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make orcarina of time maker

this is unplayable lack resource require to run the game keep giving me debug tex

cant download the game I need help

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E se a Big N vir aqui? Lmao

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Where are the controls? Oh also, I almost forgot to mention, I don't have a touchscreen laptop!

In the next update can you add the TLoZ Maker? it'd be a huge help



...please give us a new update, it's been 3 years and 2/3 days since the last one

Where is the windows in browser


Good. Now add english. Add controller support. Add the rest of the styles, stages and objects. 

when u unlock a door with a key, if you pass the unlocked door and then try to go back it doesn't let you pass

I guess this is abandoned. That's very sad.



Very well made Zelda maker and feels almost like It could be official, I'm excited for an English language option and more themes


i cant change the language :(


Hombre, realmente me encantó tu proyecto y quería involucrarme más con él y con la comunidad, pero ya no puedo unirme a tu servidor de discord porque está caído. me puedes explicar que le paso a tu juego para que muera?
i'm brasilian, so sorry if my spanish is a shit

how do you play it


It won't let me switch to other game styles.


Good game, but please make English available.

I haven't tried it yet but can i play this on my phone, because there is an android version.

awsome game!


It looks good but i cant play it cuz no wab version

Bro just download it, I used to think everything was a virus too.

okay but what if they use Chromebook


Wow so cool. :)

but can you add English

and also more content. Thank you. :)

This looks pretty cool, but initially hard for the eyes. I’d love to contribute. I can’t speak Espanol, but I speak German and English pretty well. I might also be able to contribute a server. Can you hit me up, maybe?

u can make games, or only maps?

Expired discord link

ok stinky head

How tf did u even found me


Deleted 2 years ago


please discord link bc other one expired


BROWSER PLEASE!!??!?!?!?!?



there doesnt seem to be a browser version yet... any reason why?


The game doesn't let me select any options with certain things

Can anyone give me like how to do some stuff in this game?

I'm still in the process of figuring out the controls.

x-attack z-options

No it's like some of the stuff doesnt work for m

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5 stars! Please in the next update can you make the rest of the game textures? I would be extremely grateful if you could patch A Link Between Worlds specifically as one of the textures. Also, could you put the skeletons in the Enemies section? They are in the hotbar at the start, but I can't find them again.

UPDATE!! : Also, can we get more bosses please? Thank you!


Amazing, the only problem is English not working... Other than that this is very cool.

He said that you can play thins in browser but you need to download it instead!


Hey Twinstar, the discord link is down on this page.

i think i know the engine thats used

All of this is maked in construct 2

You Used a Super Mario Framework i Know that Also works on Android, Anyway, Please Add English Linguage

What's that? i cant find anything about that

all i Know About it its That Somebody Made a Super Mario Maker Thing for Android with It

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Awesome game. Twinstar if you could add english that would be great. But if you are not very good with english that is ok.

i'll make it in the next update


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