Talks by Cristina Correro

The cultural determinants of play — free participation, separation and closure within a defined s... more The cultural determinants of play — free participation, separation and closure within a defined spacetime, uncertainty, unproductiveness, conformity to norms or fictionality — center on the following vital elements: agon (competition), alea (destiny), mimicra (imitation), and linx (stupefaction). Are these elements reflected in children’s play and its literary renderings? According to Swiss psychologist Édouard Claparède (1873-1940), the child exists to play. To paraphrase this statement, does the child exist to read or to be read to? Does literature addressed to children fulfil their ludic expectations? Does it compete with toys, computer games and other kinds of entertainment that do not demand fluent reading skills or the ability to interpret texts? How does it function within the economies and consumption of children’s culture? The conference will be organized by the Faculty of Philology, the University of Wrocław, under the auspices of the Department of Polish Studies. It will be closely related to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Jerzy Cieślikowski (1916-1977), a longtime employee of the Department of Polish Studies at the University of Wrocław. Jerzy Cieślikowski was the most distinguished Polish scholar in the field of children’s literature and the author of The Great Play: Children’s Folklore (1985). According to Cieślikowski, “play is the purpose of all the best things that children have taken from adults, what adults invent for them, what children create themselves, and what adults write for them. This is the seminal project encompassing children’s play, i.e. their creative efforts and re-creative endeavors, as well as their fascination and play with the word as such.”
Institut Ramon Llull, 2019
International Symposium in Sapporo (Japan), 2019
Paris 13 Délivrez-nous du livre ! et du DILTEC (Université Sorbonne nouvelle, EA-2288).
Welcome 14.30 -15.30 Plenary David Rudd (Univ. of Roehampton, UK) Forever fractious: probing chil... more Welcome 14.30 -15.30 Plenary David Rudd (Univ. of Roehampton, UK) Forever fractious: probing children's literature's faultlines 5 min break 15.35 -17.05 Plenaries Ana Saldanha Certificate 16 -the boundaries of literature for children and young people Richard Zimmler Awakening passion Planeta Tangerina Everything is open: What do we have in mind when we are creating a picturebook? 17.05 Cultural program 26 MARCH CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 09.00-10.00 Plenary Hans-Heino Ewers (Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt am Main, Germany) Children, young adults and adults as readers of children's literature: crossover as a global phenomenon 5 min break 10.05 -10.55 Parallel Sessions 10.55 -11.15 Coffee break 11.15 -12.05 Parallel Sessions 1. Picturebooks I JoAnn Conrad (Univ. of Berkeley, USA) Modernist experiments with picturebooks 1920-1960: From utopian dreams to consumerist fantasies
Talks by Cristina Correro
this article starts with the most recent studies to design a simple but effective assessment form addressed to mediators. The explanation of each of its components (organized in dimensions, parameters and indicators) is complemented by examples that allow its in-depth understanding to ensure the proper use of the instrument.
libros es necesario para que los más pequeños puedan desarrollar y estructurar
su pensamiento, progresar en la adquisición del lenguaje y crear un vínculo con
los adultos y con el universo cultural que les rodea. Sin embargo, no todos los
hogares fomentan este hábito y es únicamente la escuela quien puede
democratizar este derecho. Este trabajo describe algunas de las experiencias
literarias elaboradas en la Escola Bressol de Can Caralleu de Barcelona, un centro
que acoge a menores entre seis meses y tres años y en donde la literatura tiene
un papel fundamental. El objetivo final es ofrecer a maestros propuestas
concretas de movilización a través de unas experiencias interdisciplinarias que
tienen en los libros y en los niños su eje principal. Estas lecturas, planificadas y
organizadas a través de proyectos literarios con libros que comparten un mismo
eje o temática y con unos objetivos de aprendizaje concretos, permiten el inicio
de la educación literaria.!