Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 1, 2016
Social aspects of software development are gaining increasing attention among the research commun... more Social aspects of software development are gaining increasing attention among the research community. Recently, a number of researchers have conducted studies to explore the social structure of software development activities that may potentially affect the health of a software project. Games are special kind of social activities, which can easily highlight the social interactions or engagements that lead to a variety of measurable societal outcomes. Over the last decade, due to the digital era, social games have reshaped the methods of communication by the help of a variety of social media tools. These implicit social activities have gained popularity also among software development teams who have started to redefine the notion of games in nongamming contexts. Consequently, the term gamification (i.e. the use of game elements in non-gaming practices) becomes an emerging subject for improving the software development processes. Not only has it a great potential to align individuals' motivations with software development tasks, but is also helpful to address a variety of information technology related issues. Thus, we conducted the first gamification workshop at the 22th EuroAsiaSPI Conference, which was held in Ankara University, Turkey on September 30, 2015. This activity brought the opportunity for participants to exchange information by discussing potential usage of game elements in software business context. This special issue of Journal of Universal Computer Science includes selected papers from this workshop event which were extended with additional details to include original, pertinent and relevant contributions to cover gamification practices for related approaches, in particular, the use of game elements in software process improvement and software development. Here, we summarize the main themes of the papers that have been selected for inclusion in this Special Issue. In the first selected paper entitled Agile Retrospective Games for Different Team Development Phases, Milos Jovanović, Antoni-Lluís
Studies in Software Engineering (SwE) and Systems Engineering (SE) disciplines have alerted on th... more Studies in Software Engineering (SwE) and Systems Engineering (SE) disciplines have alerted on the increasing complexity of software-intensive systems in the last 15 years. As a response to this phenomenon, it has been recognized the need to strengthen the SE and SwE curricula mutually through a unified Software Systems Engineering discipline. In turn, a common definition of the Information Systems (IS) discipline indicates that IS concerns with the study of Information Technology-based systems (IT) for managerial purposes as well as with the dual nature – technical and socialof its management. This paper, -product of a research in progressdevelops the case for a Management & Engineering of IT-intensive Systems view under the following rationality: (i) the technical and social complexity of the issues related with the emergent information systems -built on software-intensive systemsthat is demanded by organizations escapes of the scope of knowledge of the traditional IS discipline, ...
Service-oriented Software Engineering (SOSE) is a software engineering paradigm focused on Servic... more Service-oriented Software Engineering (SOSE) is a software engineering paradigm focused on Service-oriented Computing Applications (SOCAs), for what SOCA development methodologies are required. Recent studies on SOCA development methodologies revealed theoretical and practical deficiencies. Thus, academicians and practitioners must adapt development methodologies from other paradigms or use the available partial SOCA development methodologies. Also, since the high acceptance of agile approaches, we claim new well-structured and balanced agility-rigor methodologies are required. Then, this paper proposes a new SOCA Development Systems Engineering Methodology, including its description, the explanation of its theoretical foundations and the illustration of its use with a prototype of a running example. Two pilot empirical evaluations on usability metrics are also reported. Findings support both theoretical adequacy and positive perceptions from the evaluators. While further empirical ...
Service-oriented software engineering (SoSE) is a new paradigm for building software systems, fo... more Service-oriented software engineering (SoSE) is a new paradigm for building software systems, fostered by the availability of a new -but already mature- computing technology based on services. SoSE advances the current object-oriented and the component-based software engineering paradigms. Under that new paradigm, multiple software-system development life cycle (SDLC) methodologies have been proposed; however, none of them have gained a total acceptance as the dominant SDLC in SoSE. On this theoretical and practical situation, we believe that a research is required to reach more standardized and stabilized knowledge about SDLCs in SoSE. Thus, this article reviews nine recent SDLCs proposed for SoSE with the aim to present a descriptive-comparative landscape of a relevant range of SDLCs for SoSE. Such description-comparison is guided by two criteria: (i) the extent of completeness of each SDLC, with respect to the proposed phases, activities and delivered artifacts, and (ii) the ...
Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2016
This material is brought to you by the Journals at AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). It has been ac... more This material is brought to you by the Journals at AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). It has been accepted for inclusion in Communications of the Association for Information Systems by an authorized administrator of AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). For more information, please contact
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2016
Free-Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) tools are free-cost license highly attractive to be imple... more Free-Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) tools are free-cost license highly attractive to be implemented by organizations. However, not of all the FLOSS tools are mature, and failed implementations can occur. Thus, FLOSS evaluation-selection frameworks and FLOSS success-failure implementation factors studies have been conducted. In this research, we advance on such studies through an integrated FLOSS evaluation-selection model with a risk-based decision making approach. Our model was built upon the other two literatures, and it was structured as a Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) model which contains 12 variables grouped in four risk categories: financial, organizational, enduser and technical ones. We illustrated its utilization in the domain of Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) FLOSS tools. Hence, our model contributes to the FLOSS literature with the inclusion of the risk management approach and to the FLOSS evaluation-selection praxis with the provision of an innovative and essential risk-based model.
Software process standards (e.g. ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC 15504) and models (e.g. CMMI) provide a s... more Software process standards (e.g. ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC 15504) and models (e.g. CMMI) provide a set of best practices and guidelines for improving the quality of the software process and products resulting from that process. However, they do not prescribe a particular software development methodology (i.e. RUP, MSF), and thus software development teams face a compliance problem between the selected development methodology and a pursued particular standard or model. In this research, the particular issue of compliance of Agile Software Development Methodologies (SCRUM, XP, and UPEDU) and the new ISO/IEC 29110 standard is studied. Because the new standard is focused on the software process in very small software development companies or small software project teams in the range from 1 to 25 people, and the Agile Software Development Methodologies (ASDMs) are primarily for same targets, this study is important. The ISO/IEC 29110 standard contains two processes: Project Management and Software Implementation. This study is focused on the first process. The main findings indicate that the UPEDU and SCRUM methodologies present and high compliance level with the ISO/IEC 29110 Project Management process, while XP has a moderate level. Thus, software developer teams interested in achieving compliance with the ISO/IEC 29110 Project Management process can count with two ASDMs. However, a full compliance study (with both Project Management and Software Implementation) is still missing.
International IT Service Management models (CMMI-SVC, MOF-4, and ITUP) and de facto or de jure st... more International IT Service Management models (CMMI-SVC, MOF-4, and ITUP) and de facto or de jure standards (ITIL v3, ISO 20000-4) include a Service Design process as part of their mandatory set of processes. Nevertheless such availability of processes, their used nomenclature, their phase-activity structure, and their granularity level used for their descriptions, are nonstandardized. Additionally, there are few - if any -comparative studies in Service Design processes. Consequently, ITSM academics are faced with a useful but disparate and disperse literature, and ITSM professionals lack of practical insights regarding comparative characteristics of such Service Design processes. In this research, we address such real and academic problematic, and develop a conceptual comparative study of Service Design processes of five relevant ITSM models and standards. Thus, we report a substantial description of each one, and report an initial comparative scheme based in the criteria of clarity, ...
Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies
Making organizational decisions is a critical and central activity to successful operations of pr... more Making organizational decisions is a critical and central activity to successful operations of profit and nonprofit-based organizations (Huber, 1990; Simon, 1997). Organizational paradigm evolution from the paternalistic/political and accountability/bureaucratic organizational paradigms toward process-oriented and decisional views (Huber & McDaniel, 1986) has also fostered the organizational relevance of such processes. Some studies suggest that decision-making ineffectiveness is the main cause for top executive firings in large corporations (Rowe & Davis, 1996). Others state the need to find possible solutions/decisions to the new critical and complex world problems (such as pollution, poverty or corruption) (McCosh & Correa-Perez, 2006) and make better strategic business managerial decisions (Savolein & Liu, 1995). Consequently, how to do so becomes a relevant research stream for academicians and has strong practical implications for decision-makers.
The Implementation of Large-Scale Decision-Making Support Systems
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
The Implementation of Large-Scale Decision-Making Support Systems: Problems, Findings, and Challe... more The Implementation of Large-Scale Decision-Making Support Systems: Problems, Findings, and Challenges (9781615209699): Manual Mora, Ovsei Gelman, Guisseppi Forgionne, Francisco Cervantes: Book Chapters.
International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, 2011
Decision-making Support Systems (DMSSs) have been traditionally designed and built by using mainl... more Decision-making Support Systems (DMSSs) have been traditionally designed and built by using mainly the Waterfall method, Prototyping-Evolutive, or Adaptive approach in the last three decades. In this paper, the authors argue that while such approaches have guided to DMSS developers, they have been also demanded for adding ad-hoc, non-standardized activities and extra techniques based on their own expertise due to the scarcity of open-access available information of them. Additionally, from a Software Systems Engineering (SSE) viewpoint, such approaches cannot be considered as well-defined methodologies. This article contributes to the research stream of SSE-based DMSS development methodologies by reporting an initial empirical evaluation of IDSSE-M, a free-access methodology for designing and building Intelligent Decision Support Systems. IDSSE-M extends and adapts Turban and Aronson’s DSS Building Paradigm (open access), and Saxena’s Decision Support Engineering Methodology (propri...
The use of ISO/IEC systems and software engineering standards is recommended for software develop... more The use of ISO/IEC systems and software engineering standards is recommended for software development organizations. In particular, in 2011, a new software process standard was released for Very Small Entities (VSEs): ISO/IEC 29110. Furthermore, the Agile-based System Development Methodologies (SCRUM, XP, Crystal, among others) have also gained interest by organizations. In this-in progress-research, we present an overview of the ISO/IEC 29110 standard, as well as of the Agile-based SDMs, and propose that such SDMs can be enhanced with recommendations from the ISO/IEC standard. In particular, we focus on the Project Management process-one of the two essential processes in the ISO/IEC 29110 standard-and its potential support through a Deployment Package (DP). A DP can be considered an electronic process guideline, and it is attempted to facilitate the implementation of the standard in a VSE.
International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 2014
An IT service design process is considered to be a fundamental piece of the seven key internation... more An IT service design process is considered to be a fundamental piece of the seven key international IT Service Management (ITSM) processes frameworks (ITIL v2, ITIL v3 (and ITIL v2011), ISO 20000-4, CobIT 4.0, CMMI-SVC, MOF 4.0, and ITUP). Nevertheless the availability of IT service design processes, few –if any- descriptive-comparative studies among them have been reported. Thus, in this paper (Part I), we address this knowledge gap. An extensive descriptive-comparative review of seven IT service design processes in aforementioned frameworks is reported. Fundamental concepts (viz., design as noun, design as verb, service, service system, IT service, IT service system, and IT service architecture design) are analyzed by using a Systems Approach. Our findings indicate that the frameworks ITIL v2, ISO/IEC 20000 and Cobit 4.0 are using weak systemic concepts, while the frameworks ITIL v3, CMMI-SVC, ITUP and MOF 4.0 are more foundationally congruent with the new service systems view. Im...
In the new economic context, based on Information and Knowledge resources, the concepts of Inform... more In the new economic context, based on Information and Knowledge resources, the concepts of Information Systems and Information Technology (IS&IT) are fundamental to understand the organizational and managerial process in all levels: strategic, tactic and operational. From an academic and practitioner perspective, we pose that the correct use of the concept of IS&IT, and in specific of Information Systems, is critical. First ones need to study the same object and second ones need to use the same common conceptual knowledge about what are Information Systems. Nevertheless, uniquely informal and semiformal definitions of Information Systems have been reported in the literature and thus a formal definition based on core systemic foundations is missing. For these reasons, the conceptualization and formal definition of what are Information Systems acquires a relevant research and praxis status. This chapter addresses this problematic situation posing a formal definition of the term Inform...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 1, 2016
Social aspects of software development are gaining increasing attention among the research commun... more Social aspects of software development are gaining increasing attention among the research community. Recently, a number of researchers have conducted studies to explore the social structure of software development activities that may potentially affect the health of a software project. Games are special kind of social activities, which can easily highlight the social interactions or engagements that lead to a variety of measurable societal outcomes. Over the last decade, due to the digital era, social games have reshaped the methods of communication by the help of a variety of social media tools. These implicit social activities have gained popularity also among software development teams who have started to redefine the notion of games in nongamming contexts. Consequently, the term gamification (i.e. the use of game elements in non-gaming practices) becomes an emerging subject for improving the software development processes. Not only has it a great potential to align individuals' motivations with software development tasks, but is also helpful to address a variety of information technology related issues. Thus, we conducted the first gamification workshop at the 22th EuroAsiaSPI Conference, which was held in Ankara University, Turkey on September 30, 2015. This activity brought the opportunity for participants to exchange information by discussing potential usage of game elements in software business context. This special issue of Journal of Universal Computer Science includes selected papers from this workshop event which were extended with additional details to include original, pertinent and relevant contributions to cover gamification practices for related approaches, in particular, the use of game elements in software process improvement and software development. Here, we summarize the main themes of the papers that have been selected for inclusion in this Special Issue. In the first selected paper entitled Agile Retrospective Games for Different Team Development Phases, Milos Jovanović, Antoni-Lluís
Studies in Software Engineering (SwE) and Systems Engineering (SE) disciplines have alerted on th... more Studies in Software Engineering (SwE) and Systems Engineering (SE) disciplines have alerted on the increasing complexity of software-intensive systems in the last 15 years. As a response to this phenomenon, it has been recognized the need to strengthen the SE and SwE curricula mutually through a unified Software Systems Engineering discipline. In turn, a common definition of the Information Systems (IS) discipline indicates that IS concerns with the study of Information Technology-based systems (IT) for managerial purposes as well as with the dual nature – technical and socialof its management. This paper, -product of a research in progressdevelops the case for a Management & Engineering of IT-intensive Systems view under the following rationality: (i) the technical and social complexity of the issues related with the emergent information systems -built on software-intensive systemsthat is demanded by organizations escapes of the scope of knowledge of the traditional IS discipline, ...
Service-oriented Software Engineering (SOSE) is a software engineering paradigm focused on Servic... more Service-oriented Software Engineering (SOSE) is a software engineering paradigm focused on Service-oriented Computing Applications (SOCAs), for what SOCA development methodologies are required. Recent studies on SOCA development methodologies revealed theoretical and practical deficiencies. Thus, academicians and practitioners must adapt development methodologies from other paradigms or use the available partial SOCA development methodologies. Also, since the high acceptance of agile approaches, we claim new well-structured and balanced agility-rigor methodologies are required. Then, this paper proposes a new SOCA Development Systems Engineering Methodology, including its description, the explanation of its theoretical foundations and the illustration of its use with a prototype of a running example. Two pilot empirical evaluations on usability metrics are also reported. Findings support both theoretical adequacy and positive perceptions from the evaluators. While further empirical ...
Service-oriented software engineering (SoSE) is a new paradigm for building software systems, fo... more Service-oriented software engineering (SoSE) is a new paradigm for building software systems, fostered by the availability of a new -but already mature- computing technology based on services. SoSE advances the current object-oriented and the component-based software engineering paradigms. Under that new paradigm, multiple software-system development life cycle (SDLC) methodologies have been proposed; however, none of them have gained a total acceptance as the dominant SDLC in SoSE. On this theoretical and practical situation, we believe that a research is required to reach more standardized and stabilized knowledge about SDLCs in SoSE. Thus, this article reviews nine recent SDLCs proposed for SoSE with the aim to present a descriptive-comparative landscape of a relevant range of SDLCs for SoSE. Such description-comparison is guided by two criteria: (i) the extent of completeness of each SDLC, with respect to the proposed phases, activities and delivered artifacts, and (ii) the ...
Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2016
This material is brought to you by the Journals at AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). It has been ac... more This material is brought to you by the Journals at AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). It has been accepted for inclusion in Communications of the Association for Information Systems by an authorized administrator of AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). For more information, please contact
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2016
Free-Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) tools are free-cost license highly attractive to be imple... more Free-Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) tools are free-cost license highly attractive to be implemented by organizations. However, not of all the FLOSS tools are mature, and failed implementations can occur. Thus, FLOSS evaluation-selection frameworks and FLOSS success-failure implementation factors studies have been conducted. In this research, we advance on such studies through an integrated FLOSS evaluation-selection model with a risk-based decision making approach. Our model was built upon the other two literatures, and it was structured as a Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) model which contains 12 variables grouped in four risk categories: financial, organizational, enduser and technical ones. We illustrated its utilization in the domain of Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) FLOSS tools. Hence, our model contributes to the FLOSS literature with the inclusion of the risk management approach and to the FLOSS evaluation-selection praxis with the provision of an innovative and essential risk-based model.
Software process standards (e.g. ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC 15504) and models (e.g. CMMI) provide a s... more Software process standards (e.g. ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC 15504) and models (e.g. CMMI) provide a set of best practices and guidelines for improving the quality of the software process and products resulting from that process. However, they do not prescribe a particular software development methodology (i.e. RUP, MSF), and thus software development teams face a compliance problem between the selected development methodology and a pursued particular standard or model. In this research, the particular issue of compliance of Agile Software Development Methodologies (SCRUM, XP, and UPEDU) and the new ISO/IEC 29110 standard is studied. Because the new standard is focused on the software process in very small software development companies or small software project teams in the range from 1 to 25 people, and the Agile Software Development Methodologies (ASDMs) are primarily for same targets, this study is important. The ISO/IEC 29110 standard contains two processes: Project Management and Software Implementation. This study is focused on the first process. The main findings indicate that the UPEDU and SCRUM methodologies present and high compliance level with the ISO/IEC 29110 Project Management process, while XP has a moderate level. Thus, software developer teams interested in achieving compliance with the ISO/IEC 29110 Project Management process can count with two ASDMs. However, a full compliance study (with both Project Management and Software Implementation) is still missing.
International IT Service Management models (CMMI-SVC, MOF-4, and ITUP) and de facto or de jure st... more International IT Service Management models (CMMI-SVC, MOF-4, and ITUP) and de facto or de jure standards (ITIL v3, ISO 20000-4) include a Service Design process as part of their mandatory set of processes. Nevertheless such availability of processes, their used nomenclature, their phase-activity structure, and their granularity level used for their descriptions, are nonstandardized. Additionally, there are few - if any -comparative studies in Service Design processes. Consequently, ITSM academics are faced with a useful but disparate and disperse literature, and ITSM professionals lack of practical insights regarding comparative characteristics of such Service Design processes. In this research, we address such real and academic problematic, and develop a conceptual comparative study of Service Design processes of five relevant ITSM models and standards. Thus, we report a substantial description of each one, and report an initial comparative scheme based in the criteria of clarity, ...
Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies
Making organizational decisions is a critical and central activity to successful operations of pr... more Making organizational decisions is a critical and central activity to successful operations of profit and nonprofit-based organizations (Huber, 1990; Simon, 1997). Organizational paradigm evolution from the paternalistic/political and accountability/bureaucratic organizational paradigms toward process-oriented and decisional views (Huber & McDaniel, 1986) has also fostered the organizational relevance of such processes. Some studies suggest that decision-making ineffectiveness is the main cause for top executive firings in large corporations (Rowe & Davis, 1996). Others state the need to find possible solutions/decisions to the new critical and complex world problems (such as pollution, poverty or corruption) (McCosh & Correa-Perez, 2006) and make better strategic business managerial decisions (Savolein & Liu, 1995). Consequently, how to do so becomes a relevant research stream for academicians and has strong practical implications for decision-makers.
The Implementation of Large-Scale Decision-Making Support Systems
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
The Implementation of Large-Scale Decision-Making Support Systems: Problems, Findings, and Challe... more The Implementation of Large-Scale Decision-Making Support Systems: Problems, Findings, and Challenges (9781615209699): Manual Mora, Ovsei Gelman, Guisseppi Forgionne, Francisco Cervantes: Book Chapters.
International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, 2011
Decision-making Support Systems (DMSSs) have been traditionally designed and built by using mainl... more Decision-making Support Systems (DMSSs) have been traditionally designed and built by using mainly the Waterfall method, Prototyping-Evolutive, or Adaptive approach in the last three decades. In this paper, the authors argue that while such approaches have guided to DMSS developers, they have been also demanded for adding ad-hoc, non-standardized activities and extra techniques based on their own expertise due to the scarcity of open-access available information of them. Additionally, from a Software Systems Engineering (SSE) viewpoint, such approaches cannot be considered as well-defined methodologies. This article contributes to the research stream of SSE-based DMSS development methodologies by reporting an initial empirical evaluation of IDSSE-M, a free-access methodology for designing and building Intelligent Decision Support Systems. IDSSE-M extends and adapts Turban and Aronson’s DSS Building Paradigm (open access), and Saxena’s Decision Support Engineering Methodology (propri...
The use of ISO/IEC systems and software engineering standards is recommended for software develop... more The use of ISO/IEC systems and software engineering standards is recommended for software development organizations. In particular, in 2011, a new software process standard was released for Very Small Entities (VSEs): ISO/IEC 29110. Furthermore, the Agile-based System Development Methodologies (SCRUM, XP, Crystal, among others) have also gained interest by organizations. In this-in progress-research, we present an overview of the ISO/IEC 29110 standard, as well as of the Agile-based SDMs, and propose that such SDMs can be enhanced with recommendations from the ISO/IEC standard. In particular, we focus on the Project Management process-one of the two essential processes in the ISO/IEC 29110 standard-and its potential support through a Deployment Package (DP). A DP can be considered an electronic process guideline, and it is attempted to facilitate the implementation of the standard in a VSE.
International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 2014
An IT service design process is considered to be a fundamental piece of the seven key internation... more An IT service design process is considered to be a fundamental piece of the seven key international IT Service Management (ITSM) processes frameworks (ITIL v2, ITIL v3 (and ITIL v2011), ISO 20000-4, CobIT 4.0, CMMI-SVC, MOF 4.0, and ITUP). Nevertheless the availability of IT service design processes, few –if any- descriptive-comparative studies among them have been reported. Thus, in this paper (Part I), we address this knowledge gap. An extensive descriptive-comparative review of seven IT service design processes in aforementioned frameworks is reported. Fundamental concepts (viz., design as noun, design as verb, service, service system, IT service, IT service system, and IT service architecture design) are analyzed by using a Systems Approach. Our findings indicate that the frameworks ITIL v2, ISO/IEC 20000 and Cobit 4.0 are using weak systemic concepts, while the frameworks ITIL v3, CMMI-SVC, ITUP and MOF 4.0 are more foundationally congruent with the new service systems view. Im...
In the new economic context, based on Information and Knowledge resources, the concepts of Inform... more In the new economic context, based on Information and Knowledge resources, the concepts of Information Systems and Information Technology (IS&IT) are fundamental to understand the organizational and managerial process in all levels: strategic, tactic and operational. From an academic and practitioner perspective, we pose that the correct use of the concept of IS&IT, and in specific of Information Systems, is critical. First ones need to study the same object and second ones need to use the same common conceptual knowledge about what are Information Systems. Nevertheless, uniquely informal and semiformal definitions of Information Systems have been reported in the literature and thus a formal definition based on core systemic foundations is missing. For these reasons, the conceptualization and formal definition of what are Information Systems acquires a relevant research and praxis status. This chapter addresses this problematic situation posing a formal definition of the term Inform...
Papers by Manuel Mora