. Last december, he was awarded with Creu de Sant Jordi, one of the highest distinctions that an individual can receive from the Government of Catalonia
Address: Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
Edifici B
Carrer de la Fortuna, s/n
08193 Bellaterra
Address: Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
Edifici B
Carrer de la Fortuna, s/n
08193 Bellaterra
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Videos by Jesús Alturo i Perucho
dins el 28è cicle de conferències 2022, El llegat de Carlemany: els carolingis a Catalunya
Papers by Jesús Alturo i Perucho
L’acte acadèmic, va ser presidit pel conseller de Recerca i Universitats, Joaquim Nadal, i va comptar amb l’assistència de nombroses personalitats del món cultural, eclesiàstic i polític, entre els quals el rector de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Javier Lafuente, que ha presidit l’acte, la presidenta de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Maria Teresa Cabré, l’arquebisbe d’Urgell i copríncep d’Andorra, Joan-Enric Vives, el canonge, coarxiver diocesà i expresident dels arxius eclesiàstics d’Espanya, Josep M. Martí i Bonet, i la directora de la Biblioteca de Catalunya, Eugènia Serra
examples of Catalan. It provides a new date for the manuscript copies of the most singular testimonies as well as for the Catalan translation of the Liber iudicum. Furthermore, it is argued that there were not two translations of the Liber iudicum, but only one, which was made under the direction of judge Ponç Bonfill Marc. It is also argued that the priest and scribe Traver Radolf from Organyà was the probable author of the copy of the first book written entirely in Catalan. The authors offer new reading proposals for some of these early Catalan texts and announce the preparation of a new complete edition of the Homilies d’Organyà. Finally, they suggest new hypothesis on the real reasons for the incorporation of Catalan into the written language and make some precisions on the concept of medieval Latin and diplomatic medieval Latin
dins el 28è cicle de conferències 2022, El llegat de Carlemany: els carolingis a Catalunya
L’acte acadèmic, va ser presidit pel conseller de Recerca i Universitats, Joaquim Nadal, i va comptar amb l’assistència de nombroses personalitats del món cultural, eclesiàstic i polític, entre els quals el rector de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Javier Lafuente, que ha presidit l’acte, la presidenta de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Maria Teresa Cabré, l’arquebisbe d’Urgell i copríncep d’Andorra, Joan-Enric Vives, el canonge, coarxiver diocesà i expresident dels arxius eclesiàstics d’Espanya, Josep M. Martí i Bonet, i la directora de la Biblioteca de Catalunya, Eugènia Serra
examples of Catalan. It provides a new date for the manuscript copies of the most singular testimonies as well as for the Catalan translation of the Liber iudicum. Furthermore, it is argued that there were not two translations of the Liber iudicum, but only one, which was made under the direction of judge Ponç Bonfill Marc. It is also argued that the priest and scribe Traver Radolf from Organyà was the probable author of the copy of the first book written entirely in Catalan. The authors offer new reading proposals for some of these early Catalan texts and announce the preparation of a new complete edition of the Homilies d’Organyà. Finally, they suggest new hypothesis on the real reasons for the incorporation of Catalan into the written language and make some precisions on the concept of medieval Latin and diplomatic medieval Latin