Movie by Dídac Santos Fita

Mayas yucatecos de comunidades del centro de Quintana Roo (México) agradecen y retribuyen a los S... more Mayas yucatecos de comunidades del centro de Quintana Roo (México) agradecen y retribuyen a los Señores de los animales y otras entidades el sustento de carne de monte que estos les proporcionan al permitirles cazar, cumpliendo así con sus obligaciones de “buen cazador” y merecer el obsequio de nuevas presas. Devolver las mandíbulas en el monte, de venado y jabalí, garantiza la renovación y conservación de las poblaciones animales, para continuar el ciclo de cacería. Al hacer el Loojil Ts’oon se legitima el acto de matar al animal.
Esta Ceremonia, por primera vez mostrada en audiovisual, destaca por su complejidad estructural y simbólica, rica en objetos materiales, ofrendas, rezos y simbolismos; contiene elementos tanto de la cosmovisión maya como de la tradición católica. E implica una activa participación por miembros de la comunidad.
Los espacios donde transcurre la cacería, la práctica ritual y la regeneración de presas, se construyen y se reconocen socialmente, conformando así un territorio y recreando una identidad y sentido de pertenencia a ese territorio; de ahí también la importancia presente y futura de ceremonias como la del Loojil Ts’oon, muestra del rico Patrimonio Biocultural de México.
Yucatec Maya from central Quintana Roo (Mexico) give grace and offer retribution to the Lords of the Animals and other spiritual entities for the gift of game meat and the permission to hunt. Through these actions they comply with their obligations as “good hunters” and gain the prize of new prey. Returning deer and peccary jaws to the wilderness guarantees the renovation and preservation of animal populations and, thus, the continuity of the cycle of hunting. By performing the Loojil Ts’oon ceremony the act of killing and animal is made legitimate.
This Ceremony, recorded in video for the first time, stands out from other ceremonies for its structural and symbolic complexity. It is rich in ritual objects, offerings, prayers, and symbolism; additionally it contains elements both from Maya cosmovision and catholic tradition. Furthermore, it implies active participation from members of the community.
The spaces where hunting, ritual practice, and the regeneration of prey happen are socially constructed and recognized. This constructs the territory and recreates an identity and sense of belonging to said territory. This is the present and future relevance of ceremonies like Loojil Ts’oon, which show the rich Biocultural Heritage of Mexico.
Guión y Producción: Dídac Santos-Fita
Instituciones: CICBA - UAEMéx; Red Temática CONACYT "Patrimonio Biocultural"
Norma: NTSC
Formato 16:9
Duración: 52 minutos
México, 2016
Subtítulos en inglés / English subtitles
Formato en Blu-Ray
Books by Dídac Santos Fita

Sacralidade na Natureza: um olhar a partir de múltiplas
tradições ecoespiritualistas resulta da ... more Sacralidade na Natureza: um olhar a partir de múltiplas
tradições ecoespiritualistas resulta da ação e organização
de membros do grupo de pesquisa “Ecologia Espiritual:
integrando Natureza, Humanidades e Espiritualidades”
(CNPq/UEFS), além de pesquisadores convidados. Com
catorze contribuições de autores nacionais e internacionais,
o livro está dividido em três partes. A primeira reúne cinco
textos cujo eixo central é o reconhecimento do mundo
natural e seus espaços sagrados. A segunda parte é composta
por quatro capítulos que discorrem sobre ecoespiritualidade
e socioambientalismo de povos ameríndios. E a terceira parte
reúne cinco capítulos que nos apresentam a perspectiva da
sacralidade da natureza segundo a ótica romani (cigana), de
religiões de matriz africana no Brasil (Umbanda e Candomblé)
e em Cuba, e a produção do conhecimento em Biologia a
partir das narrativas mediúnicas espíritas kardecistas.

Símbolos de muerte y de vida, los huesos tenían un papel central en la cosmovisión mesoamericana.... more Símbolos de muerte y de vida, los huesos tenían un papel central en la cosmovisión mesoamericana. Si bien los cráneos y los huesos largos recibían un tratamiento especial, menos conocido es el uso ritual de mandíbulas y de maxilares, tantos humanos como animales.
En primer lugar, los autores presentan un estudio etnográfico de la Ceremonia de la carabina, entre los mayas del estado de Quintana Roo, que involucra el uso de quijadas de animales. Posteriormente hacen un recuento de los hallazgos arqueológicos consistentes en mandíbulas y maxilares, recuperados en diversos sitios, con énfasis en el recinto sagrado de Tenochtitlan. Además, se analiza la iconografía de numerosas mandíbulas bellamente labradas. Los autores concluyen su investigación explorando el complejo simbolismo de este segmento corporal.
Más allá de lo que se da a conocer sobre el uso ritual de mandíbulas, este libro pretende contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de las prácticas cinegéticas, guerreras y sacrificiales de los pueblos mesoamericanos.
Esta obra no es una guía para la automedicación ni para la sustitución de medicamentos. Los autor... more Esta obra no es una guía para la automedicación ni para la sustitución de medicamentos. Los autores, colaboradores en la investigación, la Universidad Surcolombiana y los entrevistados no se hacen responsables de los problemas causados por el uso indebido de la información presentada en este libro o por la identificación errónea que haga el lector de las plantas citadas en esta obra.
CETA. Iquitos, Peru, 2007
Papers by Dídac Santos Fita

Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst, 2023
The Pacific seahorse (Hippocampus ingens) is a teleost fish native to the Pacific Ocean. In Mexic... more The Pacific seahorse (Hippocampus ingens) is a teleost fish native to the Pacific Ocean. In Mexico they are protected by national legislation; however, there are no studies regarding their commercial use or population status. From a conservation perspective they are a threatened fish and from a socio-economic aspect they represent a source of income for many fishing communities. The integration of these two points of view requires, among other things, the recognition that fishers have knowledge and skills that can help implement conservation strategies and management plans for seahorses and their habitats.
The objective was to document the knowledge of fishers from Sinaloa about the fishing status and current commercialization of wild populations of H. ingens. For this, semi-structured interviews and participatory observation were carried out with 112 participants in the two main ports of the state of Sinaloa (Mazatlán and Topolobampo) from July to August 2021. The data obtained were coded and then, through content analysis, systematized results were obtained that allowed a qualitative and quantitative analysis.
The species was found to be caught using six different fishing gears (catch per unit effort, CPUE = 0.07–1.24 seahorses per boat per day) and have an important financial value. Most fishers catch seahorses incidentally, but three of them mentioned targeting them directly. Fishers perceive a decrease in catches and in the size of the Pacific seahorse, as well as an increase in prices.
The information analysed indicates that seahorse populations in Sinaloa are exploited and have economic value, despite current regulations. This study shows that the exploitation of seahorses in Sinaloa is unsustainable and requires the implemention of collaborative management strategies (e.g. stakeholder management, the establishment of marine protected areas, sustainable harvest practices, community-based enforcement efforts, educational campaigns, research, and conservation partnerships) that fully take into account the knowledge and practice of local fishers of Sinaloa and Mexico.

Heritage, 2024
Traditional knowledge about medicinal plants, and the biocultural heritage derived from them, can... more Traditional knowledge about medicinal plants, and the biocultural heritage derived from them, can be a useful tool for curricular design in health sciences. Research on this topic oriented toward university students has an interesting potential from a multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary treatment. This field allows for establishing relationships between socioeconomic and environmental problems and the health and well-being of people from the perspective of the intangible heritage of rural communities. On the other hand, traditional knowledge draws from very diverse sources such as empirical, magical, and religious components, primitive medicines, and even from academic medicine itself when it ceases to be scientific. Methodological triangulation is used in terms of data (times, spaces, and people), as well as researchers from different areas of knowledge integrating approaches with an interpretive purpose. Located in a European transboundary territory, the study area contains the mountain ranges of Alor (Spain) and São Mamede (Portugal), two cross border areas where key informants have been interviewed. The observation unit is people who perform traditional practices to gather natural products, and other randomly selected informants. The study
was completed with information collected from the undergraduates of the Escola Superior de Saúde de Portalegre (Portugal). The purpose of this work was to highlight the application of traditional knowledge based on medicinal plants in university studies of health sciences. Based on the results obtained and an epistemological discussion, we propose an educational intervention to broaden the professional mindset from a biocultural perspective. Our proposal directs the student’s gaze toward
the investigation of medical history and biocultural heritage to understand the determinants of health and to respect the idiosyncrasies of their communities.

Novos Cadernos NAEA, 2023
A pesquisa objetivou caracterizar e registrar os conhecimentos dos moradores da comunidade quilom... more A pesquisa objetivou caracterizar e registrar os conhecimentos dos moradores da comunidade quilombola do Jacarequara, município de Santa Luzia do Pará, Pará, referentes às práticas de uso das principais espécies de fauna silvestre. A partir de um enfoque etnozoológico e etnoecológico, buscou-se obter os dados por métodos qualitativos e quantitativos, perpassando a observação participante e utilização de entrevistas semiestruturadas, além da utilização de listas livres (free listing). Os dados revelaram a existência de cinco categorias de uso que envolvem uma diversidade de espécies animais, informações que compõem um riquíssimo conhecimento etnozoológico essencial para a apropriação e utilização efetiva dos recursos. Tais recursos faunísticos se mostram essenciais para o modo de vida tradicional da comunidade, sendo um dos componentes principais da dieta alimentar e das práticas zooterapêuticas ali existentes. Percebe-se que as características ambientais estão diretamente relacionadas às escolhas de utilização dos recursos faunísticos, assim possíveis alterações socioambientais influenciadas por atores externos podem ter grande influência nas práticas e saberes tradicionais da comunidade, os quais podem exercer importante papel em medidas de gestão e conservação que considerem a proteção dos recursos e a valorização do conhecimento ecológico tradicional.

Ethnobiology and Conservation , 2023
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the imaginary of Caipora and environment... more This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the imaginary of Caipora and environmental conservation in Serra da Jiboia. Data obtained through the application of semi-structured interviews and Likert scale. All data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Interviews were carried out with a total of 57 residents, adult men and women whose main source of income is provided by agricultural activities. Through factor analysis, it was possible to identify four factors that explain the variations in responses given by residents of the region, suggesting a strong belief in the spiritual entities of the forest and its importance for nature conservation. Although Catholicism is the predominant religion in the region, belief in Caipora was high, being related to the appreciation and preservation of local nature. Through the chi-square test, it was possible to verify a statistically significant relationship between the belief in Caipora and the activities carried out in the forest by the interviewees. This study contributes to the understanding of the relationship between popular beliefs and environmental conservation, highlighting the importance of considering local knowledge for the development of public policies aimed at nature preservation.

Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2023
Human activities are one of the most critical threats to wildlife. Therefore, understanding human... more Human activities are one of the most critical threats to wildlife. Therefore, understanding human-wildlife interactions is key to designing and applying sound conservation strategies. We identified wild animals relevant for people in El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, southern Mexico considering four types of interactions: Use, affect (either positive or negative), and conflict. Twenty-eight workshops and 670 wildlife-human experiences with 58 taxa were recorded. The most relevant species were Odocoileus virginianus, Tapirus bairdii, Panthera onca, Pharomachrus mocinno, and Bothriechis bicolor. Positive affect was the most frequent interaction reported (46%), followed by use (20%), conflict (17%), and negative affect (16%). Negative affect and conflicts were mainly related to fear and damage by native predators. Species use was relatively infrequent (20%). We propose that conservation strategies be directed according to the species and their specific interactions.

Huitzil Revista Mexicana de Ornitología, 2023
En la perspectiva ambiental del nuevo milenio, los sistemas indígenas
de conocimiento y uso de la... more En la perspectiva ambiental del nuevo milenio, los sistemas indígenas
de conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad son de gran relevancia
en la construcción de nuevas estrategias para asegurar la conservación
de este patrimonio natural. El objetivo de nuestro estudio
fue documentar el conocimiento morfo-anatómico de las aves por
indígenas mayas yucatecos. Trabajamos en el estado de Campeche
con seis comunidades mayas: Santa Cruz, Nunkiní, San Antonio
Sahcabchen, Villa de Guadalupe, Pich y Chencoh en el periodo de
2010 a 2015. A partir de 240 entrevistas estructuradas, registramos
la terminología de la anatomía y morfología reconocida para las
aves. Obtuvimos el nominativo Ch´íich´ para designar a las aves en
general, siendo la presencia de Koj (pico), K´u´uk´umel (plumaje)
y Xiik´ (alas) los caracteres esenciales que se usan para definir y
clasificar a este grupo animal. El sistema maya reconoce y nombra
54 órganos anatómicos y 16 estructuras morfológicas, por lo
que a nivel nacional representa una de las nomenclaturas indígenas
más completas para la clase Aves. El registro de una amplia nomenclatura
morfo-anatómica tiene una alta importancia en la estructura
perceptual como diferenciadora e identificadora de un dominio
animal. Asimismo, constituye una aportación diagnóstica del nivel
cognoscitivo e interacción que aún tienen los indígenas mayas con
la avifauna y la diversidad faunística en general, lo cual les ha permitido
generar una gama de conocimientos detallados de sus hábitos
y biología general.

Revista NERA, 2023
Práticas como o manejo da roça e extrativismo são atividades que caracterizam o autoconsumo, como... more Práticas como o manejo da roça e extrativismo são atividades que caracterizam o autoconsumo, como também são uma possibilidade de comercialização do excedente para comunidades tradicionais e por isso se faz importante que sejam valorizados. Assim, o estudo objetivou compreender como os espaços de cultivos de plantas alimentícias e os
saberes e práticas tradicionais podem ter relação com a manutenção de vida dos quilombolas. A abordagem metodológica quali-quantitativa contemplou a observação participante, entrevistas, questionários, turnê-guiada e lista livre. Os dados obtidos foram tabulados e sistematizados, além de ser calculada a frequência de citação das espécies e o Índice de Saliência Cognitiva (ISC). Os resultados demonstraram que práticas produtivas são a base alimentar e um meio de geração de renda. Foram catalogadas 27 etnovariedades de mandioca demonstrando sua importância para a alimentação dos quilombolas. Entretanto, o avanço das áreas de pastagens das fazendas e a adesão por hábitos alimentares externos reflete mudanças e riscos. Esses fatores direcionam a uma
nova realidade alimentar, podendo interferir em sua permanência no quilombo, na geração de renda, no respeito ao modo de vida quilombola e a valorização dos seus saberes e práticas tradicionais.
Practices such as swidden management and extractivism are activities that characterize self-consumption, as well as a possibility of marketing the surplus to traditional communities and therefore it is important that they are valued. Thus, the study aimed to understand how the spaces of food plants cultivation and traditional knowledge and practices can be related to the maintenance of life of the quilombolas. The qualitative quantitative methodological approach included participant observation, interviews, questionnaires, guided tour and free list. The data obtained were tabulated and systematized, in addition to calculating the frequency of species citation and the Cognitive Salience Index. The results showed that productive practices are the food base and a means of income generation. 27 ethnovarieties of cassava were cataloged, demonstrating their importance for the diet of the quilombolas. However, the advance of pasture areas on farms and adherence to external eating habits reflects changes and risks. These factors lead to a new food reality, which may interfere with their permanence in the quilombo, income generation, respect for the quilombola way of life and the appreciation of their traditional knowledge and practices.

Journal of Ethnobiology, 2023
The Pacific seahorse (Hippocampus ingens) is an important cultural and economic resource for coas... more The Pacific seahorse (Hippocampus ingens) is an important cultural and economic resource for coastal communities in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. However, the conservation of this species is threatened by overfishing, habitat loss, and lack of awareness about its ecological importance. In this study, we examine the local ecological knowledge and use of the Pacific seahorse by residents of Sinaloa. Through ethnographic interviews and participant observation, we document the traditional knowledge and practices associated with this species, including its habitat, behavior, and uses. We find that local ecological knowledge has played a crucial role in the management and conservation of the Pacific seahorse, and that community-based approaches are necessary to address the conservation challenges facing this species. Our study provides important insights into the role of traditional ecological knowledge in marine conservation and highlights the need for more collaborative and participatory approaches to marine management and conservation in Sinaloa and other coastal regions.

Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, 2023
Resumo: Povos indígenas e comunidades tradicionais dão prioridade às relações sociais e interativ... more Resumo: Povos indígenas e comunidades tradicionais dão prioridade às relações sociais e interativas entre humanos e não humanos, em que entes naturais, como animais, plantas, fungos, rios, cachoeiras, rochas, cavernas ou montanhas, estão imbuídos de espíritos, com subjetividades e consciência reflexiva. De acordo com as cosmopercepções de diferentes culturas, os seres elementais ou enteais atuam direta ou indiretamente na regulação de atividades antrópicas, guiando o comportamento dos indivíduos que adentram espaços naturais diversos, para fins de caça, pesca, coleta, cultivo, recreação etc. Por meio de uma revisão comparada de bibliografia obtida nas bases de dados Google Scholar e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), no período de janeiro a julho de 2021, o presente artigo discute acerca dos entes que exercem a função de guardiões da natureza e dos recursos, especialmente das espécies animais de interesse cinegético (caça). Uma atenção especial é direcionada a duas das entidades protetoras mais conhecidas no imaginário brasileiro: Curupira e Caipora. Torna-se premente conceber a união da espiritualidade com a ecologia, objetivando entender e apoiar as crenças locais, a fim de implementar estratégias ecologicamente embasadas para alcançar tanto a conservação racional dos recursos naturais quanto a manutenção do rico patrimônio biocultural a eles associada. Palavras-chave: Animismo. Narrativa oral. Folclore. Caça. Conservação dos recursos naturais. Etnoecologia.

Etnobiología, 2022
The present work is the result of a study that aimed to characterize the impact of the COVID-19 p... more The present work is the result of a study that aimed to characterize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the consumption of wild fauna and its products intended for feeding, analyzing if consumers associate game meat with the contagion of the new coronavirus and, consequently, it is believed that the frequent consumption of wild animals can threaten Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) in the city of Abaetetuba/PA. The field period was between September 2019 and November 2020, with some gaps between visits to Abaetetuba. The main instrument of the methodology used was a questionnaire registered via the internet, of an anonymous and voluntary nature aimed at people over 18 years of age. As a result of the investigation, we interviewed (N=122) people from Abaetetubas representing the urban core and the rural area of the municipality. It was found that the free fair of the beira of Abaetetuba still represents a place of preservation of social and cultural relations, which strengthen affective bonds and local knowledge. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted, to some extent, the consumption of wild animals. With the low supply of animal protein at the fair and the increase in domestic meats (cattle, chicken, pork), there has been an increase in the consumption of game meat, even though the price of this has also been high in the pandemic period. Game meat has become a cheaper, healthier and more durable alternative (since it is sold in salted blankets). Consumers stated that they did not associate the contagion of COVID-19 with the consumption of game meat, as well as they did not believe that the frequent consumption of wild animals could threaten FNS in the municipality.

Gaia Scientia, 2022
The study aims to identify the forms of use and management, conservation and commercialization of... more The study aims to identify the forms of use and management, conservation and commercialization of species cultivated in agroforestry systems (AFSs) developed by family subsistence farmers in the Porto Seguro Sustainable Development Project in Marabá, Pará, Brazil, evaluating the importance of this resource for the preservation of local traditions and the valorization of sociobiodiversity. Data was collected between November 2019 and October 2020 through semi-structured interviews and guided tours of eight family units, with the aid of an audio recorder, photographic records and field diary reports. The data was interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively through the systematization with Microsoft Excel. A total of 54 species belonging to 30 families were reported, distributed in three productive spaces with economic, protection and maintenance functions of biodiversity: the forest, farms and the AFS. The investigated AFSs are mostly composed of fruit trees, do not have a specific model and show a strong correlation with the factor age. The importance value of the species ranged between 0.13 and 0.50. The lack of technical assistance and support from public authorities poses several limitations to productive practices and socioeconomic reproduction. The survey data reinforce the role of AFSs in the conservation of sociobiodiversity and preserving traditional ways of life.

Ethnobiolgy and Conservation, 2022
Human responses to alterations caused by wildlife in human livelihoods depend on psychological an... more Human responses to alterations caused by wildlife in human livelihoods depend on psychological and cultural factors, in addition to tangible factors. The ideas of transforming the discourse of conflict into a vision of coexistence, as well as of promoting a dialogue between science and ancestral knowledge, have been increasingly valued in biodiversity conservation. In ten communities of the Arhuaco people (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia), we qualitatively explored the role of the jaguar (Panthera onca) and its main prey (deer, peccary and paca) in the Arhuaco cosmovision (vision and interpretation of the world and cosmos) as well as how these people interpret and manage the alterations caused by these species on their livelihood from a cultural perspective. We also evaluated quantitatively their cognitive, affective, and behavioral attitudes towards coexistence with these species. Our findings show that attitudes towards coexistence with the jaguar and its main prey were significantly more positive among those who have been affected by wildlife (i.e., livestock depredation and crop consumption) or who, according to their occupation (ranchers-farmers), have a higher risk of being affected. These attitudes could be better understood in light of the principles of the Arhuaco cosmovision, that have a profoundly ecological ethic, in which the jaguar plays a primordial role in the spiritual, cosmogonic, and natural order. Guaranteeing the protection of Arhuaco culture and territory could be very valuable for the conservation of the jaguar and biodiversity in the ecoregion of the

Etnobiología, 2022
Estudios sobre etnoepidemiología y fitoterapia del pueblo Warao y un enfoque antropológico de la ... more Estudios sobre etnoepidemiología y fitoterapia del pueblo Warao y un enfoque antropológico de la salud encaminaron
el modo de interpretar las observaciones encontradas en la atención a la salud de familias warao ubicadas
en Belém (estado de Pará, Brasil), durante su trayecto como migrantes. La obtención de datos se llevó a cabo
mediante dos medios: 1) observación participante en actividades de asistencia médica y social; y 2) aproximación
a las experiencias narradas sobre la trayectoria terapéutica en contexto migratorio de personas que prefieren
vivir fuera de los refugios. Este trabajo muestra que pese a las dificultades del proceso migratorio internacional
las familias buscan de manera autónoma el cuidado a su salud a través de la aceptación de técnicas de asistencia
médica pero también al rechazo de ellas, debido a que la sangre es un elemento significante en las prácticas
terapéuticas de este pueblo; así como de los recursos medicinales que conocen y tienen a disposición, esto
es: 14 especies de plantas, manteca de pescado, orina humana, alcohol de caña, medicamentos farmacéuticos,
y tratamiento con chamanes warao y ensalmistas. Se identifica que estas prácticas de cuidado contrastan las
situaciones que conforman la subutilización de los servicios de salud del municipio, por lo que se contribuye a la
discusión en torno a los servicios de salud de la población indígena en contexto urbano y migratorio.
Movie by Dídac Santos Fita
Esta Ceremonia, por primera vez mostrada en audiovisual, destaca por su complejidad estructural y simbólica, rica en objetos materiales, ofrendas, rezos y simbolismos; contiene elementos tanto de la cosmovisión maya como de la tradición católica. E implica una activa participación por miembros de la comunidad.
Los espacios donde transcurre la cacería, la práctica ritual y la regeneración de presas, se construyen y se reconocen socialmente, conformando así un territorio y recreando una identidad y sentido de pertenencia a ese territorio; de ahí también la importancia presente y futura de ceremonias como la del Loojil Ts’oon, muestra del rico Patrimonio Biocultural de México.
Yucatec Maya from central Quintana Roo (Mexico) give grace and offer retribution to the Lords of the Animals and other spiritual entities for the gift of game meat and the permission to hunt. Through these actions they comply with their obligations as “good hunters” and gain the prize of new prey. Returning deer and peccary jaws to the wilderness guarantees the renovation and preservation of animal populations and, thus, the continuity of the cycle of hunting. By performing the Loojil Ts’oon ceremony the act of killing and animal is made legitimate.
This Ceremony, recorded in video for the first time, stands out from other ceremonies for its structural and symbolic complexity. It is rich in ritual objects, offerings, prayers, and symbolism; additionally it contains elements both from Maya cosmovision and catholic tradition. Furthermore, it implies active participation from members of the community.
The spaces where hunting, ritual practice, and the regeneration of prey happen are socially constructed and recognized. This constructs the territory and recreates an identity and sense of belonging to said territory. This is the present and future relevance of ceremonies like Loojil Ts’oon, which show the rich Biocultural Heritage of Mexico.
Guión y Producción: Dídac Santos-Fita
Instituciones: CICBA - UAEMéx; Red Temática CONACYT "Patrimonio Biocultural"
Norma: NTSC
Formato 16:9
Duración: 52 minutos
México, 2016
Subtítulos en inglés / English subtitles
Formato en Blu-Ray
Books by Dídac Santos Fita
tradições ecoespiritualistas resulta da ação e organização
de membros do grupo de pesquisa “Ecologia Espiritual:
integrando Natureza, Humanidades e Espiritualidades”
(CNPq/UEFS), além de pesquisadores convidados. Com
catorze contribuições de autores nacionais e internacionais,
o livro está dividido em três partes. A primeira reúne cinco
textos cujo eixo central é o reconhecimento do mundo
natural e seus espaços sagrados. A segunda parte é composta
por quatro capítulos que discorrem sobre ecoespiritualidade
e socioambientalismo de povos ameríndios. E a terceira parte
reúne cinco capítulos que nos apresentam a perspectiva da
sacralidade da natureza segundo a ótica romani (cigana), de
religiões de matriz africana no Brasil (Umbanda e Candomblé)
e em Cuba, e a produção do conhecimento em Biologia a
partir das narrativas mediúnicas espíritas kardecistas.
En primer lugar, los autores presentan un estudio etnográfico de la Ceremonia de la carabina, entre los mayas del estado de Quintana Roo, que involucra el uso de quijadas de animales. Posteriormente hacen un recuento de los hallazgos arqueológicos consistentes en mandíbulas y maxilares, recuperados en diversos sitios, con énfasis en el recinto sagrado de Tenochtitlan. Además, se analiza la iconografía de numerosas mandíbulas bellamente labradas. Los autores concluyen su investigación explorando el complejo simbolismo de este segmento corporal.
Más allá de lo que se da a conocer sobre el uso ritual de mandíbulas, este libro pretende contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de las prácticas cinegéticas, guerreras y sacrificiales de los pueblos mesoamericanos.
Papers by Dídac Santos Fita
The objective was to document the knowledge of fishers from Sinaloa about the fishing status and current commercialization of wild populations of H. ingens. For this, semi-structured interviews and participatory observation were carried out with 112 participants in the two main ports of the state of Sinaloa (Mazatlán and Topolobampo) from July to August 2021. The data obtained were coded and then, through content analysis, systematized results were obtained that allowed a qualitative and quantitative analysis.
The species was found to be caught using six different fishing gears (catch per unit effort, CPUE = 0.07–1.24 seahorses per boat per day) and have an important financial value. Most fishers catch seahorses incidentally, but three of them mentioned targeting them directly. Fishers perceive a decrease in catches and in the size of the Pacific seahorse, as well as an increase in prices.
The information analysed indicates that seahorse populations in Sinaloa are exploited and have economic value, despite current regulations. This study shows that the exploitation of seahorses in Sinaloa is unsustainable and requires the implemention of collaborative management strategies (e.g. stakeholder management, the establishment of marine protected areas, sustainable harvest practices, community-based enforcement efforts, educational campaigns, research, and conservation partnerships) that fully take into account the knowledge and practice of local fishers of Sinaloa and Mexico.
was completed with information collected from the undergraduates of the Escola Superior de Saúde de Portalegre (Portugal). The purpose of this work was to highlight the application of traditional knowledge based on medicinal plants in university studies of health sciences. Based on the results obtained and an epistemological discussion, we propose an educational intervention to broaden the professional mindset from a biocultural perspective. Our proposal directs the student’s gaze toward
the investigation of medical history and biocultural heritage to understand the determinants of health and to respect the idiosyncrasies of their communities.
de conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad son de gran relevancia
en la construcción de nuevas estrategias para asegurar la conservación
de este patrimonio natural. El objetivo de nuestro estudio
fue documentar el conocimiento morfo-anatómico de las aves por
indígenas mayas yucatecos. Trabajamos en el estado de Campeche
con seis comunidades mayas: Santa Cruz, Nunkiní, San Antonio
Sahcabchen, Villa de Guadalupe, Pich y Chencoh en el periodo de
2010 a 2015. A partir de 240 entrevistas estructuradas, registramos
la terminología de la anatomía y morfología reconocida para las
aves. Obtuvimos el nominativo Ch´íich´ para designar a las aves en
general, siendo la presencia de Koj (pico), K´u´uk´umel (plumaje)
y Xiik´ (alas) los caracteres esenciales que se usan para definir y
clasificar a este grupo animal. El sistema maya reconoce y nombra
54 órganos anatómicos y 16 estructuras morfológicas, por lo
que a nivel nacional representa una de las nomenclaturas indígenas
más completas para la clase Aves. El registro de una amplia nomenclatura
morfo-anatómica tiene una alta importancia en la estructura
perceptual como diferenciadora e identificadora de un dominio
animal. Asimismo, constituye una aportación diagnóstica del nivel
cognoscitivo e interacción que aún tienen los indígenas mayas con
la avifauna y la diversidad faunística en general, lo cual les ha permitido
generar una gama de conocimientos detallados de sus hábitos
y biología general.
saberes e práticas tradicionais podem ter relação com a manutenção de vida dos quilombolas. A abordagem metodológica quali-quantitativa contemplou a observação participante, entrevistas, questionários, turnê-guiada e lista livre. Os dados obtidos foram tabulados e sistematizados, além de ser calculada a frequência de citação das espécies e o Índice de Saliência Cognitiva (ISC). Os resultados demonstraram que práticas produtivas são a base alimentar e um meio de geração de renda. Foram catalogadas 27 etnovariedades de mandioca demonstrando sua importância para a alimentação dos quilombolas. Entretanto, o avanço das áreas de pastagens das fazendas e a adesão por hábitos alimentares externos reflete mudanças e riscos. Esses fatores direcionam a uma
nova realidade alimentar, podendo interferir em sua permanência no quilombo, na geração de renda, no respeito ao modo de vida quilombola e a valorização dos seus saberes e práticas tradicionais.
Practices such as swidden management and extractivism are activities that characterize self-consumption, as well as a possibility of marketing the surplus to traditional communities and therefore it is important that they are valued. Thus, the study aimed to understand how the spaces of food plants cultivation and traditional knowledge and practices can be related to the maintenance of life of the quilombolas. The qualitative quantitative methodological approach included participant observation, interviews, questionnaires, guided tour and free list. The data obtained were tabulated and systematized, in addition to calculating the frequency of species citation and the Cognitive Salience Index. The results showed that productive practices are the food base and a means of income generation. 27 ethnovarieties of cassava were cataloged, demonstrating their importance for the diet of the quilombolas. However, the advance of pasture areas on farms and adherence to external eating habits reflects changes and risks. These factors lead to a new food reality, which may interfere with their permanence in the quilombo, income generation, respect for the quilombola way of life and the appreciation of their traditional knowledge and practices.
el modo de interpretar las observaciones encontradas en la atención a la salud de familias warao ubicadas
en Belém (estado de Pará, Brasil), durante su trayecto como migrantes. La obtención de datos se llevó a cabo
mediante dos medios: 1) observación participante en actividades de asistencia médica y social; y 2) aproximación
a las experiencias narradas sobre la trayectoria terapéutica en contexto migratorio de personas que prefieren
vivir fuera de los refugios. Este trabajo muestra que pese a las dificultades del proceso migratorio internacional
las familias buscan de manera autónoma el cuidado a su salud a través de la aceptación de técnicas de asistencia
médica pero también al rechazo de ellas, debido a que la sangre es un elemento significante en las prácticas
terapéuticas de este pueblo; así como de los recursos medicinales que conocen y tienen a disposición, esto
es: 14 especies de plantas, manteca de pescado, orina humana, alcohol de caña, medicamentos farmacéuticos,
y tratamiento con chamanes warao y ensalmistas. Se identifica que estas prácticas de cuidado contrastan las
situaciones que conforman la subutilización de los servicios de salud del municipio, por lo que se contribuye a la
discusión en torno a los servicios de salud de la población indígena en contexto urbano y migratorio.
Esta Ceremonia, por primera vez mostrada en audiovisual, destaca por su complejidad estructural y simbólica, rica en objetos materiales, ofrendas, rezos y simbolismos; contiene elementos tanto de la cosmovisión maya como de la tradición católica. E implica una activa participación por miembros de la comunidad.
Los espacios donde transcurre la cacería, la práctica ritual y la regeneración de presas, se construyen y se reconocen socialmente, conformando así un territorio y recreando una identidad y sentido de pertenencia a ese territorio; de ahí también la importancia presente y futura de ceremonias como la del Loojil Ts’oon, muestra del rico Patrimonio Biocultural de México.
Yucatec Maya from central Quintana Roo (Mexico) give grace and offer retribution to the Lords of the Animals and other spiritual entities for the gift of game meat and the permission to hunt. Through these actions they comply with their obligations as “good hunters” and gain the prize of new prey. Returning deer and peccary jaws to the wilderness guarantees the renovation and preservation of animal populations and, thus, the continuity of the cycle of hunting. By performing the Loojil Ts’oon ceremony the act of killing and animal is made legitimate.
This Ceremony, recorded in video for the first time, stands out from other ceremonies for its structural and symbolic complexity. It is rich in ritual objects, offerings, prayers, and symbolism; additionally it contains elements both from Maya cosmovision and catholic tradition. Furthermore, it implies active participation from members of the community.
The spaces where hunting, ritual practice, and the regeneration of prey happen are socially constructed and recognized. This constructs the territory and recreates an identity and sense of belonging to said territory. This is the present and future relevance of ceremonies like Loojil Ts’oon, which show the rich Biocultural Heritage of Mexico.
Guión y Producción: Dídac Santos-Fita
Instituciones: CICBA - UAEMéx; Red Temática CONACYT "Patrimonio Biocultural"
Norma: NTSC
Formato 16:9
Duración: 52 minutos
México, 2016
Subtítulos en inglés / English subtitles
Formato en Blu-Ray
tradições ecoespiritualistas resulta da ação e organização
de membros do grupo de pesquisa “Ecologia Espiritual:
integrando Natureza, Humanidades e Espiritualidades”
(CNPq/UEFS), além de pesquisadores convidados. Com
catorze contribuições de autores nacionais e internacionais,
o livro está dividido em três partes. A primeira reúne cinco
textos cujo eixo central é o reconhecimento do mundo
natural e seus espaços sagrados. A segunda parte é composta
por quatro capítulos que discorrem sobre ecoespiritualidade
e socioambientalismo de povos ameríndios. E a terceira parte
reúne cinco capítulos que nos apresentam a perspectiva da
sacralidade da natureza segundo a ótica romani (cigana), de
religiões de matriz africana no Brasil (Umbanda e Candomblé)
e em Cuba, e a produção do conhecimento em Biologia a
partir das narrativas mediúnicas espíritas kardecistas.
En primer lugar, los autores presentan un estudio etnográfico de la Ceremonia de la carabina, entre los mayas del estado de Quintana Roo, que involucra el uso de quijadas de animales. Posteriormente hacen un recuento de los hallazgos arqueológicos consistentes en mandíbulas y maxilares, recuperados en diversos sitios, con énfasis en el recinto sagrado de Tenochtitlan. Además, se analiza la iconografía de numerosas mandíbulas bellamente labradas. Los autores concluyen su investigación explorando el complejo simbolismo de este segmento corporal.
Más allá de lo que se da a conocer sobre el uso ritual de mandíbulas, este libro pretende contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de las prácticas cinegéticas, guerreras y sacrificiales de los pueblos mesoamericanos.
The objective was to document the knowledge of fishers from Sinaloa about the fishing status and current commercialization of wild populations of H. ingens. For this, semi-structured interviews and participatory observation were carried out with 112 participants in the two main ports of the state of Sinaloa (Mazatlán and Topolobampo) from July to August 2021. The data obtained were coded and then, through content analysis, systematized results were obtained that allowed a qualitative and quantitative analysis.
The species was found to be caught using six different fishing gears (catch per unit effort, CPUE = 0.07–1.24 seahorses per boat per day) and have an important financial value. Most fishers catch seahorses incidentally, but three of them mentioned targeting them directly. Fishers perceive a decrease in catches and in the size of the Pacific seahorse, as well as an increase in prices.
The information analysed indicates that seahorse populations in Sinaloa are exploited and have economic value, despite current regulations. This study shows that the exploitation of seahorses in Sinaloa is unsustainable and requires the implemention of collaborative management strategies (e.g. stakeholder management, the establishment of marine protected areas, sustainable harvest practices, community-based enforcement efforts, educational campaigns, research, and conservation partnerships) that fully take into account the knowledge and practice of local fishers of Sinaloa and Mexico.
was completed with information collected from the undergraduates of the Escola Superior de Saúde de Portalegre (Portugal). The purpose of this work was to highlight the application of traditional knowledge based on medicinal plants in university studies of health sciences. Based on the results obtained and an epistemological discussion, we propose an educational intervention to broaden the professional mindset from a biocultural perspective. Our proposal directs the student’s gaze toward
the investigation of medical history and biocultural heritage to understand the determinants of health and to respect the idiosyncrasies of their communities.
de conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad son de gran relevancia
en la construcción de nuevas estrategias para asegurar la conservación
de este patrimonio natural. El objetivo de nuestro estudio
fue documentar el conocimiento morfo-anatómico de las aves por
indígenas mayas yucatecos. Trabajamos en el estado de Campeche
con seis comunidades mayas: Santa Cruz, Nunkiní, San Antonio
Sahcabchen, Villa de Guadalupe, Pich y Chencoh en el periodo de
2010 a 2015. A partir de 240 entrevistas estructuradas, registramos
la terminología de la anatomía y morfología reconocida para las
aves. Obtuvimos el nominativo Ch´íich´ para designar a las aves en
general, siendo la presencia de Koj (pico), K´u´uk´umel (plumaje)
y Xiik´ (alas) los caracteres esenciales que se usan para definir y
clasificar a este grupo animal. El sistema maya reconoce y nombra
54 órganos anatómicos y 16 estructuras morfológicas, por lo
que a nivel nacional representa una de las nomenclaturas indígenas
más completas para la clase Aves. El registro de una amplia nomenclatura
morfo-anatómica tiene una alta importancia en la estructura
perceptual como diferenciadora e identificadora de un dominio
animal. Asimismo, constituye una aportación diagnóstica del nivel
cognoscitivo e interacción que aún tienen los indígenas mayas con
la avifauna y la diversidad faunística en general, lo cual les ha permitido
generar una gama de conocimientos detallados de sus hábitos
y biología general.
saberes e práticas tradicionais podem ter relação com a manutenção de vida dos quilombolas. A abordagem metodológica quali-quantitativa contemplou a observação participante, entrevistas, questionários, turnê-guiada e lista livre. Os dados obtidos foram tabulados e sistematizados, além de ser calculada a frequência de citação das espécies e o Índice de Saliência Cognitiva (ISC). Os resultados demonstraram que práticas produtivas são a base alimentar e um meio de geração de renda. Foram catalogadas 27 etnovariedades de mandioca demonstrando sua importância para a alimentação dos quilombolas. Entretanto, o avanço das áreas de pastagens das fazendas e a adesão por hábitos alimentares externos reflete mudanças e riscos. Esses fatores direcionam a uma
nova realidade alimentar, podendo interferir em sua permanência no quilombo, na geração de renda, no respeito ao modo de vida quilombola e a valorização dos seus saberes e práticas tradicionais.
Practices such as swidden management and extractivism are activities that characterize self-consumption, as well as a possibility of marketing the surplus to traditional communities and therefore it is important that they are valued. Thus, the study aimed to understand how the spaces of food plants cultivation and traditional knowledge and practices can be related to the maintenance of life of the quilombolas. The qualitative quantitative methodological approach included participant observation, interviews, questionnaires, guided tour and free list. The data obtained were tabulated and systematized, in addition to calculating the frequency of species citation and the Cognitive Salience Index. The results showed that productive practices are the food base and a means of income generation. 27 ethnovarieties of cassava were cataloged, demonstrating their importance for the diet of the quilombolas. However, the advance of pasture areas on farms and adherence to external eating habits reflects changes and risks. These factors lead to a new food reality, which may interfere with their permanence in the quilombo, income generation, respect for the quilombola way of life and the appreciation of their traditional knowledge and practices.
el modo de interpretar las observaciones encontradas en la atención a la salud de familias warao ubicadas
en Belém (estado de Pará, Brasil), durante su trayecto como migrantes. La obtención de datos se llevó a cabo
mediante dos medios: 1) observación participante en actividades de asistencia médica y social; y 2) aproximación
a las experiencias narradas sobre la trayectoria terapéutica en contexto migratorio de personas que prefieren
vivir fuera de los refugios. Este trabajo muestra que pese a las dificultades del proceso migratorio internacional
las familias buscan de manera autónoma el cuidado a su salud a través de la aceptación de técnicas de asistencia
médica pero también al rechazo de ellas, debido a que la sangre es un elemento significante en las prácticas
terapéuticas de este pueblo; así como de los recursos medicinales que conocen y tienen a disposición, esto
es: 14 especies de plantas, manteca de pescado, orina humana, alcohol de caña, medicamentos farmacéuticos,
y tratamiento con chamanes warao y ensalmistas. Se identifica que estas prácticas de cuidado contrastan las
situaciones que conforman la subutilización de los servicios de salud del municipio, por lo que se contribuye a la
discusión en torno a los servicios de salud de la población indígena en contexto urbano y migratorio.
Keywords: Ecological niche modelling, ensemble method, golden eagle, habitat loss, high-suitability areas
species plays within a culture, by its value as a useful resource or other
interest. The objective of this work was to evaluate the Cultural Importance
of wildlife species for the inhabitants of four communities of northern
Yucatan, as well as to record the categories of use or management
to which they are assigned. The information was obtained through free
listings, semi-structured interviews and participant observation. A total
of 94 vertebrate species were recorded: 44 birds, 30 mammals and 20
reptiles. The categories of use were: “food”, “pet”, “symbolic or ritual”,
“medicinal”, “ornamental”, and “material for tools”. Likewise, “damage
control” was an important category mentioned in this studio. The species
with the highest Cultural Importance values were: white-tailed
deer, collared peccary, rattlesnake, badger, and paca, this is due to the
number of uses and to the fact of being present in the categories with
more mentions (“food” and “damage control”). By knowing the most
valued species and the categories to which they are attributed, one can
direct more specific conservation strategies, reduce costs and efforts,
and generate interest in the local population.
Keywords: Ethnozoology, wildlife management, mention frequency,
use/management value, and Mayan culture.
Palabras clave: percepción, conocimiento tradicional, manejo, políticas
públicas, México.
process. As such, people imagine that only a certain number of species and breeds constitute
the domestic species’ portfolio. Still, indigenous peoples around the world perform contemporary
breeding management and other practices upon the different livestock species raised
in their backyards and beyond, always attempting to improve the survival and characteristics
of their animals. They also repeatedly try to reproduce wild species that are useful for different
means, or else attractive to have around. In very different settings, guided by scholarly expertise
rather than empirical knowledge, professionals of animal and veterinary sciences are also
relentlessly trying to advance livestock populations in terms of different criteria established by
industry and markets. Whether for rural or urban environments adaptation, neither animals are
inert stocks of genes, nor are human norms for management and selection static. When thinking
domestication, it would be better to imagine a perpetual conversation among the different
actors, including the environmental conditions, animal species, and people’s needs and wants.
Under such a picture, the past can be imagined differently, the present seen as it actually is,
and the future hold diverse outcomes.