julien wacquez
Julien Wacquez trained in cultural sociology and social studies of science at EHESS (M.A, Ph.D). During his PhD, he was appointed with 2 international fellowships: one at the Department of Sociology at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2015-2016), and another at the CEFRES in Prague, Czech Republic (2017-2019). He later worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratoire d’Excellence les passés dans le présent, the Université Paris Lumières, and Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague.
Currently, he conducts research within the Neurocybernetics Team of the ETIS Lab, under the AS3 project “Decision, Learning, and Social Interaction” of the PEPR O2R program. He collaborates closely with social anthropologist Joffrey Becker and contributes to the Maison des Humanités Potentielles.
Julien Wacquez has been a member of the World Futures Studies Federation since 2023, sits on the scientific committee of the journal Terrain, and has been editor-in-chief of Angle Mort, a science fiction magazine, since 2014. The magazine received the Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire’s “Special Prize” in 2014 and was named “Best Science Fiction Magazine of the Year” by the European Science Fiction Society in 2018.
Julien Wacquez examines the role of imagination in knowledge production. He specializes in the uses of speculative fiction in astrophysics, planetary and geo-sciences, future studies, as well as environmental humanities and social sciences. His work has led to numerous publications in high-level English and French journals, including Science Fiction Studies, Modern Language Notes, Gradhiva, Terrain, Multitudes, and Socio.
Phone: 0661441998
Address: 18 rue du Maréchal de Luxembourg, 77100, Meaux, France
Currently, he conducts research within the Neurocybernetics Team of the ETIS Lab, under the AS3 project “Decision, Learning, and Social Interaction” of the PEPR O2R program. He collaborates closely with social anthropologist Joffrey Becker and contributes to the Maison des Humanités Potentielles.
Julien Wacquez has been a member of the World Futures Studies Federation since 2023, sits on the scientific committee of the journal Terrain, and has been editor-in-chief of Angle Mort, a science fiction magazine, since 2014. The magazine received the Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire’s “Special Prize” in 2014 and was named “Best Science Fiction Magazine of the Year” by the European Science Fiction Society in 2018.
Julien Wacquez examines the role of imagination in knowledge production. He specializes in the uses of speculative fiction in astrophysics, planetary and geo-sciences, future studies, as well as environmental humanities and social sciences. His work has led to numerous publications in high-level English and French journals, including Science Fiction Studies, Modern Language Notes, Gradhiva, Terrain, Multitudes, and Socio.
Phone: 0661441998
Address: 18 rue du Maréchal de Luxembourg, 77100, Meaux, France
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Peer-Reviewed Articles by julien wacquez
PhD Thesis by julien wacquez
Conference Presentations by julien wacquez
L'Histoire et l'astrophysique sont une source d'inspiration pour la science-fiction et ont toujours interagi avec elle. Alors que l'Histoire pourrait contribuer à prévenir les enjeux de l'avenir en tirant les leçons des crises du passé, l'astrophysique pourrait quant à elle proposer des solutions pour un avenir plus ou moins proche à la faveur des dernières avancées technologiques.
Pour cet « épisode » constitué des deux panels : Histoire, écologie et imagination et Astrophysique et récits du futur, nous avons l'honneur d'accueillir les intervenants suivants :
Dr. Frédérique Eynaud
Dr. Daniel Frank
Dr. Thierry Rolland
Dr. Thomas Potthast
Dr. Eric Picholle
Dr. Roland Lehoucq
Dr. Ariel Kyrou
Dr. Julien Wacquez
History and astrophysics are a source of inspiration for science fiction and have always interacted with it. While History could contribute to prevent future issues by learning from past crises, astrophysics could propose solutions for a more or less near future thanks to the latest technological advances.
or this "episode" consisting of three panels: History, Ecology and Imagination and Astrophysics and Stories of the Future, we are honored to welcome the following speakers:
Dr. Frédérique Eynaud
Dr. Daniel Frank
Dr. Thierry Rolland
Dr. Thomas Potthast
Dr. Eric Picholle
Dr. Roland Lehoucq
Dr. Ariel Kyrou
Dr. Julien Wacquez
Papers by julien wacquez
This CFP explores world-building across speculative fiction, gaming, and critical theory, questioning what makes a world a world. We invite contributions that examine the appeal, techniques, and political stakes of imagining other realities.
A huge thank you to Chiara Simone (Univerzita Karlova) and Julien Wacquez (Université Paris Nanterre) for being such an amazing team!
We look forward to your submissions!
L'Histoire et l'astrophysique sont une source d'inspiration pour la science-fiction et ont toujours interagi avec elle. Alors que l'Histoire pourrait contribuer à prévenir les enjeux de l'avenir en tirant les leçons des crises du passé, l'astrophysique pourrait quant à elle proposer des solutions pour un avenir plus ou moins proche à la faveur des dernières avancées technologiques.
Pour cet « épisode » constitué des deux panels : Histoire, écologie et imagination et Astrophysique et récits du futur, nous avons l'honneur d'accueillir les intervenants suivants :
Dr. Frédérique Eynaud
Dr. Daniel Frank
Dr. Thierry Rolland
Dr. Thomas Potthast
Dr. Eric Picholle
Dr. Roland Lehoucq
Dr. Ariel Kyrou
Dr. Julien Wacquez
History and astrophysics are a source of inspiration for science fiction and have always interacted with it. While History could contribute to prevent future issues by learning from past crises, astrophysics could propose solutions for a more or less near future thanks to the latest technological advances.
or this "episode" consisting of three panels: History, Ecology and Imagination and Astrophysics and Stories of the Future, we are honored to welcome the following speakers:
Dr. Frédérique Eynaud
Dr. Daniel Frank
Dr. Thierry Rolland
Dr. Thomas Potthast
Dr. Eric Picholle
Dr. Roland Lehoucq
Dr. Ariel Kyrou
Dr. Julien Wacquez
This CFP explores world-building across speculative fiction, gaming, and critical theory, questioning what makes a world a world. We invite contributions that examine the appeal, techniques, and political stakes of imagining other realities.
A huge thank you to Chiara Simone (Univerzita Karlova) and Julien Wacquez (Université Paris Nanterre) for being such an amazing team!
We look forward to your submissions!