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Investigation of the defining way of tolerance politics in Transylvania at the beginning of the Josephine decade constitutes a preliminary stage to research of evolution rapports between the Transylvanian confessions towards the end of... more
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    • Cultural History
"Even if it is not totally missing, approach of civil dimension of Josephine policy of tolerance did not record spectacular results in historical researches dealing with the Transylvanian area. A notable, stimulating exception is... more
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Die Antwort, die J. Kaplan in seiner relativ neuen Studie betreffend die Praxis der Toleranz im Europa der frühen Neuzeit gibt, dergemäß das friedliche Zusammenleben der Menschen mit unversöhnbar gegensätzlichen Glaubensbekenntnissen... more
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Pare cel puţin deconcertantă observaţia conform căreia s-ar putea considera "că unul dintre meritele iosefinismului este de natură istoriografică. El a deschis o dezbatere fructuoasă până astăzi." 1 . Desigur, din perspectivă... more
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Mit voriger Post kam hier die letzte Allerh. Entschließung an, datirt vom 4. Juli aus Brüssel, die wichtigste und bedenklichste, welche in den 500 Jahren, seit denen wir unseren freien Königsboden bewohnen, vom Thron herabgekommen ist.... more
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Situaţia patrimoniului arhitectural într-o comunitate multietnică: Alba Iulia DANIEL DUMITRAN ANA DUMITRAN, VALER MOGA Editura Altip Alba Iulia, 2013 Volum apărut cu sprijinul CONSILIULUI JUDEŢEAN ALBA, în cadrul proiectului PATRIMONIUL... more
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Cercetarea sistematică a evoluţiilor economice şi sociale din perioada preindustrială, respectiv a implicaţiilor acestora în sfera culturală şi spirituală, necesită o nouă inventariere, pe cât posibil exhaustivă, a surselor. La această... more
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In the pre-modern and modern eras churches represented rural and urban landmarks, generating cores of community cohesion and also bearing a symbolic language with characteristics hard to decipher nowadays. Especially in urban... more
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Attempt of revising the historiographic image of the non-Uniate Romanians (Orthodox) from XVIIIth century Transylvania, which we proposed in the first part of this study (based on cases of the non-Uniates from three localities of the... more
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    • Eighteenth Century History
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    • Cultural Heritage
The study of the phenomenon of Balkan merchants' mobility and the consequences of their establishment in Central European towns in pre-modern era, constitutes a preoccupation in the last decades' historiography. In the past years, two... more
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      Early Modern HistoryUrban Studies
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      Early Modern HistoryGreek merchants
6 Siehe, in der oben zitierten Ausgabe, die Einleitung zum ersten Band, insbesondere den Kommentar zu den Quellen und die Darstellung der Einteilung des Werkes (ebenda, 4-15).
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    • Early Modern History
Ea aminte poporulu mieu la legea mea, plecati-ve urechile vostre spre graiurile gurii mele.
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    • Early Modern History
Din cetatea aceaia de la care nemernicim ne-au venit noao cărţi, acealea sânt însuşi Scripturile care ne dojenesc bine să vieţuim», şi cu adevărat spre acel sfârşit a fi îndreptată toată Sfânta Scriptură lesne va cunoaşte oricare toată o... more
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    • Early Modern History
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    • Early Modern History