Books by Ileana Burnichioiu
Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica, 18/II., 2017
Monastic Life, Art and Technology in 11th-16th Centuries (editor: Ileana Burnichioiu), Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega (volum conferință)), Oct 10, 2015
1 Throughout the text I shall use the modern name of the village, where the abbey can be found, a... more 1 Throughout the text I shall use the modern name of the village, where the abbey can be found, although the name Cârţa was never used in reference to the abbey and its name was totally different in Latin sources (for example: Kerk, Kerch, Kerz, Querch, Kyrch, monasterium de Candelis, Kercz, Kertz). It is apparent, however, that the modern name first, maintenance became impossible without the use of peasants, servants, and other help after the expansion. This work will describe the course of monastic development and the Pauline's ascent from poverty to riches.
Adrian A. Rusu, Nicolae Sabău, Ileana Burnichioiu, Maria Makó-Lupescu, Ioan Vasile Leb, Dicţionarul mănăstirilor din Transilvania, Banat, Crişana şi Maramureş, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2000, 286 p.
Papers by Ileana Burnichioiu

CaieteARA. Arhitectură. Restaurare. Arheologie, 2017
This paper provides a first insight into the architecture and research of the monument known toda... more This paper provides a first insight into the architecture and research of the monument known today as the Princely Palace of Alba Iulia. Moreover, it maps the most important wall findings by areas and rooms, in introduction to a series of detailed studies on building elements, decorations, and other subjects. Several preliminary conclusions and working hypotheses have been formulated during the investigations. One of the major findings was that all the changes made by the armies during the 18 th-20 th centuries have dramatically altered the coherence of the buildings and decorations from the age of the Principality. This has also implicitly affected the previous heritage, rich in Roman, medieval and Renaissance remains. Rezumat: Lucrarea oferă o primă imagine asupra arhitecturii și cercetărilor realizate în anii 2014-2016 la monumentul cunoscut acum drept Palatul Principilor din Alba Iulia. De asemenea, topografiază cele mai importante descoperiri parietale, pe zone și încăperi, ca preambul al unei serii de publicații detaliate pe componente de construcții, decorații și alte teme. În timpul cercetărilor s-au formulat multe concluzii preliminare și ipoteze de lucru pentru viitor. Una dintre ele a fost că intervențiile din timpul armatelor care și-au avut sediul aici în secolele XVIII-XX au afectat dramatic coerența construcțiilor și decorațiile din vremea Principatului, implicit și moștenirea anterioară foarte bogată în vestigii romane, medievale și renascentiste.
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica, 2017
The paper is dealing with historical residential architecture under communist regime in Romania a... more The paper is dealing with historical residential architecture under communist regime in Romania and after. It is an introductory study of the first thematic issue: Palaces, Castles, and Manor Houses of Medieval and Early Modern Times, eds. Letitia Cosnean Nistor, Ileana Burnichioiu, of Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica, 18, no. 1, 2017.
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica, 2013

Convivium, 2017
The role of medieval art in national-identity discourse has received too little attention in the ... more The role of medieval art in national-identity discourse has received too little attention in the historiography of Romania’s totalitarian regime of 1945 to 1989. Analyzing the concept of “Romanian art”, this paper reveals traces of medieval art history under Soviet ideological pressure and opens the way to further investigation. The article explores the concept used mainly by other authors, including work disseminated by national-scale publishing houses throughout the Communist period and its aftermath. The process uncovers certain efforts to impose the term “Romanian medieval art” on the entire territory of Romania, especially around 1965.Works using the concept “Romanian art” emerge chronologically in their political context, and they include official attitudes and theses related to the culture and historical writing. In addition, documents from a private archive function in the analysis. This way the diverse contributions of some medieval art historians to propagate the historical myths serving the reg...

Convivium, 2017
The role of medieval art in national-identity discourse has received too little attention in the ... more The role of medieval art in national-identity discourse has received too little attention in the historiography of Romania’s totalitarian regime of 1945 to 1989. Analyzing the concept of “Romanian art”, this paper reveals traces of medieval art history under Soviet ideological pressure and opens the way to further investigation. The article explores the concept used mainly by other authors, including work disseminated by national-scale publishing houses throughout the Communist period and its aftermath. The process uncovers certain efforts to impose the term “Romanian medieval art” on the entire territory of Romania, especially around 1965.Works using the concept “Romanian art” emerge chronologically in their political context, and they include official attitudes and theses related to the culture and historical writing. In addition, documents from a private archive function in the analysis. This way the diverse contributions of some medieval art historians to propagate the historical myths serving the reg...

Plural: History, Culture, Society, 2018
This paper aims to present the objectives of the "Ambulance for Monuments" Project. Dur... more This paper aims to present the objectives of the "Ambulance for Monuments" Project. During the last two decades several NGOs, foundations, and private owners concerned with the preservation of monuments have provided financial support for research, restoration or monuments and revitalization or resurgence of traditional crafts. They have also carried out campaigns for heightening public and official awareness concerning the value of the architectural monuments and their economic potential. Even though official or academic reports are not yet measuring its effects, the phenomenon of civil society involvement in rescuing heritage is growing in several areas, such as the region around Bucharest, southern and central Transylvania, and the Banat. One of the associations operating in this field is Monumentum. In 2016, the association launched the project "Ambulance for Monuments". In 2016-2018, this project carried out interventions, mostly repairs of wooden and tile r...
The present article focuses on the remains of a lavabo discovered in 2004 in the ruins of Bizere ... more The present article focuses on the remains of a lavabo discovered in 2004 in the ruins of Bizere abbey. The author presents the archaeological context of the discovery and the remains of the water supply system, establishes the period when the fountain was in use (late twelfth century), and provides a hypothetical graphical reconstruction based on the traits of the stone fragments and through analogy with Western European fountains from cloisters and settlements or baptismal fonts dated to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
Caietele Restaurării, 10, p. 164-199, 2021
Palaces, Castles, and Manor Houses of Medieval and Early Modern Times, I, Editura Mega (ed. L. Cosnean Nistor, Ileana Burnichioiu) (Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica. , 2017
Palaces, Castles, and Manor Houses of Medieval and Early Modern Times, I, Editura Mega (eds. Letiția Cosnean Nistor, Ileana Burnichioiu) (Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica, 18, no. 1, 2017
The paper is dealing with historical residential architecture under the communist regime in Roman... more The paper is dealing with historical residential architecture under the communist regime in Romania and after. It is an introductory study of the first thematic issue: Palaces, Castles, and Manor Houses of Medieval and Early Modern Times, eds. Letiția Cosnean Nistor, Ileana Burnichioiu (Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica, 18, no. 1, 2017).
ESRARC 2018. 10th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation. Proceedings. Book. Kermes Quaderni, 2018
Books by Ileana Burnichioiu
Papers by Ileana Burnichioiu
Lucrarea oferă o primă imagine asupra arhitecturii și cercetărilor realizate în anii 2014-2016 la monumentul cunoscut acum drept ”Palatul Principilor” din Alba Iulia. De asemenea, topografiază cele mai importante descoperiri parietale, pe zone și încăperi, ca preambul al unei serii de publicații detaliate pe componente de construcții, decorații și alte teme. În timpul cercetărilor s-au formulat multe concluzii preliminare și ipoteze de lucru pentru viitor. Una dintre ele a fost că intervențiile din timpul armatelor care și-au avut sediul aici în secolele XVIII-XX au afectat dramatic coerența construcțiilor și decorațiile din vremea Principatului, implicit și moștenirea anterioară foarte bogată în vestigii romane, medievale și renascentiste.