We establish comparison results between the Hasse-Witt invariants w_t(E) of a symmetric bundle E ... more We establish comparison results between the Hasse-Witt invariants w_t(E) of a symmetric bundle E over a scheme and the invariants of one of its twists E_{\alpha}. For general twists we describe the difference between w_t(E) and w_t(E_{\alpha}) up to terms of degree 3. Next we consider a special kind of twist, which has been studied by A. Fr\"ohlich. This arises from twisting by a cocycle obtained from an orthogonal representation. We show how to explicitly describe the twist for representations arising from very general tame actions. This involves the ``square root of the inverse different'' which Serre, Esnault, Kahn, Viehweg and ourselves had studied before. For torsors we show that, in our geometric set-up, Jardine's generalization of Frohlich's formula holds. The case of genuinely tamely ramified actions is geometrically more involved and leads us to introduce a ramification invariant which generalises in higher dimension the invariant introduced by Serre for curves.
ABSTRACT Jardine has defined Hasse–Witt invariants for symmetric bundles over schemes. This defin... more ABSTRACT Jardine has defined Hasse–Witt invariants for symmetric bundles over schemes. This definition can be extended to symmetric complexes, that is symmetric objects in the derived category of bounded complexes of vector bundles over a scheme. In this Note we show how one can use these generalized invariants to give a neater proof of a comparison result on Hasse–Witt invariants of symmetric bundles attached to tame coverings of schemes. To cite this article: P. Cassou-Noguès et al., C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 334 (2002) 839–842.
Proceedings of The London Mathematical Society, 2007
We establish comparison results between the Hasse-Witt invariants w_t(E) of a symmetric bundle E ... more We establish comparison results between the Hasse-Witt invariants w_t(E) of a symmetric bundle E over a scheme and the invariants of one of its twists E_{\alpha}. For general twists we describe the difference between w_t(E) and w_t(E_{\alpha}) up to terms of degree 3. Next we consider a special kind of twist, which has been studied by A. Fr\"ohlich. This arises from twisting by a cocycle obtained from an orthogonal representation. We show how to explicitly describe the twist for representations arising from very general tame actions. This involves the ``square root of the inverse different'' which Serre, Esnault, Kahn, Viehweg and ourselves had studied before. For torsors we show that, in our geometric set-up, Jardine's generalization of Frohlich's formula holds. The case of genuinely tamely ramified actions is geometrically more involved and leads us to introduce a ramification invariant which generalises in higher dimension the invariant introduced by Serre for curves.
This is a concise survey of links between Galois module theory and class field theory (CFT). It e... more This is a concise survey of links between Galois module theory and class field theory (CFT). It explores various uses of CFT in Galois module theory, it comments on the absence of CFT in contexts where it might be expected to play a role and indicates some lines of research that might bring CFT to play a more prominent role in Galois module theory.
We establish comparison results between the Hasse-Witt invariants w_t(E) of a symmetric bundle E ... more We establish comparison results between the Hasse-Witt invariants w_t(E) of a symmetric bundle E over a scheme and the invariants of one of its twists E_{\alpha}. For general twists we describe the difference between w_t(E) and w_t(E_{\alpha}) up to terms of degree 3. Next we consider a special kind of twist, which has been studied by A. Fr\"ohlich. This arises from twisting by a cocycle obtained from an orthogonal representation. We show how to explicitly describe the twist for representations arising from very general tame actions. This involves the ``square root of the inverse different'' which Serre, Esnault, Kahn, Viehweg and ourselves had studied before. For torsors we show that, in our geometric set-up, Jardine's generalization of Frohlich's formula holds. The case of genuinely tamely ramified actions is geometrically more involved and leads us to introduce a ramification invariant which generalises in higher dimension the invariant introduced by Serre for curves.
ABSTRACT Jardine has defined Hasse–Witt invariants for symmetric bundles over schemes. This defin... more ABSTRACT Jardine has defined Hasse–Witt invariants for symmetric bundles over schemes. This definition can be extended to symmetric complexes, that is symmetric objects in the derived category of bounded complexes of vector bundles over a scheme. In this Note we show how one can use these generalized invariants to give a neater proof of a comparison result on Hasse–Witt invariants of symmetric bundles attached to tame coverings of schemes. To cite this article: P. Cassou-Noguès et al., C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 334 (2002) 839–842.
Proceedings of The London Mathematical Society, 2007
We establish comparison results between the Hasse-Witt invariants w_t(E) of a symmetric bundle E ... more We establish comparison results between the Hasse-Witt invariants w_t(E) of a symmetric bundle E over a scheme and the invariants of one of its twists E_{\alpha}. For general twists we describe the difference between w_t(E) and w_t(E_{\alpha}) up to terms of degree 3. Next we consider a special kind of twist, which has been studied by A. Fr\"ohlich. This arises from twisting by a cocycle obtained from an orthogonal representation. We show how to explicitly describe the twist for representations arising from very general tame actions. This involves the ``square root of the inverse different'' which Serre, Esnault, Kahn, Viehweg and ourselves had studied before. For torsors we show that, in our geometric set-up, Jardine's generalization of Frohlich's formula holds. The case of genuinely tamely ramified actions is geometrically more involved and leads us to introduce a ramification invariant which generalises in higher dimension the invariant introduced by Serre for curves.
This is a concise survey of links between Galois module theory and class field theory (CFT). It e... more This is a concise survey of links between Galois module theory and class field theory (CFT). It explores various uses of CFT in Galois module theory, it comments on the absence of CFT in contexts where it might be expected to play a role and indicates some lines of research that might bring CFT to play a more prominent role in Galois module theory.
Papers by Boas Erez