Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée
New expressions of the macroscopic criteria of perfectly plastic rigid matrix containing prolate and oblate cavities are presented. The proposed approach, derived in the framework of limit analysis, consists in the consideration of... more
Following the study of which has extended the well-known approach of Gurson (1975), we propose approximate yield criteria for anisotropic plastic voided metals containing non spherical cavities. The plastic anisotropy of the matrix is... more
A micro-macro approach of multiaxial fatigue in unlimited endurance is proposed. It allows one to take into account plasticity and damage mechanisms which occur at the scale of Persistent Slip Bands (PSB). The proposed macroscopic fatigue... more
In the present Note, we provide new analytical expressions of the components of Hill tensor P (or equivalently the Eshelby tensor S) associated to an arbitrarily oriented crack in orthotropic elastic medium. The crack is modelled as an... more
In this study, we propose a micromechanics-based modification of the Gurson criterion for porous media subjected to arbitrary loadings. The proposed formulation, derived in the framework of limit analysis, consists in the consideration of... more
In this paper we establish the exact solution for a hollow sphere with a rigid-plastic pressure-sensitive matrix and subjected to hydrostatic tension or compression. The matrix is assumed to obey to a parabolic Mises-Schleicher criterion.... more
The combined effects of void shape and matrix anisotropy on the macroscopic response of ductile porous solids is investigated. The Gologanu-Leblond-Devaux's (GLD) analysis of an rigid-ideal plastic (von Mises) spheroidal volume containing... more