Videos by Daniel Sheffield
Paper presented @ Methodist Studies Seminar (May 2021) via Manchester Wesley Research Centre & Cl... more Paper presented @ Methodist Studies Seminar (May 2021) via Manchester Wesley Research Centre & Cliff College. Deriving principles and practice for intercultural engagement from Wesley's tract: "A Plain Account of Genuine Christianity." 9 views
Books by Daniel Sheffield
The Canadian Pentecostal Experience, 2024
Biography and reflection on the life of Canadian missionary, Herbert E Randall (1865-1938). A Hol... more Biography and reflection on the life of Canadian missionary, Herbert E Randall (1865-1938). A Holiness Movement Church missionary to Egypt (1899-1906); Pentecostal experience at Hebden Mission, Toronto (1906); early ministry leader in Pentecostalism in Canada (1907-1912); Pentecostal missionary to Egypt (1912-1938).
John Wesley Haley and Building the Indigenous Church: Reflections on Self-Determination in Twentieth Century Burundi, 2015
At the EFMA Conference in Chicago 1949, Rev. John Wesley Haley, a retired Canadian Free Methodist... more At the EFMA Conference in Chicago 1949, Rev. John Wesley Haley, a retired Canadian Free Methodist missionary was asked to speak on the subject “How to Establish the Indigenous Church.” To its detriment, it would be decades before the evangelical mission community would again begin to address this subject matter. This paper will examine the missiological influences upon J W Haley (1878-1951), and his implementation of these principles and practices in Burundi 1934-1946. Haley, a Canadian (Ontario/Saskatchewan) missionary to Mozambique and South Africa (1902-09, 1916-34), and a correspondent to the research developed for WMC Edinburgh 1910, was influenced by the work of Roland Allen, the Nevius Plan, J Merle Davis, and the International Missionary Council (IMC).
Papers by Daniel Sheffield
Wesley Studies Symposium, Tyndale Seminary, Toronto, ON, 2023
Connecting with the Wesley/Methodist perspective in a time of spiritual decline. Connecting with ... more Connecting with the Wesley/Methodist perspective in a time of spiritual decline. Connecting with alternative perspectives regarding our current social/spiritual moment in Canadian society. Finally a reflection on an alternative/Wesleyan narrative for the times in which we live.
Missio Dei, Tyndale Seminary, 2010
Wesley Studies Symposium, Tyndale Seminary, Toronto, ON, Mar 2014
Evangelical Missiological Society, 2017
This paper focuses on the application of global missiological research to theological education f... more This paper focuses on the application of global missiological research to theological education for North American ministry practitioners. In particular I will identify how crafting learning outcomes, designing course content and conducting classroom exercises (for two courses), via engaging with majority world content and missiological insights, can contribute to heightened awareness, broadened perspectives, and deeper application on the part of students.
Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity, 2011
Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity, 2011
2in Egypt (1899-1906), participated in the early stages of the Pentecostal movement in Canada (19... more 2in Egypt (1899-1906), participated in the early stages of the Pentecostal movement in Canada (1907-1911), and then returned to Egypt as a Pentecostal missionary (19121938). This article will particularly explore Randall‟s ministry within the Holiness Movement Church (HMC), his motivation for mission as he left rural eastern Ontario to get on a ship and travel “to the ends of the earth,” his years of ministry in Egypt at the turn of the twentieth century, and the transition period between his Holiness
Article written for Canadian Council of Christian Charities Bulletin (2016). Charting the waters ... more Article written for Canadian Council of Christian Charities Bulletin (2016). Charting the waters through functional inclusion, social inclusion, and transformative inclusion. With some intercultural competence skill development thoughts thrown in as well.
The Free Methodist Church in Canada, 2004
An early denominational white paper in which I examine accepted practices regarding local church ... more An early denominational white paper in which I examine accepted practices regarding local church and mission agency inter-relatedness. An integrated model is discussed in light of present realities. I suggested a model of missional church in which local church engagement in mission is empowered by the specialist mission agency rather than vice versa.
Governments are Canada’s largest employers. Federal, provincial and municipal administrations tog... more Governments are Canada’s largest employers. Federal, provincial and municipal administrations together employ 3.6 million people. In some provinces and territories, the public sector employs more than 25% of the total labour force.
Employment in government is highly desirable among job seekers, including immigrants. However, immigrants are about half as less likely than their Canadian-born peers to get into public administration. In 2006, 6.5% of Canadian-born workers were employed in public administration compared to just 3.3% of immigrants.
Why is this the case? And best practices from governments that are paying attention to this issue.
Transitions in Global Education, 2015
Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 2007
In more than 20 years of cross-cultural ministry I have come across numerous workers with years o... more In more than 20 years of cross-cultural ministry I have come across numerous workers with years of experience who are sensitive with members of other cultures, understanding of cultural nuances, and respected by national friends and colleagues. I have likewise come across another whole group of missionary colleagues -with the same years of experience -who are insensitive to people in their culture of ministry, lack cultural knowledge and are barely tolerated by national friends and colleagues. I have worked in a large international para-church mission body and a smaller denominational mission program and seen the same phenomenon in both groups.
Mosaic (Free Methodist magazine), 2013
Disciple-making is a spiritual "intervention" that de-constructs our formation as consumers and r... more Disciple-making is a spiritual "intervention" that de-constructs our formation as consumers and reconstructs us through a new rival formation, around a God-loving, others-oriented way of thinking, practising and living.
Light and Life, 2000
Reflection on shalom through Wesleyan lens with application to Christian community development wo... more Reflection on shalom through Wesleyan lens with application to Christian community development work in South Africa
Light and Life, 1997
Exploring biblical, social and historical threads for the support of women in ministry within the... more Exploring biblical, social and historical threads for the support of women in ministry within the Free Methodist Church. (An early article for denominational magazine)
The Free Methodist Church in Canada, 2005
The following represents a series of thoughts coming from different directions that feed into the... more The following represents a series of thoughts coming from different directions that feed into the development of a first-draft set of priorities for pastoral leadership in missional mode. If you are looking for the quick set of priorities go to the end of this article, if you want a rationale for the model, read on.
Videos by Daniel Sheffield
Books by Daniel Sheffield
Papers by Daniel Sheffield
Employment in government is highly desirable among job seekers, including immigrants. However, immigrants are about half as less likely than their Canadian-born peers to get into public administration. In 2006, 6.5% of Canadian-born workers were employed in public administration compared to just 3.3% of immigrants.
Why is this the case? And best practices from governments that are paying attention to this issue.
Employment in government is highly desirable among job seekers, including immigrants. However, immigrants are about half as less likely than their Canadian-born peers to get into public administration. In 2006, 6.5% of Canadian-born workers were employed in public administration compared to just 3.3% of immigrants.
Why is this the case? And best practices from governments that are paying attention to this issue.
Canadian context and the interplay of this theory with the practice of Christian ministry.
A review of the current state of multiculturalism in Canada is offered along with an
identification of factors pertinent to the discussion. The relationship between
multiculturalism, theology of mission and the place of culture in Christian congregations
is explored. Finally some suggestions are indicated where multicultural social theory
may inform the development of better practices in multi-ethnic congregations. Keywords:
multiculturalism, culture, intercultural, multicultural common spaces, culturally-
competent leaders