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B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL), the most common human leukemia, is characterized by predominantly nondividing malignant mature CD5+ B lymphocytes with an apoptosis defect. Various microenvironmental stimuli confer a growth... more
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In B cells, B-cell receptor (BCR) immunoglobulin revision is a common route for modifying unwanted antibody specificities via a mechanism called VH replacement. This in vivo process, mostly affecting heavy-chain rearrangement, involves... more
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In this study, we investigated the capacity of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) B cells to undergo terminal differentiation into Ig-secreting plasma cells in T cell-independent and T cell-dependent responses. We used a two-step model... more
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† Jean-Pierre Marolleau and Brigitte Gubler have contributed equally to this work.
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One of the most challenging tasks in neuroscience in language studies, is investigation of the brain's ability to integrate and process information. This task can only be successfully addressed by applying various assessment techniques... more
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The ontogeny of linguistic functions in the human brain remains elusive. Although some auditory capacities are described before term, whether and how such immature cortical circuits might process speech are unknown. Here we used... more
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      Auditory PerceptionMultidisciplinarySpeechVoice
Since the human brain has a certain degree of asymmetry, asymmetry analysis based on an asymmetric brain template may result in ambiguity. Therefore, in this paper we present our framework to create a symmetric brain template from a group... more
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      PediatricsImagingNeurophysiologyImage segmentation
141 SA-AM Effective connectivity of unilateral left or right mesial temporal lobe epilepsy during verbal memory task,
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      Near Infrared SpectroscopyNeuroimageAnimal Model
It is well established that the two hemispheres of the human brain exhibit a certain degree of asymmetry. Postmortem studies of developing brains of pre-and postpartum infants have shown that already in this early stage of development... more
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