The University of Trinidad and Tobago
Professional Development Unit, The Learning Centre
This book takes the stance that purposeful reflection contributes to success in teaching and learning. It is by thinking about and questioning how and why we do what we do that reflective practice, together with deferred or ruminative... more
The benefits of remediation are transformative! Remediation allows you to get an edge in your planning efforts and take your progress to the next level. Remediation can promote expansion of intellectual abilities, learner attentiveness,... more
Whenever we think about professional development we often think about groups, and rarely about individuals, despite the fact that groups are made up of individuals. What we experience in a group is not only the sum of the idiosyncrasies... more
‘There is a time for everything under the sun’ is a well-known ecclesiastical saying that stands the test of time. Because human beings are first individuals before they become part of any group, there is a place for individualised... more
This book brings assessment to the easy reach of any person who is unfamiliar with the area. Assessment is far reaching and what we have in this book is but the tip of the iceberg. Nevertheless, this book would be a true companion to any... more
With the continued proliferation of alternative assessments has come increased focus on what constitutes best practices in performance assessment. Teachers are left on their own to decide what is most appropriate for their students. The... more
With constantly changing demands at the workforce more than ever students need to be able to respond adequately to present day challenges. Although standardized tests have a place to play in the overall assessment process, they cannot... more
Preparing and managing any project could be a horrendous task. Workshops are no exceptions! Given the magnitude of the task you can easily get frustrated and give up. Knowing how a workshop can be managed expeditiously would make a world... more
The work empirically establishes an association between self assessment (SA) and academic achievement (AA) in an attempt to validate current and future studies in the literature that speak to relationships between SA and AA. SA was... more
With an ever changing clientele there is urgent need to attempt unconventional, innovative strategies that positively influence what happens in educational institutions. Readers are provided with tried-and-tested models that can be... more
Evidence-based and engagingly written, this book draws from over 40 years academic experience in education. Having written at all levels of the education system the author provides you with strategic, comprehensive, multi-sourced,... more
The ideas presented in this book are drawn from close to 45 years in academia, practising across all continents and operating at all levels: early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary. Such wealth of experience inevitably presents... more
No sooner are we faced with the inability to learn than we realize that learning is much more than what we often think about. This user friendly book serves as a guide to teaching learning. It’s all about teaching how to learn. It offers... more
Teaching how to think is both a science and an art! This book presents material based on empirical research. At some point in time everyone pauses to think for a while. Oftentimes we procrastinate about providing a response because we... more
In attempting to determine how Business Management Technicians from State-run Technical Institutes fared on the Labour Market the study found its genesis. Semistructured interviews, opinionnairs,academic records and a mailed questionnaire... more
‘You’ll know it when you feel it’; ‘No pain, no gain’; ‘You have to experience it to know about it’. These and many more commonly heard sayings speak to the power of experiential learning. The common theme seems to indicate that... more
In a world of uncertainty and competition, where do you find help for adult learners? Knowing how to assess adult learning, and report those results on an ongoing basis, is the key to providing adults with a greater sense of direction,... more
With more and more focus on accountability and standards a lot of effort has been placed on assessment at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels, with very little attention to what happens in early childhood. Just like a house needs a... more
Educators are searching for more authentic ways of assessing learning that mimic what occurs in real life situations. Simultaneously, stakeholders are demanding transparency and accountability from educators. This book is therefore timely... more
The ideas presented in this book were drawn from over 45 years in academia, practising across all continents and operating at all levels: early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary. This book aims to equip teachers with the skill... more