Articles and book chapters by Cristina Aliagas
Enseñar a leer y escribir en la educación superior. Propuestas educativas basadas en la investiga... more Enseñar a leer y escribir en la educación superior. Propuestas educativas basadas en la investigación.

This paper reports on some data on the effects of screen-based interactivity on children's engage... more This paper reports on some data on the effects of screen-based interactivity on children's engagement with storybook apps during family shared book reading that were gathered in a 2-year, small-scale ethnographic case study in Spain. Data analysis focuses on the complex interplay between the storybook app's interactive features and the children's responses to them. Our findings show that interactive elements increase the child's autonomy, as they tend to promote the importance of the reader, positioning him or her as a collaborator, storyteller, an author or an internal character in the fiction; something that can materialise in exciting narrative strategies that can trigger powerful responses to digital literary texts in emergent readers, including playing, creating new fictions or engaging emotionally with the story. Finally, we argue that the Reader Response models that have been used over recent decades to understand children's reading experiences with storybooks need to be revised to better understand their current experiences with interactive texts.
In M. Manresa & N. Real (Eds.), Digital Literature For Children: Texts, Readers and Educational Practices. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, p 155-172.
In SABATÉ, Flocell (Ed.) Conditioned Identities. Wished-for and unwished-for identities (Series Identity and society). Peter Lang (2015)
(2016) In PLANE, Sylvie et al. (Ed.) Writing Research Across Borders Conference Volume. CREM (Centre de Recherche sur les médiations), University of Lorraine & Clearinghouse., 2015
In LOMAS, Carlos (Ed.) La educación lingüística, entre el deseo y la realidad. Competencias comunicativas y enseñanza del lenguaje. Barcelona: Octaedro, p. 135-148., 2014
In STOCHETT, Matteo (Ed.) Media and Education in the Digital Age. Concepts, Assessments, Subversions. Frankfurt amb Main: Peter Lang Publishers, p. 237-258. , 2014
In Janeiro, F., Jornet, A., Saccone, D., and Sancho, S. (Eds.) Facing Humanities: Current Perspectives from Young Researchers. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Revista Forma, d'Estudis Comparatius d'Art Literatura i Pensament, p. 355-367., 2014
In MOSCOSO, R., Maria Fernanda (Ed.) Contextos múltiples de socialización y aprendizaje. Un análisis desde la etnografia de la educación. Etnografia de la socialización en familias. Editorial Traficantes de Sueños., 2014
In BARÓ, Mònica, ALIAGAS, Critina, GORCHS, Glòria. Com crear un ambient lector a l'escola?. Guia Fundació Jaume Bofill, p. 17-31, 2013
In AUSELLER, Jordi and BALLESPÍ, Mercè (Eds.) Ha, ha, ha!... Teatre infantil i humor. IV Simposi sobre teatre infantil i juvenil. Lleida: Editorial Punctum, p. 61-81., 2013
Decisio (Monográfico "Educación y Tecnología"). Saberes para la acción en la educación de adultos, num. 31 (Gener-Abril): 45-50. CREFAL, Mèxic, 2012
In Baula (Ed.). Guia didàctica per al professorat dels llibres de text de cicle inicial, primària. Projecte Xarxa, 2012
In GUIX Elements d'Acció Educativa 383 (monogràfic sobre la lectura digital) p. 21-26, 2012
In Baula (Ed.). Guia didàctica per al professorat dels llibres de text de cicle inicial, primària. Projecte Xarxa. p. 6-14, 2011
ARTICLES de Didàctica de la Llengua i de la Literatura 53 (Monogràfic: Què llegeixen els "no lectors") p. 45-55, 2011
ARTICLES de Didàctica de la Llengua i de la Literatura 53 (Monografia: Què llegeixen els "no lectors"?) p. 7-11, 2011
Articles and book chapters by Cristina Aliagas