Papers by Tomoki Ishikawa

Tetsugaku: International Journal of the Philosophical Association of Japan, 2024
In the first book of De Libero Arbitrio, Augustine concludes that the origin of evil is "its own ... more In the first book of De Libero Arbitrio, Augustine concludes that the origin of evil is "its own will and free decision" (propria uoluntas et liberum arbitrium) (1. 11. 21). Despite its importance for the development of Augustine's theory of will, researchers have largely ignored this statement and failed to provide a detailed analysis of it. This paper will, by contrast, take this claim seriously, aiming to reveal its full philosophical significance by focusing on the function of the concept of will. In the first section, I begin by exploring the meaning of propria uoluntas et liberum arbitrium by analyzing it word by word and situating it in its proper context. I show that this expression is composed of words with legal nuances and that, taken as a whole, it expresses the view that nothing other than the mind itself subjugates the mind to desire. In the second section, I focus on Augustine's formulation of philosophical inquiry in his earliest treatises before De Libero Arbitrio, showing that it consists of three steps: the purification of desire, the exercise of reason, and the contemplation of the Truth. In the final section, I demonstrate that propria uoluntas et liberum arbitrium forced Augustine to reorganize the model of the soul and of philosophical inquiry that he had forged since his earliest days. A new program of philosophical inquiry, which was formulated later in De Doctrina Christiana, places the purification at the final stage, suggesting that the concept of will was the driving force in transforming how Augustine engages in philosophy.

哲学の門:大学院生研究論集, 2022
アウグスティヌスにおいて神の恩寵と人間の自由意志との関係が最重要問題の一つであることについては議論の余地がないだろう。そしてアウグスティヌスにおける自由を問題として取り上げ... more (「はじめに」より)
アウグスティヌスにおいて神の恩寵と人間の自由意志との関係が最重要問題の一つであることについては議論の余地がないだろう。そしてアウグスティヌスにおける自由を問題として取り上げるとき、ペラギウス派との論争によって特徴付けられる後期著作か、悪の起源としての自由意志という問題を初めて本格的に取り上げた 『自由意志論De Libero Arbitrio』(388-395年頃)が参照されることが一般的である。本稿ではこのような傾向に反して、「アウグスティヌスの最初期の著作において自由とは何を意味していたか」を問う。すなわち、『自由意志論』以前の、「アウグスティヌスの自由論」とされてきた範囲からこぼれ落ちてきた著作における自由の意味が本稿の主題である。具体的に対象となるテクストは、アウグスティヌスがミラノ郊外のカシキアクムに滞在した際の著作『ソリロクィアSoliloquia』(386年)である 。また、必要に応じてカシキアクムで執筆された他の作品(『アカデミア派論駁Contra Academicos』『至福の生De Beata Vita』『秩序De Ordine』)も参照する。
最初期の著作を考察の対象に選んだのは、アウグスティヌスの自由論解釈一般につきまとう一つの困難に対する問題意識があるからである。すなわち、その解釈の鍵となる自由概念そのものが、アウグスティヌス解釈をめぐる論争のなかで形成されてきたという歴史的事情 のゆえに、無反省なアウグスティヌス読解は「あるアウグスティヌス解釈に基づいたアウグスティヌス読解」という解釈上の循環に陥りかねないという問題意識である。『自由意志論』以前の最初期の著作を考察対象とすることで、この解釈上の循環に対して一つの抜け道を提示することを本稿は目論んでいる。そこで本稿は、我々の持つ自由概念よりもテクスト上の用法に対して可能な限り忠実であることを方針とする。
また、本稿の方針としてもう一つ述べておかなければならないのは、後の時期の著作との関連性である。従来カシキアクム期の著作は回心直後の未熟な思想を表明したものとみなされるか 、後期思想で展開される論点が既に見出されるという点で評価されるかのいずれかであった 。しかしむしろ本稿では、カシキアクム期のテクスト自体が持つ独自性を積極的に評価する方針を取る 。したがって、カシキアクム期以降の著作への言及は必要最低限にとどめた。中期・後期著作との関連性は本稿の範囲を逸脱する別の問いとして扱われるべきであろう。
Conference Presentations by Tomoki Ishikawa

Warwick East Asia Graduate Conference in Continental Philosophy 2024
Augustine (354-430) is widely known as the pioneering figure in the philosophy of the interiority... more Augustine (354-430) is widely known as the pioneering figure in the philosophy of the interiority of the human mind. For instance, his major works such as Confessions, in which he reflected on his early life in an autobiographical style, and On the Trinity, in which he pursued the image (imago) of the divine trinity in the human mind, are unparalleled in the philosophy and theology in antiquity. Researchers sometimes take up Augustine as the "inventor" of some of the most familiar philosophical concepts like "free will" 2 or "inner self" 3. As a reflection of such a trend of Augustinian scholarship, Augustine's ideas on evil (malum) have often been analysed under the heading of "moral psychology" 4 or in relation to the contemporary debate on free will-e.g., whether Augustine was a libertarian or a compatibilist 5. However, Augustine did not discuss the problem of evil only from the viewpoint of human interiority. For Augustine, the question of whether evil is and how evil is-the question of "moral ontology," so to speakwas no less important than the question of moral psychology. Let us see Augustine's reflection on the problem of evil in Book I of On the Free Choice of the Will (De Libero Arbitrio). Evodius: Very well. Now that you have pushed me into admitting that we do not learn to do evil, tell me: Whence do we do evil?
Symposium on Reason and Will in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, 2024
The core thesis of Augustine's early opuscule, De Magistro (ca. 389), is simple and clear: at eac... more The core thesis of Augustine's early opuscule, De Magistro (ca. 389), is simple and clear: at each moment of learning, we are admonished from the outward signs to inquire about the truth; however, the outward signs, typically the vocal words, cannot effectuate learning-it is only through the consultation with Christ, the inner teacher, that we are capable of learning. Despite (or all the more because of) its simplicity, De Magistro is open to a wide range of reading. It has been read as a work of semiotics (e.g.

Of all the diverse writing forms that Augustine used in his extant corpus, literary dialogues1 ca... more Of all the diverse writing forms that Augustine used in his extant corpus, literary dialogues1 can only be found in his eight early works (Contra Academicos, De Beata Vita, De Ordine, Soliloquia, De Quantitate Animae, De Libero Arbitrio, De Musica, De Magistro, in the order of appearance in Retractationes). In other words, Augustine stopped writing literary dialogues after De Magistro. Researchers seem to be largely in agreement that this is because Augustine’s early attempt at literary dialogues ended up a failure. Indeed, the dialogues at Cassiciacum were often disrupted and distracted (cf. Stock, 2010, p. 139f); the dialogues after Cassiciacum became a mere “artifice d’exposition” (Marrou, 1983, p. 309); Augustine’s position as a bishop could have prevented him from educational elitism entailed in dialogue (Clark, 2008, p. 125). This paper does not aim to deny these views. It would be more moderate to see a complex entanglement of background causes and contexts than to assume a single reason for it. This paper rather attempts to present another possibility: there could be an experience of a successful dialogue, not the experience of failure, behind Augustine’s abandonment of literary dialogues. To explore this possibility, this paper analyzes De Magistro and the so-called “experience at Ostia” in the Book IX of Confessiones.
My intention is not to commit an error in seeing Confessiones as an exact historical account of his experience2. The parallelism that I’m going to elicit is not historical but philosophical and structural. Also, the long-debated parallelism between the “experience at Ostia” (hereafter «Ostia») and Plotinus’ Enneads falls out of the scope of this paper. «Ostia» is, as James O’Donnell calls it an “audition” rather than “vision3”, a collective experience of language between Augustine and Monica, his mother, at the culmination of their dialogue. «Ostia» can thus be seen as an ultimate success in dialogue. On the other hand, De Magistro, written approximately three years after «Ostia»4, argues the limit of outward language in a “self-referential” way (Cary, 2008, p. 107) that applies to the dialogue itself in De Magistro. Such a view on language is in sharp contrast with that in Cassiciacum dialogues and is rather in line with the description of «Ostia».
From this point of view, this paper attempts to observe a connection between «Ostia» and De Magistro and to consider the relevance between the form of writing and philosophical ideas. This paper proceeds as follows.
In the first section, I present «Ostia» as an experience of language in two senses by focusing on the details of the expressions, thereby suggesting that the conversation between Augustine and Monica should be called a “dialogue”. In the second section, I argue that a certain link should be observed between «Ostia» and De Magistro. They altogether represent a certain relationship between our language and divine language, which was a new perspective on language that Augustine didn’t even realize in his early writings. In the third section, I propose my hypothesis on the “end of dialogue in Augustine” that it was both the loss of the privileged status of dialogical language and Augustine’s habitual process of writing that led to Augustine’s abandonment of literary dialogue.
Papers by Tomoki Ishikawa
アウグスティヌスにおいて神の恩寵と人間の自由意志との関係が最重要問題の一つであることについては議論の余地がないだろう。そしてアウグスティヌスにおける自由を問題として取り上げるとき、ペラギウス派との論争によって特徴付けられる後期著作か、悪の起源としての自由意志という問題を初めて本格的に取り上げた 『自由意志論De Libero Arbitrio』(388-395年頃)が参照されることが一般的である。本稿ではこのような傾向に反して、「アウグスティヌスの最初期の著作において自由とは何を意味していたか」を問う。すなわち、『自由意志論』以前の、「アウグスティヌスの自由論」とされてきた範囲からこぼれ落ちてきた著作における自由の意味が本稿の主題である。具体的に対象となるテクストは、アウグスティヌスがミラノ郊外のカシキアクムに滞在した際の著作『ソリロクィアSoliloquia』(386年)である 。また、必要に応じてカシキアクムで執筆された他の作品(『アカデミア派論駁Contra Academicos』『至福の生De Beata Vita』『秩序De Ordine』)も参照する。
最初期の著作を考察の対象に選んだのは、アウグスティヌスの自由論解釈一般につきまとう一つの困難に対する問題意識があるからである。すなわち、その解釈の鍵となる自由概念そのものが、アウグスティヌス解釈をめぐる論争のなかで形成されてきたという歴史的事情 のゆえに、無反省なアウグスティヌス読解は「あるアウグスティヌス解釈に基づいたアウグスティヌス読解」という解釈上の循環に陥りかねないという問題意識である。『自由意志論』以前の最初期の著作を考察対象とすることで、この解釈上の循環に対して一つの抜け道を提示することを本稿は目論んでいる。そこで本稿は、我々の持つ自由概念よりもテクスト上の用法に対して可能な限り忠実であることを方針とする。
また、本稿の方針としてもう一つ述べておかなければならないのは、後の時期の著作との関連性である。従来カシキアクム期の著作は回心直後の未熟な思想を表明したものとみなされるか 、後期思想で展開される論点が既に見出されるという点で評価されるかのいずれかであった 。しかしむしろ本稿では、カシキアクム期のテクスト自体が持つ独自性を積極的に評価する方針を取る 。したがって、カシキアクム期以降の著作への言及は必要最低限にとどめた。中期・後期著作との関連性は本稿の範囲を逸脱する別の問いとして扱われるべきであろう。
Conference Presentations by Tomoki Ishikawa
My intention is not to commit an error in seeing Confessiones as an exact historical account of his experience2. The parallelism that I’m going to elicit is not historical but philosophical and structural. Also, the long-debated parallelism between the “experience at Ostia” (hereafter «Ostia») and Plotinus’ Enneads falls out of the scope of this paper. «Ostia» is, as James O’Donnell calls it an “audition” rather than “vision3”, a collective experience of language between Augustine and Monica, his mother, at the culmination of their dialogue. «Ostia» can thus be seen as an ultimate success in dialogue. On the other hand, De Magistro, written approximately three years after «Ostia»4, argues the limit of outward language in a “self-referential” way (Cary, 2008, p. 107) that applies to the dialogue itself in De Magistro. Such a view on language is in sharp contrast with that in Cassiciacum dialogues and is rather in line with the description of «Ostia».
From this point of view, this paper attempts to observe a connection between «Ostia» and De Magistro and to consider the relevance between the form of writing and philosophical ideas. This paper proceeds as follows.
In the first section, I present «Ostia» as an experience of language in two senses by focusing on the details of the expressions, thereby suggesting that the conversation between Augustine and Monica should be called a “dialogue”. In the second section, I argue that a certain link should be observed between «Ostia» and De Magistro. They altogether represent a certain relationship between our language and divine language, which was a new perspective on language that Augustine didn’t even realize in his early writings. In the third section, I propose my hypothesis on the “end of dialogue in Augustine” that it was both the loss of the privileged status of dialogical language and Augustine’s habitual process of writing that led to Augustine’s abandonment of literary dialogue.
アウグスティヌスにおいて神の恩寵と人間の自由意志との関係が最重要問題の一つであることについては議論の余地がないだろう。そしてアウグスティヌスにおける自由を問題として取り上げるとき、ペラギウス派との論争によって特徴付けられる後期著作か、悪の起源としての自由意志という問題を初めて本格的に取り上げた 『自由意志論De Libero Arbitrio』(388-395年頃)が参照されることが一般的である。本稿ではこのような傾向に反して、「アウグスティヌスの最初期の著作において自由とは何を意味していたか」を問う。すなわち、『自由意志論』以前の、「アウグスティヌスの自由論」とされてきた範囲からこぼれ落ちてきた著作における自由の意味が本稿の主題である。具体的に対象となるテクストは、アウグスティヌスがミラノ郊外のカシキアクムに滞在した際の著作『ソリロクィアSoliloquia』(386年)である 。また、必要に応じてカシキアクムで執筆された他の作品(『アカデミア派論駁Contra Academicos』『至福の生De Beata Vita』『秩序De Ordine』)も参照する。
最初期の著作を考察の対象に選んだのは、アウグスティヌスの自由論解釈一般につきまとう一つの困難に対する問題意識があるからである。すなわち、その解釈の鍵となる自由概念そのものが、アウグスティヌス解釈をめぐる論争のなかで形成されてきたという歴史的事情 のゆえに、無反省なアウグスティヌス読解は「あるアウグスティヌス解釈に基づいたアウグスティヌス読解」という解釈上の循環に陥りかねないという問題意識である。『自由意志論』以前の最初期の著作を考察対象とすることで、この解釈上の循環に対して一つの抜け道を提示することを本稿は目論んでいる。そこで本稿は、我々の持つ自由概念よりもテクスト上の用法に対して可能な限り忠実であることを方針とする。
また、本稿の方針としてもう一つ述べておかなければならないのは、後の時期の著作との関連性である。従来カシキアクム期の著作は回心直後の未熟な思想を表明したものとみなされるか 、後期思想で展開される論点が既に見出されるという点で評価されるかのいずれかであった 。しかしむしろ本稿では、カシキアクム期のテクスト自体が持つ独自性を積極的に評価する方針を取る 。したがって、カシキアクム期以降の著作への言及は必要最低限にとどめた。中期・後期著作との関連性は本稿の範囲を逸脱する別の問いとして扱われるべきであろう。
My intention is not to commit an error in seeing Confessiones as an exact historical account of his experience2. The parallelism that I’m going to elicit is not historical but philosophical and structural. Also, the long-debated parallelism between the “experience at Ostia” (hereafter «Ostia») and Plotinus’ Enneads falls out of the scope of this paper. «Ostia» is, as James O’Donnell calls it an “audition” rather than “vision3”, a collective experience of language between Augustine and Monica, his mother, at the culmination of their dialogue. «Ostia» can thus be seen as an ultimate success in dialogue. On the other hand, De Magistro, written approximately three years after «Ostia»4, argues the limit of outward language in a “self-referential” way (Cary, 2008, p. 107) that applies to the dialogue itself in De Magistro. Such a view on language is in sharp contrast with that in Cassiciacum dialogues and is rather in line with the description of «Ostia».
From this point of view, this paper attempts to observe a connection between «Ostia» and De Magistro and to consider the relevance between the form of writing and philosophical ideas. This paper proceeds as follows.
In the first section, I present «Ostia» as an experience of language in two senses by focusing on the details of the expressions, thereby suggesting that the conversation between Augustine and Monica should be called a “dialogue”. In the second section, I argue that a certain link should be observed between «Ostia» and De Magistro. They altogether represent a certain relationship between our language and divine language, which was a new perspective on language that Augustine didn’t even realize in his early writings. In the third section, I propose my hypothesis on the “end of dialogue in Augustine” that it was both the loss of the privileged status of dialogical language and Augustine’s habitual process of writing that led to Augustine’s abandonment of literary dialogue.