Zoltan Cora
Zoltán Cora is a Senior Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Szeged, Hungary. His main areas of research are 19th–20th-century European history, international relations, British and Hungarian political and social history, especially in the interwar period (1918–1939), as well as classical and modern aesthetics with a focus on the sublime. His publications include books, edited volumes, book chapters on these topics and articles published in Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, Aetas, Múltunk, Századok, Social History, Korall, European Review of History and other journals. He participates in the Comparative History Project organised by the Central European University, Pasts Inc., and received several research grants (BKVGE Berlin, ESSE Type A Bursary London British Library, Erdős Pál Junior Research Fellowship, Magyary István Board of Trustees). In 2011 he defended his PhD dissertation entitled “A szociálpolitika válaszútjai Magyarországon: A mintakövetés lehetőségei és kényszerei (1938-1950)” [Hungarian social policy at crossroads: possibilities and necessities of pattern finding (1938-1950)]. He is currently working on the publication of a monograph on Hungarian social policy in comparative perspective.
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Papers by Zoltan Cora