Anna Tous-Rovirosa
Anna Tous-Rovirosa is an Associate professor of Journalism and Communication in the Faculty of Communication Sciences, at Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) and has been visiting researcher at University of East Anglia (Dept. of Film and Media Studies, Norwich), University College Dublin and visiting professor at Federal University of Salvador de Bahia (Brazil) and University of Ruhr (Bochum, Germany). She has written a thesis about five US drama series: Lost, CSI, The West Wing, Desperate Housewives and House (available at www.tdx.cat), which has been awarded by the Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC) in 2009.
She has written several papers about this subject. Her research topics are TV, interactivity, audiovisual narrative and semiotics. She also presented a research about Serial TV in USA, Brazil, Catalonia and Spain.
Phone: 34 93 581 16 90
Address: Faculty of Communication Sciences
Campus UAB
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra
She has written several papers about this subject. Her research topics are TV, interactivity, audiovisual narrative and semiotics. She also presented a research about Serial TV in USA, Brazil, Catalonia and Spain.
Phone: 34 93 581 16 90
Address: Faculty of Communication Sciences
Campus UAB
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra
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Books by Anna Tous-Rovirosa
The work carried out by the Infotendencias group, made up of thirty-two teachers and researchers from thirteen Spanish universities, consisted precisely in narrating that evolution. They carried out that work from the origins of digital journalism up to the present moment in which we are immersed, a key moment of reconfiguration and reinvention of the mass media. The Infotendencias group has been succeeded by another, centered on active audiences, which aims to continue the work of that research group.
The origin of this book can be found in the research activity of its authors that stretches back for a decade and a half; this has resulted in a certain consolidation of both a stable academic critical mass and, above all, a collaborative network that is increasingly advancing into the international sphere.
The first season of each series were analysed with respect to the production context (the programmes audiences, social repercussion, awards, strategies of interactivity and the characteristics inherent in US industrial television production) as well as to generic features, invariant motives and the use of thematic and mythical recurrences. Each of the series analysed pertains to an important genre of drama (politics, adventures, soap-opera, medical and police), within the television production of the /era of drama/, as defined by Longworth (2000-2002).
Series are being described in relation to its genre, and thematic recurrence presence is also analysed. Intertextuality, generic hybridization, autoreferenciality and the several TV eras (paleoTV, neoTV and metaTV) are also studied in this book.
Papers by Anna Tous-Rovirosa
The work carried out by the Infotendencias group, made up of thirty-two teachers and researchers from thirteen Spanish universities, consisted precisely in narrating that evolution. They carried out that work from the origins of digital journalism up to the present moment in which we are immersed, a key moment of reconfiguration and reinvention of the mass media. The Infotendencias group has been succeeded by another, centered on active audiences, which aims to continue the work of that research group.
The origin of this book can be found in the research activity of its authors that stretches back for a decade and a half; this has resulted in a certain consolidation of both a stable academic critical mass and, above all, a collaborative network that is increasingly advancing into the international sphere.
The first season of each series were analysed with respect to the production context (the programmes audiences, social repercussion, awards, strategies of interactivity and the characteristics inherent in US industrial television production) as well as to generic features, invariant motives and the use of thematic and mythical recurrences. Each of the series analysed pertains to an important genre of drama (politics, adventures, soap-opera, medical and police), within the television production of the /era of drama/, as defined by Longworth (2000-2002).
Series are being described in relation to its genre, and thematic recurrence presence is also analysed. Intertextuality, generic hybridization, autoreferenciality and the several TV eras (paleoTV, neoTV and metaTV) are also studied in this book.
one, is also the protagonist of in Anna Tous-Rovirosa’s contribution
presenting her research into how women have been represented in the
Spanish procedural genre in the decades on each side of the turn of the
millennium; though women do appear as professionals they are often
sanctioned and only occasionally reach prestige status with mixed audience reception.
-), de Aaron Sorkin, y la ficción basada en un periódico de Baltimore, la quinta temporada de The Wire (HBO: 2002-2008). Determinar cuáles son los personajes encargados de asumir dicha responsabilidad, cuál es su cargo dentro de la empresa periodística, establecer si existen medios online y en papel en la misma empresa, son algunos de los objetivos de esta comunicación, así como determinar si hay estereotipos asociados al periodismo online en estas series.
Totes aquestes lluites polítiques donarien per fer llibres i pel·ícules, però el 2016, el que més ven són sèries de televisió. I dediquem la segona part del programa precisament a analitzar-les i a explicar com representen la realitats polítiques que vivim.
Perquè sèries com "Homeland", "Borgen", "Joc de Trons" o "House of Cards" s'han convertit en un veritable fenomen social que s'inspiren en la política i les relacions internacionals contemporànies. Quan tenen de realitat i quan de ficció?
Тема Covid‑19, актуальная для этого года, обретает новые грани как исследовательская проблема мирового масштаба в социокоммуникативном и лингвистическом аспектах. Исследователи обращаются к проблеме языкового реагирования на социально-психологическую обстановку, сложившуюся в разных странах в эпоху коронавируса. Объективные обстоятельства современного общения заставляют научное сообщество искать новый формат обсуждения насущных проблем. Предложенная редколлегией журнала форма письменного диалога позволяет как привести информацию об источниках высказываний о коронавирусе, так и подкрепить теоретические положения ссылками на научные изыскания. Участники дискуссии выбрали различные аспекты анализа языкового существования в период пандемии. В поле наблюдений были включены вопросы, связанные с лексиконом дискурса пандемии, который носит глобальный характер: медицинская терминология и актуальная лексика оказались общими для всех стран. Разговор выходит за рамки лингвистического обзора, поскольку важно было охарактеризовать действия правительства по борьбе с коронавирусом и общественную реакцию на эти действия, отраженную в языковых явлениях. В стороне не осталось обсуждение стихийно складывающейся языковой реакции на пандемию, выраженной в фактах языковой игры и метафорики, а также обращения к исторической памяти народа о противостоянии бедствиям. Пандемия оказала влияние и на устоявшиеся формы речевой коммуникации. В обсуждении приняли участие исследователи из разных стран Европы: Арто Мустайоки (А. М.; Хельсинкский университет, Финляндия; Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», Москва, Россия), Надежда Зорихина-Нильссон (Н. З.-Н.; Стокгольмский университет, Швеция), Рафаэль Гусман Тирадо (Р. Г.-Т.; Гранадский университет, Испания), Анна Тоус-Ровироса, Дарья Дергачева (А. Т.-Р., Д. Д.; Свободный университет Барселоны, Испания). Модераторами обсуждения стали Ирина Вепрева и Татьяна Ицкович (И. В., Т. И.; Уральский федеральный университет, Екатеринбург, Россия).